Characters: Vivian Watt Goombario Luigi Birdo

The five survivors quickly made their way through the forest, luckily not spotting any zombies.

"Yeesh, I can't believe we made it this far. I mean seriously, who knew me and Watt would be in the final five of survivors? We're lucky that we're even included in a story!" Goombario exclaimed.

"Hey, it's not the writer's faults that Nintendo made you guys so bland and uncool in Paper Mario. Go figure." Birdo said.

"Can we move onto a different subject please? Talking about this makes me depressed and have cravings for strawberry ice cream." Watt said.

"We can talk about what we're gonna do once we reach the harbor. There's likely gonna be boats there, but we have to figure out how to get them started since we obviously don't have any keys to start any of them." Vivian said.

"Well I suppose we could try swimming over to Rogueport. I mean, it's possible, right?" Luigi stupidly asked.

"Seriously now!? How the hell am I suppose to swim if I have no arms or hands!?" Goombario yelled.

"If you have no arms or hands, then how were you holding those weapons throughout the entire night?" Birdo asked.

"Umm, Birdo? I think it's better if we don't talk about that kind of stuff otherwise there's gonna a debate and more hell will break loose." Watt said.

"Well, back to the harbor subject, it's possible there could be a huge group of people there trying to pick up any survivors to bring along with them, thus gaining us a wonderful opportunity to escape. But that's not gonna happen is it?" Luigi sighed.

"Hell no! Dude, we are in a situation where we could die at any second, do you REALLY think fate is going to hand us something so wonderful just like that?" Birdo yelled.

"Well well, Mrs. Pessimism over here." Goombario commented.

"Enough with the smartass comments, Goombario. We're all getting tired of them, including the readers!" Birdo got in the goomba's face.

"Hey you guys! I see the harbor! Along with a huge group people that just so happen to conveniently be bringing in survivors into a huge boat!" Vivian pointed out.

"WHAT!? BUT...THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!" Birdo screamed.

"Hey, I think I recognize some of those guys! I see Pikachu, Kirby, Fox, Mewtwo, Zelda, Link, Ice Climbers, Ness...holy guacamole, the ENTIRE Super Smash Bros. crew is there! Minus the others in our groups that died of course. Is this real life!?" Luigi shrieked.

"What are they doing here? This is TOO convenient for my tastes. I sense a conspiracy, I tell you!" Birdo said.

"Oh my god, who cares!? Let's just go over there and hitch a ride out of this place!" Watt said and the five ran down the small hill as fast as they could and reached the Smash Bros. boat. Most of the other smashers went inside the boat before they reached there.

"WOAH! Luigi!? Birdo!? And...some other irrelevant characters that I don't care to know about!? What the hell are you guys doing here?" Captain Falcon asked in shock.

"We live in the Mushroom Kingdom you steroid freak. We should be asking YOU what you're doing here!" Goombario angrily yelled.

"Hey punk! Don't test me or you will get FALCON PAWNCHED!" CF roared.

"Really? Falcon Pawnch? That's still a thing these days? Jesus, I feel old..." Birdo rolled her eyes.

"So...moving on! Umm, you don't mind if we get on to your boat and get the hell out of here, would you?" Luigi kindly asked.

"Hmm. You're gonna have to talk to Master Kirby about that. OH PUFFBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL !" CF called out.

"Master Kirby? Eh!?" Birdo questioned.

"Oh, you didn't know? Kirby has officially taken over the Smash Mansion and the games, since Master Hand and Crazy Hand got killed in a mine carting accident in Fungi Forest in that game called Donkey Kong 94." CF explained.

"It's 64, not 94! ...But either way, that's a bit weird but since Kirby is my 2nd favorite smasher, behind Roy, I'm cool with that." Watt said.

"Excuse me but Roy sucks. Even Jigglypuff is better than him and his blood-stained hair!" Goombario complained.

Suddenly, Kirby came floating down to the group. "You rang, Falcon?"

"Yeah, these weirdos here want to find safety upon our ship. What should we do?" CF asked.

"We're weirdos? You're the one that constantly yells FALCON PAWNCH all the freaking time!" Goombario yelled.

Suddenly, the group heard a few loud crashes come from inside the boat, along with some screams.

"Um, is everything okay in there? Is there like a wild party going on?" Birdo asked.

"I hope you two didn't let Ganondorf take in too much alcohol. You know how gets when he's wasted..." Luigi warned.

"Don't worry about that. Now, we will let you on but you need to answer this trivia question first. What is the name of Pauline's 5 year old son?" Kirby asked.

"WAIT WHAT? PAULINE HAS A SON!?" Vivian screamed and gasped.

"Ha! Proof that bitch is a whore! She's 23 years old which means she had a kid at 18!" Birdo cackled.

"She's 23? I thought she was 43?" Watt asked.

"Umm, I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say...Toadbert." Luigi said.

"Show me a Toadbert!" Kirby said and pointed at a bunch of clouds in the distance. Everyone stood there, staring at the clouds for the next 5 minutes.

