Chapter 1.

There was a loud knocking at the large wooden doors at the very front of the large and old yet majestic looking manor. This was Wolfsberg Manor.

Stood in front of those doors were the Sands family, Jordan Sands, a teenaged girl who wore large glasses and baggy clothes, David Sands, a widowed middle-aged father, and then there was Hunter Sands, the youngest in the family. Hunter loved the supernatural, but we soon find out the true reason for that.

Unlike both of his remaining family members, Hunter had dirty blonde hair where his sister and father had dark brown, almost black. Hunter also had blue eyes, where they had brown.

They all stood for a moment, waiting for an answer to their knock on the door but got none. Right when David was about to knock once more, the right door slowly creaked open. Looking at his two children for no more than two seconds, he led them inside.

As they heard the unmistakeable thud of the door closing behind them, they turned before turning back to the front and all three of them let out a shocked gasp.

In front of them was a tall, no-nonsense looking woman with one of the weirdest hairstyles any of them had ever seen, and wore grey clothes

with her arms crossed in front of her stomach.

Let out a slightly nervous chuckle, David lifted his right hand, offering a handshake, "Uh, hello. David Sands?" He said it almost wondering if she knew who they were. "You must be-"

He was cut off by the woman in question, "Madame Varcolac." She had a Romanian accent, which was to be expected, as that was where they were. But the odd thing is that her name was shortly followed by a wolfs' howl.

The Sands' family all looked around in different directions, clearly confused about the noise.

"You 'vill follow me." Madame Varcolac turned on her heel and led them all up the large wooden staircase.

They were halfway up when David opened his mouth, "So, have you lived here long?" The question caused Madame Varcolac to pause in her steps, before carrying on.

"Dad!" The hushed reprimand on Jordan sounded.

"What? Just trying to make conversation." He said simply as they continued after the tall, and slightly scary, woman. As the three reached the top of the stairs they saw that Madame Varcolac had stopped and was waiting for them.

Once they were in a small line in front of the woman, Madame Varcolac spoke, "Boy, girl. You rooms, this 'vay." She pulled out a laser pointer that was attached to some keys, on a stretchy line. Then she looked at David, "Father," She turned around quickly, "Your room, that 'vay." She turned around once more; making the three of them step back slightly, "Have 'von rule, stay in room at night. Lock door."

"Actually that's two rules." Hunter voiced before being cut off by his father.

"Hunter, don't argue with Madame Varcolac," Another wolf howling could be heard. The three once again looked around in confusion and question.

Turning back to Madame Varcolac, who cracked her neck, David spoke once more, "Okay, go to bed." Hunter opened his mouth to say something but his father whispered quietly, "Go, go, go, go. Lock your doors," He called as Jordan and Hunter turned to go to their rooms, "I'm locking mine, love you." He turned back to Madame Varcolac and quickly cleared his throat before trying to get past her. And after a quick awkward moment, proceeded past her with his small suitcase.

Hunter and Jordan, now walking down a large hallway, were stopped when Hunter said, "Hey, check this out." He was looking at a picture of some wolves and started to read it out. "To Dragomir, the strength of the pack is the wolf," Jordan walked forwards to look at the picture herself, "and the strength of the wolf is the pack, best wished Rudyard Kipling." He paused to look at his sister, "That's what mom always used to say, but who's this Kipling dude?"

Jordan smiled at his confusion. It was times like these, were he was confused and looked innocent that she loved most. "It's from the Jungle Book, by Runyard Kipling." She looked at the picture once more, "Mom was quoting him, now c'mon let's go!" By now she had already picked up her suitcase and was starting down the hallway. "Do you really want to get her angry?"


In almost a whisper, "Madame Varcolac." Another howl, another confused look into the distance.

"Get to rooms!" The echoing voice of Madame Varcolac made them hurry down the hall, in search for their rooms.

As they both entered their separate rooms, they looked around, admiring it.

Over with their father, David had walked into his room and placed his suitcase on the bed. He noticed some cookies by the phone with a woman with blonde hair's face on them. "Hmm, what's this?" He picked up the small card and read it aloud, "Properties by Paulina. My compliments, Paulina Von Ekberg, your local real-estate professional. Hmm... Cookies." He took a bite and smiled, "Good."