A/N- Oh! I liked writing this chapter. Sorry it took so long. Carpletunnel in my wrists had me away from the computer for a couple days. Anyways, this chapter is the reason that this story is rated M. I hope you enjoy! Please review!
Chapter 14
Ksenia tried not to show her nervousness. They had been talking about her. Arguing over what should be done about the knowledge that she was a dragon. The very thing they were traveling across Middle Earth to defeat. Her stomach dropped, had Thorin told them what he had guessed back in Rivendell? That Smaug was more than just another dragon, but was in fact also her father?
She squared her shoulders. There was no way that she was going to show weakness or fear in front of them. It just wasn't going to happen. "So?" She urged.
Dwalin looked her over with a glare but it was Balin who answered first. "Well, lassie. You have to admit that this is a shock. And the fact that Thorin didn't tell us. Neither did you. Makes me wonder about trusting you, lassie."
"How do we know that you aren't leading us into a trap?" Dwalin demanded. "Are you here to betray us when we finally get there?!"
Ksenia rolled her eyes. "Yea. Sure. That's my plan. Travel across the wilderness, get tied up by trolls, sleep on the ground, where things are dirty and gross, nearly get squished by stone giants, get drooled by on a disgusting giant goblin and attacked by orcs and wargs, only to betray and kill you with the help of another dragon. When I could in fact set you all on fire right now and go home? Tell me where does that make sense?" Her hands fell to her hips as she glared at him
They were silent for a moment and she thought she saw a small smile cross over Thorin's lips as Dwalin and Balin gapped at her. She watched as Dwalin's hands fisted and she thought for a moment that he was going to lift his axe and attack her. But Balin seemed to interrupt that thought. "And what will you do when we win Erebor? Dragon's are known for their lust for treasure. You are going to steal our treasure from us once we gain it from the other dragon? Perhaps that is your goal. To use us to dispose of another dragon so you may gain his horde."
Ksenia took a moment to roll that thought over in her head. She hadn't thought about her reaction to the treasure. Not really. Shaking her head. "I am only half. My father was a dragon and my mother came from a long lived race that I never knew the name of. I will not deny that I share my father's lust for treasure and once something is mine, I will do anything to keep it." Her eyes landed on Thorin when she said those words and her heart skipped a beat. Tearing her eyes away again she returned her gaze to the others. "I have no intention of stealing your treasures out from under you. I am truly here because Gandalf asked me to be. I am here because your treasure was stolen from you and you deserve to take it back. I only wish to help you."
She crossed her arms over her chest then and leveled them with her own glare as she awaited their responses. She didn't know what to expect but when Thorin walked over to her and took her face in his hands and kissed her. His kiss wasn't the bruising type that she had gotten used to with him. When he pulled back from her, he shot a glance over at his most trusted advisers. "This conversation is over. She stays."
He grabbed her hand then and pulled her along after him. She wasn't exactly certain if that was going to sit well with the others, but she followed him as he pulled her further into the forest until they reached a river. He stopped then, staring into the water, still holding her hand. She raised an eyebrow as she walked around him. Looking into his eyes, she bit her lip. "You do trust me. Don't you?"
Thorin's eyes were stormy as he looked back into her eyes. "I admit that their concerns are relevant ones. We are all aware of the Dragon's lust for their treasure."
She raised her hand and laid it against his cheek. She smiled at him softly. "Oh my Thorin, don't you know? You are my treasure." She leaned forward then and for the first time initiated their kiss. She didn't want to see his eyes, didn't want to know if he knew what those words meant to her. She slipped her arms around his neck as his hands found her waist, pulling her hard against him. He deepened their kiss, his tongue slipping through her lips and dueling with her tongue.
Ksenia moaned at the taste of him and her hands tangled themselves in her hair. His hands wandered over her curves and a heat pooled in her stomach. Oh how she wanted him. Wanted to know every inch of him. Wanted to feel his hands all over her body. To feel him above her.
His thoughts must have echoed hers as his hands began to pull at the ties and buckles of her leather bodice. Her own hands found their way out of his hair and to the fastenings of his armor and leather. Her belt fell to the ground and was quickly followed by his. And the outer layers of their clothing soon joined them on the ground.
Thorin's mouth found her neck, trailing kisses and nips along her flesh there and Ksenia couldn't contain her moans. He tore his lips from her skin and met her eyes. Stormy eyes met emerald ones. "I would have you, Ksenia… my dragon." He growled at her. His eyes searching for her consent and she could almost laugh at the look. How could he question it?
Her hands slipped down his chest to rest on the waistband of his pants. Her lips were a breath away from his as she answered in a husky whisper. "And I would have you, my treasure."
That seemed to be all he needed. His fingers worked to remove the rest of her clothing and she shivered. "Are you cold?" He asked as his lips worked their way over her shoulder…. "Your skin is like flame…"
Ksenia shook her head, no words would form on her lips as his hands trailed over her now naked body. Her own fingers worked to rid him of his tunic, loving the feel of his skin under her fingertips. Muscles, honed by his years as a blacksmith and war, rippled under skin, rough from hard work and battles. Her growled against her skin as her hands moved to cup him through his pants. His own hands gripped her roughly.
