All sights were set on Solly, his hands trembling from fear, not of his death, for it would be one in many, but the fate of his offspring.
The minigun looped with its infernal whine.
Solly closed his eyes and kissed the child's head.
"I'm sorry kid."
He carefully lay his son on the steps and backed away, opening his arms.
Then an uncloaking sound surged, and a female figure formed.
Two backstabs marked the end of the duo that was ready to kill Solly, who promptly picked up the baby to let the bodies roll down the stairs.
When he looked up he saw an angel, a withered, old and grumpy angel.
"Stalemate." The Administrator threw her cigarrette at the rest of the Red team, who arrived in time to see the revelation.
The clinking of metal from the guns dropping ended the battle, and the Reds slowly backed away, heads down.

Later that day...
The Admin was cradling Ranger in the rocking chair, his little eyes ready to succumb to a dreamland. The room was serene and everyone was at ease, even with their intimidating boss present.
"And that's when I became a professional spy, you see. Oh those were the days..." She whispered, smiling.
Soldier looked intrigued. "But how did you-"
"Sorry." Soldier lowered his voice. "How did you know what was up?"
"I know everything, and I know it from afar. To be honest, I arrived ten minutes before I saved you and ended this nonsense, so it was a close call. Thank god for Miss Pauling."

The baby let out a little gurgle and was resisting going to sleep. Solly's big arms took the baby and his own practice took over, hushing. The child calmed down and buried his face on his father's shoulder.
The Admin smiled. "I'll need to get better at this."
"For when you leave to space."
"Oh right..."
Soldier sat down and removed his shirt.

The Admin watched, wide-eyed. "I'm not doing that though."