Chapter 1

5 years ago.

The blood trickled down my pale face.

My blue eyes were dull and lifeless.

I couldn't move my body, he's at it again.

His tantrums has gotten worse than before.

There was never a time when he was sober.

I laid here, on the ground lifeless thinking how bittersweet death could be.

Slowing closing my eyes I felt cold hands grasp my neck, clenching tightly.

I didn't have the erge to fight back, as I laid on the cool floor.

"Get up, bitch." He sneered.

I didn't move, nor did I say a single word.

Just lie there and you'll be fine, I said to myself.

He's at it again.

And as always, I let him.

He's fingers roamed around my body squeezing my breast then ran his fingers down to my genital area.

A tear slipped down my face.

There was no way I could fight back, he made sure of that years ago.

His breath smells like alcohol.

My heart shattered at its scent, it was the sole reason why my fairy tale dream life turned into a nightmare.

The door burst open.

"Put your hands up were I can see them sir. Got it memorized?" A voice said.

He snarled at the voice reluctantly letting me go.

"Namine!" A worried voice called out for me.

"Kairi-nee." I murmured softly.

I reluctantly opened my eyes, and met an intense pair of sapphire eyes. Shining so brightly with life, his golden spikes looked soft and silky.

The man shyly smiled at me as he picked me up.

"Leave my wife where she is." He growled.

"No, you leave my baby sister alone! You've done enough damage!" Kairi screeched.

"Shut it, whore. You have your own fiance to worry about." He retorted.

He made his way towards me and the blonde God. "Halt, sir. You are under arrest for abuse." He said smooth and slick.

His companion chuckled as he hand cuffed Him. "You better listen to him, he may look like an angel, but really? He's an ass." He teased.

Right after that comment I fainted.

Welcoming the blackness of peace.

5 years ahead.

Roxas sat on his office chair sorting out paper work. These recent months the organization cops committee have been receiving a lot of reports about murdered victims. Most of these victims were rich and well known.

"Probably pissed someone off." Roxas muttered to himself.

The phone rang beside the third stack of papers. Roxas reached for it as he leaned back a bit on his chair.

"Hello Roxas Takumi speaking, how may I help you?" He said calmly, as he held out a report about a poisoned victim.

"Roxas! She's at it again, how do you stop her? Kairi isn't here with me!" Said a panicked Sora.

Roxas immediately got up from his seat and told Sora he'll be there in five. He grabbed his cell phone and ran out of the building, only to be stopped by his partner.

"Roxie what's the hurry?" Axel asked with a smoke in his hand.

Axel Miketsukuni was Roxas's best friend and partner in crime. He had red flaming hair, and green jade eyes. He was at least a foot taller than Roxas.

"So you noticed I was in a hurry...why are you still blocking my way?" Roxas remarked irritated at his red head friend.

"Oh Roxie, I asked why you were in a hurry. Didn't say I was going to move." Axel said puffing out smoke from his lungs.

Roxas covered his nose and glared at Axel. "You know what that shit is going to do to you? Cancer."

Axel shrugged and disregarded the cigarette crushing in on the pavement. "I'll never find out if I stop now would I?"

"Axel just move." Roxas stated getting all jittery, if she was in her episodes Sora won't be able to tame her for long.

"Is it about her?" Axel said stepping aside as they both walked to the car.

Roxas started the engine and looked at his best friend who climbed in with him. Roxas raised an eyebrow in question, Axel replied with a shrug. Once they arrived at Roxas's house...more like a mansion. They stepped away from the car and heard another piercing scream.

Roxas rushed to the main entrance and slams the door open. Thankful that Sora was slightly occupied to notice he didn't even lock the door.

Sora Yamanaka, was Kairi's husband and was currently looking after Kairi's little sister. Since he claimed he doesn't have to work today due to his older brother, Vanitas took his shift today at their company.

