A/N: It's always a pleasure to write these multiple one-shots. Thank you for the reviews and follows and faves.

I apologized for an OOC Natsume. I thought it would be nice to show another side of him as Mikan's boyfriend. Correct me if I'm wrong (because I have never been in love in my whole life) when you're really in love, you experienced some changes so I had to alter a bit of Natsume's personality (if ever you do find him out-of-character). I apologize again.

DISCLAIMER: Own nothing but plot.

[Not Like Any Other Boyfriend]

"Eating with You"

~When eating, a good boyfriend always orders whatever food you like and watches you gobble them warmly...~

I, Mikan Sakura love to smile, be with friends and love ones, laugh and forget and as well as—to eat! My amber eyes were widening to see the gold-leathered menu. I was fervently flipping through the pages. I gawked at all the food enlisted. They have such tasty food! They were all vivacious and fresh. I could hear my stomach grumbling.

"Oi, Polka, it's not very lady-like to drool." A distinct voice reached me. I merely glanced across the fancy round table to find an annoyed guy. I pouted. Natsume was staring at me with those piercing red eyes. Actually. They weren't as piercing as before. It has a tinge of tenderness, gentleness and I feel really special.

"Well, I can't help it!" I snapped, flipping through the menu. "The food looks so good!"

"What do you expect? It's a five-star restaurant." He said as matter-of-factly but I can tell there was a hidden pleasure in his tone. It's a five-star restaurant, indeed.

Natsume Hyuuga outdid himself today. I was expecting for a normal lunch but wow. He brought a protesting me here in "Luigi's Gourmet" and revealed that he reserved a table for two. I was stun, happy then mortified.

I wish he told me about the dress code because I'm practically the only one in the restaurant who isn't wearing a fancy dress or something! Maybe I should have seen through Natsume's get-up. Oh! I would have realized what sort of date I'm about to get, then!

I sub-consciously glance at myself. I looked like a lost girl plucked out from the street with my lousy "Simple Plan" t-shirt and paint-splattered jeans. But I didn't want to destroy the aura of our lovely date, so I plastered a grin for the rest of the time.

I peered over my menu.

Natsume made his suit really unkempt. It was all crinkled and blotched from the dirt outside (I accidentally pushed him on the mud while he was making fun of my taste in music). Despite his unruly appearance, he still looked so handsome with his black, raven disarray sleek hair and toned complexion.

He left the white, cotton shirt underneath his black, velvet jacket half-unbutton and he had rolled his sleeves up to his forearm. I am not sure if he did this on purpose or because he was really bothered by the heat.

Well, since he has the Fire Alice, I'm guessing it's intentionally. Natsume smiled smugly. "So, are you still drooling because of the food or is it because of my godly appearance?"

I creased my forehead and pursed my lips. "It's d-definitely not because of you!"

"Right…" He went through his own menu after slumping on the polished chair and waving at the waiter to order. "…Go ahead…" Natsume said, without peeking behind the list.

The waiter stared at me unwearying, taking out his notepad and pen. I suppressed a toothy smile. "I can order anything, right, love?"

I added my little pet name for him. It was a magic word I discovered last few months ago. Natsume seems to be weakened by it and always gives in without a complaint. He rolled his eyes and responded monotonously, "Whatever."

I clapped my hands together fervently and motioned for the waiter to creep closer. "I want this one! And this one! Then, this one! And then that! Then this! Oh! And as well as this! It looks so delicious! I want this one too! And I also want—!"

"Isn't that a lot?" Shot a wary Natsume, dislodging his attention on the menu.

I huffed. "You said I can order anything!"

"But not everything, Polka." He shook his head.

"I promise I'll finish everything!"

"… If you get fat, I'm going to call you Piggy or even Hoggy."

"How rude!"

"This is such a hassle… I should have brought us to an 'Eat-All-You-Can' buffet…" Natsume muttered, looking back to his menu. Is he seriously going to ruin our dinner because of my diet? Ugh! Once Natsume was done with his orders, the waiter bowed graciously, murmured, "Please wait for your meal" and disappeared.

I propped my chin with my hands. And that's pretty much how I spent the time waiting for our lunch. I was thinking of how delectable the chicken wings would be or how tasty mushroom soup would be. Until a finger snap awoke me from my thoughts. "Eh? Huh? Ne, Natsume, what's wrong?"

"What are you thinking?" He asked, eyeing me charily.


Natsume made a face. "You're grinning like Grinch because of that?"

"I don't grin like Grinch!" I said angrily.

"Food… I bet I taste better than what ever is in your plate." He muttered briefly. I inclined my head and gaped at him.

"N-Natsume! You're even jealous over some food!"

Honestly. I don't even know why he thinks I'm the childish one in our relationship!

Before he could come up some retort, the smartly dressed waiter approached our table, balancing a tray full of colorful, appetizing meals. Oh! My lunch would be so heavenly! "Thank you Mr. Waiter!" Instinctively, my hands went for the spoon and fork after thanking the young man.

I failed to see Natsume arched his brow. "You thank him but not me?"

"Fank yu, Natchumeh!" I said with a mouthful of pork noodles and shreds of chicken leg. He gazed at me incredulously.

"Charming," he said dryly, poking his own food moodily. I was too busy devouring every thing left on the table to even notice the stares of others. I must have looked like a vacuum cleaner. Well, Hotaru did tell me I get easily distracted when it comes to food. I looked up and saw Natsume's lips moving. I didn't understand since I was drowned by the chomping noises of my fresh cucumber.

Whatever it was, I was concentrating too much with my food.

