A/N: Hiya, sorry for the wait everyone but thanks so much for the lovely reviews and messages, seriously the support on this story has been great and its high praise: I really appreciate it! Anyway, hope you enjoy this new chapter, its a long one but one of my personal favourites!

Chapter 38: Little Drop of Poison

In the dark void of his meditation, Piccolo continued his wandering through the cherry blossom forest, the only sound his own breathing as he walked, the determination of before while still alive was dulled for a time of low mood. He'd long since wiped the tears though the lump remained in his throat, the pang in his chest and the episode threatened to repeat itself were he to think too long on it. He had truly shocked himself. He didn't know his usually irrelevant insecurities could take over like that, make him feel pain on such a level he couldn't tell the difference from a physical wound, well, except that he could heal those; the emotional wounds weren't so simple.

He felt silly, really: the super-namekian and ex-demon king Piccolo…had low self esteem. How ridiculous, he couldn't help but think, but from the still fresh sting in his eyes that had cried not long ago it was a reality he had to face. In his mind had associated it with what anyone might: fashion magazines telling women to be thinner and buy the latest clothes, guys being told to be macho and expert seducers and the whole variety of toxicity making people feel less valid or good. But, of course, self-esteem wasn't so shallow…it came for all kinds of people in all kinds of ways, chipping away in secret until meeting a mountain only to realise you'd already sabotaged any possible chance of climbing it.

Slowly coming to a stop Piccolo leaned against one of the many trees, the bark rough against his skin with his turban and cape long since discarded, the lack of weight doing nothing to lighten his heart he stopped and tried to relax himself somewhat; stressing helped nothing and he needed too pull himself together.

Embarrassment also clung to his psyche, though no one saw him to just crumble and sob as he had was such an unfamiliar allowance, those whimpers that made him cringe and trembling which he could only view as pathetic. But then he wasn't very nice to himself apparently, perhaps he was the harsh one, but that didn't remove the facts of his strangeness on earth or what had resulted from years of deciding never to care. What if he had bothered to better his reputation? The very thought of sucking up to people's opinions rubbed him entirely the wrong way, a grimace tugging at his lips, he understood about Gohan's interview because the attention otherwise was inconvenient and overbearing but his situation was entirely different.

It really dd not matter what the humans believed of him, he didn't need some fancy interview to ask the masses to just like him, the very idea making him feel ill, it mattered so little a complete stranger could call him the ugliest freak in the world and he'd still save to poor persons life. A strange truth to accept about himself, Gohan seemed to think it was worthy of admiration, but really wasn't it the least he could do? Not to sound cliche but with great power comes great responsibility and he couldn't deny he was a changed man, if he could protect the world he would: simple as. Even if humans could be awfully rude sometimes…

He couldn't help but remember the first time he saw one, face to face and not from his sire's memories, it wasn't that humans were especially strange, everything was so new and sudden all things that moved and made noise were strange for a long while. Dinosaurs would roar, tigers would stalk, bears would threaten but it was all so natural for them, their instincts immediately behind scared or hungry eyes and so unlike the dominant species. Humans had instinct, yes: that jittery fear that made them unreasonable, that hunger to make them impatient and more…but it was secondary to their assumed security. An animal never sneered in disgust at something it also feared, appalled that their custom made safety of houses and law could be breeched by the mere existence of something unpleasant: how dare it be in their eyeline.

His first experiences were unkind ones to say the least: gun shots and bear traps, dogs ordered to attack, the braver wandering deeper into the forests clearly too bothered by knowing he was out there somewhere they had to find him and know he was dead, not that they could of course, the shrieks, the insults and branded a monster when only a week old. It certainly didn't help that his father would come to capitalise on their mistreatment through nightmares and a voice in his head, talking of the proof of their insolence and just how alone the boy was, no one to turn to but the presence of the demon king and what he wanted of him.

A sigh escaped him and he shook his head, an elegant hand rising to rub his face in a tired motion; really it was a wonder he wasn't more messed up. That of course was all thanks to Gohan, he wasn't sure how much credit he could take in that though he knew the teen absolutely would be telling him otherwise. Gohan would tell him how brave he was, how kind and patient, how everything wonderful he was to those loving eyes. Piccolo's own eyes far more critical.

Okay, so…how to make a positive step forward? Piccolo asked himself and felt instantly out of his depth, but, if he was having trouble with liking himself then…he should think about what he did like..? A huff left him naturally, conveying aloud his own difficulty with the task he had set himself but he wasn't meditating to return unchanged, and there were things worth figuring out!

The stressed Namekian eventually slumped downward and say at the base of the tree, crosslegged and looking upwards at the walling petals and flowers as he tried to even begin. His will usually much stronger and it frustrated him to be so stagnant, and just as he furrowed his brow a small cherry blossom flower fluttered downwards and landed upon his forehead, softening his expression as he removed it with careful fingers and looked at the tiny thing of beauty in his hand.

It was his favourite flower, and echoes of a conversation long ago with a very young Gohan came back to him with a fondness, for the first time in a while his lips curled again into a gentle smile. As he admired the flower's delicate existence his task became clearer: 5 perfect petals gave him his target. Five things. Just name five things he liked about himself.

It was terribly tricky, he couldn't help but relate his qualities to others he cared for but he had to think of himself, what did he have, not what anyone else made him feel. Firstly Piccolo decided he liked…that he was a dedicated fighter. That seemed fair. It was also one of the few things he felt confident in, he trained and practiced dutifully and as his line of thinking told him earlier he was indiscriminate about the people he protected so long as they weren't obviously the enemy. One down and four to go.

The second followed similarly: he…was a fast learner. Piccolo felt strange thinking about that one, it denoted not just dedication but instead 'talent', a desirable trait and a positive one. The uncomfortable sensation at such self-praise he supposed was an appropriate response given what he was trying to overcome. But yes, he guessed he could call himself 'talented'. His ki control exceptional and it had never really been average, he was quick to adapt and develop as a child and he had thought Namekians were all like that but it wasn't until seeing others of his species and just how long it took them to practice. Still far ahead of humans but significantly less than his own. He ridiculously learned how to drive, something so foreign he wished to forget it but if it hadn't been for Goku he would have passed first time, cooking lessons when he didn't even need to eat and so on.

At the third he struggled, trying to veer away from the battle based traits and thoughts going blank, he could probably fill the five with elements like level headedness or strategy but he wouldn't be doing any good sticking to the safe topics. Something else.

He was…good with children. Or were children good with him? He wasn't sure. Maybe it was their open mindedness and innocence that made them forget their parents warnings and get to know him…but then…they could get to know him and still decide he was intimidating and horrible, yet they didn't. Children liked him and he wasn't sure why, maybe just the fact that he didn't talk down to them, treated them with some dignity and respect, actually listened to them and saw them for the people they already were not the grownup they would later become. It seemed so normal to him to treat them like that, he never understood how people that were so social and active stumbled when it came to the most bright eyes and happy lot that were children. So perhaps it was down to his own qualities.

Number four…number four…number four…damnit. He had to, he had to make at least one of the five something physical if he was going to make any development with this task. Something he liked about his appearance…it shouldn't be so difficult, should it? Time disappeared as he found himself watching the cheery blossom still in the palm of his hand, swaying ever so slightly in a breeze he couldn't feel, and he thought back to what Gohan had told him. All the nice things he had said over the time they'd been together: "perfect" how impossible a claim, "beautiful" clearly blinded by emotion, "skin so smooth and pure" understandably different to earthlings, regeneration having some benefits compared to scars though he preferred and enjoyed Gohan's, his own unmarred skin seeming too unfeeling, "non-judgemental eyes and a private smile" he couldn't even decipher that in his current state…"wonderful" "cunning" "witty" and too many to count. The teen was far too kind.

"Don't you ever feel like you are anything less, okay Piccolo?" he remembered gohan telling him, so sincere and passionate as he had voiced it, and Piccolo had nodded at the time, silently promising not to surrender to his insecurities, that he may have them and feel them but not to let them win.

The fourth…Piccolo liked…his physique. He couldn't leave it at that, he was getting somewhere at long last and had to explore it. He was very different to humans: usually taller, proportionately his legs seemed longer and in regards to gender he was very unique as an 'Earthling' to be functionally and physically both male and female. But he never felt insecurity about his build, fit for fighting but nothing too bulky leaving him agile and light on his feet, compared to other Namekians he was clearly a cut above in that department, and even though he was different, that was alright. He didn't need to be an average height or an average build, he liked his muscles, the shape of his legs and arms, the curve of his hips and he so enjoyed just how long Gohan's gaze could take to travel all the way down his body. He even recalled his own personal exploration of his body with a slight blush, he felt nothing negative about his gender despite how different it made him to the race he was considered a freak by. But he liked the idea just how he and Gohan would fit together, what it might be like when Gohan sees him, or 'discovers' him might be a better word, the idea of learning and sharing in something unexplored and the efficiency of his body very neat and pleasing. Additionally the thought of possibly having children together one day and the intimacy of carrying a child which, while scary, was an experience he was glad to have as an option.

There, something physical, he did it. Letting out a breath of relief he did feel somewhat better, and it proved he didn't need to be like the humans exactly to fit some idea of 'attractive', he wasn't human after all and shouldn't expect to be, so even though it wasn't perfect or all encompassing it was no longer impossible in his mind that he might one day accept the rest of himself too. The green, the ears, the fangs and so on, besides, Gohan seemed to like them very much.

And with that a fifth and final thought followed: that maybe…he had to cut himself some slack. That with all he's been through, how strange and unique he indeed was and forever will be, maybe he was doing rather well. Maybe…he was doing a good job…of being himself, so far at least.