Sora and Roxas have been friends since they were in diapers. Their family were pretty close to each other considering how both families have collaborated and created a successful company. Ventus, Roxas's older twin brother took the head CEO of the company, working along side with Vanitas and Sora. While Roxas was content being in the police force, but sometimes he would join in with the business production. When life tells him, he wasn't to busy with investigations.

Roxas opened the door to his room to find Sora trying to comfort the blond woman. The woman only scrambled away from Sora, shaking and trembling in fear. Her blue eyes were distant as she saw past Sora.

"Stay away." She said quietly.

Sora saw Roxas on the door and gave him the look that said 'you go try it man.'

Roxas crouched low to meet her eye level. Her face was tear streaked, pale, her hair was disheveled.

"Nami." Roxas said.

The woman made no sign that she has heard his call. Roxas crawled to her left side and touched her cheek. The woman recoiled at first, but then noticed how his touch was warm and welcoming. She leaned in to him and slowly closed her eyes.

"That's a good girl." He murmured into her ear.

Roxas sighed in relief. In other days when her episodes were really bad, she would break things and hurt herself. He was lucky this wasn't just as bad.

Roxas gingerly brushed her hair across her face. A smile tugged on his lips to see how peaceful she sleeps.

"I hear wedding bells." Sora sang.

Axel chocked on his cigarette, didn't see how that was possible. The red head looked over to the brunette.

"Are you being serious, Sora?" He asked.

"Yeah, why? What's wrong? I think they'd make an amazing couple." Sora said oblivious to Roxas's glare as he laid the woman to bed, tucking her in.

"Roxas has a girlfriend you bozo!" Axel smacked Sora on the head.

"Ow! Aw, Axel that hurts!" Whined Sora.

Roxas ushered Axel and Sora out of the room. They made their way to Roxas's dining room and sat on the bar stool.

"I thought Roxas broke up with her." Sora said thoughtfully.

"You thought wrong, porcupine. He's still with her, and her doesn't even know that the other her exist." Axel said pointing behind him, talking about the blonde girl.

Roxas rolled his eyes at his two best friends. "Her name is Olette and the other her, is Namine."

"Oh look he's defending both girls, though one has more of an advantage since she's living under his roof." Axel said emphasizing his words.

"I'm only doing so in Kairi's favor, besides you've seen how Sora tried to take care of her." Roxas said bluntly.

"Oh, how is our sweet red head girlfriend?" Axel asked Sora.

"The same old, upbeat self." Sora said taking a sip of his drink that Roxas placed in front of him.

"Understandable. I guess. You guys did just get married two years ago. Speaking of marriage guess who's next." Axel said wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

Roxas smirked. "About time Axel."

"To who? Larxene?" Sora said astonished. "If it is good luck."

Axel smacked the brunette one more time. "Idiot of course it's Larxene! She was the only girl I was serious with." Axel hissed.

Sora rubbed his head muttering something about losing brain cells.

"Roxas you're twenty-five and marriage able, plus you have a girlfriend with a long term relationship with. Why don't you just pop the question?" Axel asked gallantly.

Roxas scoffed at his best friend. "Where have you been these past few days? I'm planning to breaking it off with her."

Sora jumped of his seat and yelled a 'yea!' Roxas looked at his childhood friend with confusion. "What?" Roxas said in bewilderment.

"I never liked her anyway." Sora said.

"Ah, the best friend approval thing." Axel said knowingly.

Roxas kept his mouth shut. He didn't see the point of jumping into the conversation. It was pointless since they've had this talk before. Roxas looked at the time and noticed it was quarter to five.

"There's no point of going back now." Roxas said to his partner.


Namine slowly walked down the steps, she just woke up and needed to see if anyone was home. She hugged herself trying to warm herself up. Namine walked to the kitchen and found unfamiliar people, except the blonde god she always referred to.

Sora smiled at her, warm and giddy. Namine froze, she didn't know how to react. Axel gave her a dare devil's smile that brought shivers down her spine so she ran behind Roxas.

Roxas chuckled as he held her behind him. She was like a little girl, afraid to talk to strangers. Too bad that was the case.

