Flips of Time

Okay first of all: This Story's Book Cover is done by Night-Stalker13 found both here on fanfiction and on

Secondly, 1ForSorrow2ForJoy has a beautiful painting of our lovely secretary-to-be and also Amnicore has done some work. (All links can be found on my deviant account)
Next: Disclaimer? Timeflip belongs to my son, who very much belongs to me. The second time I have used one of my boys' OC's. (Skyslicer can be found in Infernal Fire.) We have gotten several compliments on her both on da and fanfic, so Sunspot and I got to talking about bringing her story to life. He wants her paired with a Decepticon Police Officer since her alt is a Police Box with TARDIS traits. The mech-one that stood out was Barricade. The dear boy wanted her to have been on Sabath's-Shockwave's team during the war and an accident got them separated. This is why when she shows up at Wave Industries (copyright =NiGhT-sTaLkEr13) she is so protective and loyal to him. He specificlly asked that I write her trying to get him out, and something goes 'sideways'. Thus this is how she finds her alt-form.

Next Chapter in Progress (but my editior has to finish his research paper before we can post it.) There maybe some M chapters later that he won't know about, but we will see. For now, enjoy.

I do NOT consider this a crossover because she is NOT the TARDIS, but she does have TARDIS qualities. Irony, you might say considering our gifted commisioned artist is from England.


The blue & white femme in her hardened battle armor turns back to her Commanding officer, Military Operations Commander Shockwave and one of the Decepticon faction's lead engineering designers. Smoke is billowing from the hole in the wall of their work station. Shockwave is firing back through the hole made by a distant Autobot cannon with his new seismic arm cannon.

"Commander!" She gets his attention for just a second.

"Are they all out?" He snaps. It's not a mean snap, it's a precise clipped order.

"Yes, sir. Just you."

"Take these!" He motions to one more box of backed up data pads beside the smoldering and sparking console while continuing precise weapon discharges.

With the flash of light from her helm top, she grabs the box and warps out of the smoking room. Swiftly she rushes to the command deck, hands it directly to Soundwave. "Situation report."

"Shockwave is the only one left. I have to go back and get him out but he's being stubborn."

"Officers are. Go," the TIC overrides her own CO's orders.

Smiling, snaps her arm to a salute and warps out of his presence.

Coughing and sputtering she makes her way towards him. "Shockwave!"

Now he is mad, "I ordered you OUT."

"TIC overrode that, please, there's nothing left."

Shockwave ignores her and keeps firing hitting his target. Climbing over the fallen beams, comes to his side and touches his arm making ready to follow Soundwave's orders and warp him out. A blast hits the outside wall beside their battlement hole, tearing it wider and changing those plans with her being dislodged.

She has no weapons. She's only a aid, a secretary, an assistant… a peon. Not even worthy of a second look from her faction leader. Barricade had promised her safety within the Deception's walls when she first joined. So far, he has been correct. But now…

"Oh dear Primus," her lemon yellow optics go wide at the approaching Autobot division.

Shockwave spares one look to her, "I told you to go. I can fight, you can not. Soundwave and the others will need your assistance with those diagrams. You and the rest of the team can help him if something should happen to me."

She shakes her head, "No, no one can but you Commander."

Leaning his determined helm in, she sees he is not kidding, "Listen to me very carefully. I have no patience for this attitude. So you have a choice, save yourself, or I will terminate you for violating two officer's orders."

She swallows hard and nods. He kicks a bigger hole in the wall and checks to make sure her light begins to blink, as he begins to push his way and making a hole in the advancing horde. She is almost evaporated when another electro-static cannon volley comes past, clipping Shockwave's shoulder and passing through her fading image.

Tumbling an spinning through the vortex of time and space, Timeflip begins to feel nauseous. And scared. With thanks to Skywarp she was just getting a better handle on her warping abilities and making them useful. Pranks were for the past and her childish ways, he made it clear, they were the past. As Commander in charge of training those with this unique gift, it was his duty to also inform them of their unique punishment as well. Quite painful and disorienting. It was also his duty to inform them of their unique problems.