"Umm...let's just sneak in shall we?" Watt whispered and everyone nodded in agreement. They tip-toed past the two smashers and made it in the boat.

"Whew! Safety at last! Hey y'all!" Birdo loudly greeted, weirding some of the smashers out.

"Oh hey, it's that transvestite everyone has been talking about! How do you do?" Lucas asked.

"YOU ASSHOLE! THOSE RUMORS ARE NOT TRUE!" Birdo screamed at him and tackled Lucas.

"Hey guys! Glad to see more people are alive. Where's your brother and Peach at? And Bowser? And DK? And Diddy? And Yoshi?" Fox asked.

"Well, um, they pretty much all got killed in the zombie apocalypse. But don't worry, we killed the maker of the virus so there's nothing to worry about!" Luigi cheered.

"Yeah, aside from the fact over half the people in the Mushroom Kingdom are infected with the virus..." Goombario scowled.


"Woah! What is your deal, man!?" Watt shrieked.

"PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Pikachu unleashed an electro shock attack on Ganondorf, which knocked him out easily.

"Sorry about that. Ganondorf becomes an asshole when he's drunk. Actually that's wrong, he becomes MORE of an asshole!" Link explained.

"Um...that's...interesting I guess. So, how come you guys are here?" Vivian asked.

"When we heard about a zombie apocalypse going on in the Mushroom Kingdom back at the Smash Mansion, we knew we had to get here and save you guys, especially considering Peach, Mario, Yoshi, DK, Diddy, Bowser, and Luigi were not at the mansion. Unfortunately, what should've been an hour trip took us 4 hours because Kirby kept leading us to the wrong country! Seriously, the idiot led us to some island where a bunch of pirate koopas attacked us!" Samus explained.

"I never trusted that puffball in the first place. He always seemed like a second rate Fire Bro to me." Goombario said.

"Who?" All the smashers asked.

"Oh, just a psychopath that was in our group, who died...along with a bunch of other people you all probably don't care about." Watt said.

Kirby and Captain Falcon walked in. "Hey hey hey! Who said you five could just walk in here!?" Kirby yelled.

"Well, you were taking too long to give us an answer so we just snuck in." Vivian admitted.

"Oh. Fair enough. Now let's shove off, shall we?" Kirby said and went to the control panel. The boat started to turn away from the harbor and began heading off.

Goombario walked up to Zelda. "So...Zelda! Since my crush is now dead and since you're not going out with Link for some stupid reason, what do you say I take you out to Burger Queen next Saturday, eh?" He gave a wink and a silly grin.

"I'm sorry but I don't date goombas." Zelda scoffed.

"GASP! YOU RACIST!" Goombario shrieked.

Watt floated over to Roy. "Um...hi Roy. I just want to tell you that you are my favorite smasher and I think your blood-stained hair is ultra sexy."

"WOAH! Why is there a floating light bulb talking to me!? Is anybody else seeing this!?" Roy freaked out, making Watt cry.

Suddenly, a loud screeching sound was heard and that boat started rumbling to the extreme which made everyone fall over.


"Um...I...kinda crashed into a huge rock..." Kirby shyly confessed.

"WHAT!? How the fuck did you crash into a rock when there is a fucking huge ass window shield right in front of you where you can see EVERYTHING!?" Marth screamed.

"I was too busy playing Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon on the 3DS! Excuse me for being addicted to an utterly awesome game!" Kirby said.

Water then started to leak in from the back.


"Oh thank you, I feel so honored!" Kirby cheered.

"Guys, don't worry about it. We can just swim out to the harbor and we'll be safe still." Vivian reassured.

"Wait a second, what are those things on the window shield!?" Birdo pointed, and everyone looked to the huge front window to see a bunch of familiar enemies trying to break in to the boat.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S AN ARMY OF ZOMBIE CHEEP CHEEPS! EVERYONE, START PANICKING AND SCREAM LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SCREAMED BEFORE!" Mewtwo screamed and the others began screaming and running around as the windows and doors crashed in, letting in water and the zombie cheep cheeps. The cheep cheeps bit onto everyone that they could and it was almost impossible to get them off. The water made it even harder to move around to escape the cheep cheeps.

Luigi managed to swim out a broken window of the boat, completely unharmed. He swam as fast as he could back to the harbor and looked back at the sinking boat. He depressingly sighed, wishing that he could do something to help but knew that it was too late to actually DO anything. He ran off. He ran and didn't look back again. He ran and ran and ran and ran until he just couldn't do it no more.

He eventually reached his and Mario's house. He dragged himself into the house, locked the door, and went into his bedroom. He took off his clothes and put on his pajamas. He got into his bed and made himself cozy. He was tired beyond belief. But, he didn't care at that point if he died or not. All his friends were dead, so what's the point? His eyes got heavy and slowly shut themselves. If he were to die anytime soon, it would be in his sleep.


I want to thank you all for reading and reviewing this fic and it has been a real pleasure writing this story. I'd also like you all to vote in my new poll as it will determine which fic will be uploaded next. Also, after this poll, my polls will be back to their weekly schedule of appearing on my profile every Saturday.

~Stay cool.