Soooo... hello people! Yeah, I actually should be getting ready for school right now, but still, here I am, posting a new fic XDD Anyways.. this is somethig I came up with a while ago, it's probably going to either be a one- or twoshot (which means either one or two more chapters after this little prologue I've just written, since I don't really count it as a chapter). For the KHR universe, this is set in TYL... for Supernatural, er, about the third season I guess? Sooo yeah :) I hope you guys like it!

Italics: Italian, Normal: English

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or Katekyo Hitman Reborn... obviously... I wouldn't be sitting around writing fanfiction about it if I did XDD


Tsuna had heard Gokudera Hayato's footsteps thundering down the long hallway even before the man's voice pierced through the silence, causing the 24-year-old brunette to look up from all his paperwork curiously, raising a single eyebrow at his disheveled storm guardian. The man had just burst into the room, and he looked downright distressed.

"Is something wrong, Hayato?" He asked calmly, signing the document in front of him before putting it aside and looking up once again.

"The Varia, Jyuudaime!" Gokudera said, pausing for a moment in order to catch his breath as Tsuna pulled the next sheet of papery hell towards himself. "Th-they arrived at the appointed destination a few hours ago!"

"That's great Hayato... if you don't mind though-"

"They blew up Heathrow airport!"

"They..." Tsuna blinked, looked up from the formal document he was reading, opened his mouth and promptly closed it again. "What...?" His right-hand man grimaced apologetically as he raised a pile of papers for Tsuna to see.

"These are the repair bills... as well as some paperwork to make sure the police, media and other people that happened to be there at the time stay silent and don't get their noses involved..."


"Onii-san...? What is it?"

"MASTER PAO PAO JUST DROPPED BY AND TOLD ME TO GIVE YOU THESE!" Tsuna winced at the loudness of his sun guardian, but his attention was soon diverted by another big pile of documents being slammed down on his desk... every inch of which was already covered with unfinished paperwork as it was. The brunette felt his heart sink.

"Ah... and... what, what are these about?"


Turkey... wasn't that where Leviathan had been sent on a mission to...?

And sure enough, the moment the mafia don glanced down at the papers Ryohei had just delivered, he was faced with repair bills... many and many of them...

Apparently, the man's parabolas had been malfunctioning... and the whole village had been set on fire, along with the target.

"Is that... a severed arm...?" Tsuna asked, turning to look at Reborn, who had brought in the bloody package just moments ago. The infant simply shrugged.

Tsuna frowned and carefully pulled the large envelope out from under the limb, trying to touch it as little as he possibly could. He was not at all surprised when he turned it around to see "for decimo" scribbled in a handwriting he recognized as the Varia's ripper prince's... of course... who else would send the boss of his boss a severed arm?

Shaking his head, Tsuna added the documents inside the envelope to the pile of unfinished paperwork. There wasn't even any need to read through it anymore...

"Ahaha! Tsuna, guess what! Squalo dropped by!" Yamamoto cheerfully announced. "These are for you by the way, isn't it nice of him to bring you a present? I wonder what it is!"

Tsuna didn't even need to glance at the package Yamamoto had given him to know what it was... he simply added it to his never-ending mountain of paperwork.

"Kufufu~ guess what-"

"Just place them on my desk Mukuro."

This was getting ridiculous, Sawada Tsunayoshi decided as he looked at the mess that had once upon a time been his office. It was now filled with papers that had yet to be signed, bills waiting to be paid, folders that needed to be carefully read through before they were approved or turned down... And the Varia certainly was not making things easy for him...

"Just put them... anywhere where you manage to find some free space Lambo..."

The teenager wearing a cow-print shirt nodded, putting down the newest addition to his never-ending work on top of some other papers as Tsuna simply watched. This was completely ridiculous.

How in god's name could seven people cause so much destruction in a week?

A week.

Seven short days.

Tsuna just couldn't understand how the Varia had managed to somehow blow up an airport, burn down a total of 26 houses, kill 38 people that weren't even on the hit list (unsurprisingly, most of that was Belphegor's work), cause the destruction of 5 cars and burn down a whole village until nothing but ashes remained, and all that in seven short days, 168 hours. How was that even possible...?!

One would think they were purposely going out of their way to cause as much destruction as humanly possible just to watch him suffer as he had to spend day in day out taking care of the messes they created.

Well, the young mafia don decided, this was quite enough. Enough patience and just accepting everything. Enough. He needed a break.

Moving over to his office desk, Tsuna sat down, needing to shove some of the various documents scattered all around to dig out his laptop. He shook the mouse a bit until the window popped up and proceeded to immediately open the web browser.

Sawada Tsunayoshi had had more than enough of it. The further away they were, the better.

Which was, long story short, how the Varia ended up where they were now.

Away from their castle, away from Italy... away from even Europe...

"VOOOOOOOOOIIIIII! WHERE THE HELL IS THIS FUCKING HOTEL WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE STAYING AT?!" Squalo shouted out. Some people turned to look at the man, but the combined intensity of both the swordsman's and Xanxus's glares quickly made them turn away again.

Bel snickered.

"My my, don't get so upset Squalo..." Lussuria hurried to calm his comrade. "It's got to be here somewhere, we probably just missed it."


"You're always such a pessimist..." The Varia's sun guardian pouted. "We're on vacation...! We should all be happy, shouldn't we? It's been a really long while since we last managed to do that...! Bel was still a kid, remember?"

"I didn't even want to come here." Mammon said as she heaved a sigh. "I dislike not getting paid..."

Bel, who was holding the infant in his arms, snickered again, saying something about Mammon being a greedy little baby as he poked her cheek.

"Senpaaaai... it's so hot here, can't I take this hat off?"

"No way. I already told you, that hat stays on until you die."

"Che. Stupid fake prince."

That comment earned Fran a free stab to the frog hat.


And so, the professional hitmen all hurried to catch up with Xanxus as Levi trailed several meters behind them, his arms shaking from the sheer weight forced on them as he carried the scarred man's throne and all of the others' bags (Bel had made sure to pack a whole lot of useless shit, just for the sadistic enjoyment of watching the idiot try to carry it) and suitcases.

But no one really cared about him...

Back in Italy, Sawada Tsunayoshi was now snuggled into his bed covers comfortably, a small smile gracing his lips as he mentally congratulated himself for shipping the Varia off to America for a few weeks.

Finally, finally, he could enjoy some moments of relaxation.

If only he knew...

If only he knew that the Varia never did find their actual hotel and improvised instead, threatening the owner of another hotel... a very luxurious but dangerous hotel, for a room. If only he knew some people were about to meet the Varia, and that that meeting would give the young boss a shitload of paperwork he could not even start imagining right now...

And it all started with some simple words uttered by the man sitting in the passenger seat of a certain black '67 chevy impala.

"Dean, I think I found us a job."