Wing:Welp I've decided to Revamp the story...mainly because I think I should do things from the very begining...
Mamori:T-that and you k-kinda got l-lazy with my p-personality...
Wing:...That too...
Sora:And the fact that you just put me in there without any sort of character development.
Wing:Alright I get it can we move on!?
Sora:Yes, Greywing44 and Fenikkusumaru do not own Yugioh. If they did their cards would've gotten made.
Wing:Hey they're some damn good cards...
We come to a busy street full of busling people and cars. It was hot and humid, such is the usual weather for a city in India;New Deli. Buildings were packed in close together, creating the streets where street vendors tried to sell their wears, they're voices somehow louder then the bustling sound of people moving to and fro...But there was also another side to the city, the dueling side. The Duel Monsters card game has sweeped through the world, and New Deli is no different as it even had its own tornament every year. This is where we meet our heroine sitting in an ally, dueling a random stranger just to satisfy her need for a challenge...
"C-come on S-Sora, we promised T-Tian we'd make it home before lunch..." A short white haired girl about 4'6 with shoulder length hair stuttered. She seemed about 11 years old and had startling electric blue eyes. She was dressed in a light-blue knee length tunic with white baggy pants and blue sandles. And before you all jump to conclusions, no this is not our heroine...The Heroine is the 16 year-old Raven-haired girl she was clinging to.
This girl was Sora Nakazara who stood at about 5'6, girl didn't even seem like she she was even making an effort on the guy she was dueling. Sora had back length raven colored hair with a single red streak in the left side and deep silver-grey eyes. And unlike Mamori she had a dark skin tone, signaling that she was a native of India while her opponent seemed to be a tourist from his attire. Sora was dressed in a short red white and red tunic with baggy white pants, she also had a gold sash on her waist and red sandles. Lastly the only jewelry she seems to wear is a metal clip on her upper right ear with the engraving of a bird taking flight.
"In a minute Mamori, I'm almost done..." Sora sighed in disappointment as she didn't find the challenge she was looking for. "I activate the trap card Lending Power, with this I can double my Dust Warrior's ATK and DEF points, thus you lose your monster and this duel." The Tourist looked shocked at this as the cards he was holding fluttered out of his hand.
"B-but..." The tourist stuttered as he tried to come up with a reasonable explanation for his defeat as Sora gathered her cards and stood up, the shy Mamori still clinging to her arm.
"Don't worry about it, you couldn't have defeated me anyway with that strategy you were doing." Sora explained in a layed back tone, not being mocking or arrogant. "It had too many holes, your defence was also lacking and you didn't even try to set your cards. My advice, don't focus so much on attacking next time..." With that last bit, she turned and left the ally to the bustling streets, Mamori paling at the sight of all the people, trying to dissapear into Sora's side.
"D-do we h-have t-to...?"Mamori asked, her stuttering even worse at the sight of all the people. She was a generally shy little girl by nature, so being around so many people frightened her...She then brightened up when a very familiar transparent woman appeared in front of her. "Dark Magician girl..."
"I can hold you if you want Mamo-chan..." Dark Magician girl floated around behind the little girl and wrapped her arms around her neck. "A girl as cute as you shouldn't have that scared face..." The Mage's smile grew when a transparent little thing that looked like a spinning top with a gem in the middle of the cone body, completed with a wizard's hat and bright yellow eye's. The thing unfolded its white hands and rested on the top of Mamori's head, making some pip noises. "And it looks like Gem merchant agrees with me."
"G-Gemy..." Mamori smiled at her spirit as she nodded, allowing Sora to pull her through the crowd.
"You have to stop talking to thin air Mamori." Sora said as she pushed through the crowd with ease. "People will think your crazy."
"Hey you hear them t-too..." Mamori pouted at the older girl. "Don't d-deny it..."
"Until I see it I won't believe it." Sora denied smoothly, making Dark Magician girl pout along with Mamori. "Come on, we have to pick up Tian from boxing practice."
The sounds of wacking and grunting were heard, echoing through the gym as a tall muscular man with black-hair and blue eyes was seen. He was the one who was pounding against a sand bag as other people around him were getting fit in verious ways. The man looked to be about 22 with dark skin, a scar cutting through his right eye-brow and another cutting across the bridge of his nose. He had no shirt on at the moment as sweat poared down his body, blue boxing shorts and no shoes, he had on black boxing gloves with a blue stripe on each. Finally the only jewelry he seemed to wear was a metal clip on his upper right ear with a loin's head engraved on it.
"Bleh w-why does it a-always smell..." Mamori complained as she pinched her nose, Gem Merchant doing the same thing but only held air where his nose would be.
"Because it's a gym, people sweat in here." Sora answered before calling out to the man. "Tian!"
"Eh?" The man now known as Tian sounded as he stopped his assualt on the bag and turned to look at the two. "Oh hello Mamori-chan, Sora." Tian grinned as he approached the two girls, arms outstretched as they backed away. "Ahh where's the love for your big brother?"
