I feel horrible for doing this but... Happy April Fools you guys! ;D

To be completely truthful, this wasn't all a elaborate prank. I didn't not update my stories for months just so I could pretend to do this, that was actually because of school. (Just started high school, teachers to please, tests to fail, projects to forget, and so on.)

I do realize that in some places they don't celebrate April Fools but if you look closely at the date I updated, it was, indeed, April the first. That was actually one of the reasons I did the contest, as to see how many of you would notice my little hint towards the date. (High five for the one person who did figure it out and vote on my poll, good observation skills!)

I also did realize that my story doesn't actually make much sense, which made it even more convincing for the crazy 'dream' ending but I wasn't really thinking about that when I began. It was kind of just Basic Plot line, paper, BAM! Fanfiction. But thank you for pointing that out ;)

Also, I swear I did not do this for reviews. (But thank you for such kind comments by the way! And yeah, you can get mad at me now.) It's just that- my normal April Fools prank is telling my friends that there was a test that they didn't study for and better start cramming for next period. Just humor me you guys. ;)

So... yeah. Real Road Trip Chapter 11 coming soon, and for a shout-out, what are some pranks you do to your friends on April Fools or just for laughs. I really need to get some new ones...

(Hope) To see ya soon! ;)