"Aw, Nami! I'm your sister's husband." Sora pouted. Then he jabs a finger at Axel. "Now he is someone you SHOULD be afraid of."

Namine whimpered and clutched on Roxas's uniform a little tighter. Roxas glared at Sora, he knew what Namine's problem was.

Five years ago, Kairi filed an arrest over Riku Ayazuwa for abusing her little sister. Roxas and Axel accepted the case and was able to save her from another beating, but ever since then Namine's been mute. She never spoke to anyone, not even her older sister, or to Roxas. She usually gets episodes, memories of how her ex-husband used to treat her, and she'd go insane.

Roxas took her in because Kairi asked him to. Well more like threatened him to, because Kairi has her own fashion company to run. She found it more fitting to be Roxas since she found his job 'easy.' Kairi explained to Roxas Namine's position. On the day of graduation in high-school she and Riku got married and left Twilight Town. For two months Namine has told Kairi how happy she was, she would send Kairi pictures of them in Traverse Town like a happy couple they were.

After two months have passed by Namine found out Riku spent all their savings on gambling. Namine who didn't know about this was shocked and quickly fought back. She made sure he couldn't touch her 'rainy day' money as she hid it under the floor pads. Every night when Kairi would skype with Namine, and every night Namine magically has a bruise.

Kairi had her doubts and suspicions about those bruises. She tried to tell someone but was prohibited by Namine, until 3 years later Namine stopped calling and this unnerved Kairi.

Roxas turned around to face Namine. He looked down and smiled at her. Namine looked at him in the eye, with confusion. 'That man really broke this fragile girl', Roxas thought.

"Nami, what is it?" Roxas asked gently.

Namine looked around the room as she left Roxas's side. She sat down on a chair and began to mime that she's eating.

Roxas chuckled. "Do you boys want to stay for dinner? It's pretty late." He offered to Sora and Axel.

"Sure, Kairi's coming here anyway." Sora accepted.

"Sorry, can't. I promised Larxene that I'd be home early today." Axel declined, as he stood up getting ready to leave.

Roxas took out pots and pans telling Sora to help him cook. "Don't forget to lock the door on your way out!" Roxas called.

"Right, right." Axel said.

Sora began chopping some carrots and cooked rice. Roxas began to stir the stew and grilled the barbecue. Namine sniffed the aroma around the kitchen, her stomach began to grumble as she stood up to observe the two men.

"Hey Namine, enjoying the view?" Sora winked.

Namine's face turned beet red. She averted her eyes from them and looked at her pale slender fingers. Roxas smacked Sora across the head.

"Ow! Not you too." Sora grumbled.

"Then stop teasing her!" Roxas exasperated.

Kairi then skipped inside the room and kissed her little sister on the cheek. Namine put on a disgusted expression and giggled.

"Hello dearest sister." She sang and walked up to Sora and kissed him on the lips. "Hello my beloved husband."

Roxas rolled his eyes. "Get a room, you're blinding me and Namine with your PDA." He joked.

Kairi stuck her tongue out and hugged Roxas. To her, he was her big brother and forever will she be in debt to him. "So when is the rest of the crew coming?" She asked releasing Roxas.

"Ventus should be coming here any minute. He also said he was dragging Van along." Sora said, by now he was making milk shakes.

Kairi sat beside her sister as she pulled out her sketch pad filled with her latest designs. In their family almost everyone had an artistic talent. Namine was special, she could sing, draw, and dance, but ever since the time she ran away she stopped doing those things. Namine peeked at Kairi's designs and a small smile formed on her face.

"You like it?" Kairi asked.

Sora placed two milk shakes on the counter and went back to helping Roxas. Namine nodded eagerly as she took a pencil and wrote 'it's pretty.' Kairi squealed in delight and hugged her sister.

"Glad you like it, cause the dress is for you!" She said gleefully.

Namine scrunched her brows up in concentration. Why would she need a dress? She wasn't planning on going to parties...or leaving the mansion.

"Axel, you know Roxas's partner? Well he and his fiance asked me to design their attire for the wedding!" Kairi chirped excitedly.

