Chapter 2-

Knock knock knock-
The beauty, youngest pregnant female of Uchiha clan, Mikoto Uchiha lifted her head when she heard the door was knocked. She left the dishes that planned to make for dinner, washed her hands. "Sasuke.." After drying her hands with the towel, she left it on the table, reaching doorhandle. "Looks like we have a visitor"
When the door was opened, a masked faced, silver haired boy was seen behind it. Mikoto stepped back and chuckled in shock when she saw the young member of Hatake clan. "Ah, Kakashi-kun! Welcome.." She step aside to let Kakashi in. "What is the reason of your visiting?"
"Hello Mikoto-san." Kashi stepped inside with a slight smile that his mask allowed to be shown. "I know that Itachi is at home because of the medicines that he has to use. And I know that how much he hate to skip the class."
"Yes, he is very upset about it." Mikoto said sadly.
"And since I am his senpai, maybe I can't help about fighting or body gym lessons but I can teach him the teoric lessons that he missed." Kakashi's smile spreaded wider, corners of his catchy eyes were wrinkled.
"Ah! We-uh-He will be very happy about it!" Mikoto chuckled happily and tilted her hed backwards.
"Itachi! Your senpai is here!"
"Which one?" Itachi's tired voice was heard after a while.
"Hatake Kakashi"
"..I am too tired to welcome him." Itachi said after a looooong silence.
"Ah!" Mikoto blushed dark red. "Itachi that's so mean! What are you saying!?"
"Send him back. I am too tired for him."
"Ahh, Kakashi-kun.. I am so sorry for Itachi.. I don't know what did happen to him!.."
"No problem Mikoto-san" Kakashi reached his bag and took a notebook. "I can go to his room."
"Ah!? Really!? Thanks Kakashi-kun!.. And.. I am very sorry about-"
"Thats okay Mikoto-san." Kakashi said from hall. "I am sure that he has reasons to do this."

When Kakashi spaced the door in order to take a look inside, he realized something inside bed, was curled up. "Mom, did he go?" That was Itachi, he had pulled the blanket until his eyebrows.
Kakashi took a step inside and closed the door carefully, went near Itachi and sat next to his bed. Slender pale fingers were reached to black raven hair in order to feel their softness.. "Mom.." Itachi murmured weakly. Kakashi landed a soft kiss on his forehead through mask. Younger lowered the blanket down brows arched.
"Yes I am here."
"Why are you here!?" Raven asked horrified.
"Don't worry." Kakashi petted his hair softly. "I came here to teach the lessons that you missed."
"A-ah.. Thanks so.." Itachi lowered his gaze.

"Will you get out of bed or I come near you?" Kakashi murmured seductively.
"You're too close to my face." Itachi pushed Kakashi's head and pushed the blanket in order to got out of bed, completely ignoring the words of older nin.
Kakashi watched him silently while Itachi was wandering around. He took a notebook and a pen, sat down on a chair and looked at Kakashi with his always-blank eyes.
"So. Let's begin." Kakashi sat down next to him and put his notebook near Itachi's.
"Now look-..."

"Itachi did you understand?" Kakashi asked smiling when he realized that raven was lost in thoughts. "Ah.." He startled. "Y-yes I got it."
Humming sarcastly, Kakashi pulled his mask down, implanted a small peck on soft, pale lips of Itachi.
"H-HIAAA!" Itachi jumped backwards, covering his lips with his hands. Younger shinobi looked at Kakashi with very wide opened eyes. "Why did you do such a thing!?"
"You looked so thoughtful, I wanted to bring you back." Kakashi smiled, pulled his mask up.
"I didn't.." Itachi muttered, falling in thoughts again.
"Itachi.." Kakashi said with a worrily tone. "What's the matter?.."
"S...senpai..." Itachi put his head on table. "W-what was that.. At.. At hotsprings.. Why did you do that?"
"Itachi.." Kakashi wrapped his arm around Itachi's little shoulders. "I-"
"Boys!" Mikoto opened the door smiling, she was holding a plateful fruit. "I brought you something to eat while you're studing!"
Kakashi pulled himself back as Itachi straightened suddenly. Mikoto put the plate on table, completely unaware of the lastest scene.
"Good bye!"
"Thank you Mikoto-san. But please, you're carrying the brother of Itachi do not tire your body."
Mikoto blushed chuckling. "You're so kind, Kakashi-kun."

