Sapphire: Hey everypony! I guess you all want to know why I haven't wrote anything lately. Sorry, my inspiration, my music, isn't available to me right now. I need new speakers, I can't write without my music to drown out the real world.

Ashley: Yeah, yeah, make up as many excuses as you want. You're just lazy.

Crystal: (smacks her behind her head) Quiet Ashley. That's a good enough excuse.

Matthew: Continue love.

Sapphire: I will have Talent show up hopefully soon, but I can't promise anything. I'm about to do a major change to what I thought I wanted. My friends helping me with it, don't worry. Nothing you suggested has been changed, just the flow of what I wanted to do before.

Yami: What are you doing then?

Sapphire: I'm going to give my headcannon on Equestrian History and on our Princesses!

Yugi: It's because of all those brony reviews you been watching lately.

Sapphire: Yeah, I just got inspired by two of them, Bronycurious and Ink Rose, and I just wanted to give it a try. People don't have to like it or accepted it, just think about it. I'm going to mention something I don't think anypony thought about Discord and how he got to be king before Celestia and Luna. I just want people to think about what they can interpret from what little the show has given us on the past.

Atem: Well good luck Sapphire. If you need us to kick someones ass, then let us know.

Yami, Yugi, Ashley, Crystal, and Matthew: YEAH!

Sapphire: Okay...Well I do want to thank my friend, 5500jess, for encouraging me to do this. She inspired me to do this as well. Thank you Jess!

Anyway, well if you haven't seen bronycurious's video on the history of Equestria and of alicorns, he thinks that Luna and Tia were like Twilight and ascended to alicorn state, but there is another, Ink Rose, that thinks that they were born alicorns. I agree with her, I believe that there were alicorns, even during the Hearth's Warming Eve events. They were probably isolated from the three tribes or (this one I'm leaning more towards then the isolation one) they were living and working with the three tribes, but saw the tribes slowly grow apart and hatred took over. Not wanted to be part of this hatred, they left and moved far away from the tribes, and eventually the earth ponies, the pegasi, and the unicorns forgot about them and had to start bring up the sun and moon them selves, which probably took more then one unicorn to bring up. Now one thing that I've been thinking and noticing is this stuff about Starswirl the Bearded either being or not being Celestia's student. I think/believe that he wasn't her student and that he was around before the events of Hearth's Warming Eve, that he was indeed Clover the Clever's mentor. Now to the events after the Hearth's Warming Eve, I think that as they, the founders of Equestria, were getting the three tribes to live together and work in harmony and friendship, but there were still conflict and hatred amongst them, causing chaos in the process. Now because of this, it might have attracted a certain draconequus's attention and thus lead to the rule of Discord. He slipped in and used his powers of Chaos to probably take down the founders and soon ruled over Equestria.

Now I believe Celestia and Luna were born before Discord's rise to power and had lived an normal life among the alicorns as maybe the future rulers of their people. They learn about the world they lived in, learned to fly , learned morals, saw the power of friendship, harmony, and love working together, and got there cutie marks. They were happy for a time, but then Discord stepped in and tried to take over the Alicorns. Now I'll admit some of this might sound like Ink Rose's headcannon and I agree with some of what she is saying. I'm just adding my stuff and rearranging a bit, I guess. Discord was somehow able to defeat the alicorns, except our lovely princesses. They might have been able to flea or hidden before Discord appeared. When it was safe for them, they tried to find their family and friends but found they were gone. Angry, alone, and hurt, they left their destroyed home to find a new place to live. They found the three tribes and saw the suffering they we're in thanks to Discord and did all they could to help them, including raising and setting of the sun and moon. Eventually they had enough and went to face Discord, but, and I'm probably just saying this to add something into it, were defeated the first time because their magic, though stronger then anything the unicorns could do, wasn't strong enough against Discord. Thus leading to them finding the Elements of Harmony!

Atem: So how did they find the elements and who made them?

Sapphire: I'm getting to there!

I do like Ink Rose's idea of that maybe Clover the Clever making the Elements with the help of the others, but I don't think a unicorn, even if she is the strongest in magic, could make it. I think maybe alicorn could have made it. I believe that alicorns are/were probably the wises and strongest in magic, having a more of a connection with the world and universe around them, and a better knowing that harmony is needed in a perfect balance of life, including friendship, probably the strongest thing out there other then love. Alicorns before the events of the tribes splitting could have seen this and used there magic to form each element, probably using the way Ink Rose said and gathered ponies that best represent a certain element and put that spirit or energy into the gem they choice to be. After the tribes start to hate and separate from each other, the alicorns took the elements and/or hid them because the ponies were not showing these elements anymore; becoming greedy, lying, cruel, and whatnot, like Discord did to the mane six in season 2 premiere .

