My Not So Imaginary Friend
For as long as she could remember he had always been by her side. He had been her best friend, although only she could ever see him. It was odd but then again, that was the point of imaginary friends. Only Kuronue isn't as imaginary as she thought and neither are his feelings
Disclaimer: Neither Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho are owned by me. I am simply using the animes and their characters for the enjoyment and entertainment of my readers.
Chapter One
The world around him through his eyes of once a stunning violet shinned as crimson as the blood moon, and looked as fragile as the most delicate of glass. The city his world was made to be was both lifeless and soundless the only figures to be seen other than himself the unclear shadows of humans that walked the crimson streets that mirrored their own. Those shadows brought to his world an eerie sight, but not much could be done to fix their involvement in his world. He was housed in a jewel, a demon's jewel, thus only darkness was allowed inside. Humans who held all their sinful ways in their shadows appeared as such in this world and were only seen as that. They lived as shadows within the world of jewel following the actions that their true, physical selves did in the true world of humanity. If one followed a shadow they would watch as it went to work or school, interacted with other shadows with its silent voice, found its way home, and did whatever it pleased, yet in his eyes one would be a fool to do such a thing.
There was no interest in anything of relation to humans in his eyes. Although he had knowledge of having been passed to and from humans, he never cared for them. The owners of his treasure had no face in his world and no place of worthiness to be thought of. Whoever kept his treasure as theirs was simply just a tool used to carry him around so that he could find some amusement in this world for whatever in it surrounded him, depended on what surrounded the owner in the real world. Through his owners and the world around them and in result him he had watched as battles between shadows, humans, came and went some turning into wars and others into peace. He watched as the world he lived in that use to be made of crimson glass huts and farms slowly transformed into areas of great buildings and roads as the shadows evolved along with the humans they represented. He watched and learned many things while walking the quiet roads of his crimson glass world, yet everything he saw and everything he learned never changed his thoughts on humans.
They were every bit the pathetic beings they had been in his original time, only now they were pathetic people in larger homes with water that didn't need to be transported by hand and lighting that didn't come from fires and sun. They were fools, but they were advanced fools yet one thing that he had learned in his time with his greatest friend and partner was that often the biggest fools of all were those who had greatness and power. Not everything was known about current times to him, but he was sure that somewhere there was a man with power leading himself and those around him to doom.
"Humans truly are pitiful things."He mused to himself his words unlike anything else booming in this world and oddly enough at the sound of it the shadow before that him he was unknowingly following jumped and paused.
Its dark head tilted and slowly turned this way and that before the shadow moved in what seemed to be a sigh and lowered its head, looking down at a hand that slowly rose to show the only thing he could truly see in this world for what it really was:
His pendant.
Its red gem alike the red glass of this world and its silver casing still as wonderful as it used to be the pendant which was left without a box or bag was slowly raised before the shadow's head as the man outside this world stared at it.
Jumping at a rather loud voice that seemed to come from his side a man who looked rather young yet not overly so slowly turned head from side to side in confusion looking for the one who had startled him, yet all around people walked on without any hint or surprise that another had spoken so loudly. Still he looked but with no sign of any speaker he sighed and instead lowered his head a bit, brown eyes catching the sight of the gift he had just bought as his hand raised it up.
It was a beautiful thing and although left without any wrapping or box due to his need to hurry he thought that it would be a lovely present for the girl he was planning to give it to. Red wasn't a color he had ever seen her be dressed in, but there was something about the silver cased pendant that seemed fitting or her and with an imagined expression of joy and happiness on the soon to be receiver's face the man with a spout of energy bounced on his heels a bit and began walking again. His pace was quick and his smile large, looking odd when worn by him. He knew that to others he came off as stern and hard looking. He was welt built, tall with natural strong arms and a chest of rock that most Japanese men didn't have. The complete opposite of his wife who was small and every bit the Japanese woman she was raised to be. Even so he was childish at heart and once long steps came into view he, unable to hold himself back began to run up the steps taking some two at a time even in order to reach the top faster.
