Dragon Ball Sekai


Throughout time there are many timelines; throughout these many timelines are many alternate universes in which anything can happen. Not only may singular events, characters or results differ, but even the laws of physics themselves could be drastically different to those we know and understand. To meet the true definition of infinity, the universe has endless dimensions in every direction we can conceive and more, which in turn creates endless possibilities.. This is the story of one of them.

To tell this story properly, though, one should be aware of its beginnings. It all started many years ago, when a star fell from the heavens to the earth. That star's descent was no mere coincidence, its fate was to land here and it carried one of the last survivors of an alien race: a newborn infant hidden within a metal pod. His name by birth was Kakarot, but that name that would be uttered for decades to come. The child was found by Gohan, a powerful, skilled martial artist and student of the legendary Master Roshi. Gohan could not find the baby's parents and so he named him Goku and raised him as his own grandson.

Although Goku was a fierce child, violent by nature, old Gohan was an exceptional fighter himself and defeated the boy however often they fought. Any normal human would have been killed by Goku's temper tantrums or his indoctrinated need to kill, but one day the boy tripped during a fight with his grandfather. Goku's head was smashed against a rock and he fell into a deep coma for the better part of a week. Gohan feared he was dead, but in spite of all odds, Goku made a full recovery. He had forgotten all of the events of his life prior, including the Saiyajin indoctrination, and became a normal boy - more than that, he came back even stronger and more determined to learn how to fight!

Gohan died years later by the attack of a powerful monster, but not before teaching young Goku the basics of Roshi's Turtle Martial Arts. Goku would become a sweet and gentle boy, although his love for combat never truly faded. He was over eager to test his strength against any opponent or trial he could find, and no upbringing could suppress fully his Saiyajin warrior blood.

Years later the fateful day came. Returning home from hunting and gathering wood, Goku met a strange blue-haired woman named Bulma. She was the wealthy heiress of the Brief family, inventors of the Dynocap and brilliant scientists. Bulma was on a quest to find seven mystical artifacts: the Dragonballs, which could summon the Eternal Dragon who would grant one wish. Goku joined her on this quest, and they travelled across the world meeting many strange characters and making new friends. As they battled the greedy Emperor Pilaf, who sought to use the Dragonballs to rule the world, they travelled to strange locations and made new friends.

Early in their journey they rescued a strange Turtle and returned him home where, for the first time they met the enigmatic Turtle Hermit, Master Roshi. He in turn granted them the reward of a Dragonball he had found, and gave Goku the magic cloud Flying Nimbus which could be ridden only by the pure of heart. Along the journey they also met the shapeshifting pig Oolong, whose greed and gluttony was only matched by his cowardice. As repayment for his attempted kidnappings of various women, Bulma would force Oolong into servitude so that he could serve her needs on the long and difficult journey.

Our young hero would face many battles on his journey; first in a dangerous encounter with the dangerous desert bandit Yamcha and his shapeshifting cat Puar, and then with the Ox-King and his daughter Chi-Chi on Fire Mountain. As it turned out, Yamcha's weakness was his fear of beautiful women, something that Bulma certainly counted as. He was unable to resist her charms and would end up helping the group to find the Dragonballs, hoping to wish his phobia away. Ox-King too would eventually help the group as it became known he was a former student of Master Roshi and a friend of Goku's grandfather, Gohan.

They travelled to the castle of Emperor Pilaf where they were trapped and forced to breathe sleeping gas. Pilaf would steal their Dragonballs and summon the Dragon to make his wish while they were forced to watch from imprisonment. Goku used his exceptional talent to summon Roshi's legendary Kamehameha wave, a move he had only seen once before, enabling Oolong's small size to escape the cave. He would disrupt the wish by asking the Dragon for the world's most comfortable pair of underwear. Goku would catch sight of the full moon and transform into a destructive beast, the Oozaru, a giant ape that destroyed everything in its path. It would become clear to the others that Goku had unknowingly killed his own grandfather in this giant monstrous form, and they worked together to remove Goku's tail and save them from his rampage. The plan worked, although the Saiyajin's tail would regrow later.

Goku would eventually return to Master Roshi to ask him for training. Although it was difficult, he and a young monk named Krillin would eventually earn Roshi's approval and become his first pupils in many years. The two trained long and hard and began to transcend the limits of normal human beings, becoming strong, swift and disciplined.

