Chapter 1

Dean wakes up with a start and sits up, reaching for the gun under his pillow. He pulls the safety off and aims it forward.

'Well, that's some reception.' Crowley drawls, holding his hands up in mock fear.

"Crowley, you stupid son of a bitch! I nearly shot you." Crowley looks disdainfully at the gun.

"With that pea-shooter? You would have ruined my suit."

Dean looks across at the motel clock. 5:45 flashes neon orange at him.

"You wake me at this time, seriously?"

"Time Difference" Crowley says shrugging.

"From Hell?" Dean says, laying his gun down and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"From England"

Dean's head snaps round as he looks at him "England? Really?"

"No I'm lying to you" Sarcasm drips from every word as Dean considers actually shooting him after all.

"I can hear everything you're thinking. You're dreaming, dipshit"

"I'm dreaming?" Dean said as he slaps his own face "Ow!"

"Oh well done Captain Obvious. Now wake up, I'll be there in 2 minutes, don't forget the Moose" Crowley clicks his fingers and vanishes.

Dean blinks and wakes up, looking at the clock 5:46 is flashing back at him.

"Son of a bitch" Dean says half asleep.

The bathroom door opens, "Who's a son of a bitch?" Sam says coming out of the bathroom.

"That would be me" Crowley says walking through the motel door.

Dean almost falls off the bed in surprise, swearing loudly.

"Crowley?" Sam says confused

"Did you not tell Sam I was coming or was your mind still on Johnny Deep in a corset? Sam, the things your brother dreams about could screw even me up"

Sam raises his eyebrow at Dean. Dean coughs and turns to Crowley.

"You said 2 minutes"

Crowley looks pointedly at the clock as it turns to 5:47

"Satisfied?" He says. Sam is still looking back and forth confused.

"What…What's going on?" He says

"This son of bitch invaded my dream to say he was coming here and still hasn't explained. I bet there's no reason, just got a kinky demon crush on me" Turns to Crowley. "Sorry dude, you're not my type"

"Oh my cold, dead, demonic heart is broken"

"Don't you think it's time for you kids to stop flirting?" Sam says

"Shut up Sam," they both say

"But the moose is right. We do need to get down to business. I want to help you"

"Help us how" Sam asks

"Help you idiots put Lucifer back in his cage without saying yes. Crowley says, helping himself to Dean's bourdon and pulling a disgusted face.

Dean walks up and snatches the bottle back.

"You wanna help us put him back in the cage?"

"Honestly it's like talking to a brick wall…" Crowley sighs.

Dean takes a swig as Sam looks at Crowley.

"Crowley Please…." Sam says. Crowley sits down and crosses his legs.

"There's a witch, Morgana" He says, getting right to the point. "She has a way of getting rid of your…'destinies'" He says making quotation marks.

"Where is she?" Dean says.

"Ah…." Crowley says.

"What's the catch?" Sam wisely says.

"She's in England…"

"Right…" Sam say's getting his laptop and opening it. "I can get us cheap tickets"

"Hang on" Dean says. "How do we know you're telling us the truth?"

"Would I lie to you?" Crowley hesitates, "wait… don't answer that".

"What choice have we got?" Sam says. "I'm supposed to say yes in 3 week. This might be our last chance"

"But dude, it's a plane…" Dean hisses

"Awwwww" Crowley says, "Is the ickle baby scared of flying, it's okay, when we get to England we can get you a wovewy pink twaining bra" Dean launches at him and Crowley vanishes then reappears.

"I said new suit, dumbass"

Sam pulls Dean aside.

"Look I know its Crowley, but remember what he said about Lucifer, he wants him gone as much as we do" Sam says.

"I know dude, but England? Really that's like 9 hours on a plane" Dean says defeated.

"We will get you so drunk you either sleep or forget about it, ok?" Sam says reassuringly.

"I could always zap you there myself boys" Crowley suggests.

"No, a plane will be fine" Sam says as he sees the terror on Dean's face.

"Fine, I'll meet you both there, and Dean, the next time we drink out of the same bottle, let's make a deal first" He then vanishes.

Dean looks at the bottle, realises Crowley's meaning and gags.

"Right, plane tickets" Sam says trying not to laugh.