Timeflip 29

A/N Timeflip must say good-bye to a dear mentor of hers. Coyote pops the question to Button. Barricade and Timeflip announce to everyone they will be moving out of Kaon.


Timeflip looks between Shockwave and Barricade holding Rizo. Shockwave lifts his antenna back up and gives her a most respectful response. "It has been good working with you again and I know that no matter where you go or what you do, you will do well. You will always be welcome as my assistant."

Now her tears do massively overflow for the 'blessing' he has given her. No it's not an actual blessing per say, but her spark takes it in all the same.

"When do you leave?" He asks Barricade when he sees that she is too emotional to speak.

Barricade takes a deep sigh snuffing back his own emotions to her mentor's consistent support. Long time ago, if anyone had asked him if he would get choked up by something this violet mech said, he would have punched them in the optic, but here he is today, doing just that. It makes his spark chuckle, yet he answers the question. "In a couple of weeks, but before she comes back from maternity leave."

Once again Shockwave nods understanding why the sentimental pair wanted to see him right away.

Timeflip reaches for a tissue lifting her glasses slightly to blot her optics. "Bell still has classes so she will be here awhile to help."

Shockwave flicks his antenna slightly amused that she is making sure her team is in good hands even if not under her hands. "We will be just fine. Will you?"

Timeflip shrugs. She knows that he is asking if she will be fine moving away from family that she just got reestablished with again and a set of trusted coworkers. "I won't be alone and Primus will be with me."

Even if Shockwave does not feel the same way towards the deity, he knows the strength a god gives many and if it gives her comfort, more power to her. "Yes, you will not be alone."

A ping of an incoming message to his terminal has him excusing himself and checking on it. The Senior Draftsman knows the secretary will understand completely. The incoming message makes him mentally smile and also gives off a light chuckle as he braces a hand to the desk and bends a knee into a relaxed posture. "Timeflip, you wouldn't by any chance be looking for a part time job in a few weeks, would you?"

It's comical the way Barricade and Timeflip's brows arc in cute unison.

"Excuse me?" She asks him.

Shockwave taps the screen with his remaining hand and shoots Barricade a warning look before turning back to the former lab tech. "Do you remember an Autobot Engineer named Wheeljack?"

Timeflip nods, "Yes I do. Didn't we work on some devices to disrupt his remote detonation tools?"

Shockwave nods pleased that her memory is that detailed. "Yes, that is just the mech. He is working in Crystal City with crystals and gems used for power supplies and various other applications. It's a very small company. The reason he has been late in getting back to us is that he has been having staff and scheduling issues."

Barricade can see what Shockwave is suggesting. Timeflip stares at Shockwave but when Barricade starts to giggle lightly she turns to him. That's all the confirmation she needs:
"You would recommend me to Wheeljack's company?"

This time it's comical the way Shockwave's helm cants in that 'oh really?' way. Instead though, he answers with, "When should he expect you for an interview?" as he begins typing a response to the fellow engineer.

Barricade gives him a date, and Shockwave puts it in then stands up straight. "Well, it looks like you two should get packing, you have an interview in a few weeks."

Timeflip nods as she rises. Shockwave comes round the desk to walk them to the door. Barricade shakes Shockwave's hand warmly. "Thank you and Megatron for everything."

Shockwave knows the former soldier means it with all sincerity and thus graciously returns the hand shake. "You are welcome, I will pass along your sentiment." He takes a moment to look down on Rizo who is awake and looking up to the taller mech with curious optics.

Rizo reaches up to take a long lilac digit. Shockwave takes a slow breath leaving the sparkling to hang on to his hand.

Timeflip swallows hard and moves closer to the big warm mech wrapping him in a one arm hug. "I can never thank you enough for taking me into your labs back then and being a protector and guide. Even now… thanks for being not just my boss but… Something more."

Normally Shockwave would not welcome such a physical contact from fellow coworker but, he knows this is a very emotional time for the young femme. He can let this parting show of affection slide. It does touch him a bit that she looks up to him so much. It's not a childish infatuation, it's not god-mongering, or even kissing up. This is genuine appreciation for his leadership, knowledge, and guardianship. Something he does not mind being remembered for.

Timeflip stretches up on her toes to whisper in his audio, "You and Megatron are going to make some sparkling wonderful parents. When the time is right." Then presses a swift blessing of a kiss to his cheek before stepping back.

He doesn't look at her as he speaks, he looks down to Rizo. "Thank you." With a yawn, Rizo releases the mech's finger so he can rub his little optic. Now Shockwave does turn to Timeflip with a warm glow to his optic. "I appreciate your consideration and most of all…your genuine respect."

It's very hard for Timeflip to walk out the office door for she has no idea when she will see Shockwave again. On another day she will tell the others at Wave Industries about the transfer, but for today, telling Shockwave is all she can handle.

Timeflip stops at the doors of the elevator to look back to Shockwave in his glassed in office not knowing when she will ever see him again. He does look up from his computer one last time as the elevator doors close which makes her spark swell a little. He spared a moment to give her one last look.

