Chapter 24 – Confrontation

Natsume's POV:

"Could you run any slower?" I yelled at one of the players on the field.

I swear, the final match is just a month away and this team is no where close to being ready.

"Natsume, maybe you should cut them some slack. I mean they have been training for two hours straight." Ruka comments from my right side.

It's been two hours? I didn't even realize.

"Fine. Take a 30 minute break and then it's back to running the field 4 times" I yelled out. I'm not frustrated that the team is giving shit energy but because I really want to kick that fucking Reo's ass in the match and his face.

I walk over to the bench and slop down grabbing a towel and wiping my face. I really need a shower.

"Is everything ok with you?" Ruka asked with concern in his voice.

"I'm fine."

I grab my phone and see a message from Mikan.

Message from Mikan

Hey, are you busy later?

I replied

I'm at practice. I'll be free around 8:00, why?

Message from Mikan

Do you want to go out later?

I replied

Yeah sure, see you at 8:00 I'll come pick you up.

Message from Mikan

Great! See you then 3

I put my phone back down and start strategizing with Ruka about our game plan while the team rests.

The rest of practice went by and it is already 6:30.

The team went back to our lockers to take a shower but I headed straight home. Nothing against the school but I prefer to take a shower in my own private space.

I raced home and took a nice long shower. I change into some black jeans, a white V neck shirt and a navy blue boomer jacket. I guess you don't know this about me, but I like to dress up for myself. Thinking about this date with Mikan made me realize that for the first time, I wanted to impress her instead. I fix my hair, spray some Sauvage Dior perfume and made my way to Mikan's house.

I wonder what Mikan has in mind.

Mikan's POV:


"I don't get what the issue is with what I am wearing. I'm comfortable isn't that important?" I tried to reason with her.

At this point, Anna was fuming and glaring at me with the I-can't-believe-you-are-my-best friend-look.

"Mikan, you are going to wear over sized sweat pants with an over sized shirt and your hair in a disoriented bun on a date? HAVE YOU NO FEMINITY? SHAME? NOTHING?"

"Do you really expect me to wear a tight ass itchy dress with some red pumps that are higher than Mount Everest?"

"No but you could at least try and make better options."

If you are wondering why Anna is in my house fuming at my attire for tonight, its because she wanted to watch a movie today but I told her I had plans with Natsume. Guess what the bitch did, yup, I bet she came running to my house to make sure I wore the right outfit. Of course Nonoko tagged along with her.

"Anna, your sense of fashion will not work on Mikan trust me" Nonoko commented.

"Thank you" I said.

"Well do you expect her to go on a date looking like a homeless drug addict?" Anna snapped. Harsh much?

Nonoko just rolled her eyes and walked over to me. She looked me dead in the eye and them analysed my whole body. I felt naked infront of her.

"Anna, I will handle her clothes. I want you to give her slight rebel kind of make up and please don't over do it and before you ask no eye shadow."

So the girls got to it, and gave me a little make over. Nonoko went over to my closet and threw half of my clothes all over the floor. I look over to Anna who was setting up her make up by my dresser. Looking at these two really made me appreciate that I have such good friends.

"Mikan, you can keep your black sweat pants but change your top t this" Nonoko threw me an army green shirt.

"Nonoko, I haven't worn this since I was 14. It won't fit for shit."

"Will you just put the shirt on and trust me?"

"Fine fine."

I removed my comfortable over sized shirt and put on the army green shirt. It was perfect! Expect for the fact that it left my tummy bare…

"Sexy!" Nonoko stood behind my while I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Are you insane? This looks like a crop top on me" I retorted.

"Well girl, you have a killer body and you need to make Natsume know how blessed he is to have you" Anna said while snapping her fingers.

"I don't know…" I was abit shy about exposing too much skin.

"Mikan, you look beautiful… with a touch of sexy" Nonoko assured me. "Trust me ok?". I just nodded.

"OK! My turn, Mikan darling please sit here." Anna dragged me to my dresser and pushed me into my chair.

She went to work. She first started with my hair, she removed it from its nasty bun form and brushed it all out. She then divided my hair into two parts down the center and started French braiding it. After that she walked to the front of me and started applying a thin layer of foundation on my face.

"Anna, this feels so sticky and gross"

"Stop whining idiot, it'll sink in"

she then proceeded to lightly powdering my entire face. I coughed lightly cause I inhaled a bit of the powder. She then drew simple winged eyeliner in brown and then applied mascara. She lightly blushed my cheeks and them applied a burgundy lipstick.

"Damn…" Anna said as she took a few steps back and looked at her work. I got a similar reaction from Nonoko. Just so you guys know, Anna was standing infront of the mirror the whole time so I don't know what I look like.

I stood up and went to look at myself in my full sized mirror. Wait, who the fuck is this? This cannot be me. Nope, no way, hell to the mother fucking no. Are you serious?

"Now this is totally you. Not too girly and not too boyish either." Nonoko had the look of satisfaction plastered all over her face. I will hand it to her, she has a good eye for bring out a person's personality and Anna should become a make-up guru.