He cupped her breast and his fingers flicked over nipple and she let out a cry. His lips found her other one and Ksenia's knees buckled. He chuckled before pulling away and capturing her lips again. One hand on her breast, the other slipped lower until he found the apex of her thighs. Her moan was muffled by his kiss as he flicked his finger over her clit.
Her hands worked the ties at the front of his pants and slid her fingers down under the fabric. Her hips bucked a little against his hand and her fingers wrapped around his length. It was his turn to moan into her mouth. She'd never lain with a dwarf and she found herself marveling at his size. Later she would giggle about large hands, fingers and feet being markers for largeness elsewhere, but for now she ground herself against his hand while sliding his cock free from his pants, stroking the length of him.
He growled and tore his lips from hers. His hips bucked against her hand before he pulled away. Picking up his fur lined coat and her cloak, he laid them on the shore. Before she could say a word, she was picked up and lowered to the ground. Looking up at him from under half-hooded eyes, she watched as he rid himself from his boots and pants. He stopped for a moment and looked down on her body and she found herself writhing under his heated gaze. Mere seconds later, he was above her, his body covering hers.
Her body arched against him, loving the feel of his heat against hers. His bare skin against hers. His hair trailed over her flesh as he left her lips once more and moved down her body. She bit her lip as his lips descended on her nipple again. First the one, teeth tugging and sucking on the bud before moving the other one. His beard brushed roughly against her tender flesh as he moved from the tender globes of her breasts and down her stomach. He nipped at the flesh of her hip before parting her thighs with his large hands.
The first feel of his mouth on her sent her hips flying up off the ground as she writhed. His beard brushed added to the sensations of his lips and teeth on her clit. Lost on the feelings that he was sending through her, she cried out as he slipped a finger into her body. She arched against him as his finger began to move in and out of her, sending ripples of pleasure through her.
"Thorin… " She breathed as she threw her head back, her eyes closing as pleasure took her body.
"Yes?" His voice was low, almost a growl. She opened her eyes and her breath was taken away when she saw his eyes. Lust and power hung in those stormy eyes. Her hands moved and buried themselves into his hair.
"I want you." She breathed and tugged a little on his black mane. He chuckled a little and moved over her again. She hadn't realized how full she'd felt with his finger moving within her until it was gone. His lips devoured hers again and she felt his cock bumping against her entrance. Her legs moved further apart, her knees bending and hips tilting, eager for him. She cried out against his kiss as he pushed into her.
It burned at first, as her body adjusted to his size as he slid all the way into her. Her fingers dug into his back as her body arched against him. His growl into her mouth told her he was enjoying himself just as much as she was. He pulled back until only the head was left inside her before he filled her up again.
Resting himself on his arms, he pulled back to watch her face as he set in a rhythm. Slow at first soon turned into a more demanding thrust. Her body met his thrust for thrust. Her moans filling the forest around them, but she didn't care. No. All she cared about was the man, the dwarf who was pounding into her. Her eyes flared red as she looked up into his stormy eyes. Her legs wrapped themselves around his waist, giving him better access as he took her. Her fingernails dragged over his back, surely leaving marks on his flesh. He growled at the feel of her nails and a dark grin crossed his lips.
He captured her wrists in one of her hands and he pinned them above her head. The feel of him pinning her under her only heightened the feel of him inside her. Harder and faster, he pounded into her body until she was crying out and moaning like a wanton woman.
"Thorin!" She cried as her climax neared. Her cries only spurred him on. The sounds of their bodied slapping together echoed in her ears. His head dipped to her ear for a moment.
"Yes, my dragon. Do it." He growled in her ear and her world shattered around her. Her climax shook her body with a force she hadn't expected. Her body writhed and spasmed under him as he continued to thrust into her body. He raised himself up over her, letting her wrists go as he gripped her hips.
He pounded her faster and harder as she exploded around him, gripping at him. His rhythm was one aimed at gaining his release. She watched him, her teeth drawing blood in from her lip as he worked her towards another release… so soon after her last. Finally, he pounded her hard enough that surely she would be bruised the next day and as her body fell over the edge of estacy again, so did he. He roared as he sank himself deep within her and exploded. Her body milked at him as she came down from her second climax.
He fell forward a little, catching himself on his arms as to not crush her under his form. His heavy breathing fell in time with hers as they body slowly came back down to earth. A few moments later he withdrew himself from her body and fell to one side, pulling her close to his side.
Ksenia found herself giggling a little, and he opened one eye to glare at her. "What?" He demanded.
She smiled at him and kissed his lips gently. "I just can't wait to see their faces when we return to camp."
He growled low and pulled her closer and buried his face in her red locks. "You will be the death of me, dragon."
She smiled and ran her hand over his hair and played with one of his braids. "And you are my life, treasure."
So? Thoughts?