If you guys don't like to read my blabber, skip to the last paragraph for information on Tropical Land.

Yay! A new story!

Oh gosh, I bet the people who follow my other stories want to kill me right now. -_- I'm sorry, but I have no excuse other than a writer's block. Though for Behind Glinting Glasses I'm well on my way to finishing, I don't want to post any other chapters until I've actually finished the whole story. So don't worry, it'll probably be finished within this year. But for my other unfinished stories, consider it on hiatus until further notice.

Agghhh, I hate my studies right now. I swear, my marks are getting worse.(I have to admit I've been slacking WAY more than I used to) but still, it's pretty depressing, considering I'm already under manic depression. -_-

ANYWAYS! About this story.. Pretty much inspired by a scene in OVA 9 (Prior knowledge not required) where a seventeen-year-old Conan is running all around Tropical Land searching for Ran, but instead of finding her, he's bombarded by memories of the day when he was shrunk. It always saddened me watching that OVA.. So I'm writing my take on how Conan/Shinichi feels about the place where he shrunk.

Though I do kind of feel like this is more of a character interaction story... I'm thinking of trying to grasp at the character's attitudes a bit more so it seems more plausible that each scene in the story would actually happen. You know what I mean? ANYWAYS!

A little information on Tropical Land: For those that have watched Captured in Her Eyes, you know that Tropical Land is divided into five divisions: Just past the entrance; Dream and Fairytale Land. The place where the Jet Coaster Murder Case(Episode 1) occurred, Horror and Fantasy Land. The place where Conan confessed to Ran(Movie 4), Wild and Ancient Land. Adventure and Pioneer Land. And finally, where Shinichi shrunk into Conan(In the manga, Shinichi found Vodka and the CEO guy behind the Ferris Wheel) and also where the fountain Shinichi showed Ran is(Movie 4) Science and Space Land.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the series, nor the characters. This is just harmless fiction. *cue innocent smile*

"Let's go!"

Three awfully loud voices shouted in the hush of classroom 1-B, where students were currently eating their respective lunches in unusually quiet tones for normal seven-year-olds. In the middle of taking a bite out of his sandwich, Conan glanced with unhidden trepidation to the scheming children. Calling out, he asked, "Where?"

Startled, as if what they were planning was a secret, the three real-kid members of the Shounen Tantei-dan looked at Conan with jaw-splitting grins, "To Tropical Land, of course!"

Conan frowned, "It's almost winter, you know. It's awfully cold if we go there now."

Ayumi huffed, face set in determination as she glared at Conan with doe eyes, "But we haven't gone in so long!" she whined.

"She's right!" the two boys behind her agreed. Continuing, Mitsuhiko added, "It's not like there's a crime for wanting to go there in the middle of fall, is there?"

"Well, no.."


"But, who's gonna be taking us? We can't just go there on our own."

Mulling over this new problem, the three kids made a huddle from where they stood beside their conjoined desks. Ai was silently watching the unfolding of a new adventure, while Conan stared at them with a bit of apprehension. It's only a matter of time before they actually find someone willing to chaperone us, he thought with a frown.

Genta called out, facing Conan with his fore finger jutted out towards him almost like how Conan would point to a criminal after a detailed deduction, "Takagi can!" he shouted, surprisingly not getting the attention of Kobayashi-sensei who was busy cleaning up after one of their classmates spilled her juice all over the desk, "or Shiratori!"

"They're police officers, Genta," Conan pointed out, "I doubt they'd have the time to babysit a bunch of kids."

"That's right, Genta-kun, we only go with them during cases and we only meet them accidentally, after all." Mitsuhiko said, glaring at the fat boy, "We should think this over." He said, frowning as he lost himself in thought, before finally, "How about the Professor?"

"The Professor is going to a convention for the next week." Conan pointed out once more, earning pouts from the children, "It seems there's no one els—"

"There is." Ai cut in, speaking for the first time since lunch started.

"What do you mean, Ai-chan?" Ayumi asked as she walked over to where the little scientist sat, "Do you know someone that'll go with us?"

She snickered, looking at Conan with a smirk and a twinkle in her eye, "Who do you think is the sweet kind girl that would say yes to such a request?" she asked as she turned her gaze to the contemplative three.

With that statement, only one person came to mind, "Ran-oneesan!"

Conan face-palmed himself, glaring at Ai as she smiled at him, "You seem to have a problem with Tropical Land, Edogawa-kun. I wonder what it is."

"I do not." He said with as much dignity as he could muster. At least I'd like to think I don't.

That Afternoon…

"Sure!" A happy Ran piped up, "I don't see why I can't." She smiled, staring down at the five children huddled at the front of the Mouri Detective Agency door.

"Yay!" the three children shouted, giving each other high-fives, one silently smirking and one just about ready to bury himself six feet below the ground… dead or alive.

"Can I take Sonoko with me though?" She asked with a frown on her face.

Ayumi nodded, "Of course!" she grinned up at Ran, "We just need someone there after all."

"Then I'll call her." She muttered to herself, standing straight, "How's Saturday sound for you guys?"

"Yes, please!" All three piped up.

Ran smiled once more, "Then why don't you guys stay for dinner as well?"


Saturday. Tropical Land. Dream and Fairytale Land.

