A New Kind Of Ashikabi

I do not own Sekirei or any of it's characters, that honor belongs to Sakura Ashika. I own only Tetsuya.

Author's Note: Alrighty this author's note will be a doozy. First off I thank all my faithful readers. Especially AcediaPrototype for your help with the entire story, Garyu for your insight on writing characters, FreeTraderBeowolf for suggesting ideas I never would've thought of on my own (you saw one just last chapter), Frayner for your help when the site was weird, Emeraldfirelade for your amazing in-depth reviews, ShadowUzumaki 39 for your ideas about powers for Tetsuya. There are so many more who I should recognize but don't have the time to and I apologize. Act 2 of Tetsuya's Story will be titled Rise Of The Warrior and will be out once I get a few more stories out, it could be out anywhere between August and Christmas. A few upcoming projects will be:

Clipped Wings: a story featuring several scrapped numbers, OC's needed. PM me if interested.

One Night/ The Artificial Ashikabi: Takehito stays home one night instead of heading to MBI to deactivate the Jinki, changing everything... Miya x Takehito, Kazehana x Minaka, Minato x Disciplinary Squad. Yukari x Amebane/Harem. Natsuo x Harem, OC x Matsu/Harem

Broken Ones: A story of several "broken" Sekireis and people, not just Akitsu.

I still need help with them all so any you can give me would be helpful. Now my readers onto the conclusion of Act 1.

Chapter 22- Fall Of The Guardian

"Tetsuya, why would you want to know where your father is buried?" Miya asked concernedly.

"Well this whole business with Chiho has me thinking about unfinished business. And it occurred to me I've never said my goodbyes to dad. And I figured with the Third Stage starting, now's as good a time as any." he said as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"Well why don't you come by the Inn first, then we'll go together." his mother replied.

"Okay Mom, but only if I can bring Karasuba. Mom, I know you don't like her, but I love her and you need to get used to the fact that she's gonna be a part of my life for the rest of my life. I'm gonna need her by my side for a lot of the Third and Fourth Stages and if you won't let her in the Inn, then I won't visit. I'm sorry, I know it sounds like I'm being mean. But I need to be united with my Sekireis in the coming days if I'm gonna win. And would you please say something? I feel awful about saying this." he said, since his mother had been silent during his entire rant.

"Alright Tetsuya I don't like it, but you're right. But after we visit your father, there is something else I need to tell you."

"Alright, I'll be over in a few hours, I need to take a nap first." he replied tiredly.

"Alrighty, see you soon. I love you, Tetsuya." his mother replied kindly.

"Love you too, Mom" he said with a smile.

Shortly after, he turned and saw a large box that had the sticker from the R&D department, along with a note from Minaka. The note indicated that the contents of the box would help him in future battles. Apparently, Minaka wasn't too keen on losing Tetsuya, especially since with him dead there would be no one to enforce the rules. He would check it out later, but for now Tetsuya was tired.

He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes to get some sleep when he heard his door open and someone enter. He didn't open eyes, he knew it was one of his Sekireis. After a minute he felt someone lay down next to him, then another lay down on his other side. He said nothing as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

He awoke to the feeling of two people laying down on top of him. He opened his eyes to see that his two guests were none other than the Thundertwins, both of them were still asleep on top of him. Hibiki had fallen asleep with her head on his stomach, Hikari had decided to lay her head on his upper chest. He smiled as he reached for his phone to check the time. He looked at the phone to see that the time was 4PM. Thankfully he didn't have to choose between getting up and not waking them, seeing as how his movements woke them. Hikari groaned as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and her groans causing Hibiki to wake with a yawn.

"Did you two sleep well?" he asked his favorite pair of twin Sekireis. Hibiki nodded

"You bet your sweet ass I did." Hikari said as she drew circles on his chest with her finger. Tetsuya smiled at her as he sat up.

"So, not that I mind, but what are you girls doing in here? He asked as the sat up to look at him. At his question they both glanced down at the bed

"We just wanted to see how you were doing. Haihane said you were pretty broken up about Chiho." Hibiki said quietly.

"Yeah, we were both kinda worried about you. But when we came in you were asleep. So..." Hikari's voice trailed off at the end.

