Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia


So I decided to make this a two-shot.


Sora Resi: Really? Darnit. I try to go over my spelling, but I always get confused by to or too. Thanks for pointing that out!

AFleetingPhantom: It's cute? Really? Ah~Angel Pair is such an adorable pairing I love it so much. And let's just say family issues. I'll go more into it in other fics though. This one is part of my Angel Pair universe.

Anonymous: LET ME HUG YOU. *hugs tightly* First reviewer to! And sort of. They'll be more like connected one-shots set in the same universe. Not necessarily chronological though.

He woke up with a start. Heart pounding wildly once he saw where he was, emerald eyes flitted everywhere. Make it go away, make it go away a little boy's voice echoed in his head. His voice. Too dark…


His eyes widened and he gasped softly, there right at the bottom of the door, a tiny sliver of light. Arthur nearly cried with relief but that would be improper of a man his age. Shakily taking in a breath to steady his nerves, Arthur unclenched his hands. Oh, yes, that was right. He isn't alone either, Italy was with him and it was the northern one. Not alone in the dark, there was a tiny bit of light, and Britain was positive he would not break down anymore.

Or at least worser than before. Just brill.

A soft yawn and mumble made the blonde look back at his partner.

"Guess you were feeling rather knackered." England dryly muttered, scooting backwards from him.

He was not a touchy feely guy, the emotional distress was just getting to him. Flying mint bunny would disagree and adamantly say that England craved physical contact. Rubbish, just rubbish.

"Ve~! Coniglio birichino is awake and feeling better~Oh, if only I could make some pasta for a celebration…." Italy sounded relieved, had he really been concerned about him?

Ignoring his heart clinching, Arthur responded cynically, "Yes well, as you saw I'm not fond of spaces like this. Even now with that little bit of light, I'm not exactly feeling Jolly."

His hands were twitching a bit and what he wouldn't give for some of his medicine. Sod it all.

"Why?" Why what, Arthur raised a bushy brow in question. "Well, why are you so afraid? Ve, you always seem so, so, so tough! Like one of those mean men fratello hangs out with, and you may lose your temper a bunch but you're very…rational? Yeah, rational! Even if you talk you imaginary people…"

He huffed rather annoyed, his fae friends were real damnit! Why was the Italian so curious anyway? Concerned to! Arthur disliked that, it wasn't like he really cared. Everyone pretended to care but they didn't. Ah, the tears were stinging at the back of his eyelids.

"I do believe that is none of your business Italy." Try not to snap old chap, he was the north one, the nicer one, maybe he…maybe he genuinely cared.

"But, you look really sad England. A-And you returned my cookbook!" Gah, why was the git leaning towards him so closely?

"…It was the gentlemanly to do." England murmured, eyes glancing to the side, feeling even more uncomfortable.

Stop being so concerned please, stop. He didn't need anyone, he was fine by himself. That's right everything was just fine.

So could he please stop looking at him with those bloody eyes?

"…Let's just say, I've never had the best relationship with my family." It was so soft and quiet, Britain could see Italy actually leaning even closer to hear him.

Pulling his legs to his chest, Arthur buried his head between his knees. The twitching was growing worse, soon he'd be shuddering again. Bloody hell.

"Oh ve…I'm sorry Mr. coniglio birichino." A hand patted his head making him grumble.

What was he, a cat?

Despite his grumbling England made no move to stop him, it was nice to be comforted. Just a bit. Really, he didn't like it.

"What does that even mean?" He asked softly, peering up at the man.

"Coniglio biriochino? It means fluffy bunny ve~!" What.

What. The. Bloody. Hell.

"F-Fluffy…BUNNY?" This time Arthur's right eye twitched and not from panic.

"Yep! You're hair and face look like a cute fluffy bunny~!" Italy patted him again, except this time Britain was sure he was in fact petting him.

"…You're off your trolley. I'm not cute, just look at my bloody eyebrows." His cheeks felt flushed, aw bloody hell, was he blushing?

"At first I thought they were weird to but, they look nice on you!" A finger poked one and Arthur nearly flinched, "If you didn't have them then I'd think you'd look really weird~Ve, with them you're a cute fluffy bunny!"

He was bright red and the tears were back to stay. Fuck.

"Wah! W-What did I say? Ve! Please don't cry England, I'm sorry, ahhh what do I do?" Italy hugged him close, panicking.

He was nice, so bloody nice.

"Oi! Bastard fratello! What the hell are you doing in there you dumbass?" A crude voice yelled, and there was a pounding on the door.

Someone had finally found them.

"Oh Lovi there's no need to worry~Boss Spain will get the door open!" Several curses were muffled, but that was definitely South Italy chewing Spain out.


"Ve? Inghilterra wha-"

"What the he-!? OI BASTARD WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" Romano snapped at the blur that went by him and Spain as they opened the door. "And you fratello! How did you get stuck in a fucking closet?"

Italy was unable to answer him properly, all he could do was murmur ve~ every few moments or so. Brown eyes blinked, and he faintly touched his right cheek. Feliciano would not be able to get the memory of today out of his head, of England hugging him tightly, whispering thank you, and and…

He wondered if his lips were that soft.

OH FELI DARLING~ *coos over the pair*

I love them so much. And yes Arthur gave him a thank you kiss. I'd imagine having one of your biggest flaws pointed out all your life would make you quite insecure about. Improper for our gentleman but he'd like to justify it by saying he had recently been under emotionally strain and thank you kisses were alright to give to other men thank you very much!

You're kidding no one Artie.

I tried to incorporate some british slang. Ah I hope i didn't fail.

Now on to the next one-shot.


Coniglio Birichino: fluffy bunny

Fratello: Brother

Inghilterra: England