"Mmm, fuck yes. Harder, Shika!" the blonde cried, propping his own two hands up against the headboard of his bed.

"Che… so demanding. You really want it that bad?"

"Mmm hmm… please. Make it hurt…" Naruto groaned through heavy panting, the head of the bed knocking against the wall with every thrust.

With fingertips digging into the Uzumaki's hips, Shikamaru slammed into his lover harshly, their sounds alone making the neighbors bang against the walls, as if that would stop them. Smirking at their attempt, the Nara leaned over the taut, tanned skin of Naruto's back, the muscles rippling with each movement as he bit a wet trail up to the other's neck where his tongue delved just inside the cusp of his ear, eliciting a strangled moan. Much to his delight, the brunette chuckled darkly as words seemed to escape the whiskered man now, only making him delve even further into the slick and eager entrance.

"Shit. It feels like you're sucking me in deeper… NGH!"

"Yes… I want it, Shika… so… close…"

He never did tire of hearing the silly blonde say his name during sex, after all, it had taken him so long just to get Naruto to see him, and acknowledge him in this way. It had been weeks since the fire, and having to share the Uzumaki's apartment while his was being rebuilt, they had grown closer; apparently rekindling their bond had been a lot easier after years of friendship. For whatever reason, serendipitous or not, they clicked, and neither of them had been happier… or so they thought. Shikamaru was still letting his hatred for the Uchiha get to him, always feeling like he was in Sasuke's shadow, trying to shake the feeling like he had stolen something from the bastard… and hating himself for thinking of Naruto like an object that could be owned.

But during these times, when their bodies were pressed tightly against each other, their warm skin soothing and comforting the other's, their voices raw and feral, these were their best moments. With their 'first time' already out of the way, both shinobi found themselves helplessly addicted to the touches of one another… be it light or harsh… they couldn't keep their hands off, loving the ability they had for getting lost in the moment, enjoying the pleasant discomfort they often caused. But as the weeks passed, the passion seemed to ebb away, as they began taking out their aggression on each other. Each having their questionable hangups to deal with, yet constantly skirting the issue as far as conversation went, for the sake of having something easy and within reach.

For Naruto, he finally felt at ease, knowing that Shikamaru would never leave him after everything they've been through, especially after hearing his distasteful words for Sasuke… the one whom had always left him. During their throws of lust, it always ended the same… Shikamaru cradling the slighter man's body against his own, promising his presence and attention, wanting to make up for all the times Sasuke had not been there, wanting to right a few wrongs in the man's life if he was allowed to do so. But whether the Nara was actually being honest, or just trying to convince himself… Naruto was never sure. A notion that plagued him, eating away at his conscious little by little as the guilt festered beneath his complacent features.

They had slept away a good portion of the day, and it was already past noon when they both awoke with devious gleams in their eyes as their cuddles led to heavier petting. Naruto wanting nothing more than to distract the Nara from the somber reminder of this day, and what it represented for him and the rest of Team 10.

Suddenly feeling a tight palm wrap around his dripping member, Naruto threw his head back, crying out as Shikamaru stroked him while slamming deeper and harder into him with each pump of his hips. With the other's husky voice so close to his ear, Naruto spasmed, releasing himself as well as a throaty, guttural cry. But when the shadow manipulator abruptly stopped mid-thrust, Naruto finally realized what exactly it was that he had screamed.

It was a name.

It was that person's name.

Sasuke's name.

And as a cloud of immediate regret clamped down over his being, the blonde lowered his head, gritting his teeth, preparing himself for the onslaught that was sure to follow. One that would never come.

Without so much as a curse, scream or even a punch thrown in the direction of his blasphemous mouth, Naruto felt Shikamaru withdraw from his clenching confines, his weight shifting off of the bed.

With his back to the shameful Uzumaki, Shikamaru dressed himself, tying his hair back as quickly as he could. He needed to get out of there… before he, too, said something stupid. He knew it all along though, everything with Naruto eventually led back to Sasuke, which hurt him even more. The only person he every truly wanted… and he couldn't have him, life was certainly being cruel, and Shikamaru had reached his limit.

Moving to stand as the Nara exited the room, Naruto froze as he noticed the other halt in the door frame, his back still turned, never once choosing to look him in the eye after that slip of the tongue.

"Of all days… of all names…" the shaky voice grumbled, "I just can't believe you would do this to me. After all this time, I'm still no better than second best to you. Goodbye, Naruto."