He thought to question his final pick, too simple for a claim so grand but his attention was stolen as the breeze blew the tiny flower from his palm and it flew on an invisible stream of air, landing a few feet away near the base of the next tree over. Joining its pink brethren and fading into the mess of many Piccolo might have smiled, except that his gaze noticed the slightest of clothing, trembling and hiding behind the trunk hoping not to be noticed...it was none other than his younger self.

The same vision of himself as a child from before, still evading and startlingly small, Piccolo's nerves tightened as he realised just how close he was, subtly, as not to stare too bluntly he angled for a better view. He couldn't have been that small…ever…right? The Namekian child noticeably smaller and younger than even Goten. For some reason Piccolo couldn't fathom that, technically he must have been at some point so young but he grew up so quickly and had no comparison or need to think on his age back then. His stomach did flips and his jaw hardened: he made it to adulthood just fine didn't he? So he was so small, it was just appearance, but even as he told chisel that obsidian eyes couldn't tear away from the boy. His big open and frightened eyes, those tiny shaking hands and a size of child he would hesitate to train were it human.

Slowly Piccolo stood, he had to try though he knew the boy would run, and though in reality he'd be able to catch him without a sweat in this world it wasn't about speed or skill, there was a purpose to every chase and catch and answer. Keeping his voice gentle, no need for raised voices between Namekians, he said "hey kid", his tone so soft the boy seemed to wonder if he's even heard words before seeming to think on what to do, looking for escape. "I just want to talk to you…I mean no harm." What was he saying that for? he wondered a moment, his visions were so clear and tailored to his needs, so why then was this child not just aware of the meditation and speaking with him? Unless…he needed to see this.

The child eventually moved to escape, distrusting and self-reliant before anything else as small feet dashed through the forest and Piccolo could only let out a sigh before taking chase yet again. From what little flashes of his target that he saw he found himself feeling sicker, he was too little, simply too young. The chase was fast and whirling, losing sight and seeing his appear so far away but just in sight, just enough to lure him wherever this meditation as taking him.

The cherry blossom forest thinned to a few trees, the void turned into grassy grounds and flowing water, the chirps and rustles of nature and he recognised the place: the waterfall. He discovered it young but didn't make anything stable of it till years later and eventually his eyes caught the young form hopping up and flying short distances upwards to a cave, hoping he wasn't noticed, he scurried into the shadows and hid as best he could.

Piccolo hesitated before following him, he wasn't sure what made him falter especially after chasing him for so long, but his chest ached for the child and in a way he wished would numb, there was no use in it, not now, not far too late for anyone to care. It wasn't even real, just some projection of his mind, so why then was his blood pulsing in his ears and his knees weak? He hadn't come all this way to chicken out, so with determination he forced his way onward and in a few light jumps was at the mouth of the cave, looking in he couldn't see past the darkness but could hear movement.

Walking inside he was more concerned with what he might see than what he couldn't, it didn't occur to him to be afraid of the dark or the unknown which resided in it, the known more than enough already. But the cave, he realised, was too deep to resemble the real thing, the shadows were dense around him and before long he couldn't see the exit behind him anymore and the child only a flutter in the distance of darkness.

Shoulders flinched and his heart thudded hard when a sudden movement called his attention, something had been dropped and it rolled towards him just touching his foot. A furrowed brow of confusion remained in place as he picked up the mystery item into his hand and inspected it without sight: it was firm and round, a distinct and familiar shape made him curious. An apple.

His ear twitched as he heard a noise to his side, eyes trying to see into the shadows and finally he could make something out, a person, and his guard flared up when he realised it was too tall to be the boy. He narrowed his eyes and watched with dread in his stomach as the figure stepped forward to be recognised. Purple blood ran cold, like icy shards were trying to move through capillaries and any sense that told him to just leave or fight was frozen too.

The Demon King. The real Demon King.

An eternity of fright passed by in a millisecond though any sense would tell him it was silly, but sense didn't play into these things, and he hated every drop of control, the very fact there was any effect on him at all, the power this bastard had over him still.

The world was different somehow, still surrounded in shadows but they moved, like alive somehow, demons and devils waiting in the wings of their master and audience to this reuniting. And reuniting it was indeed, this image different: this figure with a soul. The man held no power like this but unlike the others this thing could see, cold eyes watched him from the darkness, very much alive and reading him, the suddenness of the situation making Piccolo just want to bolt and run as far as he could manage.

He shouldn't be this scared, this ghost of a creature shouldn't still intimidate him, the man for all purposes is dead, and what power he did have was locked away by his own doing, purposefully locked away in a mental closet but here he was, glaring and tall before him. Piccolo gulped, sweat chilling down his brow as he tried to calm himself, slowing his breathing in a small attempt.

His attention only stolen when the apple in his hand changed, quickly it turned black and soft, ashen and rotten until there was nothing left, just a cloud of dust and his hand was left empty. It wasn't a threat from his father, perhaps a long time ago it had been: when he first started to care for Gohan and others visions and voices would invade his mind twisting kind and sweet things into ugly and distorted horrors, trying to deter him from change. As for the rotting apple now…it was something that had already happened a long time a go, spiritually speaking, Piccolo was born as a new soul; the apple and his father the poison.

He couldn't rationalise this fear, to feel so small in front of someone so powerless, he might as well not exist...yet he does. He does nothing, dormant and frozen...but the poison sleeps. The pair just stared at each other and Piccolo felt at a loss, the best thing he could do was walk away quite possibly, but he still felt so very tiny, young even, and as he tried to move his feet wouldn't obey and to speak but no words formed, the darkness was there and he hated it, it bubbled in his chest.

Nerves were screaming at him to act however when the Demon King stepped forward again, closer and those eyes something strait out of a horror movie, looking down at his betrayer son with a mixture of ego, disappointment and venom. How dare his commands be ignored? How dare his legacy become so misshapen and corrupted? These thoughts seemed to command the darkness as the shadows became thicker, flooding the space around them and while they didn't phase the king Piccolo for the first time tried to escape, the threat of drowning all too real, darkness a heavy burden and he felt it sinking beneath his feet and coiling around him. Merciless.

Panic instilled as he realised it was harder to breath, the shadows moving and covering him to the point he could no longer see, he could only feel that they were the doing of his sire and despite all logic that said he could die the intent of his father infused with the darkness. It was like he was alone again, the memory of his fathers toxic words and manipulating voice, selfish obsessions and all the things he'd forced from his mind since drowning him.

Just as he thought he might lose it a blinding white light appeared, eroding the blackness and the medley of demons and devils could be seen cowering and the King retreating too, banished by light for the time and the weight lifted. It was too bright to see and the Namekian's eyes scrunched shut and covered them with his hands until he heard that the scene from before was gone, slowly opening is eyes to look for what saved him.

Piccolo practically jumped out of his skin as, still blinking away affects of the brightness, a hand firmly landed on his shoulder, a flinch and turn to see just who it was revealed a rather bewildered but harmless Namekian. Kami. The elderly man's wrinkled hand still outstretched though his eyes seemed apologetic as Piccolo registered his new situation and felt a little foolish, embarrassment creeping over his mind though he tried to ignore it.

He released a breath and Kami lowered his hand and looked rather sheepish, and his entrance made sense, King Piccolo the dark half and Kami the light, it only made sense that they would have some power here and against the other. A moment of adjustment passed as those eyes too were alive in a way the other visions weren't, this wasn't a memory or a vision, this was the real person, awake and watching.

"His hold still exists, hmm?" Kami spoke though he didn't expect an answer and kept his tone friendly, his aged voice one that took Piccolo by surprise, qualities in it he'd almost forgotten since their fusion, hearing Kami more in thought and memories than anything else and those perspectives always kinder than reality.

They never were the best company for the other, understandably so, and in a strange way it showed their familiarity. Instant to criticise and unabashed observation of the other, they hadn't liked each other from day one and at best there was room for some redemption. Some harshness calmed but they still annoyed the hell out of each other. But here, after seeing the darker half? He was welcome to speak and stay a while.

He knew why Kami hadn't liked him, that was obvious, and over time he seemed to disprove those assumptions. It took Piccolo a while to realise his dislike, especially as over time…it never did change. He'd picked up one thing about Kami: he was a coward. His cautionary side aiding him a great deal in his ways as a Guardian but when it came time to stand or challenge he wobbled and fell. One shouldn't mistake sacrifice alone for something so complex as bravery: the truth was Kami would sooner die for Earth than live in a world of failure and constant difficulty and that's not what a Guardian should be. He was thankful that Dende, while mild mannered, did have a voice and was not shy to take on what came his way. A proper Guardian. And one that never needed forbidden techniques to get the post in the first place.

"Hn, you say that like he doesn't affect you either" Piccolo replied, finding his voice again as he corrected himself, taking in the changing scene. It wasn't much but around them seemed to be an illuminating glow, showing ridges and rock plants of the inside of the cave having returned yet again, though it was still much deeper than reality, space for walking and talking he supposed.

And the pair did, walking slowly, lead by the older man though no doubt he had zero clue of where to head, and spoke. "Fair. very fair" Kami admitted, giving a small nod. "Come, walk with me a while, forget all that for a little while, he doesn't bring any good" and Piccolo wondered if the King might still be close by, no doubt curious about seeing his son so deep in his subconscious.

An awkward minute passed of mindless walking, footsteps quiet but many and it took Kami a while to realise the younger was hardly going to be the one to chat: "we never did speak much before the fusion."

"I wonder why, senile old fool" Piccolo replied, there wasn't any bite just accuracy and Kami took no offence, his mind was not something so dependable as it had been years before.