"Girls, I'm okay. But I'm by no means fine. But I've got a plan of attack. Both figuratively and literally. So for now you can stop worrying. My top priority is still and always will be making sure that you are safe and happy. Now come here." He said as he spread his arms. In response, Hikari and Hibiki basically tackled him, wrapping themselves around him as he hugged them. He pulled them both close to him as he hugged them. After a long while he released them, as they pulled away Hikari asked

"So any plans today?"

"Yea, I'm heading to the Inn for a little bit, Then my mom and I are heading to my dad's grave together." he replied.

"Do you think... that we could come with you?" Hibiki asked quietly as she gave Tetsuya a hopeful look.

"Of course, all you have to do is ask." he said. They both smiled at his words. It always amazed him how they looked so similar, but were so different. Yet at the same time, they acted so similar.

"Now I'm gonna change. So why don't you do the same?" he said as he stood up and took off his shirt. Hibiki started to blush and quickly hurried from the room. Hikari however started to grin like a madwoman as Tetsuya exposed his chest to her. This delighted Hikari to no end, as his training with Karasuba had caused his moderately impressive physique to become more toned than ever. Scars from his fight with Mutsu covered his arms and chest, along with 4 large cuts were present and stitched up on his body, two on his chest, one on his right shoulder, with another on his lower back.

"Ooh gimme a little twirl." she said as she made a twirling motion with her finger. Tetsuya chuckled and decided to indulge her by holding his arms out straight and turning to face her. Hikari noted the snowflake on his shoulder as well as the new mark from Uzume on his left forearm.

"Is that one on your arm from Uzume?" she asked as she walked over to his and traced some of the smaller healed scars on his chest. Tetsuya noticed that her tone had changed to the same one she used when they'd discussed Akitsu.

"It is, and trust me Hikari when I say your time will come. You've just gotta be patient." he said as he leaned down until his face was only inches from hers.

"Fine, but you better make it worth my while." Hikari said, sounding irritated.

"I will, but how's this for now?" he said as he bent down and claimed her lips with his own. The more impulsive of the Thundertwins responded by reaching up and pulling him closer to her. As she kissed him, she pulled him against her with what could be only described as a primal need, as she pushed her tongue into his mouth and tried to dominate his with her own. He was surprised by her change in attitude, it only lasted by a second though, as he quickly drew on his years of experience, he fought her tongue with his own. And after several seconds he managed to push her own tongue back into her mouth with his own. They continued like this for almost 2 minutes. Until finally, Hikari pulled away with a gasp.

"That. Was. Amazing. I look forward to our first time if you can bring your A-Game like you did just now." she panted. Tetsuya grinned at her as he said.

"I do too." Seeming satisfied, Hikari turned and hurried off to get dressed.

After that, he put on a black t-shirt and blue jeans. He turned to leave when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He looked nothing like he did 3 months ago when he winged Uzume. His body was more lean than it had been, it wasn't the body of an athlete. It was a body built for battle. It was the body of a Sekirei.

He'd always been attractive, he knew now that it was due to his Sekirei heritage. But recently his muscles had become so toned that he looked like a spokesman for an exercise machine. He knew from experience that he could take a Fist-type on in hand-to-hand combat. He'd tested that theory a few times against Yume and Benitsubasa. Though he couldn't yet match Yume's speed or Benitsubasa's strength, he was getting closer every day. He still preferred the sword though, it felt more natural to him.

Though all his looks and all his training couldn't save one of the most important people to him in the world. And now she had died 10 floors below him, and he hadn't even been able to bring himself to be with her. He decided then and there that things were gonna change, he had let too much go and lost the one human besides his uncle that he cared about to let anything else slide. He decided right then that both Minaka's and Higa's time was up. Things were gonna change. He decided right then, that no longer would he be a guardian. One who simply protected, reacting to those who had wronged him. He didn't know what he was now, but things were gonna change. There was a knock on the door behind him, it startled him from his thoughts.

"Come in." he called as he turned to face the door. It opened and Kazehana walked in, looking miserable.

"Hey Tetsuya. How's it going?" she asked quietly.

"If I said good, would you believe me?" he asked offhandedly.

"No. I wouldn't." she said in the same quiet tone. Tetsuya was silent for a long time. Until it occurred to him that Kazehana might be of a similar mind to him.