And with that, the Nara was gone. At hearing the front door slam shut, rattling everything in the Uzumaki's apartment, Naruto fell face first into the sheets that were still warm, biting them in his own rage as his eyes shut tight, feeling them burn. He fought the tears that threatened to fall as he slammed his fists into the mattress repeatedly, hating himself even more… feeling like he had ruined a good thing… and for what? Being stuck in the past? Not being honest? Being too honest? He wasn't sure anymore. The only thing he was sure of was that he had wronged Shikamaru, in the worst possible way, and for that, he just wanted to die.

Across the street, the door slam had grasped the attention of a certain Uchiha, whom had been waiting patiently all day for the opportunity to approach Naruto, sans the Nara… for once. Knowing full well what today meant to Shikamaru, Sasuke was waiting for the precise moment he left to visit the grave of his sensei on his memorial. But noting the violent way in which he departed, the Uchiha's eyes narrowed as he suppressed his chakra and followed closely, sensing something amiss. Knowing the brunette to never show any anger, especially to his friends and loved ones, something was definitely wrong, and he had every reason to find out.

For almost a month, Sasuke had been regretting his rash decision to torch Shikamaru's apartment complex, blaming his untamed Uchiha emotions and his fire style nature. However, considering his looming deadline, the pressure was on, and he was now beginning to feel the heat. With all the hard work he and Sakura had put into his plan, he was running out of time and he needed to get Naruto back. Fast. There were many things to discuss, one in particular, and Sasuke just could't take it any longer. So like any good shinobi, the Uchiha found himself, waiting in the shadows, collecting intel and waiting for the opportune moment to strike. He had never gone into battle unprepared, and he wouldn't start now, no matter how imperative the battle seemed.

After everyone that he had talked to, there was a general consensus. Apparently Naruto was the only one unaware of the Nara's hidden agenda. If the whole town knew of his plans with Kurenai, it would only be a matter of time before the Uzumaki got his heart broken. So, he followed Shikamaru, ready to expose him. Once he saw the truth for himself, the blonde would be right back in his arms… where he belonged.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, but damn it, it needed to be done! Sasuke was running out of time, pressured even more so by the irritating fact that Naruto was yet to be in the light about is own doings, which had been gravely misinterpreted as infidelity. On his many attempts at trying to reach the dobe, he was intercepted each time by that infernal Nara and his meddlesome existence. It was infuriating!

With the Nara always at the blonde's side, Sasuke could never try and explain anything. He just needed a one-on-one with his partner, and things would've been cleared up, returning to normal… hopefully. That is if too much damage hadn't been done to sever their bond. The Uchiha had even snuck in to leave a note, but one night when he thought Shikamaru had left, Sasuke knocked on the door, only to be met with a cross gaze from the one person he didn't want to meet. After a few stern words, the crumpled envelope was thrown back at him before the door was slammed in his face. The Nara even had the nerve to scribble on the backside of the letter.

We're not interested in anything you have to say.

Get. Lost.

Scoffing at the reminder of that night, Sasuke followed closely in the shadows as they approached the memorial field, the Nara walking up to Asuma's gravestone and lighting a cigarette. Noting the cleaned headstone and fresh flowers, it was apparent, there had already been a visitor that day. One that had left a bouquet of red peonies and a baby picture.

If he had not known about Shikamaru's promise to Asuma, Sasuke would laugh at the sight he was privy to at the moment. But as he watched the Nara pull his knees into his chest and fall apart, the Uchiha felt uncomfortable bearing witness to such a raw display of emotions. It all clicked. Apparently, the guy was in a moral dilemma as well, trapped against a rock and a hard place, one where heart clashed against mind pitting desire against obligation. But it still didn't change the fact that Naruto was being led blindly by someone who was having doubts. He had to break it to the Uzumaki, he just needed to know where the Nara stood, once and for all.

As the hours crept by, so did his impatience. With the daylight fading, Shikamaru finally stood, drying his eyes and lighting another cigarette as he placed it onto the stone, saying a final word before turning and walking away. But instead of returning back to Naruto, Sasuke followed as the Nara trudged towards the better part of town, and up to a house, standing silently outside as if trying to picture himself coming home this way everyday.

It was obvious whose house it was. Red peonies littering every flower bed outside. The Uchiha shook is head in disapproval as he scoffed at the Nara's cliche predictability. Almost as if she knew the man would be there, Kurenai approached the front window, Sasuke having to duck quickly behind a tree as to not be seen. Using his katana to peer around the edge of the oak tree, Sasuke watched as Shikamaru met the woman's gaze with a hesitant wave before climbing the stairs with heavy feet and entering through the front door.