After staring at myself and Anna forcing me to take pictures with her, I look at the time, 7:50 PM. I scavenged through all the clothes that Nonoko threw on the floor to look for a cardigan or something.

"Mikan, what are you doing?" Nonoko eyed me.

"It might be really cold so I just want to bring something to cover up."

Next thing I knew, I was being dragged to the main door of my own freaking house!

"Nonoko! You whore! Let me go now, I need to find something to cover up." I tried to retrieve my hand to my dismay.

As if on cue, Natsume texted me saying he would be outside in 1 minute.

"Once you leave, we will leave too. Make sure to take Natsume's jacket ok?" Anna smiled at me.

"How the actual fuck do you know if he is wearing a jacket or not?"

Nonoko opened the front door, pushed me out of my own damn house, handed me my bag and said one thing before shutting the door in my face.


I take back every nice thing I said about those morons! How dare they kick me out?...of my own house!

I hear a beep behind me and see a maroon FJ cruiser parked right infront of the house. I don't have a choice but to go like this. I walk towards the car and open to door to a very attractive Natsume. He had one hand on the wheel and the other on his phone. He looked amazing.

His eyes met mine but slowly went down to the rest of my body and I swear he was about to gawk. I turn around to see Anna and Nonoko blowing my kisses and a Thumbs up. Crazy ass women.

I get into the car and put my bag down at my feet. We haven't said a word to each other and it was getting kind of awkward.

"Hey?" great Mikan, that sounded more like a question than a greeting.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" was all he said.

"What is wrong with what I am wearing?" suddenly getting really self conscience.
"You look so diff- I mean wo- ugh fuck you look really fucking good." He said while looking back at the road.

"If I look so good why aren't you looking at me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to get into a car accident Ms. Sakura?"

I blush but I'm not ready to show him just how much of an effect he has on me. Keep the Sakura flag up Mikan!

"So where do you want to go?" he asked changing subjects.

"Hmmmm… lets go The Village?" I suggested.

"Berry no. Places like that are too damn crowded."

"That's the fun part about it! They have a whole street full of food there!"

"So that's why you want go there..." he smirked.

"I gave my suggestion now it's your turn." I fold my arms and get more comfortable in my seat.

"Fine lets go to the village." He said in defeat.

PS – the village is basically a place that is divided into different sections based off countries of the world. For example they have France, Dubai, England etc. with different activities and shops in them. There is also an amusement park within The Village. I'm going to let your imagination form how you want to picture their date.

We pull up to the village and yup, you guessed right, it was fucking crowded. To get to the main gate you have to ride a mini yellow train, which in my opinion was so cute. Natsume on the other hand didn't seem to like the idea of riding another form of transportation other than his car. Spoiled brat.

I couldn't contain myself and jumped right out of the train and raced to the ticket line. Bad idea, I lost Natsume. The date didn't even start yet and already fucked it up somehow.

I look around to try and find Natsume but of course I couldn't find him. I suddenly felt someone grab my hand from the back and turn around to see annoyed ruby eyes looking down at me.

"If you do that again, I swear I'm gonna buy handcuffs" he said while he runs his hand through his silky raven hair.

We finally enter and Natsume made sure to hold my hand tight so he doesn't lose me again. I cant help it, this place brings out my inner child. We first enter France and saw a mini Eiffel tower and a lot of mime clowns. Honestly they freaked me out. After that we visited other places like Thailand, China and Greece. At this point we were exhausted. We decided to take a breather and sit down on a bench by the lake.

"I don't know where you get your energy from Sakura" Natsume sighed heavily.

"I think it's from my mom's side," I giggled.

Natsume looked at me with puzzled eyes and I did not like this look he was giving me. I knew he wanted to ask me something but I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly. I mimicked his expression asked him "what".

"How come I have never heard you-" he was cut off.

"Mikan…?" a deep voice came from infront of me.

I knew this voice of course but I wish I didn't hear it at this moment. My stomach twisted and it felt like there was a tsunami of glass shards inside my chest. I didn't want to turn around but I knew that I was bound to look back and answer him. I stared at the ground contemplating what to say next. My eyes shockingly moved up to the owner of this voice and I could already feel the tears forming in my eyes. Natsume hasn't said anything but I'm sure he is dying to know just who exactly this man was to me.

Grey slacks, a light blue buttoned shirt and dark blond hair… he has aged since the last time I saw him. He has a beard now and wrinkles around his eyes. He gave me a sorrowful but sweet smile; it melted my heart and I was so close to running up to him and bawling my eyes out. However, even if he did smile, I couldn't return the favour cause I didn't know how to react to any of this. I stumbled my way to him stopping halfway and gave him an emotionless face.



Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter. I felt like there was waaaaay too much drama with Reo and everything so I wanted to switch it up a little.

Please review this chapter and let me know why you guys thing Mikan and her dad are not on good terms.

Much love

Nikki xx