"Hey Kazehana, if I could offer you a chance to take revenge on Minaka and Higa, what would you say?" he said with a raised eyebrow. Kazehana looked taken aback at his sudden question. She was silent for a long while. So long that Tetsuya felt the need to say,

"But if, considering your experiences with the Sekirei Plan; you don't wanna join me, I completely under-" he started to say when Kazehana interrupted him.

"Yes." she said simply. Tetsuya was caught off-guard by her interruption.

"Yes what?" he asked, puzzled.

"Yes, I will join you. Chiho was the most important person in my life, and Higa stole her from me, and Minaka is no better." she said resolutely.

"Okay, wow. Actually didn't expect you to answer quickly, so what does that mean?" he asked, still a little in shock from her acceptance.

"It means that Sekirei #03, Kazehana, is offering herself to you and your cause. My power, my body, my heart, mind, and soul… I will give them all to you. If you can promise me that you will stop at nothing to get justice for Chiho." she said as she closed the distance between them.

"Kazehana, I will not rest until Chiho's death is avenged. I'm gonna hunt Higa down like a dog, there will be no place, no forgotten crevice where he can hide from me. I'm going to take everything from him and when his world lies in ashes, I will kill him. I've got something special planned for Minaka, too." he said with conviction.

"Then we are allies, and I know this is sudden but... Would you be my Ashikabi? I know it's sudden, but I want you. You cared so much for Chiho and you care so much about your Sekireis. You worry over them, even cry for them. You're more than willing to risk your life for them, like when you fought Mutsu to save Tsukiumi. But more than that, is the fact that you love them all so very much. We Sekireis need someone like that... I need someone like that. The days to come are going to be tough for me. But if you make me your Sekirei, I promise to help you the best I can. I also promise that you won't be just a substitute for Chiho. Now that I'm unwinged again, by body aches for you; I want you with every fiber of my being. Do you want me Tetsuya?" she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. As she did, Tetsuya was acutely aware of the feeling of her breasts pressed against his chest, as well as the feel of her breath tickling his neck.

"Of course I do, any Ashikabi would be lucky to have you." he replied.

"I want to hear you say it." She said as she leaned in closer to him.

"I want you Kazehana." he whispered in her ear. No sooner had he finished saying this than he felt Kazehana's arm around his chest and her tongue deep inside of his mouth. At the same time her pink-purple wings spread out behind her and her new Sekirei crest formed on her back. After nearly 5 minutes Kazehana pulled away, panting slightly.

" I pledge myself to you. Now and forever." she said as their lips parted. Tetsuya smiled back at her as he said

"Alright, well I've gotta go meet my mom at the Inn. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Can I come with you? It's been a while since I've seen Matsu." she asked.

"I don't see why not." he said with a shrug.

"Alright, let me go change then we'll go." she said as she hurried to the room she and Kuno shared.

After that, he grabbed his sword and went to let the Thundertwins that he was leaving soon, at which point Akitsu, Tsukiumi, Toyotama, Uzume, Yume, and to everybody's surprise Karasuba insisted on coming. Benitsubasa and Haihane wanted to come as well, but Karasuba informed them that they had to go on patrol; a point that Tetsuya didn't countermand. Kazehana, now dressed in her uniform from the Disciplinary Squad, suggested that they take Kuno; who had elected to live the rest of her life without another Ashikabi, since Miya would be able to shelter her from the combat in the future stages. If she stayed in the Tower, Minaka would be able to reach her.

When Tetsuya informed everyone that Kazehana was his newest Sekirei, he was met with mixed reactions. Akitsu, Karasuba, Hibiki, and Yume seemed not to care one way or the other. While Uzume, Toyotama, and Haihane seemed to be glad that he had winged her, apparently they had taken a liking to her. Hikari, Benitsubasa, and Tsukiumi all seemed to be mad that he had winged her, though none of them said too much on the point. After that they left for Maison Izumo to meet Miya. It always baffled Tetsuya how his small outing always turned into huge group events. He guessed it was simply an occupational hazard of being an Ashikabi...

30 minutes later...

They arrived at the Inn with no incident, Tetsuya guessed that Higa was too cowardly to attack him out in the open. He walked through the gate to see Musubi, Kaho, Ikki, and Namiji practicing in the yard. They all froze as they saw him and his Sekireis enter the yard. Ikki and Namiji began to visibly quake in fear at the sight of Karasuba. While Musubi and Kaho were delighted to see Yume.

