I know that I'm a horrible person - how long it was? More than half a year? I don't even know...

Anyway, I had this really bad writter's block and didn't know what I should write...

Well, now that I have finally written it, I'm posting it immediately, so if you happen to find some mistakes, please inform me - I appreciate it - I really do.

And thank you so much for your reviews!

So, I won't hold you any longer: enjoy chapter three and please review!

Naruto's POV 3rd person

Naruto stood before a brick wall, staring at it as if it held some sort of secret. Well, it certainly did, because the wall was between platform 9 and 10 on King's Cross station. Sirius-san said that he will come later with others and he will be shown by them (even if they didn't know) how to go to platform 9 ¾. Speaking about the others, the month was interesting to say the least.


Naruto was in his room, reading a 4th year potion book, with which he was almost done. Suddenly he heard the front door bang open, making him pay attention instantly and use his enhanced senses to listen to the ones who came.

Hurried footsteps followed soon after Naruto focused on the happenings down near the entrance.

"Oh, Harry, it's lovely to see you!" he heard Molly say. Sirius-san informed him of the people who were here with him and even described them, so it was no wonder he knew everyone's name. "You're looking peaky; you need feeding up, but you'll have to wait a bit for dinner, I'm afraid," she continued. There was a little pause, then, "He's just arrived, the meeting's started." Naruto took it as a cue to go and observe the meeting.

He stood up from his bed and silently made his way down the stairs, already using Natural chakra and his stealth skills to blend with his surroundings, making himself invisible and unaware to other people. Even Moody's weird eye.

When he was finally at the end of the staircase, he continued to go through hallways and finally stopped at the door that were slowly being closed, nothing a quick Shunshin couldn't correct. So with that, he was in.

The people at the table were still the same whenever he came here. Though the one who gave him creeps the most was the old man sitting at the head of the table. He had long white beard and blue eyes cowered by half-moon spectacles. He wore a long light blue robes with silver stars and moons on them. On his head was a hat with the same design. Naruto was notified the man's name was Dumbledore, which the blond thought was a funny name or surname…. whatever.

The meeting was about, well, nothing. From the last time, nothing's changed – they still talked about the same thing. Voldemort. Naruto didn't know if the guy was really evil or not, since he hadn't seen him, so he couldn't really tell (and he know better than to believe other people's judgment – it was his ninja instinct to not judge before seeing himself).

After the meeting he made his way silently to the room he was currently staying in. there, he sat on the bed and started reading the potions book again. For some reason, he really enjoyed it and read the books about the subject maybe too quickly, because with other books, he wasn't even at the end of 3rd year.

It was silent, but suddenly, there was a sound like something had been slammed against a wood surface.

Naruto, being the, as Kyuubi said, curious kit that couldn't leave anything to itself, made his way down while camouflaging himself again.

When he was finally in the room, from which came the sound, Naruto couldn't even think about the argument taking the place here, because, well, it was about the rights and whatnot – pretty stupid if you asked him. The kid, Harry Potter seemed really angered; the same could be said for the other teenagers. Apparently, they talked (read: shouted) about how it was not fair that they couldn't hear some things that the Potter kid could. Naruto, finding it really boring, made his way upstairs once again to resume reading his now favourite subject.

Few days later Naruto woke up to the sound of opening doors. There, in the doorway stood Sirius-san with a tray of food, in other words, his breakfast.

Sirius smiled when he saw that Yoshio was already awake, "Hope I didn't wake you up. Here's your breakfast," he said and handled the teen his food. Before leaving, he turned to look at him once more, "And… could you follow Harry today? I know you have to study and all, but I need to have him watched just in case."

Naruto nodded, "Where is he going?"

"Well, he has a hearing at the Ministry so…"

Ah, so it's because of that. "Okay. When is he leaving the house?"

Sirius looked at Yoshio gratefully, "Around 10 o'clock."

The teen nodded his head in understanding and with that, the Animagus left the room.

