A/N This is my birthday present for I am Reyna daughter of bellona, Happy Birthday! This is my songfic and I know it's pretty suckish, but I hope you like it anyway. Also thanks to I am Hylla daughter of Bellona for editing.

Lyrics: So, I got a Pm about how I put the lyrics in my story, and that is against the rules. So, I removed the lyrics,but if you look up the song Ibet you can fit them in.

Disclaimer: I Do not own the song or heroes of olympus.

"Leave Out All The Rest"

Jason's PoV

I saw Reyna she was in her praetor house talking to her dogs. "Arum, where could Jason be?" Said Reyna. She had tears in her eyes and she looked scared and vulnerable. The dream shifted and now we were in the senate building, Reyna was speaking, "He will come back, he is a Roman and he would not abandon Rome and Camp Jupiter." "I object, he has been gone for six months and if he is alive then he would have come back," said Octavian. Then everyone in the senate started talking, there was so much commotion. "I demand we elect a new praetor; I volunteer myself as the other praetor," said Octavian. "We must wait until the Feast of Fortuna," said Reyna. "He has abandoned Camp Jupiter," said Octavian. "He also abandoned you," he whispered to Reyna. She looked like she was going to rip Octavian's head off. "Meeting dismissed," stated Reyna and then she left.

I quickly woke up, what I was leaving? I was going to disappear? Why? I quickly scrambled out of bed, worried, to tell someone.

What was I going to tell everyone? Will I come back from where ever I disappear to? I wanted to tell everyone before I left that I am sorry, that I never meant to leave them, and that Reyna, I am sorry for all the pain I caused.

I stepped of the ship and there was Reyna standing like the queen she was. I could see the pain in her eyes, I remembered everything and I was sorry that I left her for Piper. Please Reyna forgive me, forget the wrong that I have done. Remember me Reyna and I hope you miss me when I go on the quest.

Don't hate me Reyna. When you are sad and feeling empty remember me, keep me in your memory forever. Leave out all the other memories and just remember me.

I am sorry, I have been forced as Juno's champion, I lost my family, and you hate me. I have been hurt as well. I might be son of Jupiter, a leader, the strongest one, and the person who everyone looks up to. I might be strong on the outside, but I must tell you that I am weak on the inside. I am not perfect even though, everyone thinks I am, but you can't say you don't mistakes either.

Reyna you have been hurt so many times, by the pirates, Percy and Annabeth, and now me. You hide it so well though, some people from the 1st cohort don't think you're human, I punched them. I can't pretend someone will save me from the Roman gods, I can't deal with it sometimes, but you can. You are Reyna, the queen, and I am sorry for all the pain I have caused.