Hibari Kyoya did not like herbivores. They were weak, fragile creatures, who were too easily fooled. They could be manipulated and once they were not needed anymore, they were disposed of like trash without a second thought. Yet, Hibari Kyoya, a man of great strength and willpower, could not get his mind and eyes off of a certain purple haired herbivore as of late. Yes, the cold cloud guardian had developed a strange feeling towards the female mist guardian, Chrome Dokuro. He did not know what these feelings were, seeing as he never had a longing to be with someone, these feelings actually quite disturbed him.

As the months went on, the skylark thought these feelings would vanish, but instead they grew stronger. He even requested for her to accompany him on missions sometimes, with the lame excuse of "Her mist ring is a good cover when sneaking past enemies." Little did he know, the once weak and frail girl, now a beautiful woman felt the same way. After a while, he finally realized what these feelings were, and it disgusted him. How could he, the strongest Vongola guardian, be in love with such a herbivorous person? It caused him to act cold towards Chrome, and he avoided her at all costs, hoping these feelings would just disappear.

One day, he was trapped. Chrome had followed him, until he eventually walked into a room, and she locked the door. The woman took a deep breath and put on a brave face "Why are you acting so cold? I thought things had changed...I thought...I thought we had changed..." she told him. Hibari's eyes widened, could this be a confession? "Hn. Herbivore, what are you trying to say?" he questioned with a look of calmness and slight confusion. She replied "I'm saying I...I l-like you..." she walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. It was awkward, but that didn't stop the cloud guardian's heart from feeling like it would pound out of his chest. His eyes were wide open as he felt himself subconsciously wrapping his arms around her. "Herbivore...You're an idiot." Chrome pulled away and gave him that trademark blank stare that just screams "Are you kidding me?" She replied "I guess this idiot is going to be leaving...I'm sorry for wasting your time Hibari-san." She bowed and as she walked away the skylark grabbed her arm, pulling her into a hug. "I like you too Dokuro."