A/N: Patience is a virtue. ;) This was really difficult to write- I wasn't sure of what they should say, if I was missing anything involved in the story (turns out, I missed a few originally), and I wanted this to be similar to ep. 98 but not exact. I'm sure there are quotes here and there from that episode but I still hope this continued to remain to be a different twist. I'll probably write a few more chapters after this, just don't expect them to be updated anytime soon, life's busy. I don't own P&P or LBD, in case you didn't notice. Please review and enjoy! :)
"Darcy." Lizzie breathed out as she immediately stood up at the sound of his voice. She was just telling her viewers she was waiting for a special someone to come to say goodbye to them at Collins & Collins. She was talking about Charlotte. Definitely Charlotte.
"Wha…what are you doing here?" She was staring at him in disbelief. Darcy clearly saw the shock and anxiety sketched on her face. He took it as a small victory that it wasn't anger or dejection and cautiously proceeds.
"I need to speak with you," Darcy said as he closed the door. He paused and looked at Lizzie, who was returning the look. They both knew the last time their conversation began like this and in this specific location, neither partaker felt very satisfied at the end. They both instantly reminded themselves that they were a better person since and that they had changed for the good. Therefore, history won't repeat itself.
"Darcy I'm not sure if this is a good ide-"
"Lizzie, I have to explain myself. You deserve to know the truth and I want you to know it. I need you to know it."
In her head, Lizzie agreed that she needed the truth. She wanted it just as badly.
"Ok," She looked at the camera and motioned to it. "You probably want this off-"
"No. I believe it would be best for your viewers to know as well. Just as yourself, they were left hanging and I need to fix that. Shall we sit?"
They both sat down in front of the camera, just as awkward as they were the first time they were being recorded. Darcy glances at the camera for a moment but turns to settle his gaze on Lizzie, who continues to return it with sadness forming in her eyes. He begins,
"Last week-"
"Listen, you really don't have to. I understand-"
"You don't though," Darcy retorted quickly with a pained look. "You don't. I'm sorry for being so harsh, but what went on in there….the only thing you walked in on was Caroline misleading both of us. Caroline and I are not together; I've never thought of our relationship exceeding friendship previously. My feelings towards her have never been more than that."
"Then why…?" Lizzie began; a sudden relief was lifted off her chest.
"She knew you were coming. I believe she came to prevent us from doing anything, ahhh, she would not approve of." He didn't want to explain it much farther, afraid of what her reaction would be.
"Well, it worked," Lizzie finally said. Darcy shot her a look of curiosity, and she quickly explained, "I mean, I just wanted to thank you for what you did and allowing me back at Pemberley." Darcy's hopes fell down once more. He just nodded in return, staring at his clasped hands.
Lizzie picked up when he didn't seem to have anything to input, "Speaking of… Thank you, so much, for what you've done for Lydia. My family cannot thank you enough. If there's any way we can repay you-"
"Your thanks is enough. I didn't intend to do this so your family could be in debt to me, I didn't even do it for them." Lizzie gave him the confused look this time. "I did it for you."
"Oh." Lizzie wasn't sure what else to say. Did this mean he still cared for her?
"I-I couldn't stand to see you in so much pain. And I know you didn't want me to help anymore after providing the plane ticket so I ordered my men to remain anonymous, in hopes you wouldn't find out. I did, however, talk to Lydia to let her know of the status of her case. I requested that she wouldn't disclose who the third party was but, that was not the case." Darcy trailed away and focused his gaze once more on Lizzie.
"So you've been watching my videos?" Lizzie's heart sunk in her chest, realizing what she had mentioned on the video at Pemberley before Darcy walked in.
Darcy let out a sigh and straightened up in his chair. He couldn't help himself more, he needed to know.
"Yes, I have... Which brings me to another topic I've been neglecting myself to even consider but I cannot do so any longer, I need to know. Lizzie, while your video at Pemberley that Wednesday made me feel every possible form of self-loathing, guilt, and sorrow… I also happened to sense hope arise in me. You, ummm, said some things when disputing against Caroline that made me wonder… Do you feel differently than the way you did in the fall? I don't, that is to say, my feelings have not changed. I feel as though they are stronger than before. So if you believe doing those things for Lydia or coming here now to talk to you is just me fixing my mistakes, it is not just that. I have never wanted to see you hurt; I've always just cared about your happiness."
Lizzie didn't know it was possible for so much emotion to shock her speechless. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at him, mouth slightly ajar. Darcy assumed the complete opposite of what she felt and instantly crashed inside, utterly dejected once more. He began to leave,
"Oh. I suppose I did misinterpret your feelings once more. I'm sorry to have caused you any pain or made you feel uncomfortable. I'll be out of your hair for good now."
He turned to leave.
"William, wait," Lizzie urgently said, reaching out for his hand to pull him back down to his seat to face her. As he was turning towards her, she moved her other hand to his face to guide him towards her; guide his mouth to hers as she kissed him.
Now it was Darcy's turn to feel the shock. His stiffness didn't last long, though, for he was returning the desire equivalent, if not more, to what Lizzie was giving him. He moved his free hand that wasn't entangled with Lizzies to her lower back. For months he wondered what her lips felt like, and now he finally had the answer. He finally had everything because he finally had her.
After a while, they stopped going after each other's faces. They had within this time, moved much more closer to each other and now settled in each other's arms.
Lizzie, grinning with delight, said "I meant what I said in that video. As angry and hurt as I was, I really meant it. Looking back on it since, I knew it was all true which sometimes would hurt even more." Darcy stroked some stray hairs from her vision to behind her ear. "William, I would happily start a relationship with you if I have the chance. I can gladly say my reasons for hating you have changed and that I do think I'm in love with you."
Darcy, smiling as more broad than he ever had in years, could only go in for another kiss in response. He knew he had plenty of time and opportunities to do so but he couldn't help himself now. This kiss lasted a shorter time and he broke off saying,
"Well, Ms. Lizzie Bennet, would you do me the honor of attending dinner with me tonight? Of course, I must first visit a local hotel to book a room and to rearrange a few events on my calendar. I was not expecting, this, and I did not make further arrangements."
Lizzie just smiled bigger, "Of course Mr. William Darcy, it will be my pleasure." God, he loved the way his name rolled off her tongue.
"Very well then," Darcy's smile was almost a showing teeth, "Now, I do believe we have withheld Charlotte from her work long enough and given your viewers amply to see…" Darcy looks back to the camera and Lizzie followed his gaze and slightly laughed. Clearly, she forgot they were still being filmed.
"If you will excuse me, I have reservations to make, cancellations to do in addition, and you have editing to do." Darcy gave her a satisfied smirk and proceeded to give Lizzie a peck on the cheek, then a longer lasting brush on the lips and left the room.
Lizzie sat for a while, looking at the ground smiling, slightly laughing and finally reached for the camera.