Here's just a new story I'm working on to clear some writer's block from my other story: Two Unlikely Friends. I swear I'm going to get back to that, but this idea has been rolling around in my head for months and I needed to do something with it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except Nessa, Vanya, and Lomion. So far. They are MINE *Evil Laugh*. Everything else belongs to Tolkien. This story is not for any form of profit so please don't sue me.

Just F.Y.I. The "~" means whatever's in the quotations with those in it mean it's spoken in Elvish (I didn't want to get translations for that.)

For Pain Makes Us Stronger

"~Come and catch me, Father!~" Nessa yelled, giggling.

"~I'm coming Nessa! You better run!~"

The two laughed as they chased each other on horseback, poking the other as they passed.

"~You two, calm yourselves!~" Yelled her mother. "~Lomion, you know better. You should be setting an example for your daughter.~"

He laughed and rode beside her. "~I am sorry, Vanya.~" He kissed he softly and ran a hand through her blonde hair.

"~Yes, I am sure you are very sorry.~" She muttered. "~Nessima, sit up straight. Straighter! Head up.~"

Nessa sighed and did as her mother told her. Her dark hair blew softly behind her, pulling out of its thin, intricate braids.

The day passed slowly and the Elven company so found themselves setting up camp and settling down for the night.

Lomion held Nessa close by the fire, whispering a soft song to her in elvish. Nessa yawned and she laid her head against his chest.

"~I love you father.~" she said quietly.

He smiled and stroked her hair. "I love you to, little tree. I love you too."

She sighed and fell asleep. He held her close, wrapping his strong arms around her thin body. His daughter had always been special to him. Nessa was his youngest, his only daughter. She was a miracle from birth. Born prematurely, the healers of Mirkwood did not know if she would survive, but she did.

She grew into a strong, happy elfling. Happy and strong, but immensely stubborn and determined. Nessa would follow her older brothers around everywhere. They taught her how to fight, though their mother was strongly against this.

"Nessima should be learning to be a lady. Not learning to fight like a man." Vanya had argued. Lomion had been able to convince her to at least let Nessa learn the basics.

But Nessa did not just learn the basics. By 15 years-old (about four years-old as elves mature around 50), she became extremely skilled with a bow and arrow and also fared well with hunting knives. By 25 (seven years-old) she began to sneak out with her brothers to go on hunting trips.

His strong Nessa. His beautiful daughter who was so much like he was as an elfling. Her long dark brown hair matched his perfectly and her green eyes reflected that of his own. He kissed her head again and laid her down on a mat under a tree and went to lie down as well.

The next morning, Lomion and Vanya could not find Nessa. They had called her name all morning. Lomion walked under the tall oak she had slept under the previous night. He could find no footprints or sign of his daughter.

Suddenly there was a soft tug on his tunic. He whirled to find Nessa standing beside him, grinning. "~Good morning, father!~" She said.

"~Nessima, where in Middle-Earth were you?~" He pulled her into his arms. "~We have been looking for you!~"

"~I am sorry father. I was sleeping and I heard the trees calling me. So I climbed one and fell asleep again.~" She sighed happily. "~The tree was telling me the most beautiful story of elves and the trees. He sang the most beautiful songs.~"

"~Did you enjoy yourself?~"

"~Oh yes. The tree was very kind. He told me to come back to him and visit.~"

"~Well, little tree, I am sure that when we have settled in Rivendell we can come back and visit him. Would you like that, my little tree?~"

"~Oh yes!~" She threw here arms around him. "~Thank you father!~"

The company was soon packed and after quite a bit of yelling from Vanya about wandering off, they were back on the road to Rivendell.

Hours passed when Lomion heard clashes of armor and the snapping of twigs underfoot. Loud snarls emitted from the forest and he knew immediately what it was.

"~Uruk-hai! Prepare yourselves! Draw your weapons and prepare to fight!~" He yelled. "~Vanya, take Nessima and hide. Run into the woods and go far, far away. Do not look back. I will find you when this is finished.~"

Vanya fought back tears and kissed her husband hard. "~Be safe, my love.~" she muttered.

She grabbed Nessa's horse's reins and turned to the forest and ran.

"~Father!~" Nessa screamed. She ripped the reins from her mother's grip and ran the other way, back to the fight.

As soon as she stepped back into the clearing she knew they were lost. The numbers were too great. She searched desperately for her father and found his bloodied body on the ground, eyes closed.

Tears streamed from her emerald eyes. "~Father! No!~" Her horse galloped to the body and she collapsed onto her knees beside his broken body. She sobbed for a moment before deciding that she had to get revenge for his death. She mounted her horse again and turned, silently promising to return.

She saw her mother on her horse, trailing Nessa. One of the monsters jumped in her way, slashing his sword violently and downing the horse. He sliced Vanya's throat and stabbed her in the chest.

"~Mother.~" Nessa whispered. "~Mother!~"

Vanya turned to Nessa, the life vanishing from her blue eyes. Run. She mouthed.

Nessa ran through the clearing, heading to the thick grove of trees.

The beast that had killed her mother turned, his bloody mouth forming into a sick smile. His eyes glittered blue. "Run little elf! I killed your mother and father! I will kill you too!"

Tears flew from her eyes as she raced into the trees. Nessa dismounted and pulled herself into a trees thick, welcoming arms. She clung to the trunk, sobbing uncontrollably. She looked to the sky, and screamed. "~Why? Why would you take them from me? I need them!~" she screamed and fell asleep against the trunk.

Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or suggestions PLEASE review and tell me! I love criticism (especially constructive criticism!)

For the readers of Two Unlikely Friends, I swear I'm working on it. I'm just having a little trouble.

Chapter 2 coming soon!