"You'll get none from us till you shower." Sora pinched her nose as her brother came closer. "Your sweaty..."
"And stink like a barn..." DGM stated as she gagged at the smell, making Mamori giggle and confused Tian for a moment.
"Ok ok I'll wash." Tian laughed as he shrugged off the confusion. Getting a towel for his neck as he went to the locker room. "I'll be back in a minute!"
(A few Minutes later)
"Alright I'm clean..." Tian called as he came out of the locker room, hair still damp with a gym bag on his shoulder. He was now dressed in a white T-shirt with a blue hoodie, black jeans and finally white sneakers. "Can I have the love now?" Outstreatching his arms again, and this time Mamori flew into his arms with no reserve. Making the older man chuckle before he held up the little girl. They both looked pointedly at Sora, who raised an eyebrow before sighing. Going over to the two and wrapping her arms around them.
"Alright you got your love, lets go home." Sora stepped away not two seconds after the hug. "I need to make dinner and you need to message Pegasas your designs." Refering to her brother's second job...His dream of being a game designer was realised when he recived a call from the maker of Duel monsters himself, Maximillan Pegasas. He had offered Tian a job as a card designer and he jumped to the chance to live his dream.
"Aw ok." Tian pouted as he put Mamori back on her feet, holding her small hand in his as they all left the building.
The Nakazara household was a rather normal one story house. It was rather normal in terms of structure, but it was rather small compared to others. It was colored a light blue with white trim and it had three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a regular kitchen. They had a regular sized T.V. with a red couch and a black leather recliner that Tian was really proud of, and a small matching red love seat in the corner. The door bell rang rousing Tian from his comfortable position in his leather recliner, Mamori was sitting on the couch watching T.V. as a cartoon played.
"Hey Sis can you get that?" Tian called to the kitchen where Sora was stirring a pot of noodles on the stove.
"I'm cooking." Was all she said as she continued to cook the noodles, making Tian groan as he sank further into his seat.
"But I'm soreeeee..." Tian whinned with a pout, but all he got was an unamused stare from Mamori. "Aw alright alright I'm geting up..." he then rose from the chair and crossed to the front door and opened it...Only to find no one. This confused the man as he looked left and right, still finding no one. "Was it a prank?" his foot then smacked against something, causing him to look down to a box that was up to his knees in height. "Mail?" he picked it up and brought it into the house. Shutting the door behind him with his foot as he set the box down in the middle of the living room, catching Mamori's attention as she got up from the couch.
"W-who's i-it from?" Mamori asked as she kneeled next to the box, looking for the shipping sticker. This looked very familar to her...
"Its from...Pegasas?" Tian sounded as he found the sticker on the top. "But its not for me...Sora can you come in here?" Some shuffling was heard from the kitchen.
"What is it now?" Sora called back as she added chease to the mix, stirring it all together.
"You got mail..." Tian called back, making the girl raise an eyebrow before she put a lid on the pot. She then walked into the kitchen and spotted the box.
"Who would send me mail?" Sora asked as she kneeled next to the box.
"O-oh wait I remember now!" Mamori exclamied as Tian started to open the box. "Th-this is probably an invitation to t-that tournament he's h-hosting. I got o-one a m-month ago..."
"Really, then what's in it?" Sora asked as Tian opened the box's flaps, revealing two gold star chips and a purple glove with star shapped indents in the white raised wrist part. There was also a video tape there with three cards...
"The glove, t-the stars...and t-the cards were there..." Mamori answered before picking up the video tape. "B-but I didn't g-get this..."
"Ohh maybe you should enter!" DGM said as she appeared over Sora's shoulder as the girl was looking over the cards. "It says there's a gand prize of 3 mil!"
"No." Sora said plainly as she plucked the tape out of Mamori's hands and threw it in the trash, not interested in the least even as DMG pouted at her before dissapearing. "I'm not joining."
"B-but why?" Mamori asked. "Y-you've played in lots of t-tournaments before..."
"Not this one..." Sora said as she stood up and went back into the kitchen. "I have no reason to play, theres no challenge for me either. And dinner's ready so both of you get to the table."
"Ok...still think you should give it a try!" Tian said as he and Mamori followed after.
"No reason to play hmm?" The glow from a silver haired man's left eye dissipated as only his smirk could be seen. The surroundings were also bathed in shadow as the man stood up, his red suit with gold trim glinting in the candle light as it was the only source of light in the room. Pegasas snapped his fingers once and a black suited man with sunglasses came and put a laptop in front of him. "Lets give you a reason shall we?
Wing:And theres the first chapter right there! Donzo!
Sora:...That was short.
Wing:Well it's the pilot what do you expect?
Mamori:...S-something longer?
Wing:Who cares, tis done and over with. See you guys next chapter.
Sora:Review...or not. I don't care.
Wing:I DO! Please Review...