Maybe Tia and Lulu (I love calling Luna that) knew about the elements from either studying about them or hearing about it from somewhere, maybe from Clover the Clever. I think maybe Starswirl was around at the time of the creation of Elements, working or being mentored by an alicorn who was the one to create the elements and maybe tired to gasp the concept of why these were the elements needed for harmony, but couldn't because he didn't understand the importance of friendship. Probably didn't get out much or was indeed like Twilight and his mentor, not Celestia, couldn't get him to see this and make friends and experience the joys and magic it brought. He could have passed the book to Clover the Clever, telling her of his mistakes and seeing if she could figure out the spell he created or finding someone who did understand the magic of friendship and maybe was a spirit of one of the elements. Clover could have some how meet Tia and Lulu after they appeared and told them about what happened to her mentor. Tia must have know that if someone was of understanding and strong enough to grasp magic and something like magic or friendship or love, that little tid bit about Princess Cadence being a peagsus ruins my story, mostly my character in Lullaby for a Prince!

Ashley: Does it matter to you? You're still going to be Princess of the Crystal Ponies when you finally write that chapter.

Sapphire: That's true. Oh well...anyway she might have know from what her people told her that it is possible for the other ponies could eventually become one of them, an alicorn, but not fully like them. No immortality. But because of his spell he tried to create, he couldn't.

Crystal: Can we get to the part about them finding the Elements and saving the ponies?

Sapphire: Right, so after being defeated the first time, they could...have met Clover the Clever and she gave them the book. Celestia could have read about the elements from what Starswirl could have written in his book about them and what he was trying to do, what Clover the Clever told them about Starswirl, or they knew about the element from what their parents could have told/taught them. They go and find the elements, probably among the ruins of their old home, and confront Discord, this time actually beating him. The other ponies asked the two becomes the rulers and they accepted, ruling in peace and harmony for a time. Eventually King Sombra came into power of the Crystal Empire, probably at first ruling like a good king until something dark over took him. There is supposed to be a book that mentions how Luna became Nightmare Moon, creatures called the nightmare forces influenced or fulled her anger, thus becoming Nightmare Moon. Maybe these forces could have also had something to do with King Sombra's darkness as well, now hinting at Bronycurious's head cannon of the King Sombra and Princess Luna connection.

King Sombra became evil and caused the Crystal Ponies pain and whatnot. Tia and Lulu stepped in to stop it and did it with the Elements of Harmony, sealing Sombra away with him cursing the Crystal Empire for a thousand years. Maybe the some of the darkness escape and followed Luna home, sensing her depression and misery. The darkness spent some time corrupting her more and she eventually became Nightmare Moon. Celestia tried to fight her off and save her sister, but because she couldn't use all the elements because she wasn't three of the elements, she had to do something else, sealing her sister away for a thousand years. After sealing her sister away the elements turn to stone, maybe into a slumber until the spirit of them came or they died and need that 'spark' to bring them back. Then we have the thousand years Celestia ruled by herself and then the mane six come in. And that is my head cannon. I think I touched most. I've been think about it for a while and this is the first time I'm telling anypony (other then Jess, who I successful turned into a brony! Wahahahaha) or writing it down. There is a BR (brony reviewer) name MayBpony that has done a timeline of what she thinks of the events of Equestria, so I'm following it a bit but I really do feel like she got it right since there is no official timeline.

Now I do think that because Twilight and Cadence are 'artifical' alicorns, they won't outlive anyone, no immortality for them. If they did, then that wedding would have been for nothing! I mean why would Princess Cadence get married only to loose her love to old age?! Also I did heard that Twilight was originally supposed to be Celestia's successor, I'm not sure if DMX well still do that or not. I'm hoping this up coming season is good and maybe deal with the history of Equestria, the Princesses, and The Elements. I was talking to another writer and she said there might be more Discord in the next season. I wouldn't mind that or an episode with Derpy in it. Try and teach the kids how to handle someone with a handicap would be great. Did I forget anything in my head cannon?

Ashley: Don't think so. But we'll just have to wait and see.

Atem: Um...Sapphire? What's going to happen to your story then? Are you going to follow this or go a different route?

Sapphire: Not sure yet. I have other stories to worry about before I do more for this. I'm call the series 'My Little Yugi"!

Yugi: Why me?

Sapphire: Because your the 'mane' focus of the story!

Matthew: That was a bad joke.

Sapphire: Whatever. But also we'll focus on you and Yami working on your friendship and then love! I don't want Twilight having a romantic crush in the show Hub and DMX! Let her focus on being a Princess first before you go G2 on us! They focused too much on the opposite sex in that shit, and we don't need that in FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC! (heavy breathing) NONE OF THAT!

Ashley: Isn't that what your doing?


Ashley: Sure you were.


Matthew: (holds me close) Don't listen to her love. (kisses me)

Yugi: Um...what about Heba? He's not alicorn, how is he going to live a long marriage with Atem?

Sapphire: (gasping for breath) He...He...(sighs) You'll just have to wait and see on that one little brother. Okay I hope you like that. Please no flames, I don't want to be burn!

Ashley: We'll use them for cooking you if you do! We have our ways of finding you. (shadows appear around her, Yami, and Atem) Our shadows could use a good meal.

Crystal: Okay then...thank you for reading this and have a good day/afternoon/night!