Character Introductions (Main storyline):
Caterina Valentine
Jade West
Tori Vega
Beck Oliver
Ms. Catherine West (Jade's Mother)
Jeremy West (Jade's younger brother) - As mentioned in Jade's What I love, short on TheSlap
Mr. Stephen West (Jade's Father)
Lorraine West (Jade's Step-Mother) - As mentioned in Jade with Tots, short on TheSlap

Cat shut her locker door and swung her messenger bag over her shoulder, weaving her way through the crowd of students and faculty that had gathered in the foyer as they headed for the double doors at the front of the school. Mentally, Cat sighed, as she thought of her classmates heading for home. "Hey Lil' Red," André said, cutting off Cat's path.

"Oh, hi André. Gotta go André, bye." Cat waved and then swerved left, making a beeline for the nearest clearing and continued to make her way to her destination as André shrugged off his encounter with the girl, to him, the spacey demeanor was just typical Cat Valentine.

"Hey André, over here," called Tori, waving the boy over to her locker, where she stood with Robbie, Beck and Trina.

"Have you seen Jade? She left Sikowitz class pretty quick and didn't meet me at her locker like she usually does," Beck asked him as he looked around for any sign of his girlfriend.

"Oh hey, yeah, I asked her if she was coming to Karaoke-Dokey with us tonight and she said she had, things to do," André made quotations with his fingers and Beck just nodded. "She said not to bother her and to tell you she'd call you later."

Beck ran his hands through his hair and adjusted his backpack, "I guess we're all here, Cat said she had plans, so she isn't coming either, let's go, I'm starving and I could really go for some buffalo wings right about now," he said as he walked with the others out to the school parking lot.

Cat entered the dark stage area and crossed the floor until she reached the ladder on the wall, climbing to the second balcony, right above where Sinjan's soundboards were set up. Carefully, trying to not make any noise, afraid a janitor could be lurking and catch her, Cat opened the small door to the Hollywood Arts school attic, crouching down as she entered. It was dark, too dark and if there was one thing Cat hated it was the dark. Arms outstretched, she felt her way around until a tiny hand clasped around a thin string. As she turned on the light and dropped her school bag to the floor, Cat screamed and jumped backwards. Sitting on her makeshift bed was Jade, playing with a pair of scissors and cutting up scrap paper.

"J-Jade, what are you- What are you doing here, alone, in the dark. Are you- Are you lost? Are you going to kill me?" Cat's voice was shaky and concerned, taking in the pair of scissors in her friend's hand. Jade let out a sarcastic laugh as she set the scissors down.

"It would be so easy wouldn't it? But, no." Standing up off the bed Jade straightened out her black top and looked at the smaller girl who was clearly still a little startled by Jade's presence. "Well, Caterina Valentine-"

"Caterina? Only my Nona calls me that," Cat interrupted.

"Speaking of your Nona," Jade said, her tone of voice changing from curious to concerned, a tone that was usually reserved specifically for girl standing in front of her. "Cat why aren't you at your Nona's? Your parents called me yesterday and asked if I'd seen you, your Nona said you haven't been there in a couple days." Cat looked down and Jade took a step forwards, "Cat it's me, Jade, talk to me. I thought you wanted to stay at your Nona's."

Cat shuffled her feet and bit at her bottom lip, hands wringing nervously around one another, "I did, really, but her bird is really mean to me and he attacked me while I was trying to sleep and her house smells like cabbage and I really don't like cabbage Jade, have you ever seen those dolls? They are weird and creepy and they have big eyes. So I came back here, the rats aren't bothering me as much and," Cat rolled up her sleeves, revealing tiny bite marks and bruises. "Please don't make me go back, the bird is evil," Cat whispered, eyes darting around as if she expected the bird to fly in at any moment.

"Jesus Cat! What kind of bird does she own, a hawk?" Shaking her head, Jade blinked rapidly a few times, regaining her thoughts and composure. "Cat, you can't live in the school, eventually someone will find out and kick you out. You're living off vending machine food for God's sake!" Jade's voice got a little louder as she pointed to the pile of wrappers at the foot of the bed. "It's not healthy and well, it's weird Cat."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Cat shouted as she flopped down onto the edge of her bed, eyes now fixated on the floor, "I have no where else to go Jade, what am I going to do? No one wants me." The last part of her sentence was spoken so softly, Jade had to strain to hear it and when she did, she knew Cat hadn't meant for her to, so she left it. She'd deal with that at a later date.

"Yes you do," Jade swung around and grabbed an oversized dufflebag from the corner of the room and began to shove Cat's things into it. "You can stay at my house, my Mom won't care, she's stupid anyway, she probably won't even notice you're there and if she does, well we both know she likes you more than she likes me anyways and my brother will be thrilled. If you're there he will have someone to play Candyland with and he'll spend less time bugging me, it's a win-win for everyone involved and-" Jade looked back at Cat as she put the rest of Cat's clothes into the bag. "Come on Cat, don't look so sad, it's horrible, like.. A day without, I don't know, it's just crappy okay? Besides you sleepover all the time, granted you usually invite yourself, but a sleepover is a sleepover, this is just a really long sleepover." Cat didn't bother to look up as she mumbled a response, something about six months to two years. Jade groaned and knew she was going to regret what she was about to say, but it came out anyways, in a pleading sort of voice she wasn't sure she'd ever heard herself use before. "Please Cat, I'll even let you put some of your things," she said motioning to all the colourful pillows and stuffed animals the girl owned, "I'll- I'll let you put them around my room, so it's not so dark and scary."

