A/N Just so you know these oneshots so far are coming from an "Imagine your OTP" Challenge that I started on Tumblr. If you want to see the "imagine your OTP" prompt that this was based on or if you want to give me a prompt, you can go to my tumblr which is listed on my Profile and look under My Stuff on my Tumblr. Enjoy!

Morning After

Lee's eyes opened slowly and he was greeted with the sight of the ceiling of his room at the motor inn. Something was wrong though. He was filled with peace and happiness, something that doesn't come often when you wake up at a motor inn in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. It was then that he noticed his lack of clothes under the covers, the warm body curled into his and the small hand laying on his chest. He turned his head to look at the girl beside him and instantly knew where this peaceful feeling was coming from.

He and Carley's relationship has grown immensely since they met 4 months ago. From her coldness towards him because of his past, to her trust in him and him in her, to their affectionate and teasing friendship to the secret love they share for each other now. All in 4 months after Lee's fate of life in prison was derailed by a walker at the start of an apocalypse. "If someone had told me last year all of this would've happened…".

He glanced again at Carley and his thoughts turned to the events of last night. While he and Carley agreed it would be best to not broadcast their relationship to the group, they still found time to themselves where they could act on their feelings, whether it be kissing, hugging or cuddling in either Carley or Lee's bedroom, talking about the events of the day or sharing interests with each other. Carley joked that these times to themselves are called their "dates", the thought of something so normal seemed ridiculous nowadays. In some instances, their cuddling would turn into heated make outs, but they never went any farther than that. Until last night at least. Carley had snuck into Lee's room that night after everyone had gone to bed and someone was assigned to be on watch duty. They had their normal "date", happy for some form of nostalgic normalcy from before the outbreak, even if the conversation did include subjects like gun accuracy and food rations.

It happened suddenly then. She laid her head on his shoulder and he turned her head to kiss her. Their kiss became deeper and their hands roamed as Lee laid Carley back on the bed. This is where they would usually stop but neither of them pulled away. They started to pull at each others clothes and opened their hearts to each other, let themselves go, not caring if anyone had heard them, their relationship reaching another new level.

Lee took his thoughts out of last night and turned his body slightly to stare at Carley's sleeping form. She was still deeply asleep, the blankets covering her naked body up to her chest. The sight of her next to him seemingly untouched by all the madness that goes on outside of this room. He has no idea how she has been able to stay so strong. Even though Lee could keep his head up in front of everyone else, behind closed doors Lee told Carley all of his troubles, from the annoyance of the Kenny and Lilly fights to his fear of not being able to protect Clementine. Through them all, Carley encouraged him and helped keep him going, all the while never showing her weakness. He could see them though, just like with her nightmares about the pharmacy and her weakness from hunger . But even then she refused the food he offered, worrying more about him and Clementine than herself. To Lee, she was a saving grace. Both her and Clementine were reminders to him that there were still good things in this world, things that are still worth fighting for, surviving for. In his eyes, she was truly perfect. And pretty cute when she sleeps.

"Hey there, are you gonna stare all day?"

Lee snapped from his thoughts to see that Carley had awoken and was staring back at him with the calmest expression he had ever seen on her face.

"If it was up to me, I would. You're beautiful." Carley blushed at his reply and looked away embarrassed.

"Well, I'm sorry that's not the case. You've got to do a supply run with Kenny today remember? Come on, before people realize I spent the night in here." She joked as she lifted up the covers to turn and sit on the edge of the bed. Lee rolled completely to his side to face her back as she began to gather her clothes.

"It wasn't that bad was it?" He joked back. Carley turned back to look at him lovingly.

"It was the best night of my life." She replied with genuine happiness and continued to dress. Lee leaned back against the bed with his arms folded behind his back.

"Me too."