~Casting a Shadow on the Past~

Shinichi shouldn't have been able to do Dark Wing. Even within the boundaries of magic, where nothing was impossible, Shinichi shouldn't have been able to do that move.

What had made it possible?


After the events of 'Nostalgia':

The Magic League and Gloria were all in the girls' section of the room because of something the psychic wanted to announce: "If anyone else starts sleeping all of a sudden, just give them some rest. If they black out, then call for me."

It must have been Heiji that inspired this little bit of information.


That picture of the Magic League was irking the detective of the east.

Why? He didn't really know why himself. He had the strange feeling, though, it shouldn't be there. With that, he removed the picture from the wall.

Suddenly, the detective hit the ground, and in his mind he was falling, falling...There was pain branching out from his back, spilling out into appendages he couldn't feel…

A calm solace met him. That solace was the memories of his past death.


The next thing Shinichi – yes, he was Shinichi once more - knew, he was the Knight. His Magic League companions lay around him, unconscious. Darkness was in every other visible spot.

Dread set in like a fast approaching storm.

"Hattori! Kuroba! Miyano!" he cried, panic gripping him. He swore under his breath, quietly, in case they heard him. They couldn't be dead, could they? If they were, then what killed them off? (He couldn't remember what had happened immediately before they came to this place.)

Suddenly, it was like his voice had called his companions back to life…

"Where is this place?" Shinichi's voice was calm as he watched the other three take in their surroundings.

"I'd say it's da Underworld. I don't 'ave any idea why anyone would bring us 'ere unless we're dead," Heiji finally replied after a long silence. Nazoka – Hattori – replaced the deerstalker hat (which had surprisingly stayed on his head the whole time) with his trademark cap, producing said cap from the folds of his Inverness cape like Kaito produced his roses. A movement in the darkness made Shinichi uneasy for a second, but he decided to file this thought away for later.

"We're dead?!" everyone but Heiji cried out in unison, jumping to conclusions.

"Yes." The one who answered this was none other than Akemi Miyano.


Shiho couldn't control herself – she broke down into a blubbering mess at seeing her sister again. Even if it was in death, it was a bittersweet meeting.

After Akemi comforted her younger sister, she revealed this information: "'You are dead in one world, but your adventure in the wide universe is only beginning…Use your second chance wisely,' said Avisel. 'I have granted your leader a gift to assist you in the new world, but you must discover it for yourself.'"

Then the blackness enveloped everyone (bar Akemi) and brought them into the other universe. That other universe was where he was living his life right now.


A warm breath on Conan's hand brought him to his senses. It was Haibara, checking whether he was alright.

"You fell asleep after you removed that picture from the wall," she told him with nonchalance. "Gloria had said to give you some rest, right?" She had muttered this last sentence almost inaudibly, so after the detective had deciphered what she said, he gave a nod.

Gazing at his surroundings, he noted he was in his bed and that there was a blizzard outside. As he put his head on the pillow once more, he could almost swear that Haibara commanded the blizzard to slow down…

A thought came to mind while the snowfall lulled him to sleep - he never did remember what happened before he died. Even though he wanted to know what happened, he decided to let it go for now.

Okay, your turn! What character's backstory would you like to see? You must tell me the fic name too. (Remember, this only covers backstories from my fics. I cannot be held responsible for anyone else's!)

Please read and review!