A/N: I had to do Pokemon Trainers!Kadam.
Kurt shifted the medium sized egg in his arms as he sat back against the tree. It had been a few weeks since his and Adam's journey to Bell Tower, and what they found was a surprise to them both.
The egg had rolled to them once they reached the top and Kurt, a Pokemon Breeder in training, could not just leave it in the high tower. Since then, the egg was always in his arms, in Adam's arms, or nestled gently in a pouch that Kurt's Ninetales carried. There were many times when both boys would find Ninetales chirping at the egg, and they could have sworn the last few times that the egg glowed when she did.
"I wonder what you'll hatch into." Kurt whispered to the egg. He and Adam had set up camp near Goldenrod City for the night, and Adam was fast asleep by the fire. "Maybe a Vulpix? Is that why Ninetales talks to you all the time? Or maybe a Charmander…you could be an Entei though." He held the egg close to his body, keeping it from the slight chill of the night air. "We've had you for a while, you should hatch soon."
As if it had heard him, the egg glowed. Not a blinding light, but brighter than Kurt and Adam had seen it before. Kurt smiled gently and ran his hand over the egg. "Take your time little one." The glow stopped, but began again in a few moments.
A small gasp left Kurt as he took a closer look at the egg. There was a small crack now, and as the glow stopped and started again, the crack grew larger. "Adam…Adam wake up!" He heard the crackling of the Pokemon trying to get out of the egg, and gave a surprised noise as it seemed to jump out of his hands. "Adam!"
This time, his boyfriend woke up. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, Adam saw the egg get away from Kurt and begin rolling towards the fire. Before either could grab it, the fire seemed to reach out for it. "Oh please be a fire type…" Adam couldn't help but whisper. When Kurt's Ninetales was born- Adam was the one to get him the Vulpix egg- she only hatched when in a fire.
Both boys watched silently as the glow grew even more and in one large burst of flames and light, the egg hatched.
The Pokemon gave a small trill, and Kurt gasped again. "Oh Adam, look."
Adam's eyes widened as Kurt walked towards the Pokemon. "There's no way…"
Kurt was wary, but he reached towards the flames. They licked around his hands, but there was no burn as Kurt picked up the Pokemon. "Hello little one," he used the familiar nickname as the Pokemon rested its head on his shoulder. The Pokemon's long neck connected a small head to a winged body. The downy feathers were warm in Kurt's hand, like the fire had been. He stood up and turned to Adam. "I would've never guessed…"
Adam couldn't help but smile at the picture in front of him. The Pokemon had tucked its head under Kurt's chin, trilling nonsense to him and nuzzling him. The orange feathers and healing flames were things Adam had only seen in books. "So this is why the monks allowed us entrance into the tower. Because Suicune wanted us to find you." He was speaking to the Pokemon, reaching out to gently stroke one of the folded wings. "Don't worry. We'll take care of you, little Ho-oh."