As the sun was setting, the Uchiha crept through the shadowless twilight, until he was hiding beneath the large living room window, keen on knowing what exactly was going to happen now. Remaining stealthy, he kneeled behind the large flower bushes as he peered through the window and watched as the two stood toe to toe, staring at each other desperately with reddened eyes. After a few muttered words on Kurenai's behalf, her face softened, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she nodded to Shikamaru. But as the Nara closed the gap between them, he was met with no objection as he leaned down slowly, kissing her tentatively at first, testing the waters. As the crimson clad woman leaned into his touch, she wrapped her arms around Shikamaru's neck tightly as their lips clashed again, their passionate kiss deepening as the spark between them grew.

Sasuke chuckled. He had received his answer. And as it turns out, Naruto would be his a lot sooner than expected, seeing as the Nara had already made up his mind by the looks of things here. Smirking as he made his escape, the Uchiha flash stepped back to the dobe's apartment while Shikamaru had his hands full, affording them ample time to straighten out their gross misunderstandings.

Standing outside the Uzumaki's door, Sasuke inhaled calmly before knocking… and knocking… and knocking. Rolling his eyes as he figured the blonde was still sulking from whatever had transpired earlier, the raven haired man jumped up and over roof, landing on the balcony right outside of Naruto's bedroom. If he wasn't going to let him in, he would just let himself in, their talk was imperative.

Naruto was still moping. As he sat, legs hanging off the bed, his head lowered, his body remained listless as he completely ignored the tapping at the door. If it were Shikamaru, he would've let himself in with the key, which could only leave one person who would bother him. A person whose name he dare not speak again, not after the incident earlier. The last thing he wanted to do was to face the person who was yet to vacate the dark recesses of his mind.

It was true though, he was still in love with Sasuke. Shikamaru had every right to be upset after the stunt he pulled earlier. He was sorry for betraying his friend and lover in such a way, but it was for the best; he could no longer hide his true feelings anymore. His cry for another man was only more proof that he was still hung up on the Uchiha. Always would be it seemed, it was hopeless. Naruto wanted more than anything to forget, forget every moment and second he ever spent with that man, knowing his own memories would torture him for the rest of his life, but it too, was hopeless.

No matter what or who he tried to distract himself with, his thoughts always returned to that placid face, those stern features, and that porcelain skin. The feel of his silky onyx locks, the smell of his clothes, the way his fingers would swirl imaginary shapes along his back when he he thought Naruto was asleep… these were haunting memories, treasured memories. Ones that he wanted to get rid of, yet ones that he would never let go. But this was is own personal turmoil, the Uchiha having clearly moved on… being forced to. The Uzumaki knew it was coming, but blindly decided to just enjoy what little time they would have, before the ultimatum took his one love away from him. And now that the very person was standing, yet again, just beyond his reach on the other side of that door. The whiskered blonde laughed as the irony was not lost on him.

As the knocking stopped, the jinchuuriki collapsed back onto the bed, draping an arm over his face as the street lights crept in through the cracks in his blinds, shining like beacons through the dark apartment. When had it become night?

Naruto rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration, sighing aloud and missing the tiny creak of the balcony door as it was opened.


Not moving an inch, for he knew that voice too well, Naruto swallowed harshly, clenching his jaw. This was the last thing he needed now. Couldn't he just be allowed a clean break? Couldn't he just be left alone, for good? This was too much… it was all just too much.

"Leave me alone, Sasuke. I mean it." Naruto spat as sternly as he could muster, sitting up and dressing himself with unsteady hands.

"Just thought you might want to know where lazy ass is right now…"

"I know where he is. Don't you think I know what today is?"

"Yes, but I was referring to where he went afterwards, dobe."

"So, what… you're a stalker now? It's bad enough I have to deal with you following me, but now Shika? Why bring him into this? Seriously Sasuke, just let it go."

"Listen. I didn't bring him into anything, you did. But that is beside the point, he's lying to you Naruto… he's already chosen his path, and he's just stringing you along because he doesn't want to face facts."

"Sounds awfully familiar, teme." Naruto's voice cracked as he turned sharply to face the Uchiha, his eyes narrowing in accusation.

"No, it most certainly does not. But we'll get to that conversation after you know the truth about Shikamaru."

"What are you spewing about now?"

"Where do you think he is right now? He's not here… where else would he be? Think, dobe… think real hard."

"No. H-He wouldn't…"

"Yes. And he already has."

