Hey guys! I'm back with the next chapter. I know some of you wondering who's the new girl. But you have to wait for the next chapter to found out about her -laughs evilly- However, I give you a little bit more of Valsea moment in this chapter, so don't shoot me. X D

Also, please forgive me for the typos and such in this chapter because I don't have time to proof-read it.

disclaimer: I do not OWN Harvest Moon or Any of its characters.

I was far too shock, so I didn't realize that someone was following me until I was about to close the door. I felt someone is preventing it, and when I looked up, I was Vaughn standing there. For once, the expression on his face was not a scowl or a frown but a genuine concern. I must look hideous, like really hideous, if he actually showing any other expression like concern. I looked around with panic and sat down at the chair of the dining table. My body is trembling, and I felt cold down to my bones. I put my arms around myself, but I couldn't warm my body no matter what I do. Not when I was shaking and trembling and cold because of fear. It's definitely not because of the weather.

My eyes burned with tears, and my throat is tight. I was so scared right now. I couldn't believe that this is happening to me again. I thought I would be free, I thought I finally cut off with my past; I thought that I'm out of reach. But no, she's here. And I'm scare that she's going to something to destroy my life. The life that I just built.

Suddenly, I felt strong arms enfolding me. I blink a few times, trying to comprehend things and realized that Vaughn was holding me. The trembling stopped but the tears was not. My emotion had been near the surface since last night dream, and the dam finally broke down when I felt how gentle he was holding me. I gripped the front of his shirt, and buried my face in his chest. I cried my heart out, and for the fear that was lurking within me all this time.

Vaughn didn't say any word. He just held me there in his arms, patting my head gently, albeit a little bit awkwardly, and it made me cried harder. I mumbled something incoherent, and the only thing Vaughn said was, "it's okay." I don't know why he said that, and I know he didn't know what my trouble is. But it didn't stop him to sooth me and he didn't pry upon it. When I finally stopped crying I looked up at him and mumbled, "Sorry."

He just looked down at me for a good heartbeat, as if to make sure that I not going to break down again. Than he loose his hold and stood up and step back twice.

I realized I was shamelessly crying in his arms and I blushed at the thought. I wiped some of the tear that still on my cheeks and than sighed heavily. "I'm sorry. My emotion just right on the surface and..." I trailed off because I couldn't do it. I just couldn't talk about it.

But Vaughn shook his head a little and just shrugged. "You don't have to tell me a damn thing if you don't want to."

If I were a little bit normal, I would make an attempt to say that that's probably the longest sentence he ever said. But I was far too upset and I still felt fear somewhere within me that I just looked at him and nodded. "T-thank you. A-and sorry. For making your shirt wet." I said awkwardly. He just tip his hat down and hide his face when he muttered, "Don't mention it."

But as he stood there, I know one thing for sure. Even if he scared me to death sometimes or intimidate me so, he's the kindest one in the end. And he cares even though he never says it. And another thing, I felt comfortable around him that I went out of character sometimes. I smiled a little thinking about the day I yelled at him for yelling at me.

"Vaughn! Chelsea! Are you inside?!" Julia yelled from the outside.

I looked at Vaughn with panic because I don't want Julia to find me when I looked horrible, especially when I just cried my heart out not a moment ago. I didn't know what to do but Vaughn took matter to his own hands. He walked to the door and opened it slightly. I didn't hear what he said to Julia but it's enough to make the blonde girl to go away.

"Thanks." I said when he closed the door and returned to stand in front of me. I looked at his fathomless odd eyes, and stood up, suddenly self-conscious about how I look. "I-I'm going to clean up." I rushed to the bathroom, locking the door. I leaned my body to it, and think that things just turned out more complicated.

It's been a couple of days since than my broke down incident. In the end, when I came out from the bathroom, I'm too flabbergasted over my breakdown moment. But it seems Vaughn just act like it never happened before. He didn't stay that long, but before he left, he gave me one long look with his unfathomed eyes. I don't know what he was looking for but when he tip his cowboy hat for salute, I finally figured it out, and went out, I felt as the door close behind that a wall between us crumbled down. Of course, I couldn't actually check about it, since Vaughn left for the city that night.

And about the new visitor, I avoid her like a plague. I know Julia had been trying to get me to at least say hi to the girl, but I keep finding an excuse to avoid it. I don't know how long it's going to take, but I hope that it would make Julia realized that I don't want anything to do with the island's visitor. Or perhaps tourist since Julia said she's only going to be here for a couple of weeks.