Naruto sighed and looked at the clock on the wall. 9:30. "Oh well, better eat it now and get ready soon," he mumbled to himself and started eating his breakfast.

Flashback end

After he went to the meeting, he could only think one thing; the wizards are idiots, especially the Ministry. If he had to be frank and say who he detested the most right now, it he would say that it's the minister and the pink…. something. And if he could, she would be dead, just that much annoying she was (before he would have killed her, he was sure some torture first would be the best – so much blood, oh just the thought of it made him want to have some quality time with her). But he couldn't have that – he is the representative of Konoha, so he had to behave or Tsunade would have his head for that. Not that he was scared but still…

Anyway; back to the situation at hand – the brick wall between the two platforms. How can you get on one if it isn't even there and there is no one to help you?

Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long and Sirius-san was here… with the Weasleys, Lupin and the Potter kid. The aforementioned human was now in his Animagus form, but even so, they looked each other in the eye and then, Sirius-san nodded his head in the direction of the redheads. Naruto understood the gesture and turned to look at them, just in time to see one go through the brick wall.

He stared at it for a few minutes in disbelief and then almost face-palming himself for his stupidity.

'How could I be so stupid!? I'm not dumb – just a little bit insane!' he scolded himself, not really expecting a reply from his tenant, but he got one anyway.

Are you really sure you're not dumb? From how you were behaving when you were a genin I would say otherwise.

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows in irritation, 'I wasn't talking to you, fox… and stop talking about my intelligence – you know that I was acting that time!'

Fortunately for Naruto, Kurama couldn't say anymore because Molly asked him a question; "Are you going to Hogwarts, dear?"

'Well, duh, of course I am – why else would I be here?' was what he thought and wanted to tell her, but refrained from it and instead told her, "Yes. I guess that I have to go through the wall, right?" he asked (just so that he gave the impression of a well behaved teen).

The woman smiled at him and nodded her head, "That's right; just go through it," she said and with a quick "Goodbye," she went away.

'Finally!' Naruto cheered in his mind. To be honest, the woman was okay, but her bad side (for Naruto anyway) was that she always nags others and asks questions.

Go already! Kurama was apparently irritated that his Jinchuuriki was taking so long to go through the brick wall otherwise he wouldn't have said what he did.

'Okay, okay…' and with that, he was on the other side and on the platform 9 ¾.

Naruto opened his eyes (he was blinded by the light before) only for them to widen in surprise at the sight that awaited him.

The platform was full of people – parents with their children and their friends. On Naruto's left stood a really big train that was red in color. The vehicle reminded Naruto of the one in Snow country back home. Yes, the one that almost killed him.

The blond sighed and made his way towards the train. Then he went to find a vacant compartment, but as he passed the other ones, he could only hope that there really was at least one empty, because the others were stuffed.

Fortunately for him, he found one. Well, somehow, because there was one person he didn't expect to see. But the tell-tale silver hair and mask were making it a reality and not some sick joke one of the Weasley twins made.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked quietly, staring at his teacher in disbelief. Why the hell was he here? Didn't he have his own mission? Wait – maybe Tsunade send him so he could observe Naruto's actions.

Kakashi looked at his student in surprise, "Naruto-teishi, didn't expect to see you here," answered the man.

Said teen stared at him in shock; he didn't know that Naruto would be Outside?

"Um… what are you doing here?" the blond finally asked after a long pause.

"Shouldn't I be asking that?" retorted Kakashi, "here I go on a mission Outside to be a teacher at school and who do I meet? My blonde student, that's supposed to be a genin and on a trip with sannin, in ANBU uniform hidden under some kind of illusion."

'I know that I'm not that good at genjustu, but these wizard illusions are easy to make… I guess they are easy to see through for shinobi because no one else noticed it…' thought Naruto to himself.