"Hey Musubi have you seen my mom around?" Tetsuya asked.

"Yeah, she's in the kitchen. So what are you doing here Karasuba?" Musubi asked Karasuba. Karasuba grinned at her as she said,

"I actually came to talk to Miya." she said as she began to follow Tetsuya inside the house, along with Tsukiumi. Tetsuya walked into the kitchen to see Miya and Nanaha doing dishes. Tsukiumi had headed down the hall to use the lavatory.

"Hey mom, you ready to go?" he asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Almost Tetsuya, just a few minutes." she said warmly.

"Hey Miya how've you been? Can we talk somewhere?" Karasuba said as she entered the kitchen.

"Hello Karasuba, Tetsuya told me you'd be coming." Miya said frigidly.

"Wait, he did?" Karasuba asked, sounding surprised as she turned to look at him.

"Yes, I did. I told Miya that if she wanted me to keep visiting that she had to let you come too. Because you're important to me." he said, causing Karasuba to blush slightly.

"Well anyways, we'll wait for you in the dining room." Tetsuya said as he turned and headed to the dining room, Karasuba right behind him. They took a seat at the table and waited for Miya to finish the dishes. Tsukiumi arrived and took a seat next to Tetsuya.

"So tell me Tetsuya; if thy mother is indeed the fearsome Sekirei number one, why doth she run an inn rather that fight in the Sekirei plan?" Tsukiumi asked as she watched Musubi and Kaho spar with Akitsu and Toyotama. Yume watched on with interest. While Kazehana and Uzume had disappeared to parts unknown. It seemed as if in the short time they had known each other, the two had grown quite close. Kuno had gone upstairs with Ikki for one reason or another.

"Because Tsukiumi, my father was not her Ashikabi but she loved him all the same. And the Sekirei plan's prize is to spend your life with the one you love most in the world. So my mother has nothing to gain by participating in the game. You seem to enjoy fighting. Tell me, what will you do after the game when you no longer have to fight?" he asked her.

"I... I had not thought of what I would do after the game." she said.

"Well perhaps that is something you should think on. We won't be fighting forever. One day we'll have to settle down." he said as his mother entered the room.

"Tetsuya, I'm ready to go." Miya said as she entered the room.

"Alrighty." Tetsuya said as he stood up.

"Miya, can I come with you two? There's something I need to say to you two. It's about that night." Karasuba said as she stood up. Tetsuya froze where he stood, Karasuba had only told him once about that night. It seemed to be a sensitive topic for the most part.

"Speaking of Takehito, Kazehana and I are coming too." A voice said from the stairs. Tetsuya turned to see Matsu standing there next to Kazehana.

"Why are you two coming?" Tetsuya asked, slightly confused.

"Well, your dad was our friend as well. In fact, Kazehana was there when he decided he was gonna propose to your mother." Matsu said as she gestured to Kazehana.

"Oh wow. Kazehana, you'll have tell me about that someday." Tetsuya said, amazed that one of his Sekireis had been friends with his father.

"Yeah, I've got a lot of stories about your dad. You just lemme know when you wanna hear more and I'll tell you." his 11th Sekirei said with a smile.

"Okay, but that'll have to wait. Let's get going before it gets too late." Tetsuya said, wanting to get underway as soon as possible. Miya nodded her assent and they turned and headed out the door and headed toward the cemetery.

On the way Tetsuya asked if Miya had the room to house Kuno. Miya said that she had the room for 4 more people before she had absolutely no more room left and would have to close her doors to new visitors. When Miya asked why he hadn't brought more of his Sekireis, Tetsuya told her that he'd made it clear to the majority of his Sekireis that he needed to do this on his own. But, he also agreed that Kazehana and Karasuba had just as good a reason to come as he did.

They arrived at the cemetery a few minutes later. Miya led them between the rows of grave markers till they arrived at their destination. It was a simple headstone, with two columns that read on one side.