Turtle Martial Arts focused on strength and endurance, both physically and mentally speaking, and Roshi expected his pupils to learn skill and discipline through the hard experiences of fighting in real life. To this end, they competed in the World Martial Arts Tournament, where Roshi disguised himself as the mysterious Jackie Chun. Through this his pupils easily made it to the finals, Roshi defeated Krillin with ease in the semi-finals and faced Goku in the finals.

Goku's exceptional natural strength forced Roshi to use every trick in the book, and just when it seemed he was victorious, Goku caught sight of the full moon and transformed into the deadly Oozaru. As Oozaru, he begun a rampage, destroying much of the Arena. Desperate to stop him, Master Roshi channeled all of his power into a massive Kamehameha aimed not at Goku, but at the moon itself. He was unsuccessful in destroying the moon, but the explosion charred the surface and kicked up so much ash that it was temporarily coloured black. Goku would revert to his normal form and although exhausted, Roshi was able to defeat his pupil.

Although Goku and Krillin were already exceptionally strong, Roshi could not let them win the tournament or else they would grow cocky. His plan of disguise worked, and Goku and Krillin would continue to train and work hard in the belief that there were other warriors out there who were even stronger than them. Goku would end up travelling to reclaim his grandfather's dragonball and became involved in a conflict with the Red Ribbon Army.

Although most of the Red Ribbon's warriors were not difficult for Goku to defeat, he faced one unexpected challenge that nearly killed him: Mercenary Tao. Tao was a legendary fighter who was said to be nearly the equal of Master Roshi and their fight left Goku on death's door while Tao was relatively unscathed. By training with the elder cat Korin at the peak of Korin's tower, Goku was able to gain the necessary abilities to defeat Tao and establish himself as one of the world's greatest fighters. With no other serious opponent in his way, Goku dismantled the entire Red Ribbon Army and recovered six of the Dragonballs.

Goku's abilities were impressive, and only further impressed when they travelled to Fortune Teller Baba to seek out the location of the seventh Dragonball, which was hidden from the Dragon Radar by the machinations of one of Goku's earlier rivals, Emperor Pilaf. Goku sought out the Dragonballs to bring back to life one of his friends who was killed during the battle with Mercenary Tao, and by defeating all of Fortune Teller Baba's warriors, he was successful.

Baba was impressed by Goku's strength, and waived the usual fee. As Master Roshi's older sister, she was imbued with many great powers and could travel the boundaries of life and death itself. However, even as Goku left to retrieve the ball, she saw many things about Goku's past and future, but knew that she could not share most of them or else Time itself may be disrupted. It was here that the first great alteration in the timeline began.

She could not tell Goku of the coming future events, but there was one she knew she could trust to keep the secret: her brother. The two did not get along, but she spoke to Roshi of Goku's past, his origin, and his probable future. She warned him of the Saiyajins, a powerful race beyond the stars; she could sense they were searching for more of their kind as their planet had been destroyed and their race scattered across the stars. Goku's seemingly unlimited strength came from his alien bloodline - it gave him a natural gift for fighting that no human had. Roshi realized that the world needed to be prepared for the inevitable. Goku's race was looking for him, and it was only a matter of time before they found him.

Although he knew the fight could happen tomorrow or a hundred years from now, he knew the world needed as many strong fighters as it could get. It was time to start training them, and to that end Roshi offered to tutor Yamcha. The youth was brash and arrogant, but he knew that Goku and Krillin both outclassed him. Rather than continue to be outclassed, he accepted the offer. Roshi took Krillin and Yamcha to continue their training, but he told Goku that he could not come. Not only had Goku reached a level where Krillin and Yamcha could not effectively learn by fighting him, but Roshi believed that Goku could learn more now through life experience than his training. Forbidden the use of the Flying Nimbus cloud, Goku walked, climbed and swam across the world, fighting against many opponents and training himself for the next World Tournament.

Roshi put his own students through many terrible trials, pushing Yamcha and Krillin to the breaking point. He would eventually force them to climb Korin's tower and there they trained under Korin for nearly half a year. Krillin and Yamcha learned the deepest secrets of the Turle Hermit school and they defeated many opponents in battle, but Roshi still wondered if this alone was enough.