When he finally did he paused, panting and gasping but still smiling as he allowed his body to calm and his breathing to slow. The air where he was, was fresher than most areas he knew and with a deep breath of cleaner than average air he closed off his brown gaze to the world and enjoyed a moment of peace.
Though that peace was replaced with welcomed interruption when a sweet person called out to him.
Watching somewhat curiously as the shadow simply stood still and breathed he crossed his arms and with a certain sense of boredom looked around the new area of his glass world. Crimson trees, crimson glass buildings and more made up a shrine of glass and with a narrowed gaze he went to leave the shadow of his pendant's current owner in order to retreat from holy grounds when something unexpected happened.
Someone called yet the words had no time to register in his head before he dropped to his knees, body shaking unstably as shock after shock racked through his body seemly eating away his soul if the intense pain was anything to go by. He felt as if he was being ripped apart and without knowledge as to why or how he could only struggle and growl refusing to scream even in a world where no one would hear.
"It's so pretty Tou-san!"
Again words reached his ears but bot his mind as the pain increased. If he had enough will to open the eyes he didn't even know were closed he would have seen the shadow he had followed bending down in front of oddly enough not a shadow, but a figure of holy light and would have watched as his pendant was slipped around the light's head. He would have seen that light slowly fade and the image of a young girl comes to view in his glass world. He would have seen the way her sparkling eyes smiled at his pendant before blinking and turning in his direction with confusion and if he hadn't fallen victim to darkness then he would have caught her words as well.
"Did Tou-san bring me a new friend too?"
Casting a worried look through the window of her home a young woman frowned softly to herself as she watched her newly turned five daughter run about outside her laughter and calls easily heard with the peaceful silence of their home grounds. The young girl although like any child seemed to be enjoying herself a thing most wouldn't worry over, but what stumped her was the fact that her child ever since running out to meet her father hours ago had been speaking to herself, a form of play the girl never showed before now. There was playfulness and joy in her young voice but also the concern the girl would often show her kitten when the poor thing overfed itself. It seemed like nothing more than an act but at the same time the act seemed all too real.
"Kuro-san," a name never heard until that day was spoken again for what seemed the hundredth time so far and her worry grew as she watched her daughter come to stand before the steps of the shrine, her small head tilted to the side innocently. "Kuro-san, when will you wake?" apparently this "Kuro-san" had been "sleeping" for a long while. "Kuro-san?"
Still watching her child she was startled when two strong arms came from nowhere and gently wrapped around her waist. She was pulled into a strong body and with a small smile tilted her head back to meet the soft kiss of her husband.
"Are you still watching her, koi?" Her husband questioned as they pulled their lips apart. "I told you that its okay didn't I? It's just an imaginary friend. Many children have them."
"I know," she began nibbling on her lip in a nervous habit. "It's just…this Kuro-san came out of nowhere. This morning I've never heard the name, but suddenly by the time the afternoon rolls in its all I hear from her? Shouldn't there have been signs? It just doesn't seem right…"
"All is well." Was assured and before she could open her mouth to speak a hand placed itself on her stomach and the secret weapon was pulled. "Stress isn't good for the baby."
Huffing a bit in reply she pouted teasingly at her love before turning her head back to the window and leaning her body against his own. Her eyes still filled with worry simply enjoyed the sight of her daughter playing so joyfully. Her husband was right, things would be alright….
Yet when her daughter reached out in front of her and the red jewel of the pendant around her daughter's neck hit the light, she could have sworn that an image of a man lying before her daughter flashed to life, but a quick blink and it was gone and with her nerves suddenly grown she closed her eyes.
It was only an imaginary friend.
There you have it my dear readers! The first redone chapter to My Not So Imaginary Friend! It isn't much but I hope you all enjoyed it!
Please take the time to review. I honestly love what you all say!
Kagomes Kit