Been a long time huh. If i could post more often i would.

Kyd just finished defeating Control Freak. Kyd was still wondering about his old friends at the Hive, and if Slade got to them. He teleported himself on the roof of Titans Tower. Surprisingly, beast boy was waiting for him.

'' Yo over here.'' Beast boy called out. Kyd teleported to him. '' So how'd you do.''

'' Seriously, he's a villain.''

'' I know, he's not very threatening unless he's in a room full of tech i guess.''

'' So what are you doing out here?''

'' Oh right about that, um, you might what to see for yourself.'' said Beast boy said as they walked in the tower. Once they were in the living room, Robin walked up to them. '' Have you found anything?''

'' No, we can't seem to find her anywhere.'' said Robin.

'' Wait, what are you talking about?'' said Kyd.

'' Uh, well, lets just say we lost contact with Raven.''

'' What does that mean.'' Starfire then floated over to them.

'' Well it means that she is,... missing.'' said Starfire.

'' What do you mean she's missing.'' asked Kyd

'' What she means is that shes not in the tower.'' said Robin. '' She went missing after you contacted me about the mission.''

'' Maybe she went to get some air.'' said Beast boy. Everyone just looked at him with the '' this is not the time for jokes'' look.

'' Oh i hope shes OK, she would never just leave without telling us.'' a worried Starfire said.

'' Hey guys, look at this.'' yelled cyborg from across the room. The others soon joined him. '' I found a strange energy signal near the park.'' The computer zoomed in on the location.

'' Thats the same park were i was.'' said Kyd. Robin looked at Cyborg.

'' Whats the energy type.'' Cyborg typed in a few numbers.

'' Thats weird,... its radiation.''

'' Radiation.'' asked Beast Boy.

'' Something must have put a radioactive device there for a reason.'' said Cyborg.

'' Well whatever it is, it can wait, we have to search for Raven.'' Robin said as he looked at his companions. '' Titans.'' he looked at Kyd who nodded his head. '' GO.''