"…and you were an arrogant young fool" Kami replied, voice its usual neutral tone.

"'Were?'" Piccolo questioned, it wasn't like Kami to use the past tense where it didn't apply.

"Yes, 'were'" and Kami offered a smile, "you might still be a fool, and still young, but not so arrogant…I expect somewhat humbled as of late".

"Thanks, I guess…wish I could put yours past tense but…"

"I suppose I am a 'senile old fool', I won't deny that."

It was so different speaking to someone real. Everything was so unpredictable and lacked security, he could usually depend that if his mind was shown him something like a memory there was at least some reason, but the fusions? They literally had minds of their own, bound by setting of course but they had the power of autonomy like this, they could disagree, hate, care, create new ideas through conversation. This was an experience happening in a pocket, but a real experience none the less.

"You seem deep in thought, doesn't do much good internalising from your already internal exploration" Kami said matter-o-factly, "and I know what you think of me so don't feel concerned about that, not that you would: I cared for people, and earth, even if I didn't do as much as I could have all of the time, even if i wasn't the bravest, when tragedy hit I felt pain and i felt guilt."

Piccolo halted and Kami a few steps ahead came to a stop as well, the younger hadn't expected such an open statement but something about it bothered him ever more, his lips pursed in thought and eyed were sharp as he considered the elder in front of him. "I don't get you…" Piccolo started.

"…We haven't been fused very long" Kami offered but that wasn't the point.

Piccolo folded his arms over his torso as he often did, at least around those that he had his back up for: "'Ive never understood you...even fused…" and he huffed slightly, the old man confusing and unhelpful, and worst of all what he was saying, though seemingly harmless was pissing him off "if you felt guilty over things why not try harder? All you did was talk. Then talk some more."

"I watched" Kami tried and that just wasn't good enough, Piccolo was grateful for Kami shooing away the darkness which didn't seem all that difficult in the first place for him here, but his character had always rubbed him the wrong way and like the man himself had said: lets not keep it all internal. Let's talk about it.

"Yes, you watched. You watched as an entire city of people got eaten alive by Cell, I'm sure you've perused my memories, now you get to know what it looks like when someone is literally drank into a nothingness leaving only clothes behind. A city of men, women, families and children and…for what? You watched and I argued with you for so long about this fusion in the first place, I didn't want to but I was willing, so what? a struggle with your ego? Did you hate me that much? A city of innocents worth?" Piccolo's voice never betrayed too much anger, just the right amount, the amount that said he was only talking sense and looking for clarity, though gritted teeth couldn't be helped.

An audible gulp gave away the other's reaction before looking Piccolo in the eyes, "I never claimed to be the bravest man…and I'll admit that Piccolo, your sire, still scared me; the idea of being put in the same place was terrifying, or possibly being joined back with him, i believed in the good in you but I couldn't help the association still…"

Piccolo's arms remained folded, the admission part of progress he supposed though his father's legacy managing to claim more lives just be association was a tough pill to swallow. His anger subsided somewhat, there was no point in venting, however that wasn't all he was frustrated about. "I know all of that. But I also don't get you because…I had learned much more from Nail, much more of his life, much more of, well, him in less time than I've been fused with you. I realise there is some overlap but he was centuries your junior as am I, it would be simple for you to out do him in the amount of memories."

That made Kami still, processing the words with a deep breath. He wouldn't be able to deny just how peculiar that was."…You know how to assist Dende in his guardianship, don't you? What else do you need to know?" He spoke as if that were any kind of answer but his nerves showed through, his back a little too straight and his voice a little too positive.

Might as well come right out and say it: "…are you…keeping something from me?"

The pause seemed to take up space between them, so sudden and obvious, and while Kami often slowly summoned thoughts the blankness and time spent looking for some answer was too long. It wasn't just due to Kami's boggled mind, he blocking things, keeping them from surfacing somehow, but why? what was the point?

Kami's eyes looked everywhere but Piccolo's for some time until finally facing that he'd been caught, accountable and nowhere to run he admitted a hesitant "yes…call it the confusion of pride but I wasn't ready…entirely…to give myself up…I regret that actually, I should be braver, you're right."

"What are you mumbling about?"

"I'm just a senile old man, like you said…" Kami teased and a sad smile graced his aged features, though he seemed to think on things further in his head, a world of thoughts flashing through his eyes, and finally a deep breath."I regret a lot of things to do with you," and Piccolo blinked, 'mistakes' a very specific and bold word to use for someone like Kami, "sometimes I need to make the mistakes to face what I did wrong, in all my years I only became a slower learner but an constant one." Piccolo just rolled his eyes and decided to walk on, let him ramble on and contribute only more confusion.

He didn't get more that three strides passed the elder when he heard a determined "fine…" and he stopped, waiting for something, anything that made a bit of sense. "There's a memory of mine that I don't like, it's not big, I just don't like it" he offered, though he didn't seem to be saying much at all. Something Kami didn't like? That could be anything from world destruction to an embarrassing time he tripped over or said someone's name wrong. "I'd share it with you if you like…" Kami said, the pressure in his words made Piccolo curious though he didn't hold his breath. He just shrugged with a small nod.

"You sound very unhelpful," he spoke bluntly and Kami could only laugh, a short chortle at Piccolo's words and lightly replied "well I do apologise, really..." with a smile. He didn't speak further but the smile grew as though thinking of something, mind wandering as it often did at his age.

"What?" Piccolo prompted when there was no further talking and Kami said something, seemingly out of the blue but of course it was on both their minds.

"I'm just happy for you, you deserve that boy." Gohan. No doubt that development in his life one Kami found most entertaining and interesting, but the working did make him blink in mild surprise, it was odd hearing that he 'deserved' Gohan. Especially from someone that for years viewed him as the most despised creature on the planet.

"He's not a boy anymore" was all he could think to say.

"You're right, but I suppose you're all children to me, it comes with wrinkles you know" Kami rambled with that same smile before the younger grew impatient. "Are you going to help me at all?"

"You never asked."

The facepalm couldn't be stopped, Piccolo just tried to tell himself that the Namekian was old and crazy and didn't know any better and thankfully these conversations would be kept to a minimum. The older man laughed and continued "I'm not much help, but I've said something: you do deserve him, the life you're building, and I'm rarely wrong."

"Rarely, huh?" Piccolo let his arms fall by his sides, surrendering to the madness that was Kami and just waited to hear him.

"Yes, in all my years my correctness well outweighs my wrongs."

"You've actually kept a tally, haven't you?"

A smirk was admission enough "caught me."

"Just when I think you cant get more ridiculous," he sighed "and I bet you count tiny decisions as a hundred things going right and a catastrophe as one wrong?"

"How else am I supposed to count it?" Kami asked with a genuine tone and Piccolo just shook his a good thing Kami held back in their fusion, he'd be part forgetful, crazy old man in no time. Yet despite his impatience and harshness Kami still said softly: "I'm proud of you boy" making Piccolo blink in surprise and silence followed, he didn't know how to react to that.

The elder just shook his head slightly with a smile and said "don't worry, just knowing you heard that is enough" sharper minded than he seemed a more serious air was adopted, "So that memory…"

"Finally, can we just get to the point?"

"Damnding aren't we."

The man was infuriating, the constant back and forth, perhaps just an old man, crazy and unorganised but Piccolo felt like he was pulling teeth. "Yes, I am, I'm here because I need answers, I don't care if you don't like it, or if its awkward or whatever, even if it seems insignificant…help me."

A moment of intensity between them, Piccolo wondering if the man would ever actually deliver or if he'd have to continue in circles, and Kami took in a deep breath before committing to what needed done: "very well then" was said with sad eyes before the scene started to change.

It must have been a long meditation for appearing on the lookout to feel more of a memory than a home. The floating palace was much the same as it always was, it was hard to tell the year being presented to him but Piccolo stood as though invisible while Mr Popo bustled about his flowerbeds and Kami was nose deep in his books.

He had to admit, he was curious, Kami was a bazaar person and didn't always make sense but his insecurities said far more about the man than the areas he was confident in. So what was he hiding? He'd said it wasn't too terrible, just something he didn't like, but knowing Kami that could mean anything.

Piccolo took a seat on one of the many walls close by enough to watch but not obstruct what would play out, and before he could have any doubts a very interesting visitor arrived, a tell tale cloud streaking across the sky as he swiftly joined the pair with his trademark smile. Son Goku.

It was strange to see him so young again, he was young but built from training and Piccolo could only guess this took place shortly after the tournament they'd fought in, Goku paying his old teacher a visit. He carried with him a familiar looking and very large fan, it was green with red edges and a most rare and powerful item. It was strange to see him back at the lookout, he thought Goku just disappeared with his new wife for a few years rather than seeking official training and perhaps avoiding Kami with his offer to be the next Guardian as well.

What possible reason could Kami have for hiding this? It wasn't like Goku was big on drama or the most confrontational. And indeed they greeted each other warmly, smiling and chatting, Mr Popo made food and the Saiyajin ate the grotesque mountain of edible delights while they exchanged pleasantries. Goku's marriage to Chichi, training and so on were all friendly topics and Goku even gifted Kami the Bansho Fan, explaining he'd acquired it on his travels and thought it best to remain at the lookout. "What a great gift Goku, thank you very much" Kami spoke and it was genuine, enchanted items were one of the old man's favourite things and many were collected and stored at the palace.

Goku, in between mouthfuls, somehow managed to speak clearly "yeah in Octagon Village I saw instructions for it but it was in that language a lot of your books are in, figured it'd have a better home here with you." He never bothered to ask why Namekian technology was on earth or anything further, the man care free as always.

