Well, I feel that this should be the last chapter of the story. And here is where I end my second fic; but of course, that happens at the actual end of the chapter.
Kate and Humphrey were regarded as heroes for saving Jasper from it's imminent doom. All of the citizens of Jasper were impressed by their efforts to discover what it took to solve what the Atlanteans left for the North Americans to discover. Nothing was more outstanding in the history of Jasper. Humphrey was finally glad that, for the first time in his life, he was recognized, he was actually someone. And because of him, Jasper is now able to utilize the energy of the Star of Earth, which now hovers over Jasper City as a beacon of light and hope for the citizens and a better future. This was truly the biggest moment in Canada's time.
A major party had been thrown to celebrate all of these events. It lasted for about a week…but to be honest, neither Kate nor Humphrey remember much of it. Soon after, the entire country became aware of the Crystal's presence in Jasper, and after that, the whole world knew. Many across the seas and countries requested to obtain a fragment of it for themselves. Only Starsouls have the ability to dislodge a shard of the Crystal…and they use up a lot of stamina doing so. But the Star of Earth could easily regenerate the lost piece while the other shard retains it's power. The entire world later used the Crystal in many ways to improve their society; everything from technology advances to construction improvements. All the cultures across the world agreed to never, under any circumstance, use the Crystal as a weapon, as it would result in the tragedy caused by Atlantis' same mistake.
But that all happened many years in the future. The day after the Supernova destroyed the meteor that threated the city, a news report came up saying that Mr. Diego Tuco has been the victim of an apparent suicide, found dead in his upstairs bedroom with a bullet wound in his head, and a revolver on the floor next to him. The case was soon ruled out as a suicide of an unknown intent, as the CSIs could not find any sign of it being a murder. But nobody really paid attention to this story, as all they appeared to be interested in was the discovery of the Star of Earth.
Kate and Humphrey had been called to the square they had been at the previous day. When they arrived, two large stones with engravings on them were set up in the middle of the stone plaza. "I wonder what these are?" said Humphrey.
"I'm not sure." Said Kate.
When they walked up to them, an adult wolf appeared from behind one of them, "Ah, Humphrey Chambers and Kate Ramirez." He said. "Glad you're here!"
Neither Kate nor Humphrey commented on the introduction. "What's all this?" Kate asked.
"Ah! Yes," the wolf said, "these are the Starsoul monoliths that will symbolize your presence in this era. We have finished cutting them and engraving your names in Atlantean. All you need to do now is give them energy."
Humphrey tilted his head, "Why do all this? The Star of Earth can-"
"While it is true that it can make the stone on it's own after the Starsoul's death…" the wolf explained, "…the Atlanteans considered it a greater honor for each Starsoul to infuse their stone with their own energy. Only then, they believed, would they reach Salvation."
Kate and Humphrey immediately understood. They both got confirmation from the linguists whom were present there of whose stone was whose. Both stood in front of their stone.
"Are you ready?" said Kate.
"Yes. I'm ready to have a true place in history." Humphrey said, excited.
And then, he and Kate placed their hands on the stones, closed their eyes, and after a few minutes, silver light filled the engravings and Atlantean text from the point their hands touched. Kate and Humphrey both opened their eyes, and the monoliths began to very slowly levitate upward. The slow speed made them take a while to make it up to the Star of Earth directly above them, but they entered the vacant space made by the Crystal, and began to revolve in unison with the other stones, side by side; just like how it is with the actual two.
Humphrey looked over at Kate to see tears coming out of her eyes as all this happened, and after a minute, he realized that he was crying, too. Both then made eye contact, and slowly move in towards each other, blocking out everything else in the world…and kissed. The kiss seemed to last for a long time; it could have been a few minutes, or many days at best, but both Starsouls found it to be the most pleasurable thing they have experienced to date. As they broke away from each other, they both remained silent for a good period.
"Humphrey…" Kate began, "…I hate what I did during the school year. I made the wrong choice…and I made a living being very upset."
Humphrey finally emerged from his state of hyper-excitement from the kiss. She must be referring to her relationship with Garth. It sounds almost like she's apologizing for what happened.
Kate continued: "But, I finally have come to realize my true feelings. Humphrey…I love you."
Humphrey was completely dumbstruck; he had just heard the three most powerful words in existence come out of someone he thought would never possibly say that to him. He was suddenly happier than he had ever been in his entire life. "…I love you too, Kate." Came his reply after a real-time delay.
And with that, the two Starsouls hugged each other with more care than ever previously shared. They were locked in a seemingly unbreakable embrace as though to never let go. This was truly the best day of Kate and Humphrey's lives. They would never…ever…forget this day.
...But, not everyone is happy. Garth, the former Alpha, was now walking through the streets of his neighborhood. He was now at a rock-bottom level; he was alone in a world that now hated him, he was dumped by the only girl he ever had feelings for (despite being the hotshot for nearly all the girls at his school), and his friends had failed his simple plans. Garth felt as though he was just a mass that was not supposed to exist in the universe. He hated being stripped of his title of honor, recognition, and power; the three things he believed an Alpha must receive.
"Oh, Garth." A voice in front of him said. Garth looked up to see that it was Lilly who spoke to him.
"…Lilly. What do you want?" he asked, coldly.
"Garth, look, I know you're upset. I understand that all of this is hard, but you have to move on! Remember, no matter how many bad things happen, life will continue." Said Lilly.
Before allowing himself to let anger get the best of him, he stopped and thought for a minute. Maybe Lilly's right; maybe he should move on and find another girl? No…there wasn't another girl in the universe…or any super-universe in the mega-universe that was as hot as Kate.
Lilly suddenly placed her hand on Garth's shoulder, "Trust me…" she said, softly. Her touch and stare both had quite an effect; Garth suddenly received the full message by her touch, and something about her eyes seemed to convince him to do the right thing…but it seemed to be doing something else.
How have I not noticed how hot she is before…? Garth suddenly thought to himself. He was blind to the fact that he was with Kate and a few other girls, but it wasn't just Lilly's looks; her personality seemed to be quite suitable for the type of girl he preferred. Calm, caring, and kind. Both he and Lilly were pulled into a trance by this, and slowly leaned towards each other, and touching each other's lips. The kiss lasted for what seemed to be a decade, even though it was less than a minute. Both really enjoyed it, despite Garth's deep-down voice saying "What the hell are you doing!?", but he blocked it out. They separated their lips, and looked each other in the eye with an expression that clearly said "You're mine."
The rapid growth of the two relationships was incredible to everyone the four were acquainted with, but they were happy for the four of them for finding the love of their life. Probably nothing is more important in nature…than finding the perfect mate.
SUCCESS! My second fic is finished! I knew I could finally do it! Thanks for all the reviews! I'll have more stories coming your way this summer, hopefully. Until next time, this is midnightwolfGX, signing out. Keep holding on…