Hey readers,

You may have noticed all the chapters of Of Snakes and Lions have been deleted from this site- er, that was me, and it's something I've been thinking of doing for a while. I've alluded to this before, but basically I'm not comfortable with the content of this story and that makes me uncomfortable continuing to publish more chapters. I view this story as the first draft, one which shouldn't have ever been seen until it had been edited- you can see that in the poor pacing early on- and I have long felt torn between deleting it and carrying on to the bitter end regardless.

Today I am deleting all the old chapters, but I am still considering editing this story into a friendship oriented one between Severus and the Gryffindors (i.e. a story without romantic elements) because I have most of the final chapters written but not published at this point. If I choose to go down that route, I would guess that I could finish the last chapters and edit the whole thing within a couple of months and then start posting immediately (I wouldn't post unless the story was completely finished and edited).

If that story is something you're interested in, drop me a line. If not- thanks for all your support over the years, it meant a lot :)