Kami just smiled and asked the genie to place it away and after a pause returned to an old subject "so…you still won't be the new guardian, Goku?"

"Being cooped up here isn't really my thing, Kami" Goku smiled in his usual sheepish…but it faltered, Piccolo's obsidian eyes narrowed as he saw the Saiyajin's smile shake that telling way and just how strange it was to see Goku like that; pretending everything was fine and not some dedicated acting but a genuine hiding, so split between genuine responses and a facade.

It seemed to go unnoticed by the elder as Kami continued to ramble as he often did, making his case for Goku to be the new guardian and eventually the Namek saw Goku's falseness fade. Interrupting Kami's list of reasons Goku's shoulders sank somewhat and he spoke "Kami…theres another reason…" almost like a warning that the reason was not something Kami would wish to hear.

"Don't be shy, plus I understand that your new wife might have issue with i-"

"That's not it either…" Goku waved off the thought, he had to be honest, it was in his nature and rightly so, that said the hesitance was more than intriguing. "Kami, you're my friend, and I thank you for your training and what you do for earth….but…"

"But what, Goku?" from Kami's side of things he seemed expectant of his offer being rejected, but Goku's odd behaviour puzzling him thoroughly.

The visitor placed down his bowl and wiped away the few remaining pieces of rice from his shin and cheeks before he appeared to be trying to find the right words, "…I'm not great at this whole deep thoughts part but…I think what you did was wrong."

Both Nameks blinked at the information, Kami perhaps more so than Piccolo. Piccolo knew the old man was the maker of many mistakes but it was Goku feeling the need to say such a thing and which he may have taken such issue with to bring it up then. "Wrong? what was wrong?" Kami asked after a bewildered pause, his tone not offended but perhaps slightly concerned.

A sigh escaped the dark haired man as he again searched for the words, trying to place everything in a way that made sense but it still came out cryptic, "I think…you made a mistake…because you hate your other half so much, it got in the way" Kami made a face in confusion which may have seen narrowing as Goku held up his hands in a 'no offence' kind of manner but there was a seriousness still in the Saiyajin as he continued. "See…I thought whenI let Piccolo go, I'd feel better…"

Wait…this was about Piccolo? As said Namekian watched the scene unfold his mind feebly attempted to decipher the words or understand what was happening but he would just have to wait it out, a tension and stillness in him then as he watched and waited with curiosity. Then Goku would say the words, not dissimilar to things he'd heard from Gohan and even a few others but words he never the less had a tough time really hearing, and ever had he heard it with blame attached to a fellow member of the z senshi.

"But…it was still a mistake in the first place…even if I could leave the lookout as I pleased I wouldn't take the job, I am thankful for what you do most of the time but just know I can't take what you say as gospel…not anymore…I just disagree with how you handled the situation" Goku seemed to ramble but his expression told volumes of how much he meant every word.

"Goku, what are you talking about, absolutely I admit I can make mistakes but I can't help if I don't know what you're talking about..?" The Guardian tried but he may have wanted to leave it confusing and indecipherable when the truth smacked him in the face, Goku's tone firm and unfamiliar compared to his usual carefree self.

"Kami, you left a little boy on his own."

Stillness. Not a noise dared invade the tense moment as Goku said his peace, not one to pretend as he spoke. Piccolo couldn't believe what he was hearing, his mind blanked as he watched and came to realise just what was unfolding, and just what Kami had hidden. He had been accurate, the memory itself wasn't anything too terrible, nothing overly dramatic or revealing…but certainly enlightening. Clarifying thought no one was quite prepared to hear out, Kami scared and Piccolo bewildered as Goku continued: "I didn't know any better but you told me he was 'The Demon King' back again and just an evil who had to be stopped."

"Yes and thats what happened" Kami responded, unsure of what Goku was talking about or what argument he had for such words.

Goku's tone never became angry or upset, but it was frightfully honest and he seemed to dislike having to say such things but anything less wouldn't do: "no, no it's not" an intensity in the conversation growing as if heavier somehow. "You told me he was a villain before a single act of evil…and I made the mistake of believing it. I did believe it…that was until he met him, until I saw that fighter isn't the same demon I killed years ago. The Demon King wouldn't be above dirty tricks or heck, rigging the fight or even killing me in my sleep, his ego gets in the way at best but not any sense of honour."

"Honour?" Kami responded a little harsher than he intended, a natural response to what must have seemed at the time a ridiculous word to use, almost as though he was offended.

However Goku never missed a beat and replied immediately and firmly "yes, do you honestly think The Demon King would bother to fight me at a tournament, size me up and learn about me…as though for the first time? The Demon King knows who I am and wants me dead, that's it, but at that tournament I met a different guy and I cant blame him for doing what you said he would; who stepped in to change things? Nobody, you knew there was a kid who would grow up to fight me and, rather than try and befriend him or look out for him, you trained me to be able to kill hi-"

"There's no befriending a demon!" Kami snapped, like his ears hurt from listening and though me meant no malice the subject was not one he could listen to objectively as it became troublingly apparent. Piccolo meanwhile was shocked dumb, eyes wide and lost in the scene. He never knew or even thought for a moment that Kami and Goku might have had an exchange like this…and over him?

A lot of Goku's behaviour made more sense though, the sense bean at the end of the tournament, the parting of ways and really only wary approach but otherwise friendly nature in regards to their temporary truces. Goku didn't believe he was some pure evil monster from cradle to tomb, he didn't brand the Namekian by his father's behaviour and even regretted that he ever did. Come to think of it, Chichi did say all her boys had a liking for him, Goku included, perhaps that was why.

Kami and Goku stood in silence after the snap, nothing was hurt but Kami's pride, before the Saiyajin sighed and said softly "I'm sorry Kami but I disagree, I think…I think you do a lot of good…but that time you were too blinded by fear and the loathing of your own past, I can't trust in that. I can't trust what you say when it comes to Piccolo and it's to an extreme. I don't think I'm ever going to stop thinking about how things could have been different and hopefully it's not too late" Goku said and stood, his meal finished and gifts given he doubted there was much more to say.

Kami luckily didn't hold anything against the young man for what he said, but was indeed thoroughly blinded and spoke as if to warn him, warn Goku that he was mistaken but it only made the accusation more real, Kami was not capable to thinking fairly. "Goku, he is the villain I said…"

"How do you know?" Goku spoke as though casually and they weren't talking about something much more serious and made an excellent point "…you barely spoke to him."

"But I know. I know that he is incapable of change" the Guardians words sounding irrational and frankly harmful, harmful to speak and judge someone based of prejudgements and narrow mindedness.

"Well tell me something Kami…how come he hasn't come for me yet? How come he hasn't summoned demons back up and taken me on again, I'm not sure he really does want to, he definitely doesn't have the same need for it as his father did."

Kami's voice disappeared, stunned silent and without further arguments, not to mention hearing his own voice sounding so closed and harsh not something the elder would care for. The nimbus cloud floated back slowly to its owner and waited, Goku looked Kami in the eyes softly, as though trying to ease the words spoken though nerves too sensitive had been hit directly and hard. "I cant be a guardian if being like you is what it means and I can't take what you say without questioning it…but I do hope things change for the better the next time I see him or you" and he smiled, his natural kindness shining through and meaning no ill-will.

Piccolo was in some shock as he watched them round up their conversation trying to fix the mood what they could and wishing each other well and everything sunk in. He couldn't help but recall the next times they would meet, their temporary truces and how he never did take the cheap shot or betray what trust was needed in their alliance however briefly it was. And maybe the words would manifest and develop later; Goku had a childhood with his adoptive grandfather who cared for him and loved him but a few years after this discussion he would realised his own original fate. Just what could have been if Gohan Sr hadn't found him and taken him in? If the older human hadn't braved the unruly child or dismissed him for being too troublesome and gave up hope?

While lost in thought the scene ended, Goku flew off waving a kind goodbye and Kami changed from his place in the memory to the very aware man who slowly and somewhat nervously shuffled closer to him. The old man joined him on his seat and let the information sink in, the memory having left it was indeed the man himself by him with a tension as he waited for the younger's reaction.

Piccolo didn't know what to make of it, it was was a moment almost lost in Kami's embarrassment shown to him with startling clarity. In the grand scheme of things it was a small thing, a disagreement, a tense conversation that didn't burn any bridges or change the course of anything really. But to know that it happened, to hear those words and for the prideful old man to finally let him see it…it meant something.

The old guardian's shoulders jumped at an unexpected noise, the man he thought might be angry or something similar was…laughing? It was quiet but there none the less, a small laugh reached sensitive ears and he could only turn to the younger with a baffled expression: "well I hadn't expected that response…"

The laugh was short but a smile tugged at Piccolo's lips still as he looked towards the elder and spoke "you really are an old fool, but thank you for showing me that…" he spoke sincerely and the other relaxed though was still thoroughly confused until Piccolo looked back off into the distance, nothing much to see but plenty to think about and mused "who'd have thought back then that I'd be here now?" It really was a miracle, as Goku had said no one tried to alter things on purpose, no one even thought change was possible until seemly too late, and yet here he was, doing all the good he was and caring for so many people.

"Not me, that's for sure" Kami admitted, accepting his old and very wrong self, a weight to his expression as though admitting a crime and though Piccolo couldn't comfort he didn't make an issue with the memory he saw. Yes, Kami was blinded by hate and fear but he was here now in his own way at very least accepting the truth and he wasn't hiding it anymore. No small feat for the skittish elder.