Jade stood, letting Cat mull over the idea for a while. "I- Thanks Jade," Cat said as she stood up and made brief eye contact with the taller girl.

"Don't mention it, besides you are the only one I'd do this for. We're best friends, sure you have Vega now, but you're still my best friend and the thought of you living here, being stuck in this room, it's just not right." Jade handed Cat Mr. Purple, the stuffed giraffe and then shoved Cat's bedding into the bag and zipped it up. "Come on," she said tapping the end of Cat's nose with her finger. "We'll stop at the store on the way home and pick up some ice cream, we can order pizza for dinner. My brother is away on some school Science trip and my Mom's working late, so we'll have the house to ourselves for most of the night."

Cat's eyes widened and sparkled. "Can we have a dance party?"

Jade groaned at the idea and rolled her eyes as she hoisted the large bag over one shoulder. "We'll see, now let's go before any giant rats decide to just drop in for an unexpected visit."

"Yay," Cat exclaimed clapping her hands as she followed Jade out of the attic and back down the ladder.

Jade unlocked the front door of her house, letting it swing open as she motioned for Cat to go in ahead of her. Jade made her way to the kitchen and shoved the ice cream in the freezer. The two made their way up the staircase to the bedroom at the top of the stairs and to the right, a large wooden 'J' that had been painted black nailed to door. Jade dropped Cat's bag onto the bed and tossed her the house phone. "Call and order pizza, get whatever, I'll clear some space in my dresser and closet for your clothes and then we can put your things away while we wait.

By the time the pizza had arrived, Cat and Jade had finished unpacking and as Cat bound down the stairs to meet the delivery guy, Jade took one last look at her room, the once black space was now speckled in coloured accents and somehow despite Jade's protests, Cat had managed to smooth out her bright comforter on top of Jade's black one. Shaking her head and dreading having to sleep in the mess of colour, Jade made her way downstairs where Cat was flirting up the pizza guy. Jade paid for their dinner using the money her Mom had left her in the sugar jar on the counter, as she usually did when she worked late, which happened more and more since Jade's Dad walked out, making a life for himself without her and instead with his new trophy wife and her tiny yappy dog. She gave the guy a generous tip, mainly because she couldn't be bothered to wait for him to count out her change and slammed the door in his face, much to Cat's clear disapproval.

After what felt like forever of back and fourth, the two girls had finally managed to decide on a movie and Jade popped it into the DVD player before settling onto the couch next to Cat who was munching happily on her pizza, eyes transfixed on the television set. "I'm glad you're here," Jade mumbled, not really sure why she said it at all, as she reached for her own slice of the cheesy treat on the table and doing her best to hide the smile she knew had somehow formed on her face.

"Me too," Cat said through a mouth full of crust, not mentioning that she noticed the rare smile on her friend's face.

Anyone who knew Jade, knew she was everyone's idea of a stereotypical teenager. She hated her parents, her brother, her teachers, everyone really, except Cat and her boyfriend Beck and sometimes she felt like she hated him too, no one really understood Jade. Again, Cat being the exception. Most people were usually shocked to find out that the two had been best friends for just over ten years, they were polar opposites, like night and day, but it hadn't always been that way. They met in Kindergarten, the days when Jade didn't cringe over the thought of pretty dresses and playing Barbies, but those days were long gone, things had changed, but Cat never did and Jade didn't blame her, those days were simpler times. Cat and Jade had grown up together, Cat was the only person really there for Jade when her parents divorced. She was the only person she let in, really let in, for years, until Beck came along.

Cat knew the truth of what was under Jade's hard exterior, where no one else had bothered to go. And Jade knew that Cat as innocent as truly was, put on a mask, she was an actress after all. Cat knew Jade and Jade knew Cat. They kept the depth of their friendship mostly behind closed doors, but it seeped through every once and a while in front of others, but everyone knew better than to make a big deal out of it when it did. They knew eachother's deepest secrets. Well, most of them and as the two sat on the couch watching their movie, Cat's head having found it's way to Jade's shoulder, all Jade could think was how much harder it was going to be to keep the one secret she'd managed to keep from Cat for as long as she could remember, now that they were living together.

And as Cat stared at the TV and little to Jade's knowledge, the red head was having the exact same thought.

Yes, Cat and Jade were best friends who had more in common that either of them really knew.

This was the first chapter, I do have 2 more chapters already written out, however as this is my first time writing a Victorious fanfic, I wasn't sure if there would be a good enough response for all 3 chapters to be warranted right away. If you like the story so far, please let me know, I was hoping to turn this into a multi-chapter fic. I have enough ideas to run with this for a while and since Victorious is coming to an end, sadly, I thought no time like the present to get the ball rolling.

Let me know what you think. Should I continue?