I was inside the coop right now, I've done my chores for the day, and all I have to do is to ship the crops I harvested today. At least my farm was doing well, I thought with a little smile. It was Saturday, and I plan not to do anything but to spend my time at the farm. I could do some fishing, but I need the fishing rod and that means I need to buy it. I don't have one yet, you see. But I don't want to go to the Sprout Island, since I could only buy the rod at Gannon's Shop.

"You see, Ameth. This visitor reminded me of someone that I don't want to meet or saw ever again. I actually don't have a good experience with her. She's scare me to death, even more than Gannon scared me." I told the chick. I was squatting in front of the chick and she seems to be listening to me.

Ameth chirped at me, to comfort me I guessed and I pat her head with a one finger. "You're right. But when you scare of someone or something, it wouldn't go away just like that you know. And ironically this visitor came right on the day after I got my nightmare. Do you think it's some sort of a sign?" I asked the chick. If anyone saw me right now, they would think I'm crazy, but I always felt better when I actually interact and talking with the animals.

Ameth chirped twice and I nodded, "You think so too right? I'm scared that something bad going to happen. I-I... I think it safe to say it would be better if I didn't see her right?"

Ameth chirped and she's seems to get bored trying to sooth my nerve and started to eat her chicken feed. I smiled as I watched the tiny fluff animal eat and than stood up. I'm about to close the door, but I turned and said, "Thank you, Ameth. I'll see you tomorrow." I told the little creature than shut the door.

I walked to my farmhouse, to find my other best friend, Natalie, standing in front of my front door. Her arms crossed and she looked at me like she's ready to skin me. Julia is one thing, but the forcefully Natalie is another whole level of stubbornness.

"I heard from Julia." She's started when I'm within hearing distance. I stopped a couple feet from her but she's storm, yes storm not walk, towards me.

"I know you're shy, Chelsea. But honestly, please don't be rude." She said.

I shook my head at Natalie and looked at her pleadingly, "Please don't force me on this one."

"You just have to say hi to her! It wouldn't be that bad! You talked to Vaughn after all!" The bossy Natalie pointed out.

"I-it's different."

"It's not! Vaughn is rude! This girl is nice! And she's Will's relative. You haven't even talk to Will." She pointed out my other rudeness. "Will intimidate me in a different kind of way. He's rich." I pointed out.

Natalie sighed and looked at me. "Look, just meet both of them once and if you still uncomfortable with it, we can forget about it entirely!" Natalie pushed even further. I shook my head wildly, making my hair disarray and the bandana out of place. "No... No... If I met them once I'm expected to meet them again and again."

"Oh, Chels! Just do it for once and get out from that shell!" Natalie said starting to lose her temper.

"Natalie, you're my friend. Please, don't do this. Not this one. I almost do anything for you and Julia but not... Not this." I said lamely.

Natalie sighed heavily, and looked at me. For once she finally saw my desperation and fear and I could tell she understand that something must happen with me before, to make me act like this. "Fine! But it's not my fault if they think you're rude." She said halfheartedly.

"Thanks. It's better this way, trust me." I smiled a little at Natalie. After that I invited Natalie to go inside my house but she declined it explaining that she was running away from her job to talk to me. I smirked a little at that, it was so Natalie to dumped her job for something like this. I walked into the house, after I said goodbye to the strawberry red hair girl.

I ran and ran and ran. Even when my legs burned, even when my lungs couldn't take it anymore, I'm still running. I don't know what I'm running away from, but I know I need to run. My life depended on it. I have to run; I can't stop. I knew this fear so well, but I couldn't put my fingers about it. What was the reason why I feel such a strong fear? Who? Why? The questions keep playing and yet I didn't stop running. Suddenly the room turned dark and the only door, starting to get even further from me no matter how fast I ran. I need to get out; I don't want to say in this dark!

I pushed my legs to keep running, my hand reached for the door. However, the floor was gone beneath my feet and I fallen down to a deep hole. I cried out, but my voice wasn't there. I would die and no one would know it. But suddenly light burst out of nowhere and I was save within someone's arms. I feel this contentment before and the arms felt so familiar. Who was this? But I couldn't move. I'm far too content, because I know I was safe in these arms.

Ooooh... More nightmare! I hope you enjoy it and please R&R