Hey people. This is my newest story until now and I really hope you all like it. I was finishing another BTR stroy when this idea came into my mind.
It's not a big deal, but I really liked the way it turned and hope you have fun readin this
This is it for now. And I hope this won't scare you all.
Ch. 1 – Enigma
"Over here, Kendall!" James yelled for his friend to pass the ball. They were training for the championship between schools and they had to win every single soccer game. James was the captain and wanted to win for his school.
"I don't believe you brought me here to watch a bunch of ogres run behind some stupid ball." Logan said from the bleachers while his friends kept their eyes on the players. "Why don't they give a ball to each one of them?"
"C'mon Logan, say you don't enjoy seeing their legs?" Jo asked the boy beside her. She and Camille dragged Logan to the boy's training game just to pay attention to their thighs.
"I'd rather put leeches on my pants." Logan answered before Kendall scored a goal. The blond walked over the bleachers and made a heart with his hands over Logan, sending him a kiss in the end. Kendall always had a crush on Logan, and did everything to call the smart boy's attention. But all he did until now wasn't enough to melt Logan's heart.
"Aww, so cute! Why can't you give him a chance, Logan?" Camille asked a little jealous for her friend to have someone drooling over him.
"You're kidding me, right?" Logan answered with a question. No way would he give Kendall a chance. The coach whistled, and the training was over.
"Ok. Good practice guys. Hit the showers." The coach said and much for the girls delight, the boys took off their shirts. Of course, most of the attention turned to James. The way his sweat made his pecs and abs glisten was enough for the girls to almost faint.
"I don't know why I still walk with you." Logan said to Camille and Jo before walking away. "This was an incredible waste of my time."
"Dude, I can't believe Logan was actually there." Kendall said while dressing himself. James and Carlos looked to each other, since they have seen this scene happen more than once. "One day, he'll give in my charms. Write my words."
"Man, it has been more than a year. And I don't believe the bitch would even listen to you." James said to his friend. He hated Logan for treating Kendall the way he did. And he knew Logan felt the same way over him. "There so many others in this fucking school."
"Enough with your negative thinking, James. And could you try to treat him a little better? It's been a year that you two keep changing insults over the hallways and I'm getting tired of it." Kendall asked his friend to stop this constant fight between James and his crush. "What do you say about it, 'los?"
"Well, sometimes the ones we love don't love us back, Kendall…" Carlos said with a little pain in his heart. The Latino secretly loved Kendall, but was too shy to tell him how he felt.
"Ok, I'm through with this…" The blond said tossing his bag over his shoulder and walking away. James and Carlos followed him, knowing he was mad for the things they said.
"C'mon Kenny, we were just kidding. You know we like to joke sometimes." James said before Kendall could reach the door.
"Ok. Just stop kidding about it." Kendall said and the three of them walked out of the locker room. James bumped into someone when he did so, making him fall backwards.
"Could you be more careful or you're just too dumb to do it?" Logan told the pretty boy and James wasn't happy with that provocation.
"I'm sorry. I don't pay attention to small bitches like you." James fired back while Kendall helped Logan to get up.
"James!" Kendall said holding Logan's books. "Don't listen to him. He's just a little brute. Can I carry your books for you?" Kendall asked but Logan took his books back, before Kendall could think of getting closer to him.
"No. I can do it on my own." Logan said walking down the hallway.
"You should learn how to thank people one of these days!" James yelled angry for the way his friend was being treated. "I don't get how you can feel something for him. Him and his bitchy attitude get me so fucking mad."
"Mr. Diamond…" A voice sounded behind James and when he turned around, he saw principal Griffin standing in front of him. "Can you follow me till my office please?"
"Uh, sure." James said and they walked towards the principal's office. He had no clue of why Griffin would call him up. Once they were there, James sat down a little worried of what it could be.
"I'll go straight to the point, Mr. Diamond. Your grades aren't good. I know you have a perfect performance on PE, but this isn't enough to get you on college." Griffin started, and like James feared, it wasn't good news. "So, I'm getting one of our best students to tutor you and make you get good grades on the coming tests."
"You called me, Mr. Griffin?" A familiar voice sounded and James wanted it to be other one than…
"Mr. Mitchell, come in please. Have a seat." Griffin said and then James stood up angry to know who would be tutoring him.
"Oh, no. There's no possible way of this happening." James protested while Griffin tried to figure out what was happening.
"Kelly, what's going on?" Kendall asked Griffin's secretary and she had no clue of what he was talking about. "Please tell me my baby isn't in trouble."
"Kendall followed Logan until here and wants to know why he's here." Carlos explained and Kelly understood right away. She was aware of Kendall's crush over Logan and giggled at the situation.
"I don't know what's happening. I…" Kelly started but was interrupted by the yelling coming from the principal's office.
"You think I'm happy with this situation?!"
"Of course, you love to torture me with your bitchy behavior!"
"You're just mad because I don't drool over you like the other girls!"
"Shut up! This is all your fault!"
"My fault? I wouldn't be here if you weren't so stupid."
Kendall and Carlos after hearing James and Logan's voice went over the door and glued their ears over the wood to hear what was going on.
"Boys, you can't stay here." Kelly tried but the guys kept on trying to hear what was all this yelling about.
"Gentlemen! You two are going to work together liking it or not." Griffin said before the door opened, making Carlos and Kendall fall on the floor.
"Hi principal Griffin. How's the family?" Carlos asked trying to sound quite gentle, but it wasn't good.
"Hey Logan. What can I do for you?" Kendall said winking over the smart boy who couldn't be more frustrated.
"Just kill me, would you?" Logan said looking at the responsible for all this. James wasn't happy and wasn't sure how much more he could take.
So, how was it? Good? Bad?
Review please and I'll see you next chapter if this work out.