She had not told him of her addition gift: time travel. She figured it best not to mention that until she had mastered warping. Now, she wishes that just maybe she had told him. For spinning through this vortex she can't find anything tangible to latch onto. Did she want to go back to childhood and watch the war upstart again? Did she really want to go to the future and find out if her faction won or lost. No, right now, she just wants Barricade or Skywarp.

Closing her optics once more, she tries to quell her racing and rambling thoughts. She focuses on that beautiful silver face trimmed with navy blue and the soft warm red optics. He always has a smile for her. Even in school. Although she was a quiet nerd, he was a quiet and sneaky jock. Not only was he sneaky enough to slip a wet cold drink down a bot's back in passing, he was sly enough to make it look like it was someone else who did it. Just as sneaky, he would follow her home, at a distance, just to make sure no one picked on her.

When she confronted him about the crystal flower in her locker, he just flushed and shrugged. This time, he did not try to blame someone else, nor did he deny it. He wanted her to know but just wasn't sure how to react now that she knew. To save his dignity, gives him a sweet smile and clutches it to herself.

Training all her focus now, she zeros in on Barricade and his sweet blush. For a moment, she could almost smell the school cleanser and the latest cafeteria experiment and then

Poof! Crash.

Slowly bringing her optics online finds herself crumbled in the alley of a major city. A small but major city. Looking around, she notices, everything is so… tiny.

And then she hears the voices. Oh no, what was it Skywarp said, "camouflage until you have more information and get your systems realigned." Timeflip scans the nearest thing. "Police Call Box" whatever that thing is.

Next order of business, putting herself into stasis, to calm all her systems down.


Upon reawakening, Timeflip is calm, cool and organized. Not only that, the nausea seems to have passed as well. Taking a breath, she gives herself time to explore this world. Soon enough, she finds it to be called Earth. She knows it's where Lord Megatron is planning to install the second half of her team's project.

A gleam of hope rises in her spark. Now that she knows where she is, she knows she can get back. And luck of all luck, the very planet her leader aims to invade. Just maybe she can give him some more recon intel and be an asset to her faction!

Once she is satisfied with her gathered information, she tries to head back.

Fate is not on her side as her vortex opens. Sure, she returns to her beloved home of Cybertron, but this is not her time. No, not this. Crystal City is gone. Shattered. A wasteland. Not just Crystal City, everything. There's no sign of life. There is no sign of hope. Not only has the war been lost, but life as well?

Too devastated and broken-sparked to try leaping again, she makes her way toward Kaon. Hopefully, she continues to pray, there will be someone waiting for her. One bot in particular is at the top of her prayer list. Slowly she trods through the decimation.

As she moves through the rubble that was once a vibrant and active city, she finds pockets of hope and relife. Yes, here, they are rebuilding. This refugee shelter welcomes her in with no thought to her insignia, except to remove it. They show her that both Autobot and Decepticon insignia's are no longer used. The war is over. There are only Cybertronians now.

"What year is this? What is going on?" Timeflip feigns it off as if she has amnesia or PTDS. The last thing she needs is for these people to know she can travel through time. They would be begging her to stop all this. And as much as she would like to set things right, she just knows it's not her place to. After all, what is right? Who is to say something good hasn't come from all this? Who knows? Most certainly not her.

Settling her down, they call a medic over. The vibrantly waxed red mech kneels before her and checks her optics. "Kn-knockout?"

He lowers his hand, "Yes, do I know you?"

"No, you probably don't and I don't expect you to… but…"

He sees her insignia and folds a hand over hers in comfort, "You alright, little femme?"

"N-no." He squeezes asking her to press on the question burning in her optics, "H-have… have you seen Barricade?"

Knockout's smile beams, "Yes, I have. He's not here, but I can get a hold of him. Do you want to talk to him?"

She nods, tears streaming down her face and choking back her sob. With all the destruction she has seen, and how brave her Barricade is, she thought for sure he had been lost. In a rare show of tenderness, Knockout pulls her against his frame. "Shhh, it's alright. The war's over, you're safe and so is he. Although, I can't imagine how someone so young knows him."

That makes her giggle, "I'm older than I look, sir."