"No! I don't believe you! This is another one of your jealous ploys to-"

"I saw it with my own eyes… and you should too, if you know what's good for you."

Grabbing the ridiculously oversized colar of Sasuke's shirt, Naruto pulled his face close to the other's, his eyes burning red as his nostrils flared in anger. He had so many things he wanted to say to this bastard right now, about how he was pissed at him for a number of reasons… the fire he started, his sneaky ways, his sudden reluctance to leave him alone. But his teeth were clenched so tightly, he couldn't will them apart enough for him to scream the words at him. Shoving the Uchiha back, Naruto turned on his heel, forfeiting anything he would have said… and chose to run.

He knew Sasuke was right, he had to see it for himself. He just didn't want to give that man the satisfaction or gloating rights he knew he would need in order to push to subject any further. So, he took to the rooftops instead. Hopping along the buildings with the quickest of feet until he reached his destination.

Panting as he stood in the front yard, Naruto trembled as he saw a dim light shining through the front window. With each step, his breathing became more labored as his pulse raced, begrudgingly drawing closer. Closing his eyes, he mentally prepared himself for what he may or may not see through the glass. Silently hoping that this had just been a spiteful ruse on the Uchiha's part, Naruto opened his eyes, the anticipation killing him. But nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. It was true.

There, through the large pane window, was Shikamaru. Cradling Kurenai in his arms, fingers tenderly stroking through her long curly hair as they both sat, scantily clad and underneath a blanket. Mouth agape, his trembling eyes watched as he felt his heart shatter, for just hours earlier he had been the one in those arms. As his breath hitched, the silent tears began to fall, the Uzumaki standing lifeless, as if frozen… doomed to watch this scene play out for all eternity. His breath was caught in the back of his throat as soon as they were joined by a sleepy toddler, rubbing his eyes as he waddled over and climbed into Shikamaru's lap. Another person he wasn't able to satisfy with a family.

Fighting the sick that was growing up from the pits of his stomach, Naruto felt his chakra start to unfurl. Immediately racing towards a safe place, he knew he had to get out of there. Fast. With the emotional rollercoaster he had been stuck on for over a month, he felt his patience snap as the beast within him squirmed and clawed, trying to unleash it's agitation.

Gripping his chest in pain, Naruto felt the claws on his fingernails extend. He needed to make it there faster. Blazing into the night he pounced from limb to limb, his neck craning as he felt the pain intensify, contorting his body as his skin felt like it was on fire, the crimson of the kyuubi consuming his flesh. He could hear the beast roar… only he was sure the sound was now coming from his own mouth. The salty tears burned his searing flesh as he toppled down to the ground from the tree line, having reached the barren landscape along the outskirts of the village just in time.

He was losing control.

Hunched over, his claws dug into the earth, ripping and tearing at roots and soil, upturning everything he could as he screamed into the night… the shrill cry of the Kitsune. Pounding into the ground with his fists, Naruto tried to expend his anger, keeping his body from changing any further, fearing the safety of all those nearby if he lost complete control. But his emotions were ripping him to shreds, tearing him down inch by inch.

Shredding the remnants of his jacket and shirt off his body in one tug, the blonde stood and screamed wildly into the dense night air. Screaming for him. Screaming for Shikamaru. Screaming for Sasuke. Screaming just to scream. He could feel the pulsing bulge of his veins as he cried out, his head throbbing from the distress he was under as he felt his knees give out once again. Huddled over himself, pulling at the nappy mess of blonde hair, he felt his emotions being burned out, released from the binds he had tried so hard to place on them.

They're all better off without you. They all have families now. But they've always had a family. Not me… I've never known that word. I'll never know it! Before I could even meet my own family, they were taken from me. They all leave. They ALWAYS leave. PEOPLE ALWAYS LEAVE! Why..? Why do they always leave me? WHY?! I'm always left behind, forgotten and overlooked. Don't I deserve a family as well? Aren't I allowed to dream of that day, too? Why is it never me? WHY AM I NEVER GOOD ENOUGH?!

Hate… anger… all the things left unsaid were boiling up to the surface now, making their presence known in the dark, empty night. Naruto could no longer hide the truth from himself anymore as he screamed and cried until his voice gave out, his throat sore and dry as he felt he exhausted all his efforts. His body finally having enough, toppled over, Naruto's swollen, half-lidded eyes barely blinking as he lay face down in the disturbed soil… cold and alone. He needed someone… anyone who would stick by his side. But every time those thoughts crossed his mind, he could only see one face. It was the face he saw every night before drifting off to sleep, this night being no different as the depleted blonde felt his vision blur before the pitch black consumed him.

