Hey guys, I know it's been a while, so,... uh, yeah. Anyway, here's the next chapter. Enjoy! :-) Almost forgot to mention, this chapter is in Nova's POV.

Editing: Word choice

Three weeks. That's how long it's been since he fell into his coma. Three agonizing weeks. Bluestreak has shown no signs of waking up and we're all starting to lose hope. The only thing keeping him alive is the life support system and there's talk of flipping the switch. I was at the meeting when Galloway first suggested it. Primus, he's an asshole! He said that since there was little hope anyway, there was no point in wasting the resources. That made me so unbelievably angry but what finally got me to lose it was when he called Blue "as good as dead". Oh I was pissed. Something just snapped, and I went after him. It took Ironhide and Ratchet to restrain me and even they were failing, so then Optimus asked me to leave the room and compose myself while he dealt with Galloway. Something in the way he said it made me sure that I wasn't in trouble, that it would be Galloway having to face the wrath of the Autobot Officers. Optimus may not be violent but he gives a mean guilt trip, Ratchet is where violent comes in, Jazz'll prank you so bad you will fear him forever, and Prowl will lecture you until you die of boredom. I ran all the way to the med bay and sat in the same spot I've spent most of my time for the past twenty one days, next to Blue. I haven't even been to my quarters since he went under, Ratchet had a small fit about me not recharging so we compromised on me recharging in the med bay, he even went as far to assign me a berth. I never use it though; I usually fall asleep in the chair next to Bluestreak's berth. It hurt sometimes, to know there's a possibility he won't wake up. So I just sit with him, as if he'll wake up while I'm there. As much as I hate to admit it, he looks kind of cute, so peaceful and serene, I can't help but think about what Ironhide had said. Pit, I've been thinking about what he said ever since he said it, but I've been stuck on what Bluestreak had been trying to say. He wanted me to know something. No, he needed me to know something, but what? I feel even worse knowing that he may never get a chance to tell me. The last thing he wanted before he offlined, I couldn't do for him. That makes me sick to my tanks. That's how I'm feeling right now. Where am I? You guessed it, in the chair, next to his berth. He's deathly still but other than that, if I didn't know better, I would think he was just in recharge. Ironhide's question rises again in my processor. Did I like this mech? Could I even go as far as saying I love him? Bluestreak and I have been friends since we were younglings. He was the mech I went to if I needed to talk. Unknown by many, Blue is as good a listener as he is a talker. I can't even count the number of times, I've gone to him or vice versa. Blue's an amazing bot and any femme would be lucky to have him. Wow,….well I guess there's my answer. I do like this mech, I do love him, I do wish I had realized this sooner and told him. Primus, I am such a moron! I take another glance at Blue before doing something that's against my better judgment. I lean down and press my lips against his. He may have been unconscious but his lips were still warm and inviting. The last thing I expect is to feel him kissing back, but hey, life is just full of surprises. At first I don't realize it, I'm just too caught up, but after a second, optics snap open and I pull back. I look down to see Bluestreak's eyes half open and a small smile on his face.

"Blue!" I yell. I watch as he makes his way into a sitting position.

"Hey" is all he says. It's kind of all let him say before I smash my mouth onto his again. This time, there's a lot more love and passion in it.

We pull apart and just smile, not at all embarrassed of what just happened. Then I remembered. "You wanted me to know something?" I say.

He looks at me, adoration and infatuation evident in his optics. I swear, I am the luckiest femme in the universe. "Just that I love you." He says.

I chuckle a bit. "You're an idiot." I reply, before kissing him again. The kiss lasts about a full minute and when we break apart, we're gasping for air. "But I love you too." I say. "And you need to rest, lay back down."

"Lay with me?" he asks.

I smile (Primus, I'm doing that a lot lately) and say yes. I lay down next to him, he wraps his arms around me, and soon we fall into recharge.

Unknown to the new young couple, Ratchet is standing outside the med bay doors smiling. Bluestreak had woken and his daughter was in love. Everything was right with the world.

All I can say is, YAY! Don't worry guys, this isn't the last chapter. There's still one more after this one. Hope you liked it! Ciao for now! Reviews are awesome! (Hint, Hint) :-)