Namine still had a confused expression on. Kairi noticed this and rolled her eyes.

"Axel invited you to be one of the brides maids." Kairi explained.

Namine quickly shook her head right to left. There was no way she was going out in public.

"Aw Nami!" Kairi wined. "It's going to be fun."

Namine buried her face in her hands, her sister always acted like this even though she would go against it. Roxas chuckled as he set the food down on the counter. Pulling up a chair he gently pulled on Namine's hands away from her face.

"Nams, think of it this way. It'll help with your therapy." He said.

Namine has been attending therapy, but so far none of the therapist was able to break down her barriers. Roxas noticed this and took matters with his own hands. He decided that everyone must act naturally around her. To get the feeling of belonging into her system again.

Namine pondered on this for a moment and sighed. Sora who grabbed a chair and sat beside Roxas was flipping over Kairi's sketch book.

"Was that a yes?" Sora asked.

Namine nodded and gave a grunt. Kairi squealed. "I'll prepare the dress ASAP."

The blonde sister glared at Roxas as if to say 'look at what you have done!'

The phone rang and Sora read the caller ID. He snorted in disgust. "It's Olette Misaki."

Roxas quickly grabbed the phone and clicked 'talk.'

"Hey 'Lette. What's up?" He said.

Sora made gagging noises at the background. Kairi snickered at Sora's faces. She never liked Olette either, let's just say they have a personal drama issue. Roxas smacked Sora in the head that made both Kairi and Namine giggle.

"Look Lette we've been through this before I'm not going...what do you mean why? I have matters to take-wait what? How'd you know about that?"

There was a pause as Roxas listened on the phone.

"Ugh, Olette, her name is Namine, not 'hoe bag' and she's Kairi's sister-what? Ok whatever. I was planning to break it of with you since you've started acting such a bitch." Roxas snarled to the phone and turned it off.

Namine who caught her name in the middle of the conversation shuffled uneasily at her seat. Kairi rubbed her sister's tensed shoulders and told her not to listen to her.

"Officially single." Roxas said to Sora and laughed.

Sora just shook his head. "But still marriage able as Axel puts it."

The door opened as Ventus and Vanitas walked in. Ventus looked identical to Roxas with blonde hair and blue eyes, while Vanitas had black spikey hair like Sora's but golden eyes that were mysterious and alluring.

Namine gawked at Ventus for a while as he sauntered inside the room with Vanitas.

"Look I'm telling you the investments made by Terra were a fluke!" Vanitas scowled in rage.

"It did trace back to Terra's account. I'll see what I can do." Ventus replied and saw Kairi, Sora and Roxas.

"Sup." Ven greeted then caught Namine's stare. "Hello, never seen you before. Roxas is this your new girlfriend?"

"No, she's Kai's little sis. Nami, say high to my twin." Roxas said patting Namine on the head.

Namine snapped back into reality and awkwardly waved at Ven and Van. Vanitas nodded in acknowledgment, while Ventus waved back.

"So she's the mute." Vanitas stated bluntly.

Ventus smacked Van in the head. "Shut it! That's not nice."

Food was served and they all began to chatter about how their day went, all except Namine. She sat quietly savoring Roxas and Sora's cooking. She finally concluded that Sora, Ventus and Vanitas weren't such bad guys after all.

"So Namine what do you think about working in a dance studio? Kairi informed me that you dance, and lucky for you we own a bunch of dance studios around Twilight Town." Ventus offered.

Namine thought about it and she would very much love it if she danced again, but sadly she has her daily episodes. The episodes usually occur if the people she trust weren't around, so working without Roxas or Kairi would be a big no-no for her.

Namine shook her head.

"Sorry Ven, but Nami's a little too shy. Maybe a few more years when she's open up a bit more." Kairi answered.

Namine nodded eagerly at this. She will get least that was what she hoped.

A/N: I must be insane for starting another story, but it just came into me so I'm like ok I'll start it. Please leave a review, just so I know if I should take it down or keep going.