Here lies Takehito Asama,

A Loving Father And Devoted Husband

Taken Too Soon


On the other side of the of the grave was engraved and painted red:

Miya Asama

Loving Mother And Wife

Protector Of Those In Need

Tetsuya noted that the birth date of his mother was strangely absent. He stood there, unsure of what to say or do. But was surprised when Karasuba spoke up,

"What I wanted to tell you two about that night was, that I'm sorry about that night. I'm not sorry about suggesting what I did, that decision saved the lives of many Sekireis that day. What I am sorry about, is that it cost Takehito his life. That robbed you both of him. Miya I took your husband from you; Tetsuya I took your father, and I apologize for that. Miya I know you won't forgive me, but I want you to know that I am sorry about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to be alone." Karasuba said as she turned and headed over and leaned against a large tree.

"You guys continue without me, I'm gonna go talk to her." Tetsuya said as he rushed after her. As he rushed after Karasuba, Kazehana stepped toward the gravestone.

Tetsuya reached Karasuba a few seconds later. As he neared the tree, he stopped. He could hear Karasuba crying as she leaned against the tree. Tetsuya walked up behind her and gently grabbed her by the shoulder, as he did Karasuba turned around and without warning, hugged him. She hugged him tight against her chest and began to cry into his shoulder. He held her tight in his arms as she continued to cry. Until finally, he heard her whisper.

"I'm so sorry." she said as she continued to silently sob into his shoulder.

"For what?" he asked as he continued to hold onto her.

"For your dad. I know what I said, but I'm still so sorry. Before we ever met, I had already fucked up your life. So tell me, why do you care about a failure like me?" she said as she looked up at him through tear filled-eyes.

" I care because I think you're a good person deep down, you just don't let anyone see it. I also care because you're my Sekirei; and because you've done so much for me already. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to save Tsukiumi. I owe you so much Karasuba, and I don't want you to ever feel guilty about what you did. Your decision saved lives, and you should never feel bad about that. And if you still feel bad about it, we've got the rest of our lives to make it up to my mother. Karasuba, you are both my Sekirei and my friend, as well as my teacher; I will always love you, even if you don't love yourself." he said as he brushed some of her hair behind her ear and began to stroke her cheek with his thumb. Karasuba sniffed and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Wow. That sounded so corny, you know that?" she said with a chuckle.

"I know." he said with a smile.

"My, my... That was quite a speech you gave." a voice from behind Tetsuya said. All expression fell from Tetsuya's face as he realized the source of the voice... Izumi Higa. Karasuba was barely able to get her arms around Tetsuya's arms as he whirled around and moved to try to strangle the man.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A MAN? I AM GOING TO RIP OUT YOU THROAT AND FEED IT TO TO YOU!" Tetsuya roared furiously as Karasuba barely managed to hold him back as he struggled to get at the man who had killed Chiho and almost killed Toyotama. Karasuba was slowly losing her grip on her Ashikabi when a voice rang out.

"Tetsuya! Control yourself, there will be time for that later. But do not behave like that around your father's grave!" Miya called over to him sharply. Tetsuya stopped struggling and took a deep breath.

"Alright Karasuba, I'm cool now." Tetsuya said with a sigh. Karasuba gingerly let go of his arms. As soon as he was free, he stomped over to where Higa was standing.

"How dare you show your face around me? You have 30 seconds to get out of my sight before I snap your neck." Tetsuya snarled as he walked until he was less than 6 inches from Higa.

"I'm not scared of you or your Sekireis." Higa said coolly.

"You should be." Kazehana said as she strode over toward Higa. Her gray cape fluttering behind her as she did.

"Kazehana's right. With me and her working with him, he's got half of the original Disciplinary Squad behind him. The good half." Karasuba said to him.

"Hmm. So if I were to propose an alliance-" Higa began, before Tetsuya interrupted him.

"I would literally rather receive a prostate exam from Haihane." Tetsuya said frigidly.

"Ah, I see." Higa said as he turned to leave. Before Tetsuya spun him around so they were face-to-face.

"You should know; I'm coming for you. I'm gonna take your company from you. Then I'm gonna take your money and all your possessions. Then, I'm gonna take your Sekireis from you, and when I've finally taken everything you hold dear, I will kill you and bury you in a pine box. I swear on my father's grave. Now we're done here." Tetsuya said coldly as he turned and headed back in the direction of the Inn. He no longer felt like saying goodbye, Higa had soundly ruined it for him. Kazehana, Karasuba, and Matsu hurried after him. Miya sighed and moved to follow him, as she passed by Higa she said to him,

"You poor man. I actually pity you. You have awakened a monster you cannot fully understand." she said as she followed her son, leaving Higa their to ponder his next move.