A quiet calm came over them after that, just in each others company for a few moments and strangely things felt better between them, more balanced and open. Piccolo felt he should ask more, but couldn't think of too much to ask, Kami had his limitations and his visions of his cushions far less abstract considering they had some influence on what he saw.

What's more he thought to ask more on the memory he saw, if he and Goku were alright afterwards or if it ever affected anything else. Instead of needed to ask however the answer crept into his knowing, naturally realising the knowledge was there and needn't request it from another person. His fusion less segmented as it had been before, Kami finally letting go and lowering the walls. So he asked one little thing on his mind, one thing that couldn't be answered as a fused person: "…do you ever think of fission, separating again?"

Kami finally smiled and answered a surprising "no," Piccolo having thought the man missed his independence and freedom "I think I forgot how thin my soul felt, halved for so long I lost what it was like to be whole again. We're different, you and I, or rather, me and him," Kami rambled but this made sense, they both knew exactly who he was. "So much so that we can never be one person, but we can make a medley or something greater…I believe so anyway."

Making a medley? How poetic it sounded, he supposed it was a saying to be 'greater than the sum of your parts' when working together. "Well, I'm out of wisdom" Kami said suddenly and Piccolo facepalmed, he sounded so refined if only for a moment and then back to his old nutty self.

"I won't dispute that" the younger grumbled but at least the old fool was entertaining.

Kami's smile grew, the sharing of such a memory that had bothered him for a long time had been handled much better than he thought, perhaps he shouldn't be so cautious and just let things happen as they should. A lesson learned late is better than never. As he looked to Piccolo, the very person he had exiled in his mind and past actions as unchangeable and evil, he felt both undeniable shame in his previous judgements but also a bewildering awe. It was likely the younger would never accept just what he'd accomplished in life for as great as it was but that only made things all the more incredible.

The guardian's contribution done and genuinely 'out of wisdom' he sensed the scene about to change and just whom would be speaking to Piccolo next and smirked, "…besides…think he's getting a bit impatient."

"Hmm…who?" Piccolo asked, for a moment concerned it might be the Demon King again when the world shifted and rumbled like an earthquake, everything including Kami fading completely and into a new situation, lights flashed in a glaring artificial warning, mechanical and distant booming noises threatening and he found himself in a place he had been years before. Planet Namek.

The ship rocked and banged as Piccolo struggled to breathe, lights warning and beeping and the image of the Capsule Corp ship with its door wide open revealing the broken lands told him when this was. This was planet Namek during Goku's battle with Frieza, the very planet falling apart and volatile in its final moments. The Namekian felt heavy and sore, drained of energy and the burn of his slowly healing chest wound as he lay on the ships floor staring up at the ceiling. In reality he would be minutes from being wished back to earth and away from this carnage but as it was the memory controlled him and he couldn't move.

The jarring change from the previous scene would be going through his mind if here weren't given a distraction, in the past he'd been alone and unconscious for most of it but this time someone walked into view by the open hatch, someone that couldn't possible have done it in the past and never did. Obsidian eyes watched the figure step up onto the ship and smirk down at him; Nail.

The warrior stood in his usual garb, torn and beat up looking but the man himself appeared calm as he stepped onto the ship with quiet footsteps, all Piccolo could do was watch as the fellow Namekian approached without hesitance and sat by him, his body language friendly and more than comfortable. A slight smirk over his lips as Nail greeted "hey gorgeous".

Piccolo from his position could manage a rolling of the eyes, somehow his breathing a little easier then but his heavy body still vulnerable and lying down. Nails cheeky hello was mostly referencing how alike the two looked, the self-confident chancer that he was able to be very complimentary given that fact.

"What do you want?" Piccolo sighed, his physical discomfort not entirely welcome.

"What, the others get to talk but I'm not welcome?" Nail jested and Piccolo just rolled his eyes again, no malice and corrected his tone with "sorry, but you could have picked a better setting."

"It's your brain, knowing you it'll be symbolic…and no problem, you're under a bit of stress I suppose," Nail spoke so freely and even leaned back a little it was strange for someone to be so relaxed amount the stoic man, but then again Piccolo and Nail hadn't had barriers. Hell they'd barely had an introduction. They'd gotten to know each other by being close to one another, sharing memories fluidly and influencing the others existence. "Plus I can't imagine you'd be too happy…Kami's not your favourite company and you're father's a whole other issue on its own."

Piccolo felt strangely vulnerable, an not just because he could barely move, but it was strange to be…comfortable. Himself and Nail had never known each other significantly enough independently to have much awkwardness, not to mention facing him like this a rare and newer occurrence. "You've been on quite the spree, learned much?" Nail chimed, his tone chatty and familiar.

Piccolo gave up on breaking the hold the scene held over him, committing to how all he could dow as lay there and speak he did the latter, "…yeah, I'm not sure what I need before I wake up though to be honest" Piccolo pouted though the tired form.

"Feel better though?"

"Yes, very much…just somethings missing" Piccolo said frustratingly, he didn't expect his world to be fixed and neatly organised, life didn't work like that regardless and any order easily undone, but he did not quite feel ready to leave and that was the feeling that made him more lost than ever.

"Well we've been fused a long time, I cant imagine theres much from my life you don't know, just a few details here and there," Nail mused aloud, head resting in his hand casually and his own dark eyes looked over his friend. A thought occurred to him and a flash of a smile made Piccolo ask "what?"

"Nothing" he teased with a grin.

Obsidian depths just rolled but slightly amused, Nail one of the few to be silly with him "liar."

"What ya gonna do about it?" Nail replied in a tone, mocking a child's tone and Piccolo just smiled too at the juvenile banter, "damn" he conceded to Nail's flawless logic.

Nail only grinned wider and finally decided to explain: "think about it…you know me, and now the only times information surfaces is when a relevant question is asked, it draws out the answer from your, our, subconscious, you have more memories and understandings than you know."

"I know this, what's your point?" Piccolo asked flatly, though curious where this was going.

"The important part is the questions!" he answered and his hands extending out for a moment as if this were some grand revelation and also not minding the others bluntness "your meditation isn't about your relationship with Gohan, it's not even about necessarily changing yourself but by meditating like this you're committing yourself to simply ask questions. So, since you know me, and since I'm not evil or senile like the others…just-"

"Just ask the questions i really want to know..?" Piccolo's brow raised at the idea.

"Exactly" the other smirked.

"It seems too simple" and indeed it did, he had barely asked Kami anything, their relationship not one where such an excised would be worth the strangeness, but with Nail? An outsider in many ways, able to objective and without the blinkers or bias of the Guardian and honest, both to himself and others with nothing to hide. Perhaps he was the right person for such a task. "I'm just here to help" Nail offered with friendly eyes and Piccolo knew it to be true.

Piccolo unable to do anything other than think and speak returned his gaze the the glaring lights of the ships ceiling and tried to think on what he could ask, things he wanted to know or just how to start. He figured no harm in asking what he did with Kami, especially given the spontaneous nature of their fusion the answer could be potentially less balanced than the elders. "Do you regret fusing...do you feel robbed?"

Nail's brow raised as he mulled over the question, a slight pout over his lips making the other worry who had the habit first or if it happened after they fused, and actually as he looked at the man Piccolo took in his features. They looked uncannily similar so some said, and the more Piccolo looked at the man the more he would have to assess the other to be an attractive Namekian. Namekian. But then, the features didn't look odd on Nail, were he to visit Earth he would appear no stranger than Dende, and Piccolo didn't think of either as ugly or unpleasant. But they were just that; visitors. It made sense for them to look foreign, attractive and interesting for their rarity and difference to the local blur of normality.

"I guess," Nail's deep voice brought Piccolo out of his thoughts, "…but it wasn't the fusing that did that: it was the attack on my home planet and, actually, fusing with you allowed me to assist in the planet's protection. And I have to say, you're having quite a colourful life, I'm not exactly short on entertainment" he smirked.

Piccolo gave a slight nod given his limited movement, still feeling heavy and burdened by battles passed, "…did you ever fantasise about your future?"

"Not much really, I was a guard of a stressed race after all and ready to lay my life down at any moment; as I eventually did." Nail spoke evenly, like any other fact and a genuine dedication to his life path.

"So you weren't pissed at the end of your life?"

"I was at Frieza and his men..." Nail laughed quietly, no anger in him at the topic but a logical and honest response.

"I meant in general…like…" Piccolo didn't know how to describe it in a way that didn't sound wishy-washy or cliche, "mad at life?"

"Oh, nope not really," the simple answer came easily "if I had died for nothing then yeah I guess I would be, but things worked out." The question continued to process in Nail's mind as he asked one back, curiouser and curiouser: "what about you?"


"You asked that question for a reason, do you feel robbed?" Nail asked as clearly as possible, the repetition of words also making it clear to the listener it was indeed a specific phrasing he had used.

"…No, I've got more than I ever thought I would…" Piccolo didn't know where to look, suddenly under Nail's watchful gaze and in no position to place his usual guard up, both physically and emotionally, Nail the most aware of his tricks and possibly even his triggers.

"Okay, so you're grateful and blessed, sure, but you were robbed once before…"

"Excuse me?" Piccolo's eyes narrowed, wondering where Nail might be taking this conversation, and just how blunt he might become, and knowing Nail he might not hold his punches. The look in Nails eyes told him so too.

"I've learned about you too, I see your memories and have felt in times of battle while others think you're calm and cool how petrified and worried you really are, I know how good you are at covering up you're insecurities and just when you have to do it…there's a reason you don't like looking at your younger self."

Silence. Piccolo couldn't respond and there was nothing he could say to make himself feel less exposed, Nail's intent of course to let him know just how vulnerable he was, "you know, you don't have to fix everything in this meditation, even just exposing the problem can help" Nail finally spoke after a few stunned moments, trying to keep the conversation going despite the stoic other half to it.

