Authors note: Thank you for the review, I had made some corrections and changes so to the chapter for your convenience. If there is any other additional spelling or problems please tell me so in the review. Rated PG 13 for language, mild adult activity, slight sensuality and violence however it's very brief and very mild besides the violence and language.

"I hate Rainy day's..." Ichigo muttered to no one in particular as he laid back in his bed looking rather bored; the sky was dark and the rain was pouring on without end making the ginger head sigh out loud.

"What's your problem, hm?" asked Kon as he quickly got onto the bed and took a good look up and down the boy. "hm...Irritated?" he asked inspecting the red head from head to toe. "Seeming tense... trouble sleeping..." he went on and on causing Ichigo to give him a dirty look.

'D'at shit is right ya know king...' said an watery voice in the back of Ichigo's head. 'Maybe ya might wanna cool down a bit b'for I come out by accident...' the voice threatened.

Kon not hearing the dark voice completely ignored the teens look as he continued. "Mood swings...Constipation..." he went on and caused a nerve to suddenly twitch at the side of the boy's temple making himself look rather irritated.

'Constipation, ha! now d'at's a good one.' the voice continued alongside the doll.

"I bet you backaches and your tit's are sore, You must be experiencing PMS!" he finally came to a conclusion as he gave a triumphant thumbs up. Within mere seconds, the teens foot was up in the air and into the dolls face slamming the doll in slow motion as it went through the air and leaving traces of drool fly like rivers of tears before time resumed and the doll hit the floor.

The sounds of maniac laughing filled the back of the teens mind giving the ginger a head ache as the hollow laughed and laughed. 'My-my king, why didn't ya tell me... I would have been a bit patient with ya..." the hollow continued and then laughed some more like a mad man.

"Why me..." the doll muttered as the teen sat up in bed and stomped on the doll.

"This is getting old..." he mumbled before grabbing the doll by the head and wishing he could do the same to his hollow. "The hell do you always have to say something embarrassing to set me off!" he screamed causing the doll to continue.

"Mood swings, mood swings, mood swings!" Kon kept saying on going causing his inner hollow to join in the sweet game of torment.

' Careful king ya might end up getting your period too soon!' he laughed causing Ichigo to go a deep red matching his hair.

Feeling his irritation take the best of him, Ichigo began to stretch the dolls head and then squish as he growled underneath his breath. The doll began to struggle as he continued to repeat itself until finally it randomly stopped as a little brunet stuck her head through the door.

"Is everything alright, Ichi-nee?" she asked sweetly as Ichigo paused.

This was entirely an embarrassing situation as he had no one in the room and he was yelling at a doll like a mad man. "Uh... yeah, everything is great..." he said slightly giggling to hide his embarrassment as the young girl tilted her head in confusion.

"...Sucker..." whispered Kon for only Ichigo to hear.

The teen quickly slammed the doll with one hand into the pillow as he pretended to be excited for something that didn't exist. "I was just practicing for a school play." he explained as the doll squeaked in contact to the pillow. The young girl giggled happily towards the news.

'Nice save...not, was d'at the best ya could a came up wit?'

"I see, alright good luck then. Dads taking me and Karin shopping, if your not too busy you should come with us." she said causing the teen to go a bit sour, not that he hated taking the girls out; it was his own father's stupidity that he didn't want to deal with.

"No-no, you two go on ahead... I'll probably just slow you all down..." Ichigo said as he waved his hand up and down expressing that he was fine with it.

"Aw ok, your probably too busy practicing... who are you trying to be anyway?" she asked causing Ichigo to slightly jump.

'Now ya really have ta wing it... d'at for being a dumb bitc-...' the inner hollow was about to finish when Ichigo cut him off.

"Well... uh, it's a surprise..." he said not really thinking the whole thing through. Yuzu looked at him for a brief moment and then giggled.

"Oh yay, I love surprises. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." she said running down the stairs screaming something about Ichigo having a secret about who he was going to be in the school play.

As the door closed, Ichigo sighed. "That was too close for comfort..." he said as he then looked out the window to see the car pull out. Thunder crashed and brought the ginger's attention back towards the rain; it reminded him of how much he hated the rain.

'And now it's boring again... why not turn into a soul reaper so d'at we can kill some hollows huh?' requested the hollow and yet received no answer.

Cupping his chin and staring out the window, Kon suddenly stood up on top of his desk making squeaking sounds as he walked. "So what is this?" the doll asked as he finally made it towards a dark colored small box. Ichigo didn't turn, knowing full well of what he was asking about.