Naruto looked at his teacher and thought of an answer before replying, "I have a mission myself – it's an S-rank, so I won't tell," he settled on saying in the end. Then added, "And please don't mention this to anyone – only Hokage-sama knows that I'm here." With that said, he sat down on the seat before Kakashi, waiting for the man's reaction.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone…" seeing Naruto sigh in relief, he continued, "but! You have to tell me how you became ANBU."

'Damn him!'

Bwhahaha! He got you there, kit!

'Oh, shut up you!' Naruto frowned, "Hn. I will tell you, but not here as we're about to have some company."

"I can agree to that," said Kakashi just as the compartment door opened to reveal a trio of students; a redhead, a raven and a brunette girl.

"Can we sit here?" the brunette asked. She didn't even wait for them to reply before she was sitting in the seat closest to the door, the two boys right beside her.

'Well, that's plain rude and unladylike…' Naruto thought while observing them.

The girl had bushy brown hair, plain brown eyes that showed annoyance ('Perhaps for the other two boys?') and looked like a kid that would read for hours and thought that school was more important than life. The redhead was tall, had blue eyes and freckles on his nose. He was that kind of kid that looked dumb, acted dumb but had actually some intelligence underneath it all Intellect in truth.

Just like you kit…

'Ugh, just shut up!'

The third boy was Naruto's target – Harry Potter. Black hair, green eyes, round glasses and a scar that looked like a lightning bolt. But to Naruto, it looked simply like that – a scar. Naruto was sure he was the type of kid that was too curious for his own good; when something bad happened he would mop around thinking it was his fault even if it was clear in neon words that it was someone else's fault; doing dumb choices while being a leader and like he couldn't find any girl because he thought every female has the same intentions with him as the others.

After he was done with seizing them, looking at the girl, he finally spoke, "You're rude, all of you."

She looked at him as if he had grown a second head, "What are you talking about?"

Naruto gestured to all of them, "This," he said.

She frowned at him in confusion and asked again, "What? I don't know what you mean."

He scowled at her, "This. You came in without knocking, didn't even wait for our reply and sat down as if this place belonged to you," he paused to breathe and then continued, "I bet you're a spoiled brat that doesn't know any manners and thinks that the world belongs to you."

She looked scandalized and opened her mouth to retort, but no sound came out.

The blond took this opportunity to mock her, "What? Cat got your tongue, Queen?" at the end of his sentence, he grinned manically.

At this, Kurama whistled inside his head, Kakashi smirked and the girl started to turn scarlet – that much she was angered by his question.

"You tell me that I'm rude, but what about you!" she yelled and started to teat up.

But Naruto was already fed up with her retorts and said, "I wasn't the one acting rude first."

Her face started to turn a bit blue, before she took a breath, and said, "Are you talking back to me?"

Naruto, the smartass, smirked and answered, "Well, that's kinda how communication works."

Now Kurama was rolling on the (mental) floor laughing, Kakashi looked like he would join him at any moment and the girl just yelled, "Jerk!" before running out.

The redhead and the raven just looked worriedly in the direction the girl ran to, well… before they realized that the blond was staring at them. They turned their heads slowly to him with fearful expressions on their faces.

Naruto couldn't help, but scare them a bit. The moment, they were looking into his eyes, he whispered, "Boo!"

The reaction was marvelous. It looked like they jumped about hundred feet and their faces looked like white color was dumped on their heads.

The blond started laughing really hard and, this time; even Kakashi couldn't help himself but join him.

After they stopped laughing, which took a while longer than it should, Naruto said, "Sorry, but your faces were just so funny I couldn't help myself."

The raven somehow found his voice, "N-no, it's okay…" then he remembered, "Oh… um… my name's Harry Potter and this is Ron Weasley…. It's… nice meeting you here. Are you new student?"

The blue eyed one nodded, "Yes, I am – I'm going to be in the fifth year. My name is Yoshio Suzuki and I hope to get to know you more," he smiled… which scared the shit out of the two boys, it seemed.

This guy is going to be in their year? God save us, please!

… was what the two probably thought when they saw the blond's smile...

P.S. teishi means 'student' as in not in school, but 'apprentice'