The Hospital

The ride to the hospital was quick. They take me out of the ambulance and whisk me to the emergency room. I can't move my head because of the straps holding my head still, but I can tell the room is filled with doctors, nurses and medics. "Let's take the collar off and unstrap her."

"Pupils are reactive."

"Squeeze my hand. Now push. Good. Pull. Good."

"BP is 100 over 50. Pulse is 110. Pulse Ox is 92."

"Continue the O2. Start another IV. Cut her clothes off."

"I want you to tell me what hurts as I examine you."

"Let's sew up this wound first."

"Send her up for pictures."

"Of what doctor?"


"She's coming out of the anesthesia." My vision is blurry when I open my eyes. I can feel the O2 mask on my face and my throat is sore. I can't make out what people are saying through the noise of the medical instruments in the background. "Katniss, can you hear me?" It can't be Prim. Prim is at college. I nod yes. "Peeta went to get Mom and Dad." I nod again. "You're gonna be alright." I nod again.

"I love you." He leans over to kiss me. "I love you too." I kiss him back. "I wonder what it would be like to make love on a hospital bed?" Mmmmmm. So many possibilities. "I don't know. Wanna try?" I'm not sure what I can do with my leg in a cast and the other assorted injuries I have. "Um. I'd love to." But I'm willing to try. "Um, excuse us." Uh oh. "Hi Mom, Dad." I greet my parents. "Mrs. Everdeen, Mr. Everdeen. Um, hi." Peeta stands up straight.

"Peeta." My Mom says. "Peeta." My Dad says. "Um, I guess I'll leave. I'll, ah, see you later. Bye."

"Peeta." My Mom says good-bye. "Peeta." My Dad says good-bye. "Mrs. Everdeen, Mr. Everdeen." Peeta scurries out of the room. "Bye Peeta." I hope he heard me. "Dad, you have to stop scaring Peeta."

"Honey, I'm just doing what dad's do." He grins broadly. "Keep the boys in line."

"Oh Daddy. Thank you." He kisses me. I look up at my Mom and tears are streaming out of her eyes. She turns and punches my Dad in the arm. "This is all your fault!"

"Why is it my fault?" He grabs his arm. "You let her join the force." She puts her face in her hands. He gently takes her arm. "Rose,we've been over this a thousand times. Katniss is an adult." He turns her around and pulls her close. "You and I know damn well neither you or I would be able to stop our girl from doing what she wants." She nods her head as she backs away from him. Her eyes are bloodshot. She wipes her nose with a tissue, stands there and stares at me. "Mom." She doesn't answer back. She just kisses me on the cheek. "I love you Mom."

"I love you too." She stands up and squeezes my hand and leaves the room. My Dad leans over "You're a good girl Katniss. No matter what you and that boy..."

"DADDY!" He just laughs and my face gets hot. I'm probably beet red. "Okay, okay. I just want to say, you're also a good cop."

"Thank you Daddy." He kisses me and leaves the room. Now the water-works start.

"Hey, Kit-Kat! How ya doin'." Jo bounces in. "Not bad Jo. Considering."

"I just passed some hunky doctors in the hall. A girl could have a wild time in this place."

"We're in a hospital Jo, not a nightclub." Her mind is always on... well we know where Jo's mind is on most of the time. "I know, I know. But still. Oh, I almost forgot."


"I finished my book. Yay!"

"Oh that's great!"

"I'm looking for an agent now to start shopping it."

"Good luck. It's great. I'm going to read it again while I'm here."

"Officer Everdeen, lunch?" One of the nurses sticks his head in. "Yes, thank you." I say. "Hi, I'm Johanna Mason, friend of Katniss." She holds out her hand. "Hello Johanna Mason, friend of Katniss. I'm Christopher Jones."

"Well Christopher Jones..." She takes his arm as she leaves the room. "Bye Jo... Jo?" I swear that girl has ADD.

"Hey, you awake?"

"Yeah Gale. Come on in."

"How ya feelin' today?"

"Not bad." He doesn't look good. "Hey what's wrong?"

"I dunno." He gets a strained look on his face. "I should have been there."

"Gale, don't be like that. You may have died if you were there." I look away. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I wasn't there to protect you."

"We can't be together every day. You can't always be there to protect my back. You're not my partner on the job."

"I know. But wouldn't that be cool. Being partners. Hunting down criminals instead of deer. I can see it now. Hawthorne and Everdeen, Crimebusters." It hurts to laugh, but I do. "I like that, with one change of course."


"It should be Everdeen and Hawthorne."

"What? Are you crazy. I've been on the force longer."

"Hey, hey, hey." Madge says as she makes her grand entrance.

"Madge! Come on in."

"Madge." Gale greets her coldly. "Gale." Madge returns the favor. "You look great Kit-Kat. How do you feel?"

"Oh much better. I was so disgusting when they brought me in. I peed all over myself. They had to hose me down in the ER." She scrunches her nose. "Ewe. That is disgusting."

"And worse." I can't even say it. "Yuch. That is disgusting." She knows what I mean. "I can't believe you two!" Gale looks incredulous. "Kat! You have a cracked sternum, three broken ribs, a concussion, stitches in your head, a broken leg, ripped and torn ligaments, tendons and muscles. And you're worried about shitting in your pants." We just stare at him. He just shakes his head. "Oh my God. They shaved part of your head." She touches my bandaged head. "Yeah. But it'll grow back in." Gale takes a deep breath. "I'll see you later Kat." He grabs my foot and shakes it. "Bye Gale." He leaves.

"What's wrong with him?" She asks. "Oh Madge. You know what he's like. Too bad you guys don't like each other. I always thought you'd make a cute couple." Her eyes get tremendous. "EWE! Are you insane. The thought of us together makes my head ache."

"Well I sorta..." She cuts me off. "Don't even give it another thought. Let's change the subject."

"To what?"

"I saw Jo in the hallway hitting on a doctor."

"That's Christopher. He's not a doctor. He's a nurse." She nods. "She won't get far, he has a boyfriend. A flight attendant."

"Her gaydar must be down."

"It doesn't work well for guys. It's better for women." She nods some more.

"Knock, knock, knock."

"Professor. Come on in!"

"You don't look that bad. I can't believe you're taking up bed." He's holding a gift bag. "What did you bring me?"

"Oh, it's for when you're released. Here." I peek in the bag. "And Annie says get well soon. She can't get into the city yet."

"I'll call her. Oooooh, my favorite tequila. Thank you." He leans down and kisses me. "When did they let you out of jail?" I ask. "Oh stop it. I only spent the night. And it was for a good cause."

"What was it this time? The whales, the Republicans, the banks, the corporations, the insurance companies, or what?" He just shakes his head. "You did good."

"Thank you Professor Abernathy."

"You know you can apply for law school again."


"I miss our little debates in class. Even though they were only pre-law classes."

"You'll just have to accept that I'm on the side of the man."

"Get well soon."

"Bye Professor."

I lie my head on the pillow. I'm tired. I think I'll take a nap. You know what. I love my friends and family.