Jumping down from a tall branch in the tree line, Sasuke approached the weakened soul from the hidden spot where he had been watching. Scooping up the blonde's tattered form in his arms, the Uchiha took him home… his home… their home. For the next few hours, Sasuke tended his wounds, calling for Sakura's help to clear up most of the damage he had done to himself, before resuming his seat at the dobe's bedside. Calmly, he sat and waited for the moment Naruto's consciousness came back and he could clear the air once and for all… undisturbed. Spending the rest of the night holding tightly onto the Uzumaki's hand, his other gently stroking the straw colored hair, Sasuke stared down at the face of the man he loved, hoping this would be the last obstacle they would have to face.

It wasn't until the he heard the morning chorus of the birds, that Sasuke realized he had fallen asleep, perched at the other's side. Sighing as he saw no change in Naruto's state, the Uchiha pinched the corners of his eyes, deciding on coffee instead of his usual tea he preferred first thing each morning. But just before he let go of the hand still clasped within his own, he felt a tightening grip, as his was squeezed back. He was awake.

"What are you still doing here?" Naruto grumbled, his voice still painfully hoarse from all his screaming and shouting.

"Taking care of you…"

"Huh? You sure you're just not sticking around to rub it in my face? You were right. There, I said it. Now leave me alone please."

"I'm not going anywhere… this is my house."

Looking around, Naruto realized exactly whose bed he was now laying in. He hated even knowing Sasuke still lived in this place after what he had witnessed that night of the massacre. How was he supposed to feel about being in a place that hurt someone he cared about so deeply? He had always tried to avoid being there, knowing the house harbored such negative emotions Sasuke struggled with secretly. Hoping to distract the Uchiha from its blood stained past, Naruto always tried to get him out of that house, not wanting to see his lover go through any more pain than he had to. But what was he to do now that he was faced head on with his apprehension to be there?

"Why did you bring me here?"

"So I could take care of you… god knows how messy that place of yours is now that I'm not there to clean up after you."

"Yeah? Well who asked you to?"

"No one… I chose to because I love you, Naruto."

"Shut up, teme… shut up! shut up! shut up!"

"Naruto, I'm not sure you understand. I have to be with you, I won't be happy any other way. It's got to be you."

"What? Are you stupid? You'll go to jail or worse, they can execute you! I can't let that happen… I can't have you, but I can't lose you… I-I… can't do anything…"

"Don't worry about that. It's all taken care of."

"B-But… the ultimatum?"

"It's been met already, dobe. That's what I've been trying to tell you."

"Oh…" he stated with the hurt in his voice causing him gulp as he tried to swallow his emotions, "So… you and Sakura, that's really happening, huh?"

"Not exactly…"

"Oh, so you cheated on me with more than one person?! Well congrats… you'll be a great father figure, I'm sure…" the angered jinchuuriki blurted as he kicked off the covers and tried to make his escape, groaning at the latent pain that still resided in his muscles.

"Listen, you Uzumaki usuratonkachi!" Sasuke growled as he extended a hand quickly to Naruto's throat, blasting the blonde's obnoxious larynx with a small burst of chakra, successfully blocking all movement of the vocal chords. Having heard just about enough of his mouth, Sasuke was beyond irritated at never being afforded the time, nor turn to speak. What he had been meaning to talk to Naruto about was extremely important, and because there were some other things he needed to get out in the air as well, he just needed five minutes without having to talk over or chase after this idiot now that he finally had him without the Nara shadow lingeringly closely by. Pushing himself over top of the panicking blonde, Sasuke held his wriggling frame down, relentless in his need for absolute stillness and silence.

"Relax, it's only temporary…" Sasuke chuckled unintentionally as he found Naruto's silent screams somewhat… amusing. He'd definitely have to remember this trick for future reference.

"Your voice will return shortly. In the mean time, just listen… please."

As his desperate look shocked Naruto, the blonde settled down and slowly nodded once in forced agreement, giving Sasuke the open floor to speak without any interruption. Finally getting the chance to explain himself, Sasuke closed his eyes briefly as he inhaled deeply before beginning.

"Naruto, I love you. I mean, I could sit here and say that all day, but you'd never believe me. But I know how you work, you're waiting on me to show you… to provide you with some tangible, physical, undeniable proof… and that's exactly what I've done. And just for the record, I will be a great father… and so will you."