That makes him push her back and look into her optics with soft warning, "No more titles or ranks, sweet thing. Well, unless you come to my berth and then you can call me Master." The lit of his brow makes it clear his words were all for show. They both know it when she giggles and blushes back lightly.

Rising, he takes her hand to his forearm like a gentlebot., "Come on, we have a call to make."

The lines are horrible and crackling with static, but she hears all she needs in his deep baritone, "Timeflip! Oh Primus we thought we lost you in that explosion!"

"I'm fine. I just got… lost."

"Lost? How could you get -oh. That kind of lost."

"Yeah, Ithat/I kind of lost."

The silence holds them for a few moments before he mutters something over his shoulder to someone else in his room, "Look, I can't leave here right now. I'm kind of temporarily in charge until someone else can make it in. I'm in Tarn. Think you can make your way here?"

"I'll warp in."

"NO!" He snaps too quickly.


"I'm sorry," he almost whimpers. "I don't want you getting 'lost' again."

"O-okay," she flushes to his sweetness.

"I know where Tarn is. I can walk."

"No, talk to Knockout, he will get you here safely." Then lowers his voice, "I've missed you so badly."

"Me too," she whispers back. And then the line fizzles out.

Closing out the dead line, Timeflip turns to Knockout, "Barricade is waiting for me in Tarn. Can you get me there?"

"Yeah, I can do that. I have a transport of equipment heading to that clinic." He can see hope coming back up in her optics again, "Welcome home?"

She nods.

"Come on," the red mech ushers the blue femme towards her navy blue mech.


It's rare for warp'ers to use ground transport. But for Timeflip it is vital that she got there un-warped and in proper time. The transport seemed to take forever to reach the remains of Tarn. A huge, massive tower stands in the middle of the city. Like a monolith, or a guard's tower. From all sides, it can see for klicks beyond klicks.

The transport circles the tower and then lands at it's base. Reaching over, Timeflip grabs several cases and follows the other bots from the transport towards the clinic.

Hearing the sirens, she and the others hop out of the way. She never saw him unfold. All she knows is one moment she was on the sidewalk with a couple crates of medical supplies and the next moment crushed in two barreled arms of a panting mech.

"'Flip, oh 'Flip. You're really here!"

Hearing her name from that deep baritone, she relaxes and lets him drown her in words of comfort although bending her armor a bit. "Barricade, give, just a little?" she squeaks.

He pulls back and now she can look up into his vibrant glistening optics. Beaming she chirps, "Hi, 'Caide. Miss me?"

Swooping down, captures her mouth in their first kiss. Her optics go wide and she gasps to his capturing warm lips enclosing hers. Then he realizes what he just did and yanks back, "Oh yesh, Timeflip, I'm so, sorry… I… oh scrap." Flushing and sputtering he sets her down quickly and steps back. Even going so far to rub the back of his neck with downcast optics. "Sorry."

"'Caide, look at me," she encourages the penitent mech.

Luckily the rest of the exiting team part giving them their space. Although they are giggling a little to the shy change in their fierce law enforcer. He cusses under his breath again.

"Barricade…?" she waits until his lifts his dark and silver helm a tiny bit and she can see one optic. "What's going on? Where is everyone? What happened?"

His face falls when her optics begin to panic and her hands begin to wring. As a proud Decepticon, she will never show fear openly. Before her stands not just a fellow Decepticon, but her best friend. Apparently, one who cares quite a lot for her and never forgot her.

Lowering one knee to the ground, he takes her hand and pulls her into his crouched form. Stepping into his security, wraps his arms around her. Carefully his whispers, "I think we need to talk." She nods, her body slightly trembling against him. So slight that on he notices.

"Wh-where is Lord Megatron?"

"The war is over. He signed a treaty."

"I-is anyone left? Are we being hunted? Wha-"

"Shh, come with me. We can talk at my place."

She nods, and he pulls back just enough to look into her fearful face. He waits until she gets herself composed.

"I like this new checkered duds you have. Must tell me your tailor," he strokes her silver and copper bare arm trying to lighten the mood and get her back to herself. "Ready?" She nods.

With that, he tucks her arm to his forearm and leads the way towards his office.

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