"…I know that."

A sigh left the Namekian but he still smiled, "still grumpy as ever…maybe you need laid."

The blush invaded immediately at such words and Nail burst into laughter, knowing just which buttons to press and how to tease Nail took some mercy "I'm just kidding…you'd still be grumpy old you." The mood lightened somewhat by Nail's cheekiness the only disturbance was the ship, a more significant rumble and clang in the surrounding area "but feel free to ask questions on that topic too, I'm hardly shy" he chimed.

"What would you know, you never took a mate?" Piccolo questioned, Nail's memories were that of a loyal guard and warrior.

"True, but was social and I know about Nameks more than you do, do you even know what happens when a Namek mates?" the answer wasn't meant to me intimidating, Nail's tone friendly and casual.

"I think so," Piccolo answered in a mumble "I know about reproduction and certain…things" and desperately tried to keep his face from heating up any further. Additionally, he knew if he asked the question usually Nail's memory would answer eventually, like unearthing a treasure that was always there but you had to know where to dig, when it came to sex he really hadn't asked too many questions and so the whole this was still so mysterious to him.

Then, as if to illustrate Piccolo's complete lack of knowledge, Nail asked what seemed to be a completely unrelated and random question: "…do you even wonder why you can change your eye colour?"

Piccolo was caught by the sudden turn and while he knew with patience the answer might surface to him but instead be rambled slightly off guard "what…no, what does that have to do with anything?" He could indeed change his eye colour, he'd even used it against Garlic Jr years ago to fool him into thinking he was under his control, a ki technique that came very easily to him otherwise he wouldn't have even thought to try it.

"It's an old defence mechanism" simply spoken.

"…against what?" Piccolo asked confusedly.

Nail smirked, knowing just how little Piccolo was aware of and explained, "unwanted mates…a Namek doesn't start an ovulation cycle until they've bonded with a mate, you know that?" Piccolo gave a short nod and tried to ignore the awkwardness of talking about such a subject, "well, when your body knows you've selected a mate it starts to change, ovulation and all that blah, as a form of defence you visibly can tell which Nameks are bonded and which aren't because their eyes change colour, its also spiritual though, for example its very very rare but if the connection were to become so detached from your original mate your bonded eye colour could fade, might even stop your cycle, its like a trauma to the whole system."

"How…bizarre" was the only thing Piccolo could voice as his mind processed the information Nail so easily rattled off.

"And that's actually why you can change eye colour at will, say there was a pursuer stronger than you and you didn't want to mate, the changed eye colour says you're mated and there's someone else to deal with too, you can pretend you're taken to avoid some conflicts. I don't blame you for not knowing that though, Namekians as a race are far less social since the exodus, not so neighbourly to other planets or travelling so that threat has typically diminished and most on the planet are direct brothers so there are no matings obviously. You and Gohan on the other hand…" Nail teased with a smirk and Piccolo tried to loo away and keep the blush down, the bastard didn't let up for long and he could practically feel how joyful the other was at how uncomfortable he felt.

The blush won, violet streaking across emerald flesh at the keen eyes implying all too directly the sensitive topic, but at the same time it did make some things at least a little clearer. "So if Gohan and I-" "When" Nail corrected with a devilish smirk and Piccolo tried to ignore the man "when Gohan and I…mate…my eyes will change colour to say that I'm bonded with him?"

"Correct, and it's not just colour, like I said it's a spiritual thing, if Gohan was a namekian his would change colour too but as it is your ki would just probably become more prominent and readable to him" Nail elaborated, not mentioning the blush but his expression betrayed how he was thoroughly entertained.

Piccolo wasn't sure what to think of that, it was practical information but it also made things a bit more real, besides with mating habits like that it implied an importance and significance to it all especially as Namekian's souls and energies were so influential to their bodies. Also it implied that Namek's, while social and living in communities, when it came to sex it was rather rare, relationships not so casual and by that reasoning it wasn't strange for the move into a more physical and intimate relationship to be a significant leap and learning curve, perhaps more so than earthlings.

The ship rocked and the outside view looked angry, the ground cracking and steam the prelude to lava and other hellish horrors of a doomed planet, as a memory this would be close to the time the wish was made on the dragon balls and everyone was moved to earth for safety, and despite its appearance and instability, Piccolo felt lighter, calmer even, but he did know this question time would end soon. Nail also seemed to realise this as he took in a deep breath, their eyes locking and he began the bluntest talk yet.

"Look i'm not going to sugar coat or play around with motives, I'll say what I see...I see a young couple very much in love, you've got personal issues where you don't always consider yourself worthy of happiness and you're only recently taking a step into a shared life…" it took all the power Piccolo had to hold his tongue, the man was trying to help afterall, but to hear someone else so directly hit his insecurities on the head made his skin crawl, so badly wanting to hide behind all they ways he could prevent and create distance. "…And as for your partner you've made no mistakes in that choice: Gohan is honourable, strong, smart, gentle, patient, attractive…"

Piccolo felt a burn in his ears as Nail listed that, of course Gohan was all those things but it was strange to hear it from someone else and especially someone that would share in his experiences to come, but as it was he continued to hear out where the other Namekian was going with this. Clearly he'd had a long time to think on these things, more than happy to offer advice and support on the matter and likely very curious about it all.

"…He has a sense of humour, he's brave and selfless; you feel like you don't deserve such a partner, his love or his life and the list goes on...and you know what, you blind idiot?" Nail extended, his tone firm but never hurtful, eyes soft yet strongly meeting Piccolo's gaze and all Piccolo could do was stare patiently, hoping Nail would clarify his own "Gohan thinks the exact same thing about you."

Piccolo lay still, caught hearing such detailed praise from another person, and in the context of his relationship with Gohan no less, and just to know that others saw Gohan's feelings and intensity, like it wasn't some joke or strangeness for such a talented man to choose some freak for a bewildering reason. He didn't care what people thought of course, but the new perspective helped. "Now…that intelligent, wonderful young man...are you telling me you think he's wrong?" Nail finished and that unmovable curl over his lips was both pissing off and admittedly well deserved.

"…you're good" Piccolo conceded and despite all the tricky topics and direct hits the air was light, safe even.

"Well I've got to keep my wits sharp around here, never know what's lurking around the corner. You're a pretty fucked up guy you know that?" Nail laugh and Piccolo too felt a chuckle in his own chest.

"Thank you…for the advice, I mean; not the review of your hotel stay."

"No problem," Nail smiled and he was glad he seemed to have helped the struggling Namekian even a little bit, and he figured he could go further by making a joke and lightening the mood "so…let's gossip like teenage girls" and emphasised this by waving his hands excitedly.

Piccolo couldn't contain the short laugh at the sudden change and ridiculousness, "I'm not a teenage girl and neither are you" Piccolo spoke flatly as possible but still very entertained by the absurdity.

"Oh come on, let's talk about Videl, poor thing, Chichi sure has changed her tune, just how dreamy your boyfriend is but that neighbour android's kinda cute too, and don't get me started on that Angela chick" and with that both burst into laughter, Nail's words so silly Piccolo could only see them lightly however dramatic they may have been in reality, certainly a different list of life elements Piccolo ever thought he would have.

"You've gotten weird" Piccolo chuckled, rolling his eyes softly.

"Always been weird, then you put me in this wonderland of daddy issues" came the surprising and brave statement, others wouldn't dare speak to him like that but Nail knew how far to take something, Piccolo still found himself coughing in shock with wider eyes though, "that's certainly one way to phrase it".

But then Nail said something he wasn't ready for, knowing eyes his only warning: "what, shouldn't I talk about someone when he's in the room?"

'He's…in the…room?' Piccolo slowly processed, his mind freezing with a painful quickness, a sense of fright deeply rooted in his psyche making him still and shudder. He felt the Demon King's presence before seeing him, an eerie dread filling the air as the cloaked shadow like man came into view by the ship's entrance. As though mirroring Piccolo's internal freak out Planet Namek shook in a particularly violent tremor, the ships lights flickering and metallic parts screeching.

Nail saw the panic in Piccolo's eyes, suddenly so vulnerable by the King in great contrast to vulnerability by Nail, one trusted and fair without malicious motive and the other the stark opposite. Nail felt little in regards to the Demon King that wasn't on behalf of Piccolo, he was the only fusion without a history related to him and was by contrast without fear of him. Wary, yes, but not afraid.

Seeing Piccolo trying to keep himself calm while clearly in a difficult position Nail decided to bring something different to the scene. Logically Piccolo held the power, if Piccolo wasn't afraid or felt overwhelmed by the King's presence the man, while still his own person, would be subject to Piccolo's dominance. Not to mention all of the layers of suppressants Piccolo had placed over the mans soul and abilities in the mental plane he really was no threat unless allowed to be one. Logic alone however couldn't cure something so deeply complex.

Standing, Nail started a leisurely walk closer to the shadowy figure, an air of confidence something surprising enough for Piccolo to become distracted, at least a little though his heartbeat remained harsh and unforgiving. What was Nail up to? The Namekian walked over with his arms raised slightly, palms open and non-threatening as he spoke words which, if Piccolo weren't fucking terrified he may have laughed.

"I come in peace, oh colossal bastard…"

Piccolo's eyes widened and a confusing jolt of joy was felt in his chest, turning something so dark or him humorous was an unexpected help in diluting the ominous situation. Nail smirked, finding himself amusing too as he continued, "kindly leave your son be, he has fun and important things to do which do not include you as, no offence, you are at best a bit of a downer" and with that Nail started chuckling through his own words and Piccolo's fear faded enough that he no longer trembled.

