
To begin with, I would like to thank you. You, who have taken the time to read this story. I really appreciate it! The reason I write is so that I can share my stories with others. As a writer, I want to get feedback. Tell me what you thought of the chapter! What was done well? What can be improved? How did you feel? What do you think will happen next? What would you like to see? I have the rest of the story planned out already, but I would love to hear what you think! So, if you want, feel free to PM, review, or email me. =)

Before I continue with the story, I would like to say a special thank you to xLadyxLionheartx. You have been so patiently waiting for the next updates and have been giving me encouraging comments! It's almost like you're my agent, getting me on track with my story and making sure I'm still kicking around. Haha. It's always nice when I suddenly get a PM or email from you. Thanks for the poke from time to time. I need it to get back on track sometimes! I also really appreciate your comments on each chapter and really take it to heart! I do really try to portray each character in a convincing and humanly way. In my mind, Cao Pi is a cold and calculating man, but I think that's just what he would show to others. Deep down, I think there's a side to him that few know about. I'm happy that you pointed that out, as it tells me I am able to portray that in my writing. One of the things I am trying to work on is that I feel there is a lack of supporting characters, so I did try to bring in Cao Zhi, Yue Jin, and possibly others (who shall remain unnamed at this time) into the story. It's proving to be a bit difficult, but I'm hoping it flows well with the story! Thank you again for your feedback!

To the Guest who reviewed on Feb 6, 2015, thank you for your kind words! This version of Zhen Ji was written based on the historical figure. She was described to a very intelligent and caring woman. I've taken the liberties of tweaking her slightly for the purpose of this story, but I wanted to remain relatively true to her historical figure. Like you mentioned, I also find many fanfiction make her cocky. Although I think that would be a result of Koei's interpretation of her. Sadly, her in-game character does not seem as flattering as history paints her.

Dearest recchinon, thank you for your review! I am happy to hear you fancy this story! Hope you enjoy this chapter! =)

Thank yous go around for all you wonderful individuals who have favorited, followed, subscribed for a story alert, or all of the above! If you feel like it, I would love to hear from you!

Alright, enough with my ramblings. Onwards to the next chapter!

Chapter 4

It had been a quiet morning for Xiang as she did her daily chores. Life at the Cao Household didn't seem all too different than when she was back at the Yuans. There were certainly improvements; for one, the Caos hadn't beat her yet and secondly her daily chore load wasn't very much. Though she lived under the Cao banner, most of her chores revolved around satisfying Zhen Ji's needs. Despite the physical improvements here, Xiang could still feel the uneasiness around her. The maids and servants generally avoided her except for a few who either treated her with complete and utter disrespect or those who were overly friendly. Even among the serving class, there was a hierarchy: those whose masters had higher status were the nobles among the poor. And those who did not serve a particular master were regarded no more than dirt.

Xiang was minding her own business as she washed Zhen Ji's clothes, when a foot suddenly knocked over the water bucket from under her, splashing the dirty water on her clothes.

"Oops! I didn't see you there." A curvaceous maid smirked. "You know me, I'm just so clumsy!" She said as she pretended to trip, pulling down the clean clothes that were hung to dry. She dropped them to the dirt floor and pretended to trip on them as she trampled over Zhen Ji's pretty dresses.

This wasn't anything new. Xiang had been constantly bullied when she was living with the Yuans. "That's okay." Xiang replied coolly as she rose from her seat and began picking up the dresses carefully. "Not everyone can be as graceful as a butterfly." Xiang picked up the last piece of clothing and turned her back to the girl, heading towards the washing station. "Some of us just have to settle on being a pesky fly."

Insulted, the curvaceous maid raised an arm to strike at Xiang. "Why you little…"

"Now, now Shi Shi." A third voice chimed in, stopping the maid from hitting Xiang. "Now what would Lady Bian think of this unsightly behavior? Oh wait, this looks familiar." She said, casually stepping towards the two girls. "Oh yes. I remember now. This is just like the time Lady Bian struck the poor innocent Zhen Ji!" The girl raised her hand to cover her mouth in mock surprise. "Oh my! Is this what Lady Bian teaches her maids?"

Too flustered to have a comeback, Shi Shi stamped her feet to the ground in frustration and stormed off. Xiang quietly resumed her chores, rewashing the clothes. Xiang did not like this maid, for she was just like her mistress, Consort Chen; her words though sweet, came with a price. She sat down beside Xiang acting as if they were close friends. "Ignore her. Girls like her don't know their place." She said, referring to Shi Shi. "She's not like you and I. We're on a class of our own. That's why we have to stick together."

Xiang knew what that meant. Life among the rich was like a battlefield; each opposing side continuously fighting one another while gaining and losing allies along the way. Zhen Ji had unwittingly entered the battlefield and Consort Chen was trying to win her over. If Zhen Ji was the general, then Xiang was her army that followed. Consort Chen was trying to find another way to garner Zhen Ji's support, and this was through her subordinate.

"We are all maids, one in the same. I will follow as my lady bids." Xiang replied dismissively. She had no interest in discussing it any further. If Zhen Ji wanted to be allied with Consort Chen, then it would be Zhen Ji's choice. Xiang wasn't going to try to influence her in anyway.

"Which is why I think we should stick together." Xiaomei repeated. "There are people who that will try to hurt you. So if anyone tries to harm you, come to me. I will help you. " It was clear to Xiang that this maid was merely a parrot for Consort Chen and did not understand the veiled meaning in her response. Xiang sighed, unsure of how to respond to her without bluntly saying that she wasn't interested. Luckily, Zhen Ji arrived to interrupt the two.

"Xiang?" Zhen Ji called.

Xiaomei took Xiang's hand and patted it once. "Remember what I said." She whispered before turning to greet Zhen Ji and then head off.

Zhen Ji gave a questioningly look, but Xiang just shook her head with a small smile in reply. In understanding, Zhen Ji dropped the subject. "Can you come with me?"

Xiang nodded as she quickly hung the freshly washed clothes up on the clothesline. She quickly dried her hands on the white cleaning apron she wore before hanging that up too. "What is it, Lady Zhen Ji?"

"You'll see!" Zhen Ji replied with the slightest hint of excitement in her voice that only Xiang would be able to notice. This was a rare moment for it had been a very long time since she could remember the sound of joy in Zhen Ji's voice. They had lived in hardship with the Yuans, despite being married into the family. Lady Yuan despised the two girls and made their lives difficult there. In turn, the servants and maids all treated them with disdain as well.

Xiang followed Zhen Ji as she led her through a maze of corridors before they finally stopped in a small flower garden. There were flowers of all colours blooming in the small garden, from the radiant pink of the peony and azaleas to the pure white and golden yellow of the narcissus. Just to the left of them, stood a lone plum tree. The garden looked undisturbed and if Xiang had to guess, this tiny garden must have been forgotten by the Cao family. Only the gardeners must be coming in to tend the beautiful flowers.

"Do you remember?" Zhen Ji asked, stepping into the middle of the garden. "Does it look like it?"

"Yes…" Xiang whispered in awe.

Zhen Ji smiled delightfully. "It's just like the flower meadow we used to go to as little girls!"

Xiang remembered those blissful days. It had been back with Master Zhen Yi was still alive. Master Zhen Yi often had to leave to attend to business and left Zhen Ji and Xiang alone. During his absences, they would sneak out and play at the flower meadow nearby. They loved the carefree hours spent tumbling, dancing, or simply just lying in the bed of flowers. It was only a brief time, but it was in that secret place of theirs that they could act so freely and be the little girls that they were. There was something magical about that place and Xiang felt ashamed to have almost forgotten those beautiful memories.

"Sing me a song! Just like old times!" Zhen Ji asked with a bright smile Xiang had not seen since they were little girls. Xiang nodded.

"There is a faraway place

Where my dreams lay

A chorus of birds sing

To dancing butterflies."

Zhen Ji gave a small twirl as she stretched out an arm and leg, taking her place and waiting for the right moment. Like the days in the past, Zhen Ji danced to Xiang's captivating singing voice. Zhen Ji took a step forward and it was as if all of her worries disappeared from under her. She looked calm and at peace, reveling in that single moment. Arching her back and arms slightly, she begun.

"There is a faraway place

Where no sorrow shall come

The air sounds of laughter

For serenity abound."

As the two girls enjoyed their moment, it so happened that Cao Pi had a sudden change in mind to stray from his normal path that day and decided to cut through the small garden that the girls found solace in. In comparison to the other gardens in the household, this one had been long forgotten. When Cao Pi neared the area, he caught the sound of a sweet siren's song. Entranced, he followed the enchanting voice.

"There is a faraway place

Where we shall be free

The gentle moon smiling

To the tranquil wind."

When he came upon the garden, he saw Zhen Ji dancing gracefully amid the rainbow of flowers. Awestruck by the picturesque beauty of her, he found himself unable to approach them any closer.