Finding the moment overwhelmingly touching, Sasuke's hands interlocked his and the blonde's fingers, smiling as he did so. But when he was met with a completely baffled look, the Uchiha rolled his eyes, suspecting as much from the oblivious dobe.

"That day you broke up with me, Sakura and I had just met for lunch because she had some good news to tell me, and wanted to celebrate. "Naruto… Sakura is pregnant… with our child."

As the words left his mouth, he could see the horror wash over the Uzumaki's face, but chose to ignore it until he had finished explaining, knowing all too well what the blonde assumed in the word our. He was hoping Naruto would have caught on by now, but it looked as if he'd have to be more concise in his explanation.

"For the last three or four months, Sakura and I have been meeting secretly, scouring the libraries and archive halls of this city in hopes of finding some sort of clause that would help get me out of this situation. But as there were none, it looked like finding a wife and having children was an increasing reality I wasn't too keen on accepting. But then, in a stroke of genius, Sakura proposed a theory, one of which would meet the requirements of the agreement AND allow me to still be by your side. Using her extensive knowledge and experience in the medical field, Sakura was able to isolate and remove her genetic information from one of her egg cells, and replace it with yours. She then combined her manipulated egg with my genetic contributors, and successfully reared a viable embryo. She then volunteered to carry that embryo for us, but it would be a few days before we found out if the embryo stuck correctly after she implanted it. It was that day that I found out we were fathers… so you'll have to excuse my anger and behavior when I found you making out with some one night stand you had from before we were together."

Feeling sufficiently vindicated, Sasuke dipped his head, kissing the quiet lips thoroughly. Pouring all his passion into that one kiss, he deepened it as he realized it was being returned. After weeks of not having his lover around, Sasuke had to stop himself from getting too carried away, pulling back as he looked down into the watery cerulean blues staring back at him. Offering a warm and caring smile, he wiped away the tears that had stained the whiskered cheeks already, hoping they were happy tears as he continued.

"Do you remember that night you found me? I was delirious and beyond exhaustion, lost on the darkened pathway I found myself meandering on. But you… you crept up behind me and pulled me out. That night is still a blur to me, but there is one thing I remember above all… and that is you. The look on your face when you saw me… that utterly ridiculous face… caused my chest to tighten, as if finding something I had lost long ago. I knew then that I loved you, and even though I've never said it properly, I want to say it to you now. Thank you, dobe. Thank you for being you, and never giving up on me. I Love you, I always have."

Leaning down, the Uchiha kissed the speechless Uzumaki once again before pulling the blonde's body up so that they could face each other.

"Even in the darkness that plagued me for years, I could still see you. You may have been pestering me like the annoying little insect you are, but no matter how many times I swatted you away, your light remained…flashing at me as if trying to deliver some insistent message… and slowly it was you who captured me. It was I who was the insect drawn into your light… I always looked at you… my little firefly."

Now flashing a stern and serious brow, Sasuke took another breath before making his next point.

"Look, I don't care what or who you've done or are doing… that information does not concern me. However, as far as your future is concerned, I hope it has me in it. I knew the second you found me that night, that I never wanted to be away from your side again, you had become my home Naruto, and now I want to offer you one as well. Stay with me… be mine… help me raise our family. Regardless of what you choose to say, I know that you know I'm end game. I'm offering you what you've always wanted… the family you so desperately crave could be yours… just be with me. Choose me, and there is no more ultimatum, no more racing against time, no settling… just us and our life. Together."

The sniffling Uzumaki couldn't believe his ears. After last night, he was sure he had died and gone to some sort of heaven, where the love of his life had just given him the greatest gift he could ever receive. At the thought of being part of a family, Naruto felt his eyes start to water up again, smiling as he clasped his arms around Sasuke, just holding him as he took in the moment he hoped was real.

"Of course I choose you…" Naruto muttered softly into the Uchiha's shoulder, having found his voice again. "I've always chosen you."

Inhaling the scent of the other deeply, it too, felt like home. Sasuke was his home, and he felt silly for ever running away from that. He had jumped to conclusions, and had gotten overwhelmed in his own detriment that followed suit. He would be damned if he would ever let this baka slip away again.

Crawling into the Uchiha's lap, clinging onto his neck, the blubbering Uzumaki cried in their tight embrace, never wanting to let go. Having heard his answer, Sasuke sighed a breath of relief, one he had been holding onto for far too long as he caressed his lovers back, soothing the scarred skin beneath his fingertips once again. It was over, it was all over, and now they could continue their life together without interruption and hesitation. Neither could be more elated.

He was home. Naruto had finally found his family. And it was there all along.