After she left Kakashi turned to Itachi again who was looking at older man's notes with blank eyes. "Ita-"
"Eat some fruit." Itachi interrupted him.
"Won't you listen me?" Kakashi asked, "I thought that you wanted to learn the answer."
"N-No.. I don't.. I don't want to know.." Itachi weakly whispered. "I am sure that I can never understand something like this. There is no need to confuse myself now."
"I will explain everything.." Kakashi brought his head closer to Itachi's slightly blushed ears, exhaled seductively..
"You're doing it again." Itachi pushed the heavier man again. "Stop it. It's irritating me!"
"But why? I've just realized that how sexy your wild attitues.. Your face, skin, eyes, hair.. Everything looks so charmy without your serious-grouchy mask."
"I am a male. And also I am from an assasination group. Can you please remember that, you're in the same organisation too. We are training to be elit shinobies. There is no need of your absurt confessions."
"'Confessions?' What? Hahaha.. You found my admirations absurt?" Kakashi asked chuckling slow and deeply. Itachi blushed head to toe, he used a word that can ruin everything. "Nevermind!" He suddenly stood up but his eyes were slipped back to his head, he collapsed down.
"Oi!" Kakashi caught the younger shinobi with a strong move. "Standing up so suddenly while you're that tired.. Of course you'll faint.."

Kakashi was holding raven's face so close to himself that he can even feel the warm breath of younger.. Itachi's eyes were closed naturally, his lips were seperated little bit..
"..Baka.." Kakashi couldn't help but smiled slightly. He lifted raven up and placed him on his bed carefully. "I can't believe that I became that blind." He pushed the stubborn bangs of Itachi in order to see younger's face completely.. Such an innocent face for an elit shinobi. He thought while his face was lowered slowly, he shut his eyes out of will, landed a soft kiss on cold, soft pink lips.. "You're so cold as always.. But it won't last long.." Silver haired spoke against Itachi's skin.. "I'll make you warm, with my body.."

"Kakashi-kun!?" Mikoto stood up hastily when she saw Kakashi getting out of her son's room. "Something happened? Was Itachi rude to you again!?"
"No, he just fainted. Let him rest for today. I'll drop by tomorrow." Kakashi smiled. "Thanks for everything, Mikoto-san."

"Mhh.. S-senpai.." Itachi murmured in his dream. "Don't.."
The experience he had in the hotsprings was in his dream -3rd time in a week- Kakashi was touching him, kissing, licking every inch of his burning body.. "Nnhh.. Mmhhh.. Aahh.." He caressed the soft silver hair of Kakashi.. "Senpai.. Why?.. Nhh.."
"Why?" Kakashi questioned. "Isn't it oblivous?.." He pulled himself up in order to look at Itachi in eye. "I lo-"
"Hah!?" Itachi woke up suddenly, sweat drips were sliding on his face. "Se-senpai.." He panted a few times then realized he was in his own room, alone as usual. There was a disturbing bulge between his legs. When Itachi realized it, he literately lost it.
"T-that son of a bitch did some weird things to me and look at it now! I got an erection because of a dream about him! My body became so weak! I- I will kill that bastard! Fuck! I am a 16 years old, MALE! Why the hell he did that to me!? Am I a test subject that he can try his moves before he use them on girls!?."
Without realizing, he hurted his own heart with last words. Am I.. Am I really this low?.. Damn it..
He placed his sweaty head on pillow, shut his eyes with a terrible feeling.. Why I am feeling that bad!?