Sesshomaru waited as the sun sat and the moon set to rise, and like the night before the jewel began to glow and slowly she started to appear. Her slim body once again nude and clad against him. He made a note to have clothing ready for her for next time.
She faded in at out "Miko"
She moved her head and looked up, but it was as if she were looking through him.
He touched her arms, which were around his neck and her body became solid.
Her head hurt, she placed his against his naked chest and he covered her with his top like last time. She lifted her head "Where are we?" Noting them room,
"We are in the slayer village"
She smiled "Sango!" She slowly moved away from him with uneasy, he grabbed her arm to stead her "I'm weak"
Of course, she was, she was human, but her power was being drained it would seem.
He placed a hand to her head "Sorry to trouble you"
He said nothing and waited.
She gained her balance "I'm ok now"
"They wait" He states,
Kagome turned and opened the door, he followed.
Sango rushed to her friends and hugged her tight, Miroku hugged them both, Sesshomaru stood behind her.
"Oh Kagome"
"Sango, Miroku"
He could smell her fresh tears,
"I miss you guys already"
"We are so glad to see you!"
They pulled away "Sit, sit!" They rushed her to sit, Sesshomaru stood near the fire, lucky the humans did not note is lack of dress.
"Are you ok Kagome?" Miroku asked, concern on his face,
"Yes, tired, weak, but ok"
"Oh Kagome, you must be so scared"
"It's dark and cold, and I'm lost" More tears "It's like hell, but worst, I'm alone, very alone"
Sango and Miroku looked at each other, Kagome tugged Sesshomaru's clothing tighter against her.
"Sesshomaru-sama, is there anything we can do?" Miroku asked,
"I will seek the Miko knowns as Kikyo"
"Why her?" Did he detect hurt in her voice still?
"Information on the jewel"
"What do you need to know?" Kagome looked up at him, the fire making his upper body glow a bit. His arms looked bigger now that they were crossed in front of him.
"How the jewel came to be"
"The miko made it to enslave an evil demon, their power was matched, it was the only way" Miroku stated,
"That is not correct monk"
They all looked at him shocked "What do you mean?" Sango asked,
"The woman died first, thus her soul was locked, not her body" He stated,
They looked at each other,
"I believe she meant to be alive, though my source was not very forthcoming"
"So you're going to find Inuyasha?" Miroku asked, "Will you tell him?"
"No" Sesshomaru said,
They looked at Kagome, she didn't look back "She may know"
"You can stay here," Miroku said,
"The miko will stay with me" He uncrossed his arms,
"Well then, we better suck up all the time we have with you" Sango said and hugged her friend again.
Sesshomaru stood by as Miokru fed both women, and he watched as Kagome slept in her friend's arm, he almost hated to wake her.
He pulled the miko from the slayer's arms and held her bridal style,
"Take care of her well, we leave her in your hands" Miokru bowed.
Sesshomaru looked at him one last time as he made his way back to the room. He Held her as his shirt faded down the ground, she woke and looked up, tears coming to her eyes instanly, fear rushed her, and before she vanished she reached up and touched his face, as if it was the last touch she would ever feel,
It haunted him.