Eventually the World Tournament came and the friends reunited. In addition to Goku, Roshi's alter-ego Jackie Chun, Krillin and Yamcha, the tournament had two new opponents by the name of Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu. They were the prize students of Master Shin, the Crane Hermit. Once Master Roshi's long-time friend, Shen had become black-hearted and cruel and was now his greatest rival: his students were trained to be brutal and vicious in their fighting against whatever nature they might have had. Crane Hermit Martial Arts were focused on skill and technique more than brute strength or speed, and this showed in Tien and Chiaotzu's incredible breadth of abilities.

It rapidly became a battle of pride between the two schools. Although there were two other finalists - the skilled and powerful King Chappa and the celebrity sensation Pamput - neither stood much of a chance against the superhuman abilities of the Turtle and Crane schools. When the confrontations between the two came, Krillin defeated Chiaotzu and Tien defeated Yamcha in a pair of painful, grueling battles. Krillin would lose to a Goku whose power had become incredible over the years and Roshi would willingly concede to Tien. Although the old master believed he could defeat the young warrior, he wished to convert him to away from Shen's and hoped that he and Goku would help train one another through their fight.

In the end, Tien and Chiaotzu realized the evil of their master and Tien refused to kill Goku when his master ordered it. Tien and Goku fought for the right to determine who was strongest, and although Goku in the end had a slight edge, Tien won the tournament on luck alone. As they found new friendship, Crane and Turtle schools effectively united in one goal, and Roshi's goals were growing closer to completion. He hoped that the physical training of his art combined with the powerful techniques of the Crane art would be enough to defeat the alien warriors when they did come.

The appearance of a new foe proved that it was not. By the machinations of Emperor Pilaf, a powerful warrior named King Piccolo had been awoken. Piccolo's minions would kill Krillin and steal Goku's Dragonball. Roshi and Shen had fought him long ago and Roshi's own master died in order to seal him away. Now they were forced once again to unite against the common foe. Piccolo's strength was inhuman, and though they thought him a demon the truth was far more deadly. Piccolo was half of an ancient Namekian who had travelled to earth. The ancient warrior sought to become holy guardian of the Earth. To do so, he forsook his own power and underwent a ritual that split his evil and good into two pure individuals.

Kami, who dwelled above Korin's tower in a holy lookout, was the good half. King Piccolo, who sought to rule the world, was the evil half. Although their powers were considerably weaker since that great internal struggle long ago, Piccolo was definitely the stronger and more dangerous of the two. He sought to revive his powers and youth through the Dragonballs. Goku fought against his minions, earning the trust and aid of Kami and his servant Mr. Popo, who helped to train him and allowed him to drink the Sacred Water, which helped strengthen him. In the end, Goku defeated and killed King Piccolo in a deadly battle for the fate of the world.

King Piccolo's last act, however, was to convert all of his remaining power and essence into a single egg: a single son. This Namek would be spit far into the wilds and raised by King Piccolo's las minion. With a new soul and his power freed from the restraints of the Ancient Namek's rituals, Piccolo Jr. would train every day of his life to eventually confront Goku at the World Martial Arts tournament. Namek and Saiyajin, unknowingly members of two of the galaxy's greatest warriors, clashed and fought in an epic battle. Goku narrowly defeated Piccolo and became champion for the first time in his history. Pleased with this result, Goku married Chi-Chi and settled down to a calm life in the mountains, far from civilization.

Through this time, Roshi worked hard. He continued to train, working with Krillin and Yamcha. He told Shen of the coming terror and convinced the old man to put aside their difference and work with him. Although it was a difficult effort, together they reunited their ancient school of Martial Arts and trained many new students together as one. With the help of Bulma, they built a new and powerful school based in West City near CapsuleCorp. He missed the solitude of Kame House, but knew that the fate of the world could rely on the strength of Earth's lesser warriors. As the years passed, his students continued to grow stronger. Shen and Roshi continued to feud, and it would not be long before their schools would split again. Although their grudge would keep their schools from uniting, the two had inevitably influenced each other. Adopting many of the others' training techniques, the Turtle and Crane schools had become very similar apart from a few key differences.

The peace would continue until at last the 24th World Martial Arts Tournament arrived. It seemed at long last that Goku would be reunited with his friends and that a new story would begin...