As the waiter collected all the empty plates and bowls, I shyly whispered, "Can I have some of the dessert?"

I utterly forgot that my boyfriend was born with keen hearing. He glanced at me dubiously. "You're still hungry, Piggy?"

"They have all my favorites!" I groaned helplessly. Natsume sighed and beckoned the amused waiter for our sweets. I noticed that he was extremely quiet at this particular waiting period. Hmm… Did I do something wrong that upset him?

"Ne, Natsume," I began. "Now that I think of it… Am I ordering too much? Uh, if you don't have enough money for it all, I'll pay too and I promise I won't go overboard next time!"

The famous fire-caster ogled his ruby eyes on me. "I don't really care about the bill." He said bleakly, then his lips morphed into a smirk. "I'm just worried you would die from obesity."

I flung my napkin into that stupid, mean face of his.

"Meanie!" Whenever I stuck my tongue out, Natsume would either care less or be pissed or my case, be pleased. I don't really get this boy.

"Sir, Ma'am," The waiter materialized in my sight. "Desserts."

My amber eyes were as huge as the basketball (if possible though most likely not)! I find myself digging in a portion of this lovely large strawberry cake. It was creamy, sugary and plain sweet. Maybe it's because the cake has Fluff Puffs on top! This is so in my "Favorite" list!

But of course, leave "ruining the moment" to Natsume. His arm stretched for the pepper and salt shakers beside my plate and he purposely accidentally dropped those things into my cake!

"Hey! Natsume!" I gasped accusingly. "You destroyed the cake!" I plucked the shakers out of the now mashed cake. He shrugged. "They slipped." He answered simply. His were eyes sharpening mischievously.

I pouted but eventually, disregarded his behavior. After taking another new slice of cake, Natsume made another clumsy move. His hand knocked over my drink which spilled onto my dessert.

"Natsume!" I groaned. He looked at me innocently. And let me emphasized the "innocently" of that statement. Ugh! My boyfriend again, shrugged. "It's not my fault that the tissues are far from my reach."

I creased my forehead. "Don't you have a napkin?"

"It's mucked."

"Well… You could have asked me! I would have given it to you."

"All humans make mistake." He said before concentrating on his dessert. That pyromaniac is so close to getting it. As soon as I got another piece of cake, I heavily guarded Natsume's movements. It's the last piece. I've only eaten one slice of this fluffy cake.

I hesitantly took my fork and was ready to take the cream until I saw at the corner of my eye, the tissue burning underneath my plate. I shrieked out of the blue, causing a spur of commotion in the restaurant. Right on cue, the waiter arrived with a pail of water. He dumped it exactly on my plate where the fire was building up. I could not believe that happened. My cake is all soaked!

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, Miss…" The waiter apologized earnestly. "We have nothing to do with the fire but if ever you're injured we would help and sent medical—!"

"It's okay… it's just a tiny fire." I said. I didn't even know that I was already narrowing my eyes on Natsume Hyuuga. I thanked the waiter for his kindness and returned to my seat. I set my arms across my chest and stared across the table, heatedly.

"You really are a noisy little girl." Natsume remarked as if he had nothing to do with it. I glared at him. "Is that all you have to say, you jerk!?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know… An explanation for why you were sabotaging my sweet Fluff cake?" I griped, almost cleaving my hair out. Natsume simply smirked. How dare he smirk at his girlfriend who's hysterically crying for her food! Okay. That's kind of a silly thing to cry about. But under these circumstances, I think I have every right to take this seriously.

"I was bored." And that answer made my veins popped.

"All because you were bored?!"

His eyes flickered on me intimately. I might have shuddered if I wasn't so mad. "Naturally," he grunted. "You were busy shoving food into your mouth to even notice me. So, I thought it would be hilarious to mess with your meals."

I gawked at him. "You really were jealous over my food!"

"That's so childish. It's the waiter I'm planning to kill."



"… Um, then why did you—?"

"I like how you're obsessed with food but really, Hoggy, you're not eating alone."

Looking back, I kind of did ignore him and I didn't thank him properly and I was also acting like a snob. Oh, god. I'm a terrible girlfriend. I threw a sad, guilty stare down at the table. "I'm so sorry, Natsume! I didn't think you'd feel that way!"

"Whatever. I'll get you another Fluff cake as my apology." He said, looking at me fondly. I was expecting him to call the waiter but it was more than that.

A spoon was floating near my mouth, in a matter of seconds. It carried a piece of strawberry-icing cake and a dash of Fluff Puffs. My eyes climbed until it met Natsume's crimson, fiery ones. He quirked a brow and I could see something pinkish glowing on his cheeks. It's always a rare yet wonderful sight to see him blush.

"What? Hurry up and eat it!" He said, slightly flustered.

"… Um… i-isn't that your cake…?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah, and so?"

"You don't want to eat it…?"

He looked at me with a soft expression. I think it's enough to make my heart pound faster. "I was busy messing with your food to even think of my own."

"Oh… but Natsume—!"

He clicked his tongue, not letting me finish. "Just shut up and let me feed you."

"But I—!"

He took the opportunity to push the spoon full of cake into my mouth. Argh. He's so rough and conceited. I swallowed the chunk. It tasted better than the last… Was it because of him?

Natsume lifted the spoon with another piece and was waiting for me to part my lips again. I beamed at him. He's a jerk. But the sweetest jerk.

~... But a bad boyfriend always complains about your diet, mess with your food and makes it all up by feeding you...~

A/N: As always, spread your love or hate for this story. Georgie is waiting for you below.

Next one-shot: Watching Movies with You