Hey everyone! I was going through my old Geometry note book from last year and I found this story in the back of it. It is very short but it was the very first story I ever wrote about a yaoi.. *tear.. tear* It is one of the few I have ever wrote.

This is a note to my readers. If any of you have read my other works thank you ever so much! I love you sooo much! But I wanted to say please don't change your thoughts about me because I like yaois.. we all have our interests and this happens to be one of mine. So I really hope this doesn't change anyone's thoughts about me.

Oh by the way this is a very VERY clean story. Just cute lil fluff. [: I hope you all in enjoy!

Oh! One last thing! I own nothing! Please Review!




No signal


'How can this be? I am 30 years old. I shouldn't be having this problem." Kisa thought as he stared at the door to his apartment. It was 11:30 on Friday night and Yukina still wasn't home. "Ahhg!" Kisa yelled pulling at his hair while he paced in a circle. 'I'll just get started on something to eat. Kisa walk around the kitchen grabbed a little of this and a little of that.

He looked at the clock again, 'This is stupid. I should have just eaten without him…" Kisa thought while his stomach growled loudly. He glanced at the clock, it was now 12:20 and the soup he had made was getting cold. 'Still no word from him…'

Kisa froze. His phone had 47 text messages, 23 voice mails and 31 missed calls. "THEY'RE ALL FROM YUKINA!?" His eyes popped out of his head. He started reading them all and listening to them. They all went something like this….

"Kisa? Where are you? Why aren't you replying? I hope everything is okay. I'm sorry I'm so late. I stayed after to work on a new display and I missed my train, so I took the next one and it broke down! I couldn't believe it! They said everything should be back on track (ahaha I'm punny!) by midnight. I should be home by 12:30. I hope I didn't worry you. I'll be home soon. I love you. Bye."

Kisa blinked at his phone, "Why didn't I get any of these?" Looking at his background picture of him and Yukina, his eyes moved to the top of the screen and he saw a little symbol that meant 'sound off'.

Kisa's eyes bugged out of his head then he yelled a loud "AHHHHHG" and fell to the floor with a thud.


"Kisa!" Yukina's voice rang through the apartment as he ran through the door, flowers and sparkles flying all over.

"Kisa?" Yukina asked when he never got a reply. He walked around trying to find his love when his foot stepped on something soft.

He looked down, "Oh, Hi Kisa." He said walking into the next room. "KISA!?" Yukina yelled jumping back to Kisa.

Yukina fell to his knees and pulled the small limp body into his arms. "Speak to me Kisa..." Sadness covered his voice as he looked at the foot print on his face. "I know! I am your prince charming. I will kiss you and give you life!"

Something in Kisa's mind clicked and he shot up in Yukina's arms, "I'm good! I'm awake!" But before Kisa could say anything else Yukina crashed his lips to his.

"Hello Kisa." Yukina whispered softly as he pulled away from the blushing 30 year old.

Out of nowhere Kisa jumped on Yukina and kissed him passionately. Of course Yukina kissed back, he wrapped his arms around him holding him tight.

Kisa moved his hands up to Yukina's hair holding him in their kiss. When he finally pulled away to breathe Kisa fell on Yukina and mumbled "You worried me. Don't do that…" Kisa was kissing Yukina's neck.

Yukina was shocked, Kisa had been worried. "I love you…" Kisa murmured between kisses.

"I love you too." Yukina whispered into Kisa's hair.


I hope it was okay. Really short but I thought it was cute. Anywhoo… thanks for reading! :D

Xx- FreeJoy 3