The King remained still and watchful, uninterested and lacking the power to do anything else as though a dormant vision. "Still here? How unpleasant" Nail said frankly though his tone was amused and teasing, grin never leaving his lips and finally he did something to make the Demon King budge even if only a little.

Turning Nail walked back towards his friend and outstretched his hand in an offer to Piccolo, previously unable to move Piccolo hesitated as he tested his muscles yet again and though heavy and difficult he took the hand and was helped slowly, carefully to his feet. It was hard to describe what he felt when Nail did that, trying to process everything going on and what it could possibly mean while in such a confusing moment.

"Even here he can't do too much, your barriers on him keep him silent but you're still afraid of him, clearly," Nail spoke honestly, still holding Piccolo's hand in place as he looked him directly in a strong gaze, "this isn't my fight, I'm here when you need me but it's you that needs to face him; you don't have to do it in this meditation but he's clearly getting to you still."

Piccolo could only nod numbly at Nail's words of support which he genuinely came to hold dear, the planet shaking again in a particularly violent development. "Thanks," his voice eventually found itself "don't think I'll be stuck here too much longer," judging by the scene maturing to a point the planet wouldn't last much longer and having gotten what he could from Nail, at least for the moment. Not to mention realising where the power lay, Piccolo know technically that it was him and not the Demon King, but to see Nail with such abandon speak as he did and not shiver or fear, some perspective and size was given to the issue and to his father. The Demon King was not as he once was, times and people had moved on, stronger in fight and in heart and the shadow lingered because Piccolo didn't know how to shed it.

He couldn't fix everything, especially not something so deeply routed in him he would likely never realise all the effects the beast had on him be it from childhood, reputation or subjects yet unknown. But as it was he was standing in the mans presence, able to look at him and, while he still shuddered, refused to fall any more. He had learned so much and was definitely feeling far enough into the exploration that home wasn't so out of reach. A surprising grip tightened around his heart as he realised the further he got into the meditation the closer he was to leaving and the intensity of those he missed increased; looking forward to seeing Gohan and the others yet again.

"Fair enough," Nail chimed gaining Piccolo's attention again, his eyes betraying some deeper thoughts, "give that boyfriend of yours a kiss from me when you see him" Nail smirked with a cheeky glint in his eye. Piccolo let himself chuckle quietly and reply "of course."

Piccolo stepped backwards as if to move away and move on but Nail had other ideas, that mischievous air never changing, Nail's hand stopped the other Namekian and keeping him in place "hey" sounded in a mock whine "I haven't given the kiss to you to give to him." Piccolo blinked in confusion, the words not adding up before being surprised by Nail's grinning lips briefly and deliberately upon his. The kiss was stolen so suddenly he was still stunned as Nail pulled away and laughed, the tingle of contact quickly changing from experience to memory, "now remember; that's for Gohan" Nail reminded as if it were something simple as a cupcake and Piccolo could only laugh too. It was so silly and unexpected he felt thoroughly entertained and comfortable, with Nail at least. No wonder his humour became a little stranger after Planet Namek and not that he minded.

As the scene started to fade, the ship and the destructive planet outside slowly phasing from view and Nail offering one final reassuring smile, "…and good luck" he said with a small wave before disappearing too. At least from view, their fusions meaning he never really left but he was glad to have had their conversation as two separate individuals, what one knew and what one could accept or analyse were very different things indeed. Strangely enough Piccolo had to take a moment to ponder the feeling still present on his own lips, is was…weird…having someone else's lips on his own. At least it was done in good jest and Piccolo and Nail were, if anything, too close for it to be anything but harmless teasing. But still, perhaps it was his inexperience but the sheer difference in a simple kiss was quite something, the sensations nothing alike but both positive and friendly. Ghana even more so for obvious reasons.

Shaking his head of silly rambling thoughts Piccolo took in his surroundings yet again, not to mention he couldn't completely relax as one person never did leave the scene; the Demon King was silent and watchful as ever now in the dark world of cherry blossom trees again. There didn't seem to be anything to say or exchange so Piccolo did what he could, he stepped to leave and walk away.

Piccolo felt…good actually, he finally felt like he had gotten somewhere and thought maybe he should even head back, he no grasp on how long he'd been meditating outside of his mind, and he couldn't fix things regarding his father so might as well…

Suddenly a familiar but ever evasive rustle sounded amongst the sakura trees, his attention caught as he tried to find the source of the movement yet again. Catching a glimpse of the small boy, his younger self, his mind pushed all thoughts away and became fixed; Piccolo sped after the child pushing any doubts or insecurities away as he couldn't let this chance slip away again. There had to be a reason this boy kept appearing.

Slowly and silently the shadowy King followed too.

As Piccolo searched he came to realise he was being followed, very slowly but never the less his not so welcome father wasn't far behind, and while the Demon King wasn't on the offence he remained an ominous symbol if ever there was one. Nevertheless he couldn't let himself be distracted this time, he had to find that boy and see what would become of it. The terrain gradually shifted, there were still trees but more rocks as well, then the noise and visual of the waterfall and cliffside quickly joined the setting; and said waterfall was very, very familiar to the Namekian. Sharp eyes observed as the fleeting and quick small figure rushed inside of a cave and Piccolo knew he had him. Finally there was no place to run to…

So...why was he so nervous? His feet stalled and fingers twitched as his mind drew a blank, he needed to go inside the cave but his heart was beating so fast and his soul was screaming just to leave. But why? It was just a child, in fact it wasn't even that, it was an abstract vision of his younger self and there were no real world repercussions other than Piccolo's own observations.

Logic seemed to have no place however as Piccolo remained stalling, his steps slowing as he looked to the cave entrance with anxiety in his soul, blood pulsing in his ears and he simply stared. How ridiculous…after all that chasing and all that fuss he had to see this through. So, knowing he would regret leaving his meditation without finding out this mystery and especially due to cowardliness, Piccolo gulped and ignored his nerves as he walked inside.

The cave was dark but much like the real thing, it wasn't too deep and soon enough came to see the child curled up, hiding in the corner trying to be as quiet as possible and Piccolo stopped some feet away from him silently taking in the sight. This was his younger self, the child he once was and as the Namekian warrior looked over the being he couldn't help but think that the boy…was so terribly, terribly small. So tiny, so young, so vulnerable. True the boy possessed power to rival any typical earthling even so early in life yet…it was a child.

Piccolo was frozen to the spot as he tried to get to grips with his own confusing feelings, he had been that boy and survived so what was the problem..? This wasn't right, he thought as his heart threatened ramming against his ribs with strength, he wasn't just small, he was 'too small'. Too small to be on his own, too small to be so frightened, too small to be told he was a weapon and a weapon only…just…too damned small.

A feeling of anger bubbled up inside of Piccolo, a heartbreaking sight of his own youth a frightening truth to accept…he had always told himself he was fine, things happened which he handled and he was here today so what of it? But he couldn't deny it now, seeing the child with his own eyes, he felt something for his childhood he had never allowed before.

He wanted nothing more in that moment that to reach out and protect the boy.

Piccolo never put himself first even nowadays, never mind to look back and think he deserved any better or that he should feel hard done by, but this was wrong. Were he to come across child so isolated and little today he would reach out or look for someone else to, on no account should he be left to the harshness without some kind of support. And that was from Piccolo's rough and realistic viewpoint, the one that knew the world wasn't fair and that pain on the road of survival was a given. But even when he left the young Gohan in the wilderness he'd kept an eye on him, Gohan had the choice to leave and go home, Gohan had people to fight for and a caring family waiting for his return. Piccolo did not.

Piccolo had nothing. Nothing. That little boy survived day to day because that's all he could do, no one existed to come to his rescue, he expected nothing of the sort and was given no reason to. There was no show of kindness, no safe place, no praise, no pride…no one to be proud of him. He hadn't thought to miss such things because he never knew such things…at least back then. Now, having grown and for life to have changed in such bizarre and wonderful ways…his past was unreal, startlingly wrong in his fresh gaze upon old scenes.

Slowly memories long since forgotten faded back into his knowledge, he remembered sheltering in the cave from harsh storms and winters, especially before he had perfected meditation ad controlling his body temperature; remembering the hunger, the bite of the cold, the nightmares both from experience and the Demon King. Knowledge handy for survival, telling how to hunt and gather but with none of the reassurance or comfort.

Sensitive ears twitched at a dull footstep back at the mouth of the cave, that shadowy figure of the very Demon King that caused all of this standing against the light of the outside. Piccolo let out a breath as he had to accept the bastard would likely always be there, always looming behind but hopefully after today the distance could be greater. He didn't even turn to face it; he had somewhere to be.

The boy hadn't moved from his spot, like aware he had nowhere to run though his eyes followed Piccolo in the darkness, a sharp watchful gaze one necessary to get by. Piccolo heard his father step closer and the boy shuffled further into he corner, clearly frightened and Piccolo decided enough was enough. The boy needed someone to talk to, and someone that wasn't just out to use him.

Piccolo, with inner strength he didn't know he had, stepped forward carefully to not startle and though the boy did shift defensively Piccolo stopped a couple of feet short and slowly lowered onto his knees before him so as to resolve the height issue. Close up the boy was even more tragic, such a youthful and innocent face wearing an expression that knew pain and danger, such delicate and small hands clutched into fabric in fright and eyes so big and expressive chose to show only determination and a betraying amount of fear.

