Author's Note: So this is my first try on making a fanfiction. I apologise for any grammar mistakes, and I'll try to be better in the future. So basically, it's a story about Chelsea/Vaughn. Also, Chelsea in the story was not your typical Chelsea, but a little bit shy and awkward though when she known someone rather well she would get bubbly and funny. She also has temper but rarely show it. I hope you guys, like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harvest Moon or any of their characters.

I always been wonderul with animals, or so that's what my mom told me. When I was young, I used to spend my time at barley's ranch or lilia's poultry. Sometimes I would help my dad at the field, tilling, sowing and watering the crops. It was the best time in my live. Until, I was sent to school and things never been the same anymore. I'm always been shy and awkward. That is why I always better when I interacted with animals. I have high hopes at school -I was seven at the time- but what I experience there would shame some of the villains in the kids movie I used to watch at Sunday morning.

I always tried to forget that memory, and once I graduated highschool, I decided not to go to college. I told my parents that what I wanted for my future is something that I could do without a degree. My parents were dissapointed when I said that, but they always wanted the best for me so they decided to let me choose my own path.

"Chelly. Are you sure this is what you wanted?" my dad asked.

"Yes. I always wanted to be a rancher or farmer like you." I said. I just told him and mom that I wanted to embark on the farm that was located at the Sunshine Island. I knew it's not going to be easy, but I have high hope that if I do it hard enough, giving all my effort into it, that I could be as successful as father.

"I could not stop you, child. I was hoping that you would continue to help me. But that's only a wishful wish of an old man." my father said.

I laughed as I heard that, because my father is anything but old. He was around in he middle of forty, though I could see that he had wrinkles around his eyes and his hair was started to turned white, he is as healthy as he was in mid twenty. "Father, you're not that old." I said. My mom who had been listening to the conversation as she prepared dinner, laughed as well. "Gale dear. Your daughter got you there," she said as she looked behind her shoulder towards us. We were in the dining room combine with the kitchen. Our home isn't that big but enough for the three of us to live happily there.

"Athia, she is just like you when we're young. Stubborn and always know what she's wanted."

"Did she now? And here I thought she got your stubbornness."

I waved my hands to both my parents, "Hello. I'm here you guys." and my parents laughed over that. It would be sad to leave them, but I wanted to find what my father found in this land and what my mother found in father. Passion, loves, dreams. All of that. My friends found it with their spouses as my mom found it in my dad. I wouldn't say it out loud, but I'm quite jealous with all of them. Of course, I'm also the youngest between my groups of friends and while they already married within this year and last year, I just graduated a couple months ago.

"Okay... So with that decided I believe this is going to be our last night together," my mom said. She seems to be taken more times at making dinner and I have a feeling that she's went all out tonight.

"I want to you know, Chelly. That if you needed any help or advice that I'm only a letter or phone call away." my dad said. I nodded, because I knew he would not let me embark on this all by myself. And I'm glad for that. He still give me a change to aim my dream, but he would be there if I need help. And I love him more for that. Not many parents are as understanding as mine.

Please review! I always welcome comments, even critics!