"There is a faraway place

Where the stars stream

Endlessly across the sky

Painting a picture of you and me."

Zhen Ji arched backwards as she moved her arms before her like a flowing river until her fingertips almost touched the ground. Cao Pi could see the serene look on her face that he had never seen before. She looked so pure and divine that for a moment, Cao Pi could not help but wonder if a goddess had descended before him.

"There is a faraway place

Where we walk hand in hand

Together we will go

To a love, a home, a tomorrow."

Just as the song ended, so did Zhen Ji's dance. She stood frozen for a moment with her back towards Cao Pi before she turned to Xiang with a grin on her face. Cao Pi was surprised to see her with such an expression. Though he had not known Zhen Ji for long, he had thought he knew what kind of person she was; a graceful and polite woman. He had not expected that she had such an innocent girlish side to her.

Unaware of his presence, Zhen Ji took Xiang's hands into hers and the two began twirling around in a circle like little girls. At the same moment, the two let go of one another's hands and flew backwards onto the ground, giggling with hushed delight. For a brief moment, Zhen Ji felt free again. No chains, no duty, no rules. She remembered a time long ago when she was carefree enough to laugh like this. It was a time before any politics, any man, any fear.

"I wish…" She said aloud when she stopped laughing. "we could go back to that flower meadow and live in that moment forever."

Xiang smiled wishfully as she scooted over to Zhen Ji and placed a reassuring hand on top of her mistress'. "We will always be in the flower meadow in our hearts."

Zhen Ji rested her head on Xiang's shoulder like she used to do when they were young. "It'd be nice to see it again though." She whispered to the heavens.

Not wanting to disturb the tranquil moment, Cao Pi silently left the garden. He had never seen Zhen Ji so unguarded before. In that, he found new respect for her, for it was almost as if she was human.

... ... ... ... ...

At midday when the entire Cao household was up and about, Zhen Ji and Xiang meandered through the palace to pass time. As mistress and maid, it was as if that brief carefree moment was just a dream. Upon the presence of others, they could not laugh in delight or reminisce the past. They could not even walk side by side. It was unfair to the girls, for if they lived in another lifetime, perhaps they would have been friends or sisters even. Instead, they were master and servant, one who would forever walk in front of the other.

When they entered large rock garden, Zhen Ji caught sight of Sima Yi and Zhang He quietly talking to each other. By their hushed tones and body gesture, Zhen Ji could tell it was business related. Zhen Ji couldn't quite place it, but there was something about Sima Yi that did not bode well with her.

"Ah, Lady Zhen Ji!" Sima Yi called out when he noticed her. Zhang He immediately stopped talking and stood up to greet her as well. Zhen Ji politely responded in kind. "Care for a game of xiangqi?" He asked as he gestured to the Chinese chess board in front of him.

"I'm afraid I won't be much of a challenge." She declined, smiling politely.

Sima Yi laughed. "You can't be any worse than Zhang He."

"Xiangqi isn't a beauty I can appreciate, unfortunately!" Zhang He said with his usual exuberant flair.

"Come, sit." Sima Yi insisted. Not wanting to insult him by declining a second time, Zhen Ji took a seat opposite of him.

"Well, now that you have a worthy opponent, I shall take my leave!" As Zhang He turned to leave, his eyes lingered on Xiang a moment longer than the maid had liked, forcing her to turn her head away in discomfort.

"Red shall go first." Sima Yi said, letting her make the first move. "They say you can tell a lot about a person by the way the play xiangqi."

"Oh? Perhaps you can enlighten me." Zhen Ji moved her first piece.

"Xiangqi is a game of strategy. You see, the board here represents a battlefield. And these," he said raising one of his black pieces in the air. "represent the army." He placed his piece down, mirroring Zhen Ji's move. "It is a battle between two armies. And just like any real battle, once the general is lost, so too, is the battle."

"I have little knowledge of battles, for it is not a woman's place." Zhen Ji replied modestly. Though they were playing a game of Chinese chess, Zhen Ji knew immediately the battle was not as it played on the board, but rather in their exchange of words.

"Ah, on the contrary my lady. There are many more battles than those that men fight." Again, he mirrored her move. "Life is an endless battle, wouldn't you say?"

"I beg to differ. I think of life as an experience." Zhen Ji placed another piece in a defensive position. "But I know only that of my own. I cannot see the world as men do."

"Perhaps not, but men and women live in the same world. They should support one another to travel down this experience called 'life' together."

Zhen Ji now understood why she had an uneasy feeling about Sima Yi. She had always known he was a very intelligent man, after all, he was one of Cao Cao's strategists. His words, though friendly, weighed too much for her. She realized that he played his whole life as a xiangqi match; he the general, and everyone else were merely pieces that he controlled on the battlefield called life. But who were the other players in his army? And if he was playing the black pieces, who was actually playing the red side?

This physical game that played out was more than just a pastime, he was weighing her in. He wanted to know if she was suitable to be in his 'army'. Was she good enough to be an 'advisor', second only to him? Or was she merely a 'pawn', someone he would toss away the moment she was of no value to him? Whatever the case, her gut feeling told her that he could not be trusted. And because of that, she had no interest in being in his army, advisor or not.

"Life is an experience shared with many." She responded making her last move in the game.

Sima Yi paused briefly, observing the game pieces. "Looks like we've come to a stalemate." He finally said. "We shall have a rematch another day. In the meantime, let me gift you this xiangqi set." He motioned to the game pieces they had just finished playing.

Zhen Ji shook her head slightly. "I'm afraid xiangqi is much too difficult a game for me. Thank you for your kind offer, but I must decline." She stood up from her seat and gestured to Xiang to leave with her. Sima Yi frowned slightly, but before he could say anything, Zhen Ji continued, "It was very lovely to play with you, general. Please enjoy the rest of your day." She gave a polite bow before heading off. She had nowhere to go in particular, but she just wanted to get away from him.

"My lady." Xiang whispered quietly tugging on Zhen Ji's dress. "You're walking away too fast."

Not realizing it before, Zhen Ji consciously slowed her pace. She had been too eager to leave, but knew it would be a bad idea if Sima Yi were to know that. When she had finally left the rock gardens and felt a safe distance away from that man, Zhen Ji turned to her maid and asked curiously, "Why did you tell me I was walking too fast?"

"There is more to master Sima Yi than he shows, and I think my lady had felt uneasy with him."

Zhen Ji narrowed her brows questioningly. "Tell me what you thought happened back there."

Xiang swallowed. Had she upset her mistress, she wondered. "I think master Sima Yi's gift was more than a xiangqi set." She paused for a short while, expecting Zhen Ji to say something. When she didn't, Xiang continued. "In return of the xiangqi set, would be my lady's loyalty." Xiang paused again, but still Zhen Ji did not say anything. Feeling as if she had to keep talking, Xiang continued again. "By declining his gift, my lady has essentially told him she is not interested in allying herself with him." Zhen Ji just continued to look at her maid. "But this is all just a guess. I don't really know anything." Xiang added quickly.

"I don't know…" Zhen Ji finally said. "why I did not notice how intelligent you are, Xiang."

At her praise, Xiang smiled. "It is only because I have learnt so much from you, my lady."

... ... ... ... ...

A few days later, Zhen Ji had decided to go back to the small quiet flower garden she had found a few days earlier. She longed to returned to that peaceful escape, but when she got there, the peace and quiet memory was replaced by the lively giggles of several girls. There were throngs of woman crowded around the entrance of the garden, each one trying to wiggle past each other to peer within. Curious, Zhen Ji too tried to peer through, but from a distance. Unfortunately, whatever lay beyond the garden entrance could not be seen.

"My lady, it looks like something is happening over there." Xiang said aloud curiously, pointing towards a group of maids gathered around the entrance of the gardens. As intrigued as she was, Zhen Ji thought it was rather odd for such a large company. If Zhen Ji was correct, this was supposed to a forgotten garden. It was so out of the way from the rest of the palace, it would be hard for someone to just happen upon the small, but pretty garden.

"Go and find out what the commotion is." Zhen Ji replied, stopping in her tracks.

"Yes, my lady."

Obediently Xiang went on ahead and joined the other maids. Zhen Ji watched as Xiang curiously pushed her way between the maids who were also eagerly trying to peer through into the gardens. Zhen Ji lost sight of her maid when she finally managed to squeeze into the crowd. Zhen Ji could hear the girls giggling before one of them shouted, "Only a virgin would react like that!" and then several of them erupted in a hushed laughter. Shortly after, Xiang hurriedly squeezed from out of the crowd and rushed back to where Zhen Ji stood waiting. Xiang's face had turned scarlet red as she kept her head down to avoid facing Zhen Ji.

"What is it? What is happening over there?" Zhen Ji asked curiously.