After she was gone, Higa pulled out his phone and called Kakizaki.

"Yes, sir?" Kakizaki asked as he answered the phone.

"Kakizaki, call Mikogami and Sahashi. I feel as if we will soon need additional allies. Homura and Shiina are both capable soldiers, but I feel that they worry more about my fiance than getting the job done."

"I understand sir, I'll get right on it." Kakizaki said as he hung up.

On the way back to the Inn, Miya revealed that it was her who had sent the sword to Tetsuya. As well as the fact that the sword was none other than the Kusanagi No Tsurugi. Something that surprised Tetsuya greatly. Apparently MBI had great connections when it came to legendary blades, considering that when Miya had worked for them she had wielded the Totsuga No Tsurugi. No sooner had they arrived back at the Inn, than Tetsuya received a text from Minaka requesting his presence at the Tower.

"Damn it, Kazehana, let everyone know we're heading back. I gotta talk to Matsu first."

"ME?! Why me?!" Matsu squealed, sounding scared.

"Remember, I need your help to short Higa's stocks? I brought the info with me. As well as a list of what to do afterward. Is everything okay?" he asked, unsure of why Matsu seemed scared of him. Little did he know, that Matsu was scared of what she'd do if they were left alone together. So after that, Tetsuya followed her up to he room and pulled out the SD card with the files she need on it.

"Alrighty, here you go." he said as he handed it to her.

"Alrighty, I'll get right on it." Matsu said as he handed her the memory card. When a risky idea occurred to her as she opened her secret door.

"Hey close your eyes, I've got something for you." Matsu said, blushing slightly.

"Ummm, okay." Tetsuya said apprehensively as he closed his eyes.

Matsu's heart was pounding as she walked slowly over to her friend. What she was thinking of was unprecedented behavior, Sekireis were only supposed to have romantic feelings for their Ashikabis after being winged. But for some reason she felt like she was still reacting to Tetsuya. Before she could chicken out, she stood on tiptoe and planted a kiss on his lips and ran back inside of her room and closed the door behind her.

Tetsuya opened his eyes and stared at the wall where Matsu's door was hidden. Had Matsu just kissed him? He was distracted from his thoughts by Tsukiumi calling him downstairs. After that they headed to the Tower, where Tetsuya rode the elevator up to the top floor where Minaka was waiting for him on the roof.

"Hello Tetsuya, did you see what was in the box I sent you?" the Game Master asked as he exited the elevator.

"No, I didn't. I've been too busy." Tetsuya said flatly.

"Hmm, you may want to look into it. Your fight with number five got me thinking. If you're going to be fighting on the battlefield with your Sekireis, I need to give you some extra protection, otherwise I won't have anyone to enforce the rules." Minaka continued.

"So what's in it?" Tetsuya asked

"A Kevlar-Nomex body armor suit we developed for the Japanese special forces. Will stop everything from a bullet to a blade. I must ask that you wear it when you engage in combat from now on. I can;t afford to lose you at this stage in the game"

"Sounds fine." Tetsuya said with a shrug.

"Now come, Tetsuya. The third Stage begins now, a new day is dawning Mr. Asama. The age of the Gods is drawing closer than ever." Minaka said, and in a rare moment of dramatic flair Tetsuya decided to give Minaka something to enjoy.

"Yes, a new day is dawning, sir. This day the Guardian Ashikabi falls. In his place rises a new player, who simply calls himself... The Warrior." Tetsuya said with a small smile. In response, Minaka shot him a surprised look.

"Close your mouth man, you'll let the flies in." Tetsuya said flippantly with a sigh..

Author's Note: Alrighty there it is. Tetsuya was a b**** to write this chapter. But I did it. Now what will Matsu do about her situation and what will Miya think of it. How will things work out with Higa and his fiance? Will Minato and Hayato join the Ashikabi of the East? Will Tetsuya get his revenge? What will it cost him if he does get it? All of these answers and more will be revealed in Tetsuya's next story: Rise Of The Warrior. This is 19th Angel, signing off... For Now