"Like I'd know...Sandal-hat gave it to me... he said to use it when I need it."

Ichigo's inner hollow however seemed a bit quite about the matter, something about the box was a bit strange; it emitted some kind of spiritual pressure which sent chills down his spine. The teen seemed completely unfazed as he spoke showing no interest nor curiosity in the box. Getting lost in thought as the rain poured, the lion like doll opened the box to reveal a strange black choker. A priceless smile slowly began to form on the doll before it finally began to roar out in laughter at what he saw.

Ichigo's eyes narrowed as the sounds of laughter snapped him from his daydream, looking back he was about to snap at the doll when his eyes widened at the choker. "What the hell is that!" he screamed in shock, his face was slightly blue and yet his expression seemed stunned as the doll went on and on almost in tears from how amusing he found the situation.

"...Oh Ichigo... be my stripper... or my prostitute!" he said in between laughs when suddenly a pillow slammed him out of the way and into the wall.

"Your one annoying piece of shit you do know that..." Ichigo said now red in pure anger as he walked on over and snatched the pretty black choker.

The sounds of laughter suddenly filled his head again, his inner hollow taking every opportunity to put down the teen until suddenly he went quite as they both felt something strange. They both felt some strange spiritual particles coming from it. Opening one of his cabinets at his desk, the teen took out a mirror before lifting up the choker towards his neck.

The piece looked just wonderful on Ichigo and yet something was a bit off. 'Don't just stand d'ere look'n pretty, put it on!' the hollow demanded impatiently and wanting to know what was going to happen. Ichigo stared at the mirror in silence before slowly putting the beautiful lace on.

The choker was an art in itself as it was pure black silk with lace like designs all over it with red ruby in the middle and yet it was a bit difficult to get on, but as soon as it was on; the room glowed a bright light. A flash of thunder caused Kurosaki to awake on the floor, the lights in his room were off and the room was pretty dark.

Lifting up, the teen slightly moaned as to how drained he felt; the hell he was about to kill Urahara for this. Rubbing the back of his head, he reached for his lamp when suddenly he felt another set of slim soft fingers touch his as well. The two sets of hands turned on the lamp simultaneously and Ichigo found himself face to face with a familiar face.

White skin, white long hair, black and yellow eyes and naked? Chocolate brown eyes suddenly widened before a loud scream filled the room. Ichigo backed away from his hollow in pure shock as he hit the door, staring back at the figure who just seemed to look at him.

His inner hollow stood there looking quite puzzled; he had his back turned to the teen, however his face was also turned letting the teen see the confusion in his face. His flowing long hair stopped right at his bottom and Kon nosed bleeded at the rest of the view.

"I never thought I'd get much bliss out of some snow white buns!" Kon said as he darted forward only to receive a slam to the head by the hollows knuckles and then a high kick slamming the doll right into the wall beside Ichigo. The teen was completely dumbstruck at the view and became utterly red as he saw the white males thighs during the kick.

"Now d'is was something I wasn't expecting..." The hollow said as he spun around the room quite unashamed of his nudity before catching a glimpse at the small mirror. Bending over and picking up the mirror, the hollow seemed a bit shock to see his own reflection. Running a hand through his silky hair, the hollow slightly smirked before looking over his shoulders back at Ichigo.

"How do I look, King?" he asked Ichigo as he looking quite feminine from the back view.

"Clothes, clothes, where the hell are your clothes?" Ichigo asked as he quickly darted to the bed to grab the sheets. The hollow watched him looking rather un-amused by his sudden panic.

The teen was quick in moving, but he suddenly paused as he saw a small figure lying on the bed; Ichigo stared in shock as he knew the figure very well. The young looking teen was pale with messy black ragged hair, he was also naked however he seemed to have been in pain.

"Tensa...Zangetsu...?" he questioned in shock causing pale blue eyes to slightly open...

Well that's it for chapter one, if I need to crank up the rankings please let me know.

Ichigo: you actually wrote a story and you don't know how to rank it? *Cheepish smile* what a child...

Me: ... *darken* Silence, guess who's the writer? me which means I can write what ever I like. *Creepy back screen*

Ichigo: *sulking* ah.. s-sorry...

Shiro: ya not forgiv'n... Bliss more action for me in da next chapter!

Tensa: ... *hold up sign "Next Chapter"*...

Ichigo: Your not serious!

Me:Till the next chapter, Ciao...