Infestation of the Heart

i luv niki4444

Chapter 2: Her Crime

"Kagome-sama... you're not..."

Kagome cringed, "Inu..."

"You're privledges to be a ninja were taken! You're not supposed to be here! You were just..."

"Just what?" Kagome asked, with soft eyes.

"Just the younger sister of the Nekki Kage!" Inu crowed, "A normal citizen! They sealed your chakra so you could never use jutsu again!" A few members of the Akatsuki blanched, or looked at Pein worriedly.

"I still wonder." Pein mused, "What she could have possibly done that would warrent something that extreme."

A panicking Inu, backed away from Kagome and unintentionally gave him his answer. "Treason! They said you committed treason! The only reason you weren't killed was because of-"

"My aniki." Kagome muttered, her eyes seeming to glare at everything and nothing. The softness was gone, replaced with sheer anger and pain. "He wanted to make me suffer a fate even worse than death."

Inu stared at her with large eyes, shaking her head. "How can you say that!? He saved your life!"

"I would have rather been executed." Kagome snapped back. "I was stuck as a little doll he'd dress up and show off! Kagome Nagata, a prodigy ninja once held in high regard reduced to what? A pretty face?! Fortunately, just when I'd begun contimplating suicide-"

A few shocked faces stared at her.

"- I discovered another of my Kekkai Genkai." Kagome leaned forward and looked into her teammates eyes. "I can heal any wound, even reattach or unseal chakra. So mine just... came back.

"It took six months in solitary confinement for it to do so, but it came back never the less. From there I begged my brother to allow me to join the ANBU. He didn't have an Assassinations Captain so he enevitably allowed me to take over.

"Aren't I lucky Inu-chan?"

Inu backed away further, her hands trembling. "You betrayed our village."

Kagome scoffed and within seconds stood only a foot away from the retreating girl. "Actually, I didn't."

Inu glared, "Like I'd believe you over Sesshomaru-sama." All former respect for her captain was gone as she glared, her e yes spiteful.

Kagome tsked, "Kids these days are so ungrateful. Didn't I just save your life?" Before Inu could retort she waved a finger to silence her. "Hey now none of that. Sesshomaru didn't even know what happened. Geesh you think I'd call my own aniki a lier?"

Inu ignored the comment, "Then what did happen." Though the chances her former captain told the truth would be low she was still hoping, deep down, that Kagome was a good person.

"Well you see... I was tricked."

Inu blinked, she hadn't expected that. "Tricked?"

"Yes, tricked. Sesshomaru knew it too, but he has to be extra hard on me, simply because I'm his younger sister. If the village thought he was showing favoritism..." She trailed off and Inu shivered, she could image what would happen well enough.

Possible attempts to assassinate their 'unfair' lord could break out.

Kagome sighed, "The truth is, four member of the Akatsuki came into town-" Said members froze as she waved at them. "- and me being the naive person I am, believed they were good guys. So you can imagine what happened after that."

She waved her hand uncerimoniously. "We made friends. I got locked up for 6 months, and I'll be on probation for the remainder of my life. Yay."

"We didn't mean to decieve you." Itachi spoke quietly, "Nor to get your chakra taken."

Kagome leaned forward glaring, "Well, I'm holding a grudge, Itachi Akiyama."

Kisame winced, "Kagome-"

"Don't let me forget about you Kisame-chan. I still owe you a sword through the gut!"

Malice alit in her tone and pity warmed Inu's belly. "You were tricked.. poor Kagome-sama." Love and devotion once again colored her tone as she stared at her superior.

Kagome wanted to roll her eyes, poor Inu was bouncing back and forth like a ping pong ball, switching sides as she was.

"Let Inu out." Kagome growled at Deidara.

"Join us." Said man replied back smoothly. "Then she'll be released."

Inu's eyes widened. "Kagome-sama..."

"Get behind me."

"You can't protect her. Give up. Join us and the girl goes free." Pein replied, stoicly.

Kagome's brow wrinkled, as much as she hated to admit it Pein was right.

The odds of her being able to fight and protect Inu at the same time... they weren't good.

"Kagome-sama! I'm ANBU, I can help!" Inu whispered from behind her.

Kagome shook her head. "I only healed you part way Inu. If you move around too much regardless of your skill, your soul will detach from your body. It was bad enough allowing you to run here at your top speed, I won't have you fighting. You'll die"

"Captain... if I don't die you'll be forced to put me on your private squad won't you? So... maybe it's better for everyone if I'm gone." Inu murmured back, cringing.

She didn't like the idea of dying at all... but it was worth it if her captain remained a member of their village.

Missing Nins were highly frowned upon...

Inu didn't notice Kagome's face turn red with supressed anger, she would never let a member of her squad sacrifice themselves. Not when it would mean...

Her fist tightened until the pain caused from her fingernails regestered in her mind. She loosened her grip. "I'm not as strong as I used to be... but I won't let anyone die because of my weakness."

But then again, that made it even more confusing. If she joined this group, Akatsuki, how many people would die? Would she kill.

Her mind was startled to find she didn't necessarily care anymore.

How many people had she already assassinated? Kagome hadn't kept count.

'I'm going to Hell...' Kagome thought to herself, eyeing the oddly silent Akatsuki members, and her own subordinate -who was looking at her curiously-. 'So I might as well save this girl, not that it'll make a difference.'

"Alright, I'll bite." She crossed her arms and stared at Pein impassively as Inu let out a gasp.

"But Captain! You can't..." She trailed off, seeing something in Kagome's eyes. Was that hope?

Realization entered her own mind. Her captain intended to get her to safety before going all out on the bozos. 'Kagome-sama is so brave...'

Looking at her superior she saw a glow around her, a certain air that gave off the sent of wood smoke and electricity.

Her eyes widened, she didn't know what it was but something was happening to her captain.

At least she seemed to be the only one to notice it.

Kagome kept her expression carefully collected, resisting the urge to see if Inu had gotten the message. If she had... and her plan might be in need of some revising.

Don't want them suspecting her, ne.

As if some unspoken signal was sent something began coursing through her veins, a warmth she'd been missing for over three long years.

Her eyes widened only the slightest bit and she resisted the urge to let out a blissful sigh.

Her Kekkai Genkai, but why would it possibly decide to return after so many years of absence?

"Alright, I'll bite."

Her words echoed through her head as answer and realization had her narrowing her eyes.

Her Kekkai Genkai would only work if she joined the Akatsuki?

What kind of retarded part of her mind decided THAT?!

Probably the same one that tried to kill her three years ago.

Fortunately the Akatsuki didn't notice her change in chakra, but her expression had a few people raising brows.

"I'll join you're little organization as long as you PROMISE you won't hurt Inu."

Inu blanched, 'Where the hell did that voice come from!' Her captain sounded more like a child than an adult and she had a sly grin on her face.

Inu resisted the urge to sweat drop when a large amount of excitement could be seen in her captain's eyes.

A giddy feeling overcame Kagome when she thought about what she was about to do. Just because she was ANBU doesn't mean she couldn't have any fun, besides LOOK at them. This would surely be extremely easy to pull off.

'I'll mess around for a while, then kill them... I really did miss the guys.' Although she hadn't known them long, the time they shared would never be forgotten... and that wasn't only because she'd ended it with a sword through her body.

If only she'd known what would happen within 24 hours of making that deal.

i luv niki4444

It took so long to get out... and it's so short...

XD Oh well its better than nothing!

Thank you guys so much for all of the reviews! 'GLOMPS' And all those precious favs and follows. :33333 (I'd make a heart but those don't show up. :'() 'huggles'

Love Always

~ Niki