Why, hello there my fellow Yullen lovers!

Here is chapter two as promised, hope you guys like it! :)

Just wanted to say that I plan to take this storyline a little slow so please bare with me on that. But in my defense I will be updating quite often so Yay for that! :D

Lavi had been contemplating and reflecting on Allen for a long time. By the time he took notice of time an hour had already passed. He pulled himself off of Allen's bed and headed toward his closet to change. He had decided to go ask Allen's friend Lenalee about Allen's mysterious past. Well it wasn't that it was really all that mysterious it was only that Allen himself didn't really talk about himself. Lavi quickly put on a stripped long sleeve shirt, a pair of black jeans and some red converse and walked out the door. He arrived to Lenalee's dorm room fairly quickly and began to knock, after what seemed like forever the door was opened.

"Lavi? What on earth are you doing here so early?" asked a tired looking Lenalee, who seemed to still be in her pajamas, her long hair was a mess and frankly it was so obvious she had been woken up.

"It's not early it's already ten. Now let me in I have a couple of question I would like you to answer me."

"I've already told you, I won't let you use my room for hook-ups. Just do it in the parking lot." Answered Lenalee with a big yawn and was beginning to close the door.

"No it's not that! I have some questions about Allen. Now let me in woman it's time to wake up anyways."

Lenalee looked at him with a curious look but stepped aside, they then both walked into her living room. Lenalee actually had a room all to herself and it wasn't like Lavi and Allen's room which only consisted of one room both of them had to share, she actually had a normal apartment with a living room, a kitchen and everything. This was all due to her brother being the headmaster of the college. Lavi threw himself on Lenalee's longest couch while she sat on the one meant for only one person. He then explained how Allen had been crying earlier, how he found the picture of Allen with another guy and how he read the letter clearly not meant to be read by anyone other than Allen. He then explained how he was curious as to who Kanda Yuu was and what Allen's relationship was with him. Lenalee stayed quite for a while, staring at Lavi as she processed what she had just heard, she then sighed.

"So Allen hasn't even mentioned Kanda to you huh? Well I guess he has no reason to. Alright I'll tell you only because you seem to actually care. Kanda Yuu is, as you've already deduced by the letter, Allen's boyfriend or lover. Yeah the word lover fits better. They started going out their freshman year of high school and have been together ever since. They both lived in the same apartment complex and saw each other often. I know this because as you know I grew up with them as well."

"They've been dating for four years? Did this Kanda guy ask Allen out then?"

"Yeah, he actually asked him out at the school festival."

"The same school festival as the one in the picture?"

"Yeah, to be honest I saw it happen although both of them don't know this. It wasn't like I did it on purpose; I was just walking by when I overheard those two. The story is really cute actually."

"Then tell it to me with as much detail as possible!"


"I just… I'm just curious."

Lenalee stared at Lavi with suspicion, she had the feeling Lavi was a little too interested in Allen and his interest wasn't simply as a friend or a roommate. She sighed. She had always wondered what Allen did to get all the attractive guys. She sighed again.


And with that Lenalee began her tale as to how Kanda had mustered up all his courage to confess to the bishounen boy of their school. It was the last day of the school festival and it was already the time when all the students were packing up and getting ready to go home. Kanda and Allen had been left by themselves to clean up after their classes mess. Their class had decided to create a maid and butler café but everyone had ditched the responsibility to clean the classroom up. So they both had no choice but to clean up for themselves. Allen had been dressed up in a butler costume while Kanda had been forced into a costume of a cook. The sun was beginning to set as finally between the two boys they were finally done. Lenalee explained that she had been one of the guilty students to simply leave the mess behind but she had forgotten an important book behind and had come back to fetch it. When she was about to open the door to their classroom she began to overhear their conversation.

"Allen, I just… I have something I want to tell you." Came Kanda's voice from the other side of the room. The tone of Kanda's voice had arouse Lenalee's attention and decided to eavesdrop a little more, she quietly and slowly opened the door, just enough to be able to see them both clearly. They were both standing at the far end of the room; Kanda had left him broom on the floor and walked closer to Allen. He got so close as to caress Allen's cheek with the back of his hand.

"K-Kanda? What's wrong? Do I have something on my cheek?" Asked a surprised Allen, who had begun to blush and back away from Kanda's hand. Kanda simply took a step forward as Allen took a step back, finally Allen's back was against the wall and Kanda had successfully trapped Allen between himself and the wall. He placed the palm of his hand back on Allen's cheek and said.

"Moyashi… I don't understand why I would have such feelings for such an idiot."

Allen stared at him for a while; it actually took him a split second to figure out what Kanda meant.

"Who's an idiot?! If it's idiots we are talking about then BaKanda would be the-" but before he could finish his sentence Kanda placed his lips on top of Allen's and stole his very first kiss. To Kanda's surprise Allen did not push him away, he actually kissed back! They shared a long and very sweet kiss there in the empty classroom, where they thought they had the privacy to do such a thing. It was Allen the one who had to pull himself apart to get a gasp of air.

"Moyashi… I, I like you." Muttered Kanda as he intensely stared into Allen's eyes, they still remained in the same position as before, Kanda still had Allen trapped against the wall with both his arms on either side of Allen's face, which made his own face dangerously close to his crush. In response to Kanda's confession Allen placed both his hands on Kanda's cheeks and gave him a very gentle kiss on his lips, after doing so he pulled back and smiled.

"I like you too BaKanda. Took you long enough to confess."

Immediately after that Lenalee had decided to practically run away. She had been so into the confession that she had completely forgotten why she had returned to the school in the first place and that was where her story ended. She had never told Allen or Kanda what she had witnessed and she never planned to. When she was finally finished her story she noticed how serious Lavi's face was, he seemed to be in some pretty deep thinking.

"Uhm… Lavi? Are you okay?" Lavi looked up surprised then smiled.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me all of this Lenalee." He said, smiled again and with that left her room and made his way back to his own. He was still thinking about the story and sighed. He was not counting on Allen to have been in a relationship for that long and with the same guy. If it had lasted that long then it meant that their feeling were real right? As Lavi walked back to his own room his thoughts seemed to be getting more and more organized. What did it matter if they dated for four years? Allen's lover had decided to join the Dark Order right? He decided not to spend his time with Allen right? This meant that both of them can't see each other, which is why Allen is really sad, which is a golden opportunity for Lavi. He smiled to himself, he had an advantage that Kanda did not have, he was with Allen. People say that high school romances don't last, ever, and he agreed with it. Remember How I said Lavi did not have feeling s for Allen? Well you can forget about such a statement. Lavi indeed did have feeling for Allen and he was more and more convinced that he wanted Allen to be his own.

So? How was it? I would love to know what you think so please if you would be kind enough for a review I would appreciate it! ^_^

See you on chapter three!