Barricade and Timeflip settle Riso into the vehicle and then take their own seats. Timeflip's dam bursts into a sob. Barricade wraps his arms around her. He's so happy that she is happy for him, but on the other hand his spark is breaking for what she is leaving behind for him. He really doesn't need to say anything, just letting his spark thrum and pulse for her. Snuggled up against him, Timeflip can feel their bond oh-so strong together.

This gives her the strength after a few more sobs, to pull back and pat his chest. "I think we should do some shopping for that get-together and makes some calls."

"Yes, Ma'am," he smiles starting the vehicle. He's ever so proud of this devoted femme. His life mate. It's going to be a brave new adventure they go into together.


It has been several cyber-weeks between Coyote bringing Button lunch to her desk and the birth of Rizo. During this time, the budding couple have been making progress in their relationship. Coyote is very much in love with Button, but knows she is shier and he can't overwhelm her with his adoration or she might flee. Even worse, she might feel like he's a crazy stalker smothering her.

What he doesn't know, is that she is afraid of herself and how much she loves him right back. She doesn't want to love him this much, because if anything happens to their relationship, she knows she just won't be able to handle it and emotionally implode. Button knows it's silly and irrational which just makes her more angry and wrestle with herself even more. She has a good thing and doesn't want to blow it, but is also scared to lose what she already does have. It makes no sense, but the feelings are very real.

Now what Barricade and everyone else don't know (except Chief Prowl, of course!) is that Coyote has a matching acceptance package sitting on his desk at home for the Federal Division. He is concerned about not only will he be transferred away from Barricade but also from Button, if he accepts. That is unless he takes the plunge and asks her the heaviest question of all. It might be too soon in their relationship to ask her to bond with him, on the other hand, maybe staying here with Barricade as his partner in just a local capacity isn't so bad either. Coyote is wrestling with himself as much as Button or Barricade are.

Coyote knows he will have to make a decision shortly for they will only wait so long for his reply before giving the position to someone else. With a heavy spark, he knows it's time to make his move with Button.

Button is not someone he should propose to publicly. Putting her under a spotlight to give an answer to such a life changing question is not sweet, it's cruel. Coyote is well aware of this. She is a reasonable femme who should be given a chance to ponder over the question and weigh her thoughts before answering. The last thing she needs is public pressure about her life.

So he makes plans to meet at her apartment well before it's time to drive her over to Barricade and Timeflip's place for the BBQ. He figures this will give him a chance to talk to Button and then if she wants to talk it over with some friends at the party, it will be alright.

Coyote looks down to the marbleized stone of turquoise set in a simple silver band making it look like an open spark chamber. It's not a gaudy ring, nor is it plain. It is a touch of his nature-loving heritage from the Sonic Canyons with an accent of love. With a last sigh, he pushes himself from the truck and makes his way up to Button's door.

Inside, Button is doing a last minute wipe to the end tables before Coyote arrives. It's not like he hasn't seen the place un-perfect before, but she tries to make it nice any chance she can. After all, it's not like-


Button jumps, tossing the rag into the sink on her way to opening the door for her tall mech-friend. "Hi, Coyote."

It never ceases to make his spark flutter the way she says his name with that hint of infatuation. Sure they know they care about each other and it's not like they haven't had a few warm kisses, but nothing more! After all, she is ever so shy and he is a dear gentlemech.

"Good afternoon, Button," he leans in to kiss her cheek lightly. It warms under his lips and he pulls back.

For Button, she finds comfort with Coyote. Mostly when they do the simple things like walking down the street or cooking together. She may work with some 'high maintenance' femmes, but she is not like them at all. She has much simpler taste like the production division secretaries. Button really doesn't have desires for things that sparkle and glitter, all she really wants is someone who appreciates her for her hard work and friendship.

Looking up into Coyote's sparkling optics, she sees just that. "Come on in. You said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

He nods rolling his fingers nervously as he steps in to the apartment. She closes the door and he waits for her to sit before he does.

Coyote's nervousness makes Button nervous. Her worrisome spark is afraid Coyote is done with boring -her. The more positive side herself argues that he never would have kissed her cheek this evening if he didn't care about her. Her own hands cling together in fear as to what he needs to talk to her about.

Now he feels awful seeing her get all worried-nervous so he reaches a hand out over both of hers with a soft smile. "Darling, I love you very much."

Button's shoulders droop in relief which makes his smile grow bit brighter. To bring them a bit closer and so that he doesn't tower over her, he slides down to his knees before her still keeping her hands covered. "I have been offered a position with the Federal Division of Cybertron's Law Enforcement."

"That's wonderful, Coyote! When do you start?" Now it's her face that glows and she pulls a hand free to lay over the top of his.

It makes his spark pang. She's happy for him, yet the next bomb he is going to drop might just wither that smile. "Button, the position is not in Kaon. I will have to move."

"Oh." She simply states. Now she sees his dilemma. "When you do you leave?"

"Darling… this is not my decision to make alone. It's ours."

She blinks her blood-stone optics. "I don't understand. This is your career and your life, not mine."

