Scoobs: Yopes! (My customised personal greeting - a merged version of 'Yo peeps!' for those who cannot be bovvered (XD Catherine Tate!) to say 2 words. But yeah :P)

This is the second episode in the 'Ice Age Reacts' series, and today we'll be showing the guys GANGNAM STYLE! This was picked by EDWARDNYGMA23 and Deigo cupcake. Hope you like!

Here we go! *clicks play*

Manny: O_o

Ellie: *struggles not to burst out laughing* Oh, humans. They get more nuts every day.

Scrat: Eep! (Translation = Did someone mention nuts?!)

Crash: Cool! He made up a secret language!

Scoobs: No, Crash, it's not a secret language, it's Korean.

Eddie: Koriwhatnow?

Sid: Hey, look, it's Pinkie! *points to dancing boy in red trousers*

Scoobs: No, it isn't, Sid... oh, jeez...

Peaches: *during the lift scene* That's... just... ew! I thought this was meant to be K+!

Louis: *eyelid twitch*

Scoobs: You think THAT'S disturbing? There's a bit later in the song where he's on the loo.

Louis: Urgh... *faints*

Peaches: Louis?! o.o

Scoobs: *headdesks* Somebody get some cold water for the molehog, please.

Diego: What is he even saying?

Scoobs: Hang on, I've got the English lyrics right here... umm... "A girl who is warm and humane during the day, A classy girl who know how to enjoy the freedom of a cup of coffee, A girl whose heart gets hotter when night comes..." What the... ?

Shira: Those are lyrics?! Pathetic! Besides...

Scoobs: Mm?

Shira: What's coffee?

Sid: I know this is random or whatever, but is he saying 'Open Grandma Star?'

Granny: What are you sayin' about me, Sidney? *clonks him on the head*

Scoobs: ... I'm beyond the point of facepalming now.

Manny: Are they playing chess in a pop video?

Scoobs: That they are, my mammalian friend.

Ellie: Well, um... random, much?

Crash: Why is it all slow in this bit?

Scoobs: It's for dramatic effect.

Eddie: Dramatic effect? How come we can't go slow-mo doing our stunts?

Taz: Because your stunts aren't dramatic, they're stupid!

Scoobs: TAZ! Go back to your trailer already!

Taz: Fine... *stalks off*

Louis: What's with the disco thing?

Peaches: *shrugs*

Scoobs: Wait for it...

Louis and Peaches: Wha -

Scoobs: THERE! I told you he was on the loo!

Louis: *passes out*

Scoobs: Oh... not again... MEDIC!

*the video ends*

Manny: ... Will somebody please remind me why I actually agreed to do this?

Scoobs: You didn't agree, I made you. *evil grin*

So, Peaches, Louis! What was the video about?

Peaches: It was about "Gangnam Style"...

Louis: ... Whatever Gangnam Style actually is. To tell you the truth, I had absolutely NO CLUE what that was meant to be, except really, really weird.

Scoobs: Thanks, Louis... moving on!

Crash, Eddie, what was the guy doing in the video?

Crash: Being AWESOME!

Eddie: Like us!

Taz: Ya mean, being mentally unstable like you.

Scoobs: Taz?! Alright, that's it! SECURITY!

Taz: !

Diego, Shira, what did you think of what you just watched? Annoying? Hilarious?

Diego: Is "uncomfortable" an option?

Shira: =_= I'm agreeing with Softie. Those were the most disturbing few minutes of my entire life.

Scoobs: Well, that was the aim.

Shira: *growls*

Scoobs: Oh, right, I forgot you guys could... uhm, rip me to pieces... heheh... ^^;

Possums, what was the dance they were doing in the video?

Crash: They were dancing like cowboys!

Eddie: Can I demonstrate? :D

Scoobs: NO! For the love of cheese, no!

Eddie: ... Cheese?

Scoobs: ^^;

Sid, Granny, why do you think there were horses in the video?

Sid: Uhm... because the directors wanted them to be?

Scoobs: *WRONG!*

Ellie: Because they couldn't think of anything else to put in their crummy video?

Scoobs: *WRONG!*

Shira: Because they want to be completely random?

Scoobs: *CORRECT!*

Hey, Peach, did you know this got over a billion views on YouTube?

Peaches: WHAT?! Okay, that proves it, you're all nuts. I'm outta here. *gets up to leave*

Scoobs: I locked the doors.

Peaches: ... Aw, crud!

'Gangnam Style' has over 1 billion views on YouTube.

Manny: ... I have no words.

Ellie: I'm seconding that.

Scoobs: Well, that's the end of this episode, so I hope you enjoyed!

Manny: Comment below to say what we should watch next!

Granny: And hit that 'lil subscribe button b'fore I hit you with ma stick!

A/N: HUGE apologies to everyone for taking so long. I've had lots of stuff to delay me e.g. end of year exams, illness, my friend getting hit by a minivan... yeah, it's been crazy. Anyhoozies, I uploaded it, finally! Hope this stuff'll tide you over until the next chapter of IARN. Until then, PEACE OUT!

scoobs5601 :)