"I don't get why we're here babysitting, Ran." Sonoko muttered as she hugged her jacket closer to herself. (Conan thought that she wouldn't be cold if she actually wore pants instead of a flimsy skirt.. Agh, women.)

"Tell me about it." Conan muttered to himself as he stood beside Ran.

"What?" Sonoko asked, leaning down to narrow her eyes at Conan, "Did you say something, gakincho?"

He sweatdropped, holding his hands up in a placating gesture, "N-nothing, Sonoko-neechan!" he chuckled nervously, "I said that this is gonna be the best day ever!" he screamed, turning to the three bouncing-in-place children, "Right?"

"Yeah!" They screamed, turning to Ran with puppy eyes, "Can we go now?" Ayumi asked, "We can give you one of our badges just in case!"

"Well, I don't think it's a good idea for us to split up." Ran muttered, arms crossed on her chest.

"Ehhhh?!" the three whined.

"Just let them, Ran." Sonoko sidled up beside her, grinning, "They can take care of themselves. They've been in worse situations, haven't they?"

"Yes, but.."

"Then it's settled!" She pumped her arm up in the air, the thought of boy hunting gearing her up, before turning to the children with a reprimanding look on her face, "Go along, just make sure you call when something happens or when one of you gets lost, get it?" she glared.

Conan ignored her, digging trough his pockets and pulling out his Detective Badge. Walking up to Ran, he handed it to her, "Here you go, Ran-neechan." He smiled at her before turning to the children, "Shall we go?"

"Yes!" the three children screamed, dragging Conan and Ai off towards the section holding Horror and Fantasy Land.

"Let's go on all rides!" Genta declared once they weren't running anymore. Mumbling as his gaze landed on different rides, he stopped once his eyes landed on the Mystery Coaster, "Let's go on that one first!"

Mitsuhiko moaned, "We almost got in trouble when we sneaked in there the last time!"

"That was only because someone died and we had to sneak in since we didn't have money!" Genta argued, raising his fist in a silent threat, "Besides, Ayumi wanted to go on that ride before, right Ayumi?"

She nodded before turning to Conan and Ai, "What do you guys think?"

"I don't care." She smirked, "Why don't you ask Edogawa-kun?"

They all stared at Conan as he gazed up at the big bold letters adorning the cave entrance to the Mystery Coaster with a blank expression, "..Conan-kun?" Ayumi called out, tapping him on the shoulder, "Is something wrong?"

Out of his trance, Conan shook his head, grinning at the child in front of him, "I'm fine, Ayumi-chan," he said, looking back up at the sign on the entrance, "I'm fine with going here, if that's what you're asking." He stated, walking ahead of the group and into the line. Why the hell am I panicking..? He admonished himself, staring ahead as the children's chatter caught his attention.

"..We met Shinichi-oniisan here for the first time, you know." Ayumi said, smiling at Ai with the excitement of a child opening a present, "He was so cool solving a case... We didn't see it though, ne, Mitsuhiko?"

He nodded, "That was because of you, Ayumi-chan!" He chided, though smiling, "You wanted to sneak in here instead of going home!"

"That's because.. Well, you guys were too scared to even ride this before!"

"That's why we're going to ride it now!" Genta exclaimed, cutting in between the other two.

"Let's just go." Ai piped in, giving the children a look that stopped further conversation and walked to stand beside Conan as he got closer to the start of the line, "Say, Kudo-kun," she whispered, bringing her mouth closer to his ear, "is this the place?" She asked, the normal teasing voice gone from her tone, replaced only by the constant fearful tone when it involved Them. Gauging his reaction she leaned away from him, watching as he tried hard to ignore the question. She sighed, looking at the batch before them climb into the steel cart, "This is quite a fitting place to do some kind of exchange.." She muttered, knowing full well the idiot detective was listening, "After all, no one would expect an underground organization to come to an amusement park."

Finally getting an answer from the quiet boy, he said, "Yeah.. But They didn't expect me, either."

"Who didn't expect you, Conan-kun?" Mitsuhiko asked with a frown as he and the other two came closer to Conan and Ai.

Not even bothering to bring up a childish façade, he sighed as he pointed to the coaster that was rolling in carrying disheveled park-goers, "Look, it's our turn."

"I call front!" Genta called out, dashing even before people got out of the cart.

"I call the seat beside Conan-kun!" Ayumi said, grabbing said boy's arm and wrapping herself around him.

"Well, I guess I'll just sit beside Haibara-san..." Mitsuhiko mumbled, a blush staining his cheek as he fell in step beside the stoic scientist.

Strapping in, the attendant called out safety instructions and soon the monster-like steel snake was on its way to the first drop, the three children shouting at the top of their lungs, Ai tightly closing her eyes and Conan bombarded by the images of Shinichi and Ran at the same ride, a smiling Ran beside him as she gripped his hand tight, "I really was looking forward to this, you know." and the drop came.

Haaaha. Another multi-chapter story... but it's already finished, so there's no need to worry about stupid unexpected hiatus-es. So tell me what you guys think so far.. Though I doubt you have any comments about the plot as of yet since all we have in this chapter is jumbled up character interactions. -_- Expect the next chapter in two or three days. :)

If some things aren't clear, leave a review or PM me, and I'll try my best to answer... I'll tryyyyyy.