"Master Cao Pi is practicing sword play in the gardens." Xiang replied bashfully.

Zhen Ji tilted her maid's head up to look her in the eyes. "You've seen Master Cao Pi before, why have you reacted like so?"

"Master Cao Pi is shirtless over there." Xiang admitted.

The image of Cao Pi bare-chested flashed in Zhen Ji's mind and her face flushed pink at the thought.

"My lady too, is a virgin." Xiang added happily.


"The girls over there were making fun of me!" Xiang pouted pointing back to the crowd of girls still gawking into the gardens. "I was so embarrassed seeing a man half naked and they said only a virgin would react like that!"

Zhen Ji's pink cheeks reddened even more. Xiang had blushed because she saw him half naked. Zhen Ji blushed because she had only thought of him half naked. "Well if the gardens are occupied, let's find somewhere else to play music." Zhen Ji said quickly.

Wanting to avoid feeling any more embarrassed than she already did, Zhen Ji spun around to walk away, only to bump into someone.

"My deepest apologies, Lady Zhen Ji!" A male voice said apologetically as one arm wrapped around her to keep her from falling backwards. His arm lingered a moment even after she steadied herself. Zhen Ji gave a slight glance towards her side, before he quickly pulled his arm away from her.

"No it is I who should be apologizing for bumping into you... Yue Jin." She replied when she saw who it was. Xiang immediately greeted him in politeness before attending her mistress to see if she was unharmed.

Yue Jin smiled at the two girls. "You are very caring of your mistress." He said, addressing Xiang.

Xiang froze in her spot, unsure of how to react. Normally the upper class never addressed maids or servants so kindly. Sensing her maid had stopped, Zhen Ji said, "Xiang, be polite and respond."

Xiang turned towards Yue Jin and bowed her head low. "Thank you, I mean yes, no I mean..."

Yue Jin gave a friendly laugh. "No need to be tongue-tied. I'm human, just like you." Xiang glanced up at him but when she caught his eyes on her, she quickly looked back down. He laughed again. "You're a funny girl." He said, before adding, "with very unique eyes." He then leaned over to the side slightly to see behind the girls and noticed the group of maids giggling about by the entrance of the gardens. "Pi must be practicing again." Again? Zhen Ji thought to herself. He practices his sword play half-naked often? The thought disturbed her. Does he practice there for himself, or is he purposely showing off...? "He's been coming back here for the last couple days now."

"We are heading to find somewhere quiet." Zhen Ji finally said.

"Oh?" Yue Jin sounded surprised. "You didn't come here to watch Pi, like all the other girls?"

Zhen Ji felt insulted that he would think that about her.

"Lady Zhen Ji is a noble lady. Please do not compare her to the maids." Xiang snapped at him.

"Oh no, no, no! That is not what I meant. I was just surprised because it seems all the women here are in love with Pi. Whether they are single or married." He replied pointing to a distance away from the giggling girls. Zhen Ji followed with her gaze to where he pointed and sure enough several of the noble ladies, some of them with their hair done up -probably wives of the various generals or noblemen- were standing afar staring into the gardens as well.

"You continue to insult my lady even further."

Yue Jin took one hand to scratch the back of his head. "Ah... I am sorry, Lady Zhen Ji. I did not mean to offend you. I'm not very good with words it seems."

Zhen Ji brought her handkerchief up to cover her smile. Sure Yue Jin did not seem as elegant as other upper class men, but he was kind, honest, and modest. And that was what she liked about him. Modesty is such a rare virtue in the upper class.

"Please, let me do something to make it up to you." He said.

"Very well. You can tell us of a quiet place where we can go." Zhen Ji replied.

"Oh! The Lotus Viewing Pavilion is usually quiet around this time. Let me take you there."

"Ah. No, that is quite alright. You are a very busy man, I cannot afford to take anymore of your time. Xiang and I will be able to find the pavilion on our own. Thank you very much, master Yue Jin." She bowed slightly before heading off.

Yue Jin's eyes followed her as she left, feeling rather dejected by her callous attitude towards him.

"You look lost, old friend!" A man joked as he jumped up and wrapped an arm around Yue Jin's neck. The man was about the same age and had short hair that fluffed in all different directions. Despite being within the palace walls, he was wearing his breastplate with the Cao insignia. A blue scarf draped over his neck.

"Dian! You're back!" Yue Jin enthused after realizing his best friend had returned. "How was the campaign?"

"I came back just as handsome as I left. What do you think?" Li Dian said as he struck a pose.

Yue Jin laughed. "Always so full of yourself."

"And you Jin, you need to be more confident!"

"What has this got to do with me?"

Li Dian grinned. "I heard Cao Cao has some new recruits. I think we should volunteer to train them. We're great warriors, but not generals. Generals all have their own men. What do you say? Let's get ourselves an army!"

"Ah..." Yue Jin looked back to the direction that Zhen Ji had went. "I'll consider it."

"What? That doesn't sound like you at all. You love the battlefield!"

"Yea..." He mumbled.

... ... ... ... ...

The next morning, just as Zhen Ji had finished getting ready, there was a knock at her door. She was surprised to see Cao Pi at her door. At the sight of him, Zhen Ji could not help but think of how he must have looked while he was practising sword play the day before. Embarrassed that she might blush again, she quickly looked down and greeted him. In Cao Pi's eyes, her demure attitude was something he liked.

"Come with me." He simply said. Although he preferred her docile manner, he was still a little annoyed with her. For the past few days, he had gone out of his way to try to 'accidentally' bump into her in that tiny garden, but she had never showed. And now, he was forced to come and get her himself.

"Where is it that master Cao Pi would like to take me?" Zhen Ji asked, no longer feeling the embarrassment.

He frowned at her, obviously irritated by her question. "To see something." He finally said.

Sensing that Cao Pi was already agitated, Zhen Ji did not want to enrage him any further. Although she didn't exactly want to go with him in this mood, she motioned at Xiang to indicate her willingness to go with him.

The place that he brought her was fair walk away from the city and her shoes were not made for the hike. Had she had known he was going to take her outside the palace, she would have certainly dressed more appropriately. The dirt path was leaving the bottom of her dress soiled and she kept losing her balance when she had to step on the rocks, even if they were just pebbles.

Once outside the palace, Cao Pi's mood seemed to improve, and she too found herself enjoying the outdoors. Being raised as a noble lady, she had little opportunity to wander off beyond the city gates. And the few times she did, she rode in a palanquin or carriage. She never had to walk the difficult path herself.

Trying to be cautious, she carefully took each step slowly. Xiang walked behind her, helping her as best as she could. Cao Pi, on the other hand, was several steps ahead before he realized she had been lagging behind. Just as she took another step, unable to avoid the rocks, her foot slipped. Immediately, Cao Pi took her hand to steady her. She looked up at him gratefully. "Thank you, Master Cao Pi."

"I forget how troublesome woman's shoes are."

"It's not our fault my lady has to wear them." Xiang muttered under her breath quietly.

"I'm sorry for inconveniencing you, Master Cao Pi." Zhen Ji said apologetically.

"We'll just take it slower." He responded as his hand continued holding hers. She wanted to pull her hand back as she had steadied herself again, but Cao Pi held on firmly. With his hand holding hers, she could feel her heart beating faster.

As they continued through the sparse forest, the sound of the bustling city faded away. The birds sang to each other as the leaves of the trees danced slowly in the wind. As the path became less rocky, Zhen Ji looked to her surroundings. She could see the thick green moss covering the large stones and critters darting up and down the thick tree trunks. The trees grew high and she could see some of the tree tops swaying slightly.

"We're here." Cao Pi finally said as he helped her up a steep area.

When she finally climbed up, she saw a magnificent river surrounded by large trees along its bank. The water was calm and trickled down along the river. There was an open field nearby where Cao Pi led her to and she could see the river go on into the distance.

"This is a very special place for me." He said. "This place is where all of life problems fade away and I can feel calm and relaxed."

It was a very beautiful place and was very picturesque. Much like the painting on Zhi's folding fan. "This is so wonderful." She whispered. Although the meadow was not bursting in colours, the tranquil feeling it brought reminded her of the flower meadow she and Xiang used to play in. She looked to Cao Pi and gave him a lovely smile, thinking to herself that it was like he could read her heart. "Thank you for bringing me here."

Cao Pi grinned back at her in a way that she had never seen him do before. She felt a sudden urge to dance like the celestial maiden in the painting on the folding fan and thought it would be a wonderful way to thank Cao Pi for his kind gesture. "As a token of my thanks, please let me show you a dance." Zhen Ji turned to her maid and asked her to sing a song. Xiang nodded and began singing a lovely tune.

