Brick Stone Academy.

Chapter 1: Welcome to prison!

Ok first of all the limo smells like rotten eggs and feet. And now all its playing is the most boring music (this school must hate pop and rock)! And the school uniforms are itchy. So just so you now these are only 3 thing on the long list of things to hate about this school.

Ok I'm getting a head of myself. The reason them going to this prison is because I started a riot at my dad office and he's well… the major! The reason I started the riot you ask is because 1 he a power crazy pig and he tried to band freedom of opinion and art.

The reason he tried to band freedom of opinion is because he hates being told no and that is almost all I well ever say to that "MONSTER" because he turned the people of the town into slaves and he is the slave master. Because of him at school people treated me that a milliard just because of my dad and because they were terrified of him! But at least at that school they secretly taught freedom of opinion and art and how we had RIGHTS to but that…that…Monster found a loop hole that I think was faked!