Maybe he'd gotten soft, maybe it was the fact that it was a child and it was no secret he had a soft spot for them, or maybe he was finally seeing everything for how it really was. With a gentle tone that the boy likely had never heard, certainly never directed at him, he spoke "you've got a brave face…"

It was true, and the boys brows lifted slightly at the statement and though he avoided eye contact that wasn't defensive and strong he didn't seem to be shivering as he was before. "surviving out here on your own, it's not easy…" he mused and partly praised, the boy was working hard every moment just to live and get stronger. He was met with a shy silence, which was fine, and so he decided to address things more directly.

"You know who I am, right?" Piccolo asked keeping his voice kind as possible, volume just above a whisper and the boy nodded. "and…you know I'm not him, right?" Piccolo asked as he pointed over his own shoulder towards the Demon King. The boy paused, big eyes looked between thema few times and though an unsure expression graced his featured he gave a hesitant nod. Piccolo understood the boys confusion, he'd have been told all that he was and was meant to be by the cruel man through memories and visions, so he went further "and neither are you…"

The boy didn't say anything but a world of questions passed behind those eyes, confused and curious but still afraid he remained silent. It hurt to witness but Piccolo soldiered on as an unexpectedly powerful tug on his heart made itself known, and as he spoke that tug only seemed to turn into a tear, a breaking and shattering he hadn't been prepared for.

"I can't make things easier for you, I wish I could…" a painful pang resounded in his chest and a sting behind his eyes came at the simplest of words, he couldn't fathom the intensity of what he was feeling just talking to the young boy before him, he heard his own words once having said them and just to know he 'wished' for anything, to change something about back then shattered guards he had never challenged before. "…but what's done is done."

He couldn't help but think of what the boy was going through; the harsh nights, the helplessness, the fear and isolation. "So…have you met the woodsman and his family already?" the boy's expression seemed to darken but he nodded and Pistol continued "so you remember when he had his dogs chase you and he called you a monster, afraid of you as they barked and tried to bite you..?"

"Y-you still remember that?" the boy asked in a voice too quiet, too little and sweet for the world he struggled in. The sudden reply made Piccolo pause in surprise, the voice heartbreakingly fragile and to hear it, a voice he couldn't have recalled in his wildest attempts, only made the boy all the more real.

"…of course" Piccolo said softly, wondering why his younger self might ask such a thing.

"But you're so powerful now, older," the boy explained, a confusion in his voice that was so very childlike "that's nothing…"

Piccolo blinked as he took in the words, of course, with all his father's rantings of power he must seem invincible to the younger, trivialising all past scrapes and hardships. But he did remember those things, he did remember the bruises and breaks, the chills and hunger, the fear and pain.

"It's not nothing…" Piccolo started to explain, but as he did his voice only shook more and his eyes threatened to spill tears in a shockingly vulnerable moment "…neither is the night it was below freezing and you didn't have your ki control down and you were in so much pain, or when the visions he sent were so strong and adamant they kept you from rest yet you had to train or they'd get worse, and that voice scared you already so you did what it said." The boys eyes widened as he watched his future self recount the horrors, seeing how they left invisible scars in their wake opening up to teach him something "that time during training when you hurt your arm and lost too much blood too quick, you felt dizzy and sick and no one was around, and the time you freed…" Piccolo felt a tightening squeeze in his heart as he listed and he felt both better and worse for it, like setting a broken bone to heal, his voice trembling "…that time you freed a bird from a wire fence and he…" he nodded towards the shadowy figure "told you to 'let the weak thing die'…and you didn't. And then the that time you did, out of fear and the horrible visions he put you through the first time you disobeyed. All the times he told you the world despised you, all the times you were told you had to do right by him, all the times he told you anything and no one else was there. It stays, it shapes parts of you…"

The boy tried to get up to leave and it was a quick instinct that let Piccolo easily capture the child's hand in his, "do you want to leave so I don't see you cry?" he asked.

Slowly the child made eye contact with him again and big eyes betrayed everything, amongst everything else like the fear, the sadness and loneliness and even hatred…he saw the bravery. Such strength and resolve in a tiny thing.

Piccolo's own eyes watered, he shook his head and wondered what the hell he was thinking, a deep breath was drawn to steady his voice as he continued "I wish I could tell you that it'll all just melt away when the voice fades, when he goes…but they don't. And you know what else, he's wrong and you can do all wrongs by him and he can't do a damn thing, not after a while, and…and everyone doesn't hate you, all it takes is one and you know what?"

The boys eyes were so mixed with Piccolo's words, all he could do was nubby follow along and reply a quiet "what?"

And thats when Piccolo lost the battle and a tear betrayed his control, rolling silently down an emerald cheek. "There's Gohan, so thats one person…" a swelling of pride and comfort he'd missed coming back full force in that moment "so he's wrong, and then there's Goten, and there's Chichi, and Goku, Dende, Vegeta, Seventeen, Videl, and so, so many more that we will fight for and care about and whom care about us…and compared to all of them, all of us, what can he do..? Things don't necessarily get easier…but they get better, I promise."

He really did, he wished he could take that fear away from the boy's eyes but he couldn't, he was sure it was still echoed in his own too. His younger self seemed to be battling with the waves of emotion he'd never been invited to think about before, he seemed upset and frustrated, confused and trying to handle all at the same time, eyes brimming with threatening tears also when he asked "so then…why is he still here?" referring th the Demon King.

Piccolo just sighed and for the first time cast a short chance at the shadow behind him, confirming he was still lurking in the background and returned his gaze to the boy, "…I haven't figured that part out yet," and slowly, as though asking permission, Piccolo reached out a careful hand and wiped a tear from the younger's cheek. He felt much more comfortable around children, they liked him for a reason he never understood himself but he felt less awkward with them. As the child trembled, small arms crossed and uncrossed in a fidget not knowing ow to handle the emotions bombarding his little soul Piccolo did something he rarely did. He slowly brought him into a hug and just held the boy; something he never had back then.

The boy shook and no words were needed. For the longest time he just comforted his younger self, felt his trembles and some tears, the phases of sadness to putting on a brave face only for it to falter again, the youth so unused to leaning on anyone else, and he felt something, not unlike when he had watched Gohan fight Cell; he was watching himself fight a battle much bigger than himself in many ways, and doing so with such resilience. He was proud of that boy. His own eyes stung and he tried to blink the tears away, in a moment too powerful and full of confusing feelings he could barely stand it yet didn't want to let go.

For the longest time it was all he could focus on, just comforting the child and seeing him through he difficulties as best he could, eventually the surroundings faded back into darkness like when he'd begun, the shadow too, though he didn't fade so much as left to go elsewhere and Piccolo reluctantly loosened his hold to look the child in the eyes one last time. A half smile he couldn't control curled his lips as he saw his skin puffy from crying and Piccolo wiped a tear away with his thumb carefully. "You're gonna be just fine kid" his own voice shaky but believed every word. The child gave a slow nod, and looked like he wanted to smile but he hadn't learned what that was yet.

There was a natural instinct in him to not let him go, to see something so vulnerable and young, he wanted the rules of this reality to change and he could care for him, make his life that bit better and safer. A future out of his hands, already taken and played out in his own past and present. The boy deserved more, any child did, and he was no different - only deprived. But he was allowed to wish. Allowed to wish that something could be done or had been done.

Eventually he loosened his arms completely but their gaze never broke, and in that bittersweet moment he watched the boy fade too, like borrowed time correcting itself, and he realised that there he was…'right at the beginning' again. That same cherry blossom void of his meditation that he'd been trying to change for so long now, and yet…it was different. The darkness was still there, the trees still stood and the petals still fell…but he was different. He wasn't at 'that' beginning anymore…he was in a new beginning.

He stood slowly, muscles needing a stretch as he shook of the weights and painful remnants he could and kept the ones he should. Despite the tiredness and heartache he felt lighter than before, not so muddled or low, he was looking up and with better sight and a more open heart to take what came his way; a thick skin for the bad things and bravery for the good things.

He owed it to himself…he owed it to the little boy that spent so long alone and afraid. He might not have been born out of love, but he had died for it...and now he lived for it. He owed that life some happiness and he knew where to start…the very person that would shower him in compliments no matter what.

Ultimately, he was glad he did this, there were a few things that concerned him but he was much better. Happy even. And he knew one thing for sure though…he missed Gohan dearly.

(A/N: There you go, thanks so much for reading I know this was a long one but hope you all enjoyed it!

A few things in this chapter:

In the Garlic Jr saga Piccolo could change his eye colour pretending to be affected by the black water mist, I just wanted to write that into the story somehow. Also one of the very first romance fan-stories I read with Piccolo his eyes changed colour for similar reasons and I've just always liked the idea since. Cannot for the life of me remember the title though it was so long ago. Anyway it also mirrors the effect of the bite from Saiyajins in this story. *I know Krillen also changed his eye colour in the Garlic Jr Saga but to be honest as this saga wasn't even in the manga I put that to the directors just not thinking things through well enough seeing as that technique doesn't resurface with any other humans but Piccolo's ability to change his body does.*

Also in this Goku has gifted Kami the 'Bansho Fan': for those that don't know, in Dragon Ball in order for Goku and Chichi to get married they had to extinguish the flames on Fire Mountain and they had to find and use the Bansho Fan. When they were in Octagon Village there were instructions for the fan in Namekian and it never gets expanded upon. However in 'Journey to the West', the book the Dragon Ball franchise is based on, the Bansho Fan is very similar to two fans: one used by a princess and the other is the Banana Palm Fan (Bansho-sen) which belonged to two demon brothers. My DBZ Nerdiness needs to stop…

Next chapter is called 'Welcome Back'. Expect a very happy Gohan and a heated reunion! (while it's not the 'full thing' definitely expect a mature rating! x)