A/N: This will be a long running drabble series. How long? No idea. I don't even know what's going to happen with this mysterious plunnie of mine. Hope you enjoy!

All chapters will be between 100-500 words max.

Disclaimer for fic: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters. They belong to Rumiko Takehashi, and I do not profit from the making of this fanfiction.


He watched her from afar, just as he has always done, ever since that fateful day in his father's tomb.

Never had he been so disrespected. Never had he been so intrigued.

Since that day, he swore that he would know all there was to know about the woman called Kagome.

After all, it is best to know one's enemy.

But is that what she was an enemy?

He no longer knew.

After five years, he was still no closer to figuring out the puzzle that was the miko.

Sesshomaru was determined that this year, he would unlock the mystery.