Taking a few steps forward into the open field, Zhen Ji twirled with the wind. The breeze brushed through her long silky hair and her arms followed in a circular motion gracefully before she brought one hand to brush the side of her face lightly. She pulled her head back as she twirled three times. Extending her arms out, she let the long sleeves of her dress sway in the wind. She arched backwards slowly with her hands moving through the air above her in delicate pattern. Her body swirled to the left as she brought herself back to an upright position. The sound of the flowing river and Xiang's enchanting song seemed to bring them to another world where only they existed. Every once in a while, she would see Cao Pi gazing at her as she danced, almost as if he was mesmerized. She couldn't help but feel delighted that he enjoyed her dance like so.

As Cao Pi stood there watching Zhen Ji dance for him, he felt a sense of triumph, much like when he was on the battlefield and had successfully captured a garrison or defeated a general. To be the only audience watching a woman dance was a very intimate gesture, but it still wasn't enough for him. He wanted to feel that sense of victory, like he had won the war. He wanted to be even closer to her.

In one swift movement, he unsheathed his sword and jumped into the meadow with Zhen Ji. With his expert sword skills, he joined in her dance. His swordplay brought them close to each other, but never in her way. As the two of them danced together in the meadow, their eyes locked on each other. Zhen Ji continued to twirl gracefully as Cao Pi thrust his sword in polished moves.

When the song ended, the two of them were just inches from each other's face. Zhen Ji froze in her spot. Cao Pi folded his sword arm behind him, and with his free arm, he wrapped her around her waist bringing her closer to him. "This place is supposed to calm and relax me," He said looking deeply into her eyes. "yet my heart is beating so quickly. " He dropped the sword behind him and took her hand to place it over his heart making her blush bashfully. "You look so beautiful," he whispered brushing a strand hair away from her face with the same hand. "like a goddess sent from the heavens."

Zhen Ji looked away in shyly, but Cao Pi gently tilted her head back to look at him. He teasingly brushed a finger across her lips as he moved his face closer to her. Sensing that he wanted to do more to her than what he'd already done, Zhen Ji backed away and looked up to the sky. "It is getting late. Perhaps we should be heading back." She said, despite the bright midday sun.

"Very well." Cao Pi responded, slightly miffed.

... ... ... ... ...

Their walk back to the city was quiet and uneventful. Cao Pi was annoyed. He had never been rejected by a woman before and he felt a twinge of discomfort in his heart. Another feeling he had never felt before that this woman had brought. What was it with her that she was able to do this to him? Her magic was powerful and he knew that he was the only man who could tame and control it. If any other man were to try, he would most certainly be overwhelmed by her sheer powers. Yes, he convinced himself. I am the only one who can control her powers.

Coming back from the Luo River, there was only one way back to the palace, and that was through Golden Happiness street. It wasn't a particularly dangerous street, but it was a route that a noble lady shouldn't be taking very often as the lower class citizens occasionally roamed about begging for food or money. Cao Pi rationed that it would be alright since he was with her. And besides his mother wouldn't attempt to take her life again after what had happened last time.

The thought of someone trying to hurt Zhen Ji angered him, but he could never stay angry at his own birth mother. Moreover, the reason his mother had so much hatred towards Zhen Ji was the same reason he had for wanting her; her powers were too dangerous if left unchecked. Although his mother desired to destroy Zhen Ji, Cao Pi knew that that was no longer an option. If killing her wasn't a possibility, the he would find another way to contain her magic. He knew that if he ever made Zhen Ji his woman, he would be disobeying his mother wishes, but in a sense, he rationalized that he was still fulfilling his filial duty.

Regardless, her subtle rejection still pissed him off. Who does she think she is? She should consider herself blessed to be my partner, let alone stand in my presence. Trying hard to contain his annoyance with her, Cao Pi had walked ahead of her, purposely letting her trail behind him. She should know where she stands with me.

Concerned with his own feelings, he did not notice a beggar woman approaching Zhen Ji. In quick movements, the beggar woman shoved Xiang aside, causing her to crash on the street. Xiang's surprised cry caused both Zhen Ji and Cao Pi to turn around to see the commotion. Holding a large metal basin filled with dirty water, the beggar woman threw the water onto Zhen Ji, splashing her whole body. Zhen Ji also gave a small cry of surprise.

"Filthy!" The beggar woman cursed. "All you nobles are filthy! You should all live in your filth!"

Cao Pi rushed back and grabbed the woman by her throat, gripping tighter and tighter. The woman struggled to breath and began flailing her hands at Cao Pi in an attempt to pry his fingers away. Cao Pi only continued to tighten his grasp. He bared his clenched teeth at her and the look of fury in his eyes frightened her.

"Please stay your hand, master Cao Pi!" Zhen Ji begged as she placed both hands on his tense arm.

He briefly looked at Zhen Ji and could see the sorrow in her eyes. His heart ached seeing the pain in her eyes forcing him to release his grasp on the beggar. The woman dropped to the ground as her own hands wrapped around her neck as she gasped and heaved for air. The corner of her eyes watered, but she kept her furious gaze on them.

Zhen Ji crouched down to look at the beggar levelly. "Are you alright?" She asked with concern.

"Filth." The beggar managed to spit at as she swatted Zhen Ji's hand away from her.

"Watch what you say, beggar. I will not give you second chance." Cao Pi threatened.

"Pray tell, what caused you do throw water at us?" Zhen Ji asked.

"All you nobles are the same! Sitting on your high horses while the rest of us struggle to survive. You," She pointed a finger accusingly at Zhen Ji. "who wear fine silks when the rest of us freeze. You," she pointed to Cao Pi "who eat fine foods while the rest of us starve." She spat in disgust again. "You, who live in large palaces when the rest of us have no roofs to live under. You should suffer like we do."

"Do not anger me any further." Cao Pi sneered.

Zhen Ji looked back at Cao Pi. "Please, I don't think she means any harm."

In that brief moment, the beggar woman took that opportunity to escape. Cao Pi had considered to call the guards to capture her, but the look Zhen Ji gave made him let it go.

"My lady, you are soaking wet!" Xiang exclaimed as Zhen Ji shivered slightly.

In one swift movement, Cao Pi peeled off her wet clothes and tossed them to Xiang, leaving Zhen Ji exposing her shoulders and bare back in a halter she wore under her clothes. Cao Pi then immediately took off the outer layer of his robes and wrapped her with it to cover her exposed skin. He pulled her into his body tightly and rubbed his hands on her back to keep her warm. "You'll get a cold if you stay in those wet clothes." He whispered to her.

Both Xiang and Zhen Ji were too stunned to react before Cao Pi gradually pulled her away. "Are you alright?" He asked softly.

Trying to avoid looking into his eyes, Zhen Ji looked down only to see his bare muscular chest in his open undershirt. Seeing his partial nakedness, her cheeks flushed red. "I must not be feeling well." She replied, bringing her hands to her face in an attempt to cool her hot cheeks.

Cao Pi smirked. He knew exactly why Zhen Ji had become so flustered. He found her reaction adorable and found himself wanting her more and more. He found her innocence endearing and realized that despite all the power and magic she had, she was still just a girl. And as a girl, it would be easy for him to make her his woman.

... ... ... ... ...

When they finally returned back to the Cao palace, Cao Pi gently asked her again, "Are you alright, Zhen Ji?" Zhen Ji was a little surprised to hear the worry in his voice. Cao Pi had always appeared before her as a unwavering man and a pleasant feeling washed over her to witness a softer side to him. "Yes, master Cao Pi. Thank you for aiding me." She replied, a slight tinge of pink still on her cheeks.

"Maid." He called out at Xiang. "Make sure Lady Zhen Ji is well taken care of. If she becomes unwell, know that it is your head that will pay."

"Master Cao Pi!" Zhen Ji interjected. "Surely that is not necessary? After all, Xiang has been my maid since we were little girls. I would never want anything to happen to her."

Cao Pi placed his hand on Zhen Ji's cheek affectionately. "I would never want anything to happen to you." Zhen Ji smiled in return, feeling a slight burning on the tip of her ears from embarrassment. "Make sure you take good care of Lady Zhen Ji." He finally said without bothering to look at the maid again.

"Yes, Master Cao Pi." Xiang replied in obedience, bowing low in utmost respect.

"Zhen Ji, I have some business to attend to, but I would like to see you again. Come join me for a midday snack tomorrow. I will be waiting for you by the Spring Lotus Gardens."

Before Zhen Ji could even accept the invitation, Cao Pi headed off. As much as she wanted to deny it, she was little smitten with him. Xiang on the other hand, felt like his invitation was more a demand than a request, but kept it to herself. Instead, she gestured to Cao Pi's robes that was wrapped around her mistress. "My lady, shall I wash that for you?"

"No!" Zhen Ji's immediate and louder-than-usual reply startled Xiang. Zhen Ji's hand had also unconsciously gripped onto the robe. "I meant," she said, steadying her voice again. "that is quite alright. It would only be courteous if I washed it myself."