His smile daws. "Button, I am really hoping it will be our life. After all, you are a very important part of my life now. "

Her top hand pulls away to press to her trembling lips. No one has ever told her she is important to their life as to include her in their career decision. And now here this sweet strong older mech is asking her.

Coyote's spark flutters seeing that his admission has moved her so. He knows this is the time to finally ask. So he dips a finger tip into his hip pocket and pulls out the small ring. Pinched between his thumb and looped on his finger tip, he presents it to her. "Button, you don't have to give me an answer right now, but would you consider being my sparkmate?"

"Oh Coyote…," her voice trembles behind her finger tips.

Gently he pulls the hand from her lips and lays the ring into the palm of her hand. "Just a bit of stone from the Sonic Canyons and it's yours no matter what your answer may be. Even if you don't want to move from Kaon, I would still like to bond my life with yours. I don't care where we go -or don't go- I just would really like for there to be a future for the two of us."

The tears slide down Button's face as her hand closes over the ring. She can see complete sincerity in him. This is no game and he is not toying with her either. Button leans forward into his waiting arms. He doesn't kiss her, but he does wrap his arms securely around her holding her close to his warm pulsing spark. "I love you," he whispers against her temple.

"I love you too, Coyote." With a curl of her fingers, she brings the ring out where she can look at it. "This is beautiful."

"Pales in comparison to you, Darling," he croons.

Button knows better than to rebut his sweet words at this moment, so instead just bonks his chest plate with a light fist. "And here I was afraid you were breaking up with me. Don't worry me like that, meanie."

He chuckles and now presses a kiss to her helm. "Oh, my bad." She gives him a light bonk again and he presses another kiss to her temple.

"When do you have to give them an answer about transferring?" She asks the heavy question.

"Next cyber week. I know it's not much notice for you. But you could always stay here and I could go alone or I could stay and not take the position at all."

Button takes a deep breath. This is a lot to consider. "No, I want you to go. You deserve it. I've been thinking about a career change anyways. I'm not really happy any more and…," she pulls back to look up into his dear face, "Maybe this is just what Primus is giving me. A fresh new start. Tell them yes and I will go with you, Coyote."

Then she turns and cups his cheeks with both hands, "As your sparkmate."

Coyote leans in taking her lips possessively if not a tad hungrily.

When the kiss finally breaks, both are grinning in delight. Coyote pulls himself up to the couch and slips the ring on to her hand. They spend a bit of time going over more details to what the transfer will entail before heading over to Barricade and Timeflip's home.


Barricade and Timeflip have invited a few close friends from both of their jobs and from the church. Everyone figures it's for the after-Christening party for Rizo. That is until Barricade taps a glass gathering everyone's attention.

Barricade clears his throat and with an arm snuggly around Timeflip, breaks the news. "Well friends and family, thank you all for coming to the dedication of Rizo, but that is not the only reason we have invited you all over. Some of you know that I have been trying to get into the Federal Division of Cybertron's Law Enforcement for quite a while. Well, I got accepted….in Crystal City."

There is a mixture of gasps, congratulations, and sadness. From the back of the crowd comes one mechly laugh though. Barricade tips his head to see who it is.

"Yes, Coyote?"

Hand interlaced with Button's, Coyote comes forward to shake Barricade's hand. "I should have known it wouldn't be that easy to get rid of my partner."

Barricade perks a brow in complete confusion. Button beams to Timeflip who is also just as confused.

Coyote smirks, "I got accepted, too. Looks like we will still be working together no matter where we go."

The chuckles start soft and then go to a full rolling laugh from the rest of the guest. Barricade teases, "Look out Crystal City, here comes a pair of trouble."

Coyote gives Barricade a light punch to the shoulder, "No YOU'RE trouble, I'm just the one to rein you in."

Button giggles leaning into Coyote. Then she looks to her friend Timeflip. "What does that make us then?"

Timeflip squeals in delight understanding instantly that Button will be going to Crystal City as well. That pure elation from her friend makes Button's spark swell. It's going to be a grand new adventure for them all.

"I know just the place that could use a couple secretaries that work well together, Button!" Timeflip practically strangles her friend.

Both couple can feel this move is going to be good for them all.


I really wanted to get this up before the close of Dec 31, 2014. This will be the last chapter that takes place in Night-Stalker13's AU (and of course is NOT cannon to his AU) Wave Industries is copyright to his AU.

Chapter 30 will begin a new AU for Timeflip and friends. The rest of the OC's are mine and of course Hasbro owns Megatron, Shockwave, Barricade and Wheeljack.

I want to publicly thank Sabath ever so much for allowing me to use his well established AU as a platform to launch Timeflip's story. For anyone who wonders, yes I did gain permission from him before launching the first chapter.

Next, I have tried to keep key facts to said AU and try not to make Shockwave too OOC (but failed a few times.) I can never thank Sabath enough for his patience with my endless AU-questions, support in developing Timeflip to be more than a fleeting character. Most of all, for the encouragement to launch her into her own AU. Thank you my dear friend.
So followers, raise a glass of sparkling cider to what comes in 2015 and Crystal City.