Spoiler for Season 3 Episode 13. Just a little something to tide you over. There was a lot to like in Chin's prison episode, but the thing that made me laugh out loud was the smile on Duke's face when the helicopter flew over.

The Smile on Duke's Face

HPD Sgt. Duke Lukela smiled when the dark helicopter arrowed past with Kamekona's face incongruously returning the smile from its side. The sergeant couldn't say he was surprised. He'd never met a more determined crew than the members of Five-0 and their leader was the most resolute of all.

No, Duke was not surprised at all, but the warden of Halawa Prison was flabbergasted.

"What's going on?" he demanded angrily. "No one's authorized to fly here? Who is that?"

Duke regarded him disdainfully and shook his head in dismissal. "You don't know anything about ohana, do you?" he asked, as McGarrett landed in the prison yard and Five-0 rushed to rescue one of their own.

Good news, faithful readers! I think I've turned the corner on my chapter fic. Just one more scene to fill in and quite a bit of polishing.