Xiang nodded. "Then if there is nothing else my lady, I shall go back to my chores."

Even though Zhen Ji nodded in response, Xiang could tell she was already lost in her own thoughts. The two girls had been together through many tough and long years, and like a sister, Xiang could notice small things about Zhen Ji that no one would ever catch. Although she was happy that her mistress had found some semblance of happiness in this place, Xiang could not forget that Cao Pi had once tried to kill them. She wondered if Zhen Ji had simply forgotten that. Still, Xiang was only a maid. This shouldn't be anything she would question her mistress.

As Xiang returned to the servants building to continue her chores, she could feel a presence following her. Brushing it off as simply as someone heading to the same destination, she continued on her way. It had been a warm day and with all the walking she did during the day, her forehead felt a bit grimy. She took out her simple handkerchief to wipe her forehead when it got caught in the breeze and the wind pulled it behind her. She spun around to reach it before it flew away but was surprised to see him behind her: he, whose beauty could make woman hide their faces in shame, Zhang He. Having caught her handkerchief, he held it in his hands with a playful grin on his face.

"Thank you, master Zhang He." She said quickly, reaching to grab her handkerchief. Zhang He pulled back teasingly. She curled her fists into ball as she felt he was toying around with her. Trying to be as polite as she could, she asked him to return her handkerchief. "Could I please have my handkerchief back?" Though she tried to a have a neutral tone, there was slight bit of anger that seethed out by the end of the question.

"Oh this?" He responded questioningly looking at the handkerchief from different angles as if thoroughly examining it.

"Yes." She said flatly.

"Oh alright. Here." He stretched his arm towards her and looked off to the side as if bored of their dalliance. Xiang reached for it only to have him pull back again. Annoyed, Xiang briskly turned around and resumed her path to the servants building. She would not stand there and be played with like that. "You don't want it back?" He shouted to her.

"No, master Zhang He can keep it if he fancies it so." She responded flippantly. All her life, she had been picked on by others. Though she acted out sometimes or cried about it, she realized that the best way for her to deal with these kinds of people was to act as if she didn't care. Over time, she really started caring less and less of what people thought of her. It didn't matter that she didn't really have any friends within the serving class; at least she wasn't getting picked on as much anymore.

"I have a feeling you don't like me very much." He said as she walked away. He also continued to follow her. Though trailing behind her, neither of them were in any hurry, as they walked a normal pace. "Why is that?"

"Xiang neither likes nor dislikes master Zhang He, for she does not know him well enough." She replied in a formal manner.

"Then perhaps we shall get to know each other!" He replied jovially.

"Xiang is a mere maid and cannot compare to the likes of master Zhang He. I'm afraid this simple maid is unworthy of master Zhang He's company." Her despondent tone almost sounded authentic. At the entrance of the servants building, Xiang turned around to face him. "There is nothing this ordinary maid can do for master Zhang He."

"Ah, but that is where you are wrong, beautiful Li Xiang." He said stopping in his tracks as well. Xiang's eyes widened slightly in surprise. Nobody in the Cao household really knew her full name. After all, she was only a maid of no importance, why would they know it? Besides, all the maids and servants were either called by their given names or a generic name given to them by their master or mistress. Zhang He was up to something, Xiang thought. She remembered seeing him speak in hushed whispers with Sima Yi earlier and remembered the veiled exchange between Sima Yi and Zhen Ji. Had Zhang He came to persuade her to convince Zhen Ji to ally with Sima Yi?

Zhang He smirked knowing that he had caught her by surprise.

"I'm sorry, but if master Zhang He is looking for Lady Zhen Ji, she is resting in her bedchambers." She finally said. No matter what he was going to say or do, I will never betray Lady Zhen Ji. She thought to herself. Zhang He probably works for Sima Yi, therefore, he cannot be trusted either.

"I never said I was looking for Lady Zhen Ji." He replied, still with the smirk upon his face.

Annoyed, Xiang looked straight into his eyes in confrontation. "No? Then what is it that master Zhang He wants?"

Delighted to see her fierce look, he stared back into her eyes before replying, "You."

Angered, Xiang stepped back folding her arms in an 'X' across her chest as if to cover herself up. Yes, she was only a maid, but she would not give herself up so easily.

Zhang He laughed. "You have mistaken my intentions, Li Xiang." He took a step closer to her.

"I am a man who appreciates true beauty, and yours," He paused, taking her face in his hand and pulling it close to his. He gazed into her eyes as if completely lost to everything except her eyes, "is a rare and precious one I have never seen before."

She boldly looked him right back into his eyes with a slight smirk. "They say it is the call of demons." Many people feared and hated her because of the strange colour of her eyes.

"Never." He responded, mesmerized by her eyes. He dropped his hand from her chin and the two of them remained standing there, staring into each other eyes as if a battle played between them. "No beauty like this could ever be the work of demons." His voice dropped to a whisper. "It is the look of emperors."

Impressed by his comments, Xiang broke eye contact and looked away, only to feel regret for having conceded defeat in their imaginary battle. Even so, Xiang felt elated that there was at least one other person who didn't treat her like a monster simply because of the colour of her eyes. Her delight was quickly overshadowed by a wave of guilt. It was as if she had almost betrayed Zhen Ji for having such positive feelings from someone associated to Sima Yi. No. She thought to herself. He's just playing a game with me to bring Zhen Ji to Sima Yi's side. I will not fall for this.

"What is it that master Zhang He really wants? Like I said before, I am a simple maid and nothing more."

"I beg to differ." His voice back to its normal vibrant tone. "Li Xiang is much too beautiful a name to belong to a simple maid." Xiang frowned slightly, wondering what he was trying to get at. "I would very much like to be friends, you and I." He finally said.

"There is no benefit for master Zhang He to be friends with me."

"Oh, but there is. You see, I like to surround myself with beauty." He twirled around to gesture the nature around. "Now if we are friends, I could see your dazzling eyes more often." He paused for a brief moment before adding, "and who knows, perhaps in the future, you and I could help each other out."

"Hmph." And there it was; nothing in the world is free, not even friendship. "My loyalty lies with Lady Zhen Ji."

"It matters not whose loyalty is with whom. You and I can still be friends, no?" He said holding out her handkerchief in his open palm. A brilliant yellow rose lay atop the cloth.

She looked back at him, trying to gage his words. She had a bad feeling about Sima Yi and didn't like Zhang He's close association with that cunning man, but something about his sweet words was refreshing. Although she had a sinking feeling that his words were pretty lies, she found herself compelled to reach out and take the rose and handkerchief from his hand, symbolizing their new found friendship.

... ... ... ... ...

Zhen Ji had tried hard to remain calm and composed at all times as she was brought up to be a noble lady, but every time she was near Cao Pi where she could feel the warmth of his body or smell the scent of his manliness, her heart would not remain still. Was it because it was him? Or was it to be so close to a man, she wondered. She could remember distinctively how it felt and it caused her heart to flutter each time.

She sat down by the table in her room as she gently stroked Cao Pi's robe that she had cleaned and folded neatly on the table. Her fingers traced the intricate design of the purple threads. As she neared the end of the design, she placed her head down on the fabric, and began drawing imaginary circles on the cloth. She wondered if she should make a trip to his rooms to return it or wait until they 'accidentally' bumped into each other.

The sound of footsteps caused her to sit back upright and place her hands neatly folded on her lap. The doors to her room opened as Xiang stepped in with her afternoon tea. "My lady." She greeted.

"Xiang, do you think I should return this in person?" Zhen Ji asked, gesturing to the robe.

"My lady should do whatever she thinks is most appropriate." Xiang replied, placing the food neatly on the table before taking the robe away and placing it on top of the drawers.

Zhen Ji frowned. What would be most appropriate in this situation?

"If it was Master Cao Zhi, what would you do?" Xiang asked, sensing Zhen Ji's troubled thoughts.

"I would return it in person."

"And if it was Master Cao Zhang?"

"I would return it in person."

"Or General Cao Ren? General Zhang He, or Lord Jia Xu?" Xiang continued.

"The same."

"Master Cao Pi?"

Zhen Ji did not respond immediately. Trying to justify it in her mind, she finally said, "It is almost midday. Master Cao Pi had invited us for midday snacks." She thought to herself that seeing him was completely platonic and since she was going there anyway, she might as well return the robe at the same time.

Before Xiang could touch the robe, Zhen Ji quickly picked it up. The two girls left the bedchambers and proceeded towards Cao Pi's chambers, first having to pass by Cao Cao's area. As the two girls passed by Cao Cao's gardens, they caught sight of Lady Bian's maid, Wumei, heading into Cao Cao's bedchambers. Thinking that Lady Bian must also be nearby, Zhen Ji purposely diverted their path in order to avoid catching sight of her. When they neared Cao Pi's quarters, Zhen Ji found herself unconsciously smiling again. Just as they reached his doors to knock, the door flung open and Lady Bian stepped out. The smile on both women's faces dropped. Zhen Ji greeted Lady Bian politely. With her back turned her son, Lady Bian scowled inaudibly. Lady Bian caught sight of Cao Pi's robes in Zhen Ji's arm and her eyes narrowed. She stepped out, without acknowledging the greeting to continue on her way. As she passed Zhen Ji, she hissed quietly so that no one else could hear, "Know this; if you ever marry into my family, I will destroy you." Lady Bian's second maid, Shi Shi, scampered past the two girls while giving them a dirty look before following her mistress away.

Zhen Ji felt a flood of mixed feelings. She had just started to enjoy Cao Pi's company and found that he was a very different man than she had originally thought. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she felt a tiny bit of yearning when she wasn't with him. On the other hand, she feared Lady Bian and her threatening words. After having to live with Lady Yuan for so many years, she did not want to experience that level of fear and hatred ever again. It was a means of survival, but that didn't make it any less painful.

Cao Pi on the other hand, was extremely pleased to see Zhen Ji before his door. "You're just in time. The servants had just brought in midday snacks." He said waving towards the delicious snacks sitting on the table.

Feeling downcast, Zhen Ji handed the robe to Xiang. She smiled weakly. "My deepest apologies, Master Cao Pi. I came only to return your robe to you." She motioned her maid to bring it to him. "Please do enjoy your snacks. I will take my leave now." She bowed courteously before turning back, leaving no time for Cao Pi to respond.

As the Zhen Ji traced her steps back to her rooms with that unsettling feeling tumbling in her stomach, she was interrupted by a servant calling out her name. "Lady Zhen Ji!" The servant called as he rushed towards her. "Lord Cao Cao wishes to meet with you."

"Oh." She said with surprise in her voice. "Please take me to him."

The servant looked at Xiang warily. Taking the hint, Xiang commented that she still had chores to finish. Zhen Ji nodded in approval for her to leave. Just as Xiang left, the servant led Zhen Ji to Cao Cao's gardens where he sat at the pavilion making plays on a xiangqi set. It wasn't until after Zhen Ji greeted him, did he look up from his practise game.

"Zhen Ji, my dear." He motioned for her to sit down. "Sima Yi tells me you had bested him in xiangqi." He said as he reset all the pieces back to starting position.

"Master Sima Yi is too kind with his words. I could never best him in a game of xiangqi. The game ended as a stalemate."

Cao Cao laughed. "Sima Yi has never lost a game of xiangqi. To have ended the game in a stalemate is to beat him!"

Though Zhen Ji knew that Cao Cao's words were meant to be literal, she felt that it was saying more about his character. She had alluded that Sima Yi lived his life as a game of xiangqi. To say he had never lost could only mean that Sima Yi would play the life game in any matter so that he would always win. This troubled her even more.

"Black shall go first." He said, letting her start.

She moved her first piece the same way she did she always did. Unlike Sima Yi who mirrored her moves, Cao Cao played a more offensive game, ready to attack from the get-go.

"How many years has it been since we first met on that fateful day by the pier?" He asked.

"15 years ago, my Lord."

"Ah, how time flies." He said stroking his beard. "15 years has turned you into a beautiful flower. Me on the other hand," raising a hand to his greying hair. "15 years has done a number on me."

"Not at all, my Lord. I remember Lord Cao Cao just as I did as a little girl; an intelligent, brave, and dignified man."

Pleased by her comments, Cao Cao laughed loudly. "Zhen Ji is just as bright and clever as I remember." He paused momentarily to make a move in their chess game and take one of her pieces. "Even so, there will come a time when old age visits me. And when it does, I will have to leave my legacy behind to one of my sons." He stopped again to make another move to snatch up another piece. "I have many sons, but none that are ready to take my place." After making a final move to end his turn, Cao Cao looked straight at Zhen Ji. "Who do you think I can leave the throne to?"

"I regret that I cannot be of any help to you, my Lord, but I'm afraid I am in no position to be able to make any judgements on the successor of the Cao Household."

"Of my sons, there are only three who can become my successor: Pi, Zhang and Zhi." He continued, as if she had not spoken. "Pi, though masterful of the sword, can be too stubborn and short tempered. I fear he may be blinded by his own desires to see the big picture. Zhang, strong as an ox, cannot make a decision on his own. If I were to leave the reins to him, I'm afraid those in the court will easily manipulate him. Zhi, the most intelligent of all my sons, has neither experience nor interest in the battlefield. He would surely have troubles convincing the other generals on battle strategies. How am I to decide who should take my place if none of them are fit to do so?"

"I think," Zhen Ji began. "there is still plenty of time for each of them to grow. If their father is any indication, each of them shall surely become great men for they all have Lord Cao Cao to look up to. I have no doubt in my mind that any of them can follow Lord Cao Cao's footsteps."

Cao Cao laughed again. "There is one other thing that all great men must have." He said, watching her move carefully. "Beside each great man is a wife supporting him."

"Any woman who becomes the wife of Pi, Zhang, or Zhi would be extremely lucky." She responded casually.

"Are you going easy on me?" He asked, referring to their chess game as he took another one of her pieces. "You can never win playing so defensively." As Cao Cao made ended his move, a soldier hurriedly entered the garden requesting Cao Cao's presence in the training grounds.

"What is it?" Cao Cao asked the soldier, ignoring his obvious urgency. The soldier looked towards Zhen Ji. "Lady Zhen Ji is my trusted guest. You can say anything in front of her."

The soldier nodded. "Lord Cao Cao, there are problems with the new group of recruitments."

"Let General Cao Ren handle that." Cao Cao replied dismissively.

"I am here on the behest of General Cao Ren."

"What is the problem?" Annoyance evident in his tone.

"The recruitment had not been as successful as we had thought. In addition, there has been constant fighting within the group."

"Start another recruitment and discipline the rowdy group. Leave none unpunished for such behaviour." Cao Cao responded in his authoritative voice.

"That's the problem Lord Cao Cao. We've exhausted our options. There's no one else we can recruit and discipline has not been effective."

"Hmph." He replied in disdain. He stood up from his seat. "We will have to finish this game another day."

Zhen Ji nodded before Cao Cao brusquely left with the soldier.

"Sometimes, you need to understand why people do the things they do." Zhen Ji said to herself as she moved her last chess piece. "Checkmate."

... ... ... ... ...

The following night, Cao Pi sent a message to invite Zhen Ji for dinner with him. Zhen Ji was still troubled with her feelings for him. She thought it was wrong for her to enjoy his company after everything that had happened since the Yuans were defeated. It was a battle between logic and her heart, yet she did not fully understand either. Her brain was telling that she shouldn't be spending any more time than necessary with him, but also reminded her that she was still under the watchful eye of the Cao household. Whatever she does, it could mean life or death. Pleasantries with the Caos would certainly mean an easier life for the most part, but was she also destined to play life like a game of xiangqi? On the other hand, her heart desired to be loved and she found comfort when she was around him. But what was 'love' really? She had never experienced it and since her days as a little girl, she never thought much of it. Love for parents or family was most certainly different than love for a man. Was she feeling this 'in love' feeling that so many woman always dreamt about? Or did she love the feeling of being with someone? Though she had Xiang as company all these years, there was still a part of her that felt really lonely.

"My lady? Master Cao Pi would like to know if you can join him for dinner at the Lotus Pavilion?" The servant asked again after Zhen Ji's lack of response.

Zhen Ji knew she had to be careful. If she went, did that mean she was giving him a sign that she was also interested in him? Would that further bring Lady Bian's wrath to her? If she didn't go, was that a gesture of disrespect to the Cao family? She was a guest under their roof, but how many times could she refuse him before it was considered to be rude?

After a moment, she finally nodded. "Please, lead the way."

The servant led her to the main garden and as she approached, she could see candles lit up leading towards the pavilion. Among the backdrop was a beautiful garden with willow trees and a pond that circled around the pavilion. The pavilion itself was ornately painted in rose pink with thin curtains hanging from the windows and resembled a lotus floating in the water. A small bridge formed the path to the pavilion. Standing by the bridge, Cao Pi stood there talking to Cao Ren. As Zhen Ji approached, the only word she caught was "conscription".

"The Lady Zhen Ji has arrived." The servant announced, interrupting the two gentlemen.

Cao Ren formed a fist in one hand and covered it with the other and held it in front of him to bow to Cao Pi. It was often how men of the upper class would greet or excuse themselves. Cao Pi responded in kind. "I trust you to handle this, uncle." His uncle turned away and left with the servant to leave Zhen Ji and Cao Pi with some privacy. "Military matters." Cao Pi said.

Zhen Ji simply nodded. The word "conscription" did not settle well with her. Did this have something to do with the commotion with Cao Cao the day before?

"Have a seat." He said, leading her into the pavilion.

Spread on the table was a glorious meal. There was a plethora of dishes ranging from quail, duck, ginseng infused soup, enoki mushroom to lychee cake. Some that even Zhen Ji did not know what it was. The decadent spread could easily feed a family of 12, yet it sat before the two of them. Zhen Ji frowned slightly. Knowing that this was set up specifically by Cao Pi, each of these dishes was no doubt very expensive, yet most of it would probably go untouched. She thought it was such a waste to have such a delicious meal for just two people.

"Are you unwell, Zhen Ji?" Cao Pi asked.

Surprised by his attentive concern to her, Zhen Ji felt embarrassed to have been caught frowning. "No, no," She started, but felt guilty to be blessed to be able to eat such wonderful food knowing full well of there were many people starving on the streets. "I am overjoyed that Master Cao Pi had prepared such savory dishes for me." She paused, wondering if she should continue what she wanted to say. When she was met by silence, she continued, "But it makes me guilty to be able to live so well, yet others like the old beggar woman in town, has to suffer through these difficult times."

"Some people are fortunate to be born well, and others can only blame their own Fate."

"The gods created people from the same cloth, if one suffers, so do the others." Zhen Ji repeated the words her mother often spoke. The memory of her kind mother made Zhen Ji tear up. Her mother had been the kindest, most sincere, and most giving person she had ever known in her life. Though she had lost her mother at the tender age of 6, she loved and cherished any memory she had of her mother.

"Zhen Ji? Are you alright?" There was the unmistakable tone of worry in his voice.

Zhen Ji pulled out a lavender handkerchief and quickly wiped her eyes. When she was done, she put on a brave smile as if nothing had happened. "Those were once words my mother used to say when I was young."

Ever since the incident at the marketplace when the horse almost ran her over, Cao Pi had told himself that he was going to make her fall for him. Women fell for him left and right, yet this woman seemed unattainable. Worse of all, there were moments that he felt that he had fallen for her. What a ridiculous notion. Him, of all men, falling for a woman? But there was something about her that made him want her. She was so guarded, he felt a desire to break open her shell and free her. He knew there was something more than the calm and collected woman that she portrayed herself to be. He knew, because he had seen it before. When he did catch a glimpse of that woman behind the stone shell, it sparked something in him. It made him feel something that he could not explain. Initially, he detested that feeling, but now, he wasn't sure it was a bad thing. Instead of dwelling on it though, he was determined to make the most unattainable woman to fall for him.

"Your mother sounds like a great woman."

Zhen Ji nodded slightly. "She was…"

"Tell me more about your mother."

She smiled slightly, fondly remember the sweet person she called mother. "She was a very beautiful woman, very kind and patient. She loved playing the flute because she said 'music heals the soul'. My mother taught me how to play the flute. I was a terrible at first. Whenever I played, the dogs would howl." Zhen Ji giggled quietly. "But mother would always encourage me. 'They just want to sing with you'. She would tell me." Zhen Ji folded her hands over her chest. "She also had a big heart. She cared for all people, no matter how they looked. I remember the year when famine swept over the country. There were people dying from hunger on the streets and though we did not have much, mother convinced my father to share our rice to the people. 'All people suffer, but when we share the burden, it doesn't seem as hard anymore.'"

Zhen Ji closed her eyes, dreaming of those days with her mother. After a moment, when she realized all she could hear were the crickets chirping to the moon, she flashed her eyes open. "I am terribly sorry, Master Cao Pi!"

"What for?" He asked stepping towards her.

"Master Cao Pi had prepared such a wonderful dinner tonight, and here I am spoiling the mood. I am deeply ashamed for this!"

"There's no need to apologize or be ashamed. You are a filial daughter. You are just like your mother. She would be proud." He stood right before her, inches away.

Zhen Ji looked up at Cao Pi to his reassuring words. "I have only memories left of my mother. That is the only way I can honour her now."

Unexpectedly, Cao Pi wrapped his arms and embraced her, holding her firmly into his body. Zhen Ji couldn't fully explain why she had opened up to him or why her body didn't move away from his when her mind told her to, but the warmth of his body was wonderful. She closed her eyes peacefully as she listened to the steady beating of his heart.

... ... ... ... ...

The next morning, Zhen Ji awoke from a pleasant dream to the singsong chirping of the birds. The morning rays were shining in her room and she thought back to the embrace she had with Cao Pi just hours ago. She cherished the embrace and had felt so safe in his arms.

As Xiang entered her room and helped her prepare for the day, Zhen Ji was in such a pleasant mood, she couldn't help but hum. Xiang took notice of it right away, but didn't mention it. Zhen Ji had rarely been in good moods for the past several years, so she wanted her mistress to enjoy whenever she could. After they were done and opened the door, Zhen Ji was pleasantly surprised to see Cao Pi waiting for her in her little garden.

She smiled at him. "Good morning Master Cao Pi."

There was a look of amusement in his eyes as he approached her. "Come, there is something I want to show you." He said, taking her by the hand. As an unmarried girl, no man should be physically touching her like so, but she liked the feeling of his warmth and couldn't bring herself to pull apart.

Cao Pi led her out of the palace and into the marketplace before he let go of her hand. He turned to face Zhen Ji to see the expression on her face.

Zhen Ji couldn't believe her eyes. She saw several people dressed in the Cao's servant garbs bringing in rice into the middle of market. Several more were busy setting up stands to distribute the rice. Zhen Ji turned to look at him with delight in her eyes.

"I cannot bring your mother back, but I can at least help you relive your memories."

Zhen Ji was extremely touched by her sincerity, but feeling his intense gaze upon her, she shyly looked away. "Thank you…" She whispered softly.

Cao Pi gently placed his hand on her chin and tilted her face back towards him to look into her eyes. Feeling her face start to flush pink, Zhen Ji quickly broke away and hurried off to help set up. Cao Pi, on the other hand, looked up and smirked as he caught Yue Jin watching them.

Yue Jin looked away, as if minding his own business, and continued on bringing rice to the stands that were being set up. He took the large bag of rice and began dumping it into a large open container at one of the stands that was all set up.

"Oh! Master Yue Jin!" Zhen Ji exclaimed in surprise when she caught sight of him. "What a pleasant surprise! I did not know you were helping out with this too." Zhen Ji looked around. "But I don't see any of the other generals here."

"Master Cao Pi specifically asked me to help." Yue Jin muttered. "It's my pleasure. This is for a great cause." He said to her, before going back to bring in more rice.

Zhen Ji sensed a bit of hostility in his tone. She wondered what had happened, but before she could say any more, he was already gone. Cao Pi stepped up to the stand beside her when the stands were all set up. A large crowd of people had already gathered around when they heard Zhen Ji and Cao Pi were giving out free rice. As Zhen Ji handed out rice to the less fortunate, she soon forgot about that nagging feeling she had for Yue Jin.

The people that came ranged from the poor to the rich. Despite having rice grains of their own, they were equally greedy as any other. Initially, Cao Pi had wanted to order the guards to filter through the crowd, but Zhen Ji convinced him to allow the rich to get free food too. Zhen Ji knew that sooner or later, the mass crowd of poor would shame the rich from taking their precious food.

They had spent a good hour before a Cao servant rushed towards Cao Pi and whispered something in his ear.

"What did he say?" Cao Pi said in his usual steely tone towards others. The servant whispered into his ear again. Cao Pi frowned. Zhen Ji knew something the servant said must have unnerved him. "I will deal with father later."

The servant once again whispered into his ear, this time with more urgency. Cao Pi placed the rice scoop down and turned towards her. "Zhen Ji, I have some urgent matter to attend to."

"Please, do not let me disturb you from your duties." Zhen Ji responded as Cao Pi hurried off. She had never seen him so worried before. "Excuse me." She called out to the servant, before he left. "Could you please tell me what is wrong?"

"I'm sorry Lady Zhen Ji, I still have many chores to finish." He dodged before scampering off.

"Xiang," Zhen Ji called to her maid. "Go and find out what has happened."

Her maid nodded before chasing the servant down. Moments later, Xiang returned to her with the news. "Lord Cao Cao is unhappy with Master Cao Pi."

"Why is that?" Zhen Ji was apprehensive. As nice as Cao Cao had been to her so far, he was a fearsome man. If he was angered, then things were dangerous. Zhen Ji placed the rice scoop down and signaled a servant to take over. She pulled Xiang off to the side to talk to her.

"It seems Master Cao Pi had not consulted with Lord Cao Cao prior to arranging this." Xiang waved to the rice around them. "According to the servant, he is so furious that the heavens could shake."

Suddenly, Zhen Ji felt responsible. Cao Pi had organized all this for her sake and now she feared that he would be in disfavor with his father. Zhen Ji looked around her to assess the situation. She could see there was still a massive crowd before her that seemed to grow, although there were less and less upper class citizens just as she predicted. There were servants that were still piling on the bags of rice, but Zhen Ji knew that if they depleted the Cao rice granaries, there would be hell to pay. She looked back into the crowd and realized what she must do.

"Quickly, tell the servants to stop delivering rice!" She ordered her maid. Xiang immediately bolted to the group delivering the rice as Zhen Ji followed behind her, walking carefully. As much as she wanted to hasten her steps, it would certainly be unladylike for her to start running.

"But there won't be enough rice for everyone!" One of the men said just as Zhen Ji finally caught up to the group.

"Please don't worry about that. Just tell the others to stop bringing in rice." She responded. The man nodded and began shouting the order to the other men. Zhen Ji turned to Xiang again. "Go into the crowd and…"

"I know what to do." Xiang nodded and rushed off into the massive crowd.

Zhen Ji clasped her hand together under the long flared sleeves of her dress, hoping that her plan would work. She walked back to her stand and took over again. An elderly woman approached opening a raggedy pouch. Zhen Ji poured a large scoop of rice into the bag.

"Thank you, thank you, Lady Zhen Ji. You are most kind!" The woman's coarse voice coughed out.

Zhen Ji smiled politely at the woman. "It is not me you should be thanking; it is Lord Cao Cao and his generosity that you should thank. As Chancellor of Yecheng, he wants everyone to know that your suffering is his suffering. Your loss is his loss." Zhen Ji turned to the crowd and shouted, "All people suffer, but when we share the burden, it doesn't seem as hard anymore. Lord Cao Cao will take care of you as best as he can, as the people of Yecheng are together as one."

Zhen Ji continued to pass out rice, despite the dwindling amount. She was a little anxious as it seemed like her plan wasn't working, when suddenly there was a slight rumble from somewhere in the middle of the crowd. It was an incoherent noise at first but soon the voices could be heard chanting "Cao Cao, Cao Cao".

As the chanting got louder and louder, Xiang wiggled her way back to Zhen Ji and gave her a slight nod, completing her task. A servant came by and dumped the last bag of rice left into the container. Zhen Ji continued passing out the food when she noticed the crowd making a path in the far back. As the path got closer and closer to her, she could see Cao Cao leading Cao Pi and Cao Ren towards the front. The domineering father wore a scowl on his face and Cao Pi looked much more timid than usual.

As Cao Cao walked through the crowd, the people began to take notice of him. They expressed their gratitude, thanking and saying wonderful things about him. By the time he reached the front to where Zhen Ji stood, his scowl had lessened significantly. There was still a displeased look upon his face, but it wasn't as intense as it was before.

Zhen Ji stopped what she was doing and bowed low to him in deep respect. He had a look of slight disappointment in his eyes when he saw her, but before he could say anything, three men from the crowd pushed their way through to the front.

"Lord Cao Cao." They all said in unison, raising their clasped fist to greet him. "Forgive my brothers and I." The eldest one said. "We are late, but we would like to join in your ranks if you should still have us."

Cao Cao stroked his beard in contemplation before responding. "Why did you and your brothers not come when recruitment was open?"

The man took a deep breath, sensing that Cao Cao was displeased with such tardiness. "My Lord, most of us are poor. Some of us live each day wondering if we will survive for the next. I know we must protect our city, but we must also remember our filial ties and honour thy mother and thy father. With the food shortages recently, we worry that if we leave, our elderly parents will not survive."

"But now, you have shown us that we needlessly worry! For your generosity tells us that while we fight bravely in the war, our families will not be forsaken!" The youngest brother burst out while gesturing to the rice being handed out.

The crowd behind him cheered out and the chant 'Cao Cao' resumed.

Cao Cao raised both arms up in the air to silence the crowd. "Very well," he said to the brothers. "for honouring your filial ties, I will forgive you this one time." He stroked his beard thoughtfully as he looked at the brothers. "And I will accept you into our ranks, for we are now united as one."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord Cao Cao!" The brothers said in unison.

"I expect you all to give it 110%."

"Nothing less!" They agreed. Just then, several other youths and young men pushed to the front all shouting that they want to join the army as well.

Cao Cao looked over to Cao Ren and nodded his head at him.

"Gentlemen!" Cao Ren shouted. "Follow me for recruitment!"

As Cao Ren led a slew of men away, Cao Cao looked at Zhen Ji curiously. The disdain he had earlier had subsided and Zhen Ji knew he was trying to decide what to think of her. Still, she could not read his expression and was not sure if he was angry or not.

"Master Cao Pi is a very wise man to set this up." She said gesturing to the rice and crowd, and giving him all the credit. "He will become a great man like his father."

Cao Cao stroked his beard again, turning his gaze to his son. Cao Pi had an air of dignity to him, so different than the timid expression he wore just moments ago. "Indeed." Cao Cao muttered.

Seconds later, a servant rushed up towards Zhen Ji and said, "The rice is running low Lady Zhen Ji." Before realizing Cao Cao and Cao Pi was before him.

A scowl immediately formed again on Cao Cao's face. "Did you give out all of the rice in our coffers?" He questioned his son.

"No, my Lord Cao Cao." Zhen Ji responded quickly, trying to figure out a way to quickly diffuse the situation. "Master Cao Pi…" she was interrupted when someone in the far back shouted out.

"Lord Huang, has donated 20 bags of rice to be handed out to the people." The crowd moved aside as some of Lord Huang's servants wheeled in the rice to the front where Zhen Ji and the rest stood. Zhen Ji breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that her plan finally worked and with great timing. If her plan hadn't worked just in time, she had nothing more to say to Cao Cao.

Not to be beat, another man shouted out. "By the generosity of Master Xun, the Deng family has donated 30 bags of rice!"

Soon, the only thing people could hear were servants and messengers shouting out the names of various lords and other high ranked officials who also donated rice. Before long, there was plenty of rice to be handed out again. Zhen Ji knew that most of these donations did not hold altruistic motives, but rather a mere public appearance of generosity. Regardless the reason though, Zhen Ji was thankful that it had worked out in the end.

Cao Cao looked over to his son. "You predicted the other nobles would follow suit when they saw our success, didn't you?"

Without hesitation, CP responded, "Yes father."

"Well done." Cao Cao praised. "Well done, indeed." He said giving Zhen Ji a quick glance.

... ... ... ... ...

After the day's ordeal, Zhen Ji retired to her bedchambers to prepare for the night. She sat down at the oversized wooden chair that had been conveniently padded with cushion for her aching body. Xiang brought a basin of hot water and placed it by her mistress' feet. She poured oils into the basin and then sprinkled rose petals on top. Carefully, she took off Zhen Ji's shoes and unwrapped her socks before massaging her feet in the scented waters. "My lady, did you know it would go so well today?"

Zhen Ji sighed. "No. It was a risk, but there was no other option. Fortunately the heavens were on our side today."

"All the generals are praising Master Cao Pi for his wit. They say he came up with such a brilliant idea to motivate new recruits, but this was all of your doing, my lady." Xiang bemoaned.

"That's not true. It was his idea to give out rice grains to the people." Zhen Ji corrected. "Besides, never take credit from a man." She advised. "No man wants to be undermined by a woman."

Xiang nodded. It was an unfair world they lived in, where men were always deemed superior to women. Women could be equally as intelligent, brave, and courageous as men. Zhen Ji was living proof of that, but still, this society did not believe in that.

... ... ... ... ...

The following morning, Zhen Ji was once again invited to join Cao Cao in a game of xiangqi.

"A rematch." He said to her. "Since we could not finish our last game."

Zhen Ji nodded as she helped set up the chess board. She was relieved because Cao Cao seemed to be in a pleasant mood.

"I have decided who shall succeed me." He announced.

"I am certain that whomever Lord Cao Cao has decided will no doubt rise to be a great man. With Lord Cao Cao as a leading example, he will certainly lead the Cao name to glory." Zhen Ji responded. She was a little surprised that he would be telling her all this, considering it had nothing to do with her.

"Indeed. Cao Pi will make a suitable ruler." He gestured for her to move first.

"Lord Cao Cao's decisions are always well thought out. There is no one who would object to this." She said, placing her first piece down.

Cao Cao placed his piece down immediately after. "Do you remember what a great man needs beside him?"

"Yes." She responded, placing a delicate hand on a piece on the chess board, trying to decide where to move it next. "A wife to support him."

"You shall be his wife."

Shocked by the sudden proposal, Zhen Ji dropped her arm, accidentally knocking over the chessboard. The pieces clattered onto the ground as she looked up to Cao Cao to see if he truly meant his words. As Cao Cao stroked his beard and flashed a fatherly smile at her, Zhen Ji knew he was serious.