Authors note: Hello everybody! As most of you don't know, I am ace9607. I'm a new face around , and this is the very first fanfiction story I have ever written. I don't mind criticism, but no flamers please. I'm just going to say this once, if you don't like my story, then don't read it. I'm not saying not to review at all if you have any problems about it, but if it's to terrible for you to read, then please just do the noble thing and click the back arrow button. It's there for a reason.

Anyway, enough of my ranting. This story is one which will contain Naruto with Godlike abilities. To see his actual stats, go to my profile page. There will be Council/Team 7 bashing as I have made clear on my profile page. I have also already set up a poll for Narutos pairing of this story. The choices are:




OK people? Go to my profile page and Vote! On with the first chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any elements connected to it. That Honor belongs to Kishimoto. If I owned it, then Sakura wouldn't have existed in the first place, and Itachi would have killed Sasuke first!

All was peaceful in the village of Konohagakure. The sun was beginning to set over the greatest of all the hidden ninja villages, and a festival was currently taking place in its center. Today is October 10th, the day the Kyuubi no Kitsune, mightiest of all of the tailed beasts, attacked this village. It was an event that claimed the lives of several thousands of lives, both ninja and civilian. The story goes that the Fourth Hokage was able to kill the beast by sacrificing his own life, but then again, those are only stories to appease the young and ignorant population of the village. He really sealed the beast into a newborn infant, since the tailed beasts are immortal due to being nothing more than conscious masses of chakra. Only a newborn that has not developed their chakra system can integrate the beasts' youki with their chakra.

The unlucky child he used was none other than his own son, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. He wished for the villagers to see him as a hero for holding the beast at bay, but he was sadly mistaken if he thought that would be the case.

It has been ten years since that traumatic event, and little Naruto is currently running as fast as his small legs can carry him.

'It's been like this ever since I can remember. Every year on my birthday, they mob up and beat me for no good reason! Why does everyone hate me?!' he thought with tears in his eyes. Even though he was in the ninja academy now, he couldn't even beat a group of civilians. But that was no his fault. No, that was due to both the instructors 'teaching' him wrong information, and only being able to afford ramen on his pathetic allowance given to him by the third Hokage. This of course led to his malnourished body and ignorance towards certain subjects.

Back with Naruto, the mob had finally cornered him from all four sides at an intersection of the streets. He went into a fetal position and awaited the inevitable pain that was to come. And then he felt it. They were stabbing at him with broken glass, hitting him as hard as they could, and even throwing the torches in their possession, burning both his skin and clothes.

He simply lay there, taking in all of their hatred, not allowing any emotion to show on his face. He wouldn't give them the pleasure of knowing how much it really hurt him. Besides, he knew that they wouldn't kill him, otherwise they would have done so years ago.

All he could think of is why they must hate him. Sure he had pulled a few… well a ton of pranks around the village, but the abuse started long before that. The mob soon grew tired of beating him, so they dispersed, knowing if the third Hokage were to catch them, they would be sent to the T&I department to 'chat' with Ibiki.

Naruto gazed up at the night sky, slowly shedding a few tears, making a silent vow to prove that he was not the demon that they claimed him to be. His resolve was only strengthened by their hatred.

Meanwhile in Heaven, Kami watched as the boy was beaten and wondered how Humanity had become so corrupt. He pitied the poor boy, and believed that this was the night that his spirit had been broken. His sister, Fate, had told him so. But as he peered into the soul of the small boy, he could not believe that nothing had deterred him at all, but strengthened his resolve. This small child had, literally, defied the word of Fate herself!

He had become intrigued with the boy's attitude years ago, and sought to understand just how strong his will is. He now had his answer, and it was shocking to say the least. It would take no less than slaughtering everyone he cared for, as well as the worst psychological torture on the ninth level of Hell to kill his spirit. He had never seen someone so remarkable since the Sage of Six Paths himself!

He paused at that thought, and decided in a split second that he could not allow someone so special get out of his grasp. The boy would be far too amusing to watch to allow him to die. So for the first time since the Great Sage, he would give a mortal his blessing. It would not be the same as the Sages' blessings however.

He decided that he would give Naruto the knowledge of many great ninja, as well as complete control over the entirety of the base and sub elements. He would also correct any flaws on his body brought on by malnutrition. 'Yes,' Kami thought, 'This Naruto will be very entertaining to observe in the coming years. At least watching him will distract me from all this damn paperwork.' He looked over at the large stacks of paper going all the way to the ceiling, contemplating the many millions of ways to destroy it.

He rose from his desk and proceeded to walk over to the clouded edge of his window. He put his hands in front of him, and sent out a mighty wind towards the ground, smirking as he thought of the many ways that the boy could easily abuse his powers, as well as the heart attacks from the civilian council when they learn of his new abilities. He also thought that the gates of hell would need to be widened quite a bit from the mass of corrupted souls the boy was sure to send there.

Naruto continued to look towards the sky, still unable to move from the vicious beating he had gotten earlier. All of a sudden, he heard the wind begin to pick up. And then it got louder, then louder, then even louder. Soon enough, the wind around Naruto picked up so much, that a miniature tornado surrounded his body. He began to freak out for a moment, but that quickly faded as he lost consciousness.

Naruto appeared in a dark sewer like place, and wondered how in the world he had gotten there. He began walking...and walking, and walking. He was getting tired of having no idea of where he was going fast. All of a sudden, a loud thundering roar could be heard on the other side of the door he was in front of. Now Naruto was no idiot, contrary to popular belief, he just had no one to teach him to do things properly. But since he had nowhere else to go, seeing as the lights went out in every other hallway he could take, he had no choice but to take his chances with whatever he found in there.

He slowly opened the door and stepped inside. Though he immediately regretted it, seeing as how the door slammed shut behind him. He stared straight ahead into a single giant red eye.

"Well, it looks like my jailer has come to pay me a visit. I'm touched to see that you care so much about me." Said a loud and slightly sarcastic voice.

"Who are you!? What the hell am I doing here? What do you want from me?" Naruto asked in a scared and loud voice.

"Easy kit, don't hyperventilate on me here. If you die, then I die, and I won't allow that to happen. To answer your questions, I am the Kyuubi, and you are in your mindscape right now."

"Wait, the Kyuubi! What the hell are you doing here?! I thought that the fourth Hokage killed you ten years ago!"

"I'm afraid that what you have been told is a lie. The legendary tailed beasts cannot be killed. We are nothing more than sentient masses of gathered youki, so we will simply reform later if defeated. No, on the day that I fought who you call the fourth Hokage, he sealed me within you, his son."

Naruto was in shock. Not only did he just learn that he contained the most powerful creature in existence, but the fourth-freaken'-Hokage was his Father!

"As for why you are her now, is beyond what even I thought was possible. It seems as though Kami has taken a particular interest in you. Why? I have absolutely no clue, but you have got to be the luckiest son of a bitch I have ever seen in my thousands of years in existence."

"What are you talking about? Nothing you're saying makes any sense! Why would Kami even consider me interesting?"

"Like I was saying before brat, I have no idea. But Kami has decided to bless you. You are the first mortal who has received this since the Sage of Six Paths. Kami has given you the ability over all elements, without the use of hand signs, as well as a stronger body and the knowledge of some of the greatest ninja in history, including the Sage himself. Look inside of yourself. Concentrate on finding the information, and you will see everything clearly."

Naruto, being completely stupefied at all of this new information, simply nodded and began to concentrate. In just a few minutes, a sudden rush of new knowledge rushed into his mind, nearly overwhelming him. He learned of many different things, from ninja training, to civilian work, and even into proper etiquette. After what seemed like hours, he finally came out of his stupor. After everything that he had learned, there were only a few things that he could say.

"What the hell kind of idiot have I been!? Wearing an orange jumpsuit that practically screams 'I'm over here, come kill me'! And why in the world would I ever like Sakura!? She does nothing but abuse me and screams about how great Sasuke is! I was a complete moron!"

The Kyuubi was quite amused at how quickly the little boys' attitude had changed. But then again, hundreds of years' worth of knowledge would do that to anyone. He watched as the boy began to settle down after his little rant of how stupid he was.

"So kit, what are you going to do now that you have the potential to kick nearly anyone's asses?"

The blonde seemed to think about it for a moment, something he had never done previously, and suddenly looked at the beast with a very mischievous fox like grin, something that even made the Kyuubi proud of the little brat.

"I think it's time for me to step up my physical training first, and then I can put my plans into action. I'm still pretty weak in terms of strength, and I need experience with controlling the elements. Plus, I still should learn a few non-elemental jutsu just in case. I remember something called the Shadow Clone Jutsu. The caster retains the memory of all of the clones after they disperse. There was also some other… interesting applications that it could be used for, especially that explosion technique… Anyway, I could practice faster that way, and get my abysmal chakra control up to Kage level before I graduate from the academy. That's one good thing about having you here Kyuubi; I will almost never run out of chakra, so I can make thousands of clones."

The world around him seemed to shift and fade. Naruto was looking at Kyuubi, knowing that he was regaining consciousness.

"Looks like it's time for you to go now kit. Since you've visited here, I was able to open a mental link between us so I can communicate with you while you aren't here. And by the way, my name isn't Kyuubi, its Kurama."

The inner world faded around Naruto. He knew that when he awakened, things would never be the same for him again.

Okay, there's the end of chapter one.

Remember to vote on the poll, it will last for about four more chapters before I count to see the winner.

Next chapter: Naruto wakes up in the familiar Hospital bed, and begins his training. Also some of the academy days, and the changes